Waffle House Employee Is The Only Cook Prepping Orders For 12 Customers In A Film That Has Gone Viral.

Was the cook upset? Maybe she was capable of cooking for 12 people. Nevertheless, the appropriate action to take by the restaurant manager was to probably not open that day if it was inadequately staff.
Enjoying a night out to dinner is just YET ANOTHER thing the left has ruined with their policy of giving people money for doing nothing all the way till just a few months ago.
We have went out for dinner only 3 or 4 times since mid 2020. (Not counting while traveling with no choice)
We don't because it sucks now. The service is HORRIBLE, no matter where you go. The food is nowhere near the quality it was and you see restaurants that would have stabbed themselves before using microwaves - now using microwaves to heat up food cooked earlier.
They do this because they are so understaffed. Can't get people to work when you had a President giving you money to stay home, and telling you you don't have to pay rent either.
Like I say, just another thing the left has ruined.
Pay higher wages.
And yet another moron with absolutely no idea how an economy works.

Otis isn't necessarily wrong. My argument against having a minimum wage is that the market will set the appropriate wage. If people aren't willing to do the work then the employer will have to pay more until they can get enough people who are. That's what happening here. That is exactly how a free market economy works. Most companies have been paying well above the minimum for entry level positions for years now
Otis isn't necessarily wrong. My argument against having a minimum wage is that the market will set the appropriate wage. If people aren't willing to do the work then the employer will have to pay more until they can get enough people who are. That's what happening here. That is exactly how a free market economy works. Most companies have been paying well above the minimum for entry level positions for years now
A lot of these jobs, at least in my day, were staffed with high school/college kids looking for money to spend. Evidently now this doesn't fit the woke experience. I know I never expected to make a living working at KFC or Bonanza.
Otis isn't necessarily wrong. My argument against having a minimum wage is that the market will set the appropriate wage. If people aren't willing to do the work then the employer will have to pay more until they can get enough people who are. That's what happening here. That is exactly how a free market economy works. Most companies have been paying well above the minimum for entry level positions for years now
Sorry, not so at all. What we are seeing is the opposite of market controlling wages.
Biden broadening and extending the Covid windfall, making rent "voluntary" and paying out EIC's monthly put a ton of money into the hands of these workers. The result was "Fuck it... I ain't working no more". And we witnessed a massive job walk off that has never been seen before.
That isn't the market.
That is the government setting up another false demand. Just like they did with college tuition. By throwing out $billions in paid tution and room and board, no strings attached... come one come all - tuition sky rocketed.
And the same is happening with wages now, and the same is happening with inflation.
An dit is going to get worse because the left is doubling down on the stupidity.
"entitled" is someone who thinks an employer is owed employees for a $10 per hour job. 0 for 1.

"Entitled" is being angry that there aren't as many people settling for those crappy jobs with crappy wages.
The fault lies 150 percent with the owner of the restaurant. Do more to attract workers. Nobody owes you employees. For that wage the owner should be happy ANYBODY shows up and works.
COULD BE, there is a whole lot of overreaction going on here. No doubt it is never right for one employee to e working alone, but there could have been a situation. Perhaps, the other person was on break or called in sick? we dont know.

Also, this was at 3 AM. not sure here this was but that seems like unusually high customer traffic for 3AM... maybe this was an anomaly and perhaps they normally would not be expecting that type of rush? I'm guessing at 6:00 am they probably have more than 1 employee.
Sorry, not so at all. What we are seeing is the opposite of market controlling wages.
Biden broadening and extending the Covid windfall, making rent "voluntary" and paying out EIC's monthly put a ton of money into the hands of these workers. The result was "Fuck it... I ain't working no more". And we witnessed a massive job walk off that has never been seen before.
That isn't the market.

None of those factor apply now. The extended unemployment benefits ran out months ago. You're speaking based on ignorance of the situation and your own perception that these jobs are unfilled because of people being lazy. There have been plenty of articles over the past few months that have said precisely why there is a labor shortage. The pandemic (or the governments' reactions to it, pick your poison) changed the labor market. A lot of Boomers who were at retirement age or close to it decided to bail out of the labor force and not return. Other people went and learned new skills and moved out of the non-skilled labor pool. Some people have become home based entrepreneurs online. Others have decided to stay home and raise kids or disabled / elderly family members out of either choice or force due to pandemic restrictions at schools and health care facilities. There are a whole slew of reasons if you took the time to actually read about it instead of making assumptions that people simply don't want to work.
None of those factor apply now. The extended unemployment benefits ran out months ago. You're speaking based on ignorance of the situation and your own perception that these jobs are unfilled because of people being lazy. There have been plenty of articles over the past few months that have said precisely why there is a labor shortage. The pandemic (or the governments' reactions to it, pick your poison) changed the labor market. A lot of Boomers who were at retirement age or close to it decided to bail out of the labor force and not return. Other people went and learned new skills and moved out of the non-skilled labor pool. Some people have become home based entrepreneurs online. Others have decided to stay home and raise kids or disabled / elderly family members out of either choice or force due to pandemic restrictions at schools and health care facilities. There are a whole slew of reasons if you took the time to actually read about it instead of making assumptions that people simply don't want to work.
Hmmmm monthly bonus for kids hasn't run out and its substantial.
Hmmmm monthly bonus for kids hasn't run out and its substantial.
Damn straight.
Add to that some of these folks didn't pay rent for over a year. You add up everything, including the free rent... we're talking $50k - $70k for over a year.
Explain why someone just has to be doing that job. Why are employers entitled to workers. I'll get the popcorn.
Explain why someone just has to be doing that job. Why are employers entitled to workers. I'll get the popcorn.

they do that job when they want to. Theres plenty of situations when someone will take a job like that willingly. I bet you if that woman had wanted to, she could have found a job somewhere's else paying more but It probably fit her situation. Employers have no obligation to offer wages at a rate that makes it unprofitable for them to be in business. If they find then that no one wants to work for them, then they can voluntarily raise their wages.

The entitlement question works both ways depending on the situation on hand and the parties involved.
Was the cook upset? Maybe she was capable of cooking for 12 people. Nevertheless, the appropriate action to take by the restaurant manager was to probably not open that day if it was inadequately staff.
I don't know about the person's feelings, but if they didn't take issue, that right there is the reason why it is a good thing that the place wasn't closed up because those who are willing to earn a paycheck the right way shouldn't have to be punished in such a way because of those who are too lazy, but because of there being too many people out there who are not working for whatever reason, the only thing that makes any sense is changing the hours of business so that the remaining employees are all there together at the same time instead of different times which would only mean that they would then get worked into the ground. The place could just be open during whatever their busiest eight-hour period is. To give the remaining employees a day or so off, the place could be closed on whatever day of the week is the slowest for the business.

God bless you and those who still have jobs always!!!


P.S. My local bowling alley actually does this. I don't know if it is due to the pandemic or another reason, but they are only open during the following days.

Thursday 6PM-9PM
Friday 6PM-10PM
Saturday 5PM-10PM
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"entitled" is someone who thinks an employer is owed employees for a $10 per hour job. 0 for 1.

"Entitled" is being angry that there aren't as many people settling for those crappy jobs with crappy wages.
The fault lies 150 percent with the owner of the restaurant. Do more to attract workers. Nobody owes you employees. For that wage the owner should be happy ANYBODY shows up and works.
maybe he doesn’t want more workers? what fault? looks like he has a great employee

The owner might like to pay more hard worker employee a good wage, then three below average smaller wages
It was 3 am. How many people are typically in a wafflehouse at that hour? And how big of a rush could the people at a waffle house at 3am possibly be in?

Profit margins are typically razor thin at restaurants. How many cooks can waffle house afford to have on staff at 3 am?
^^^ Plenty of people do their traveling at night because of there being less traffic on the interstate then compared to during the day.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ Plenty of people do their traveling at night because of there being less traffic on the interstate then compared to during the day.

God bless you always!!!

Yes but does wafflehouse typically have that many at one time at that time of night? if this were 6am or middle of the day I would see the point but not 3 am.

tempest in a teacup IMO

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