Wait... In Kansas? Constitution protects abortion right?

Yes, here in Kansas the state supreme court ruled that our state constitution protects a woman's right to abortion.

Weird huh?

Kansas Supreme Court Rules State Constitution Protects Right To Abortion
The Constitution only allows a person to kill another. It is when both are in agreement. But in abortions. That it is only one-sided. The baby doesn't have any say so. But the law still allows us to duel, which they had tried to change it, but didn't succeed. But when the child becomes of age. Then it can decide whether to participate in a duel with its mother. And both of them can sign a organ donor card, to let whomever wants to profit from off of their organs.

Influential new intellectual trends at the turn of the nineteenth century bolstered the anti-dueling campaign; the utilitarian philosophy of Jeremy Bentham stressed that praiseworthy actions were exclusively restricted to those that maximize human welfare and happiness, and the Evangelical notion of the "Christian conscience" began to actively promote social activism. Individuals in the Clapham Sect and similar societies, who had successfully campaigned for the abolition of slavery, condemned dueling as ungodly violence and as an egocentric culture of honor.[
Duel - Wikipedia

President Andrew Jackson had participated in numerous duels before his election in 1828, which, coincidentally, was the same year an amendment was proposed to ban the practice. It failed, and politicians continued to duel with surprisingly few consequences. In 1838 Whig congressman William Graves killed Democratic foe Jonathan Cilley in a duel, and though Congress formally scolded Graves, they refused to expel him.

Eventually, state laws and common sense prevailed, so now shooting someone over a disagreement is generally frowned upon

Yes, here in Kansas the state supreme court ruled that our state constitution protects a woman's right to abortion.

Weird huh?

Kansas Supreme Court Rules State Constitution Protects Right To Abortion
The Constitution only allows a person to kill another. It is when both are in agreement. But in abortions. That it is only one-sided. The baby doesn't have any say so. But the law still allows us to duel, which they had tried to change it, but didn't succeed. But when the child becomes of age. Then it can decide whether to participate in a duel with its mother. And both of them can sign a organ donor card, to let whomever wants to profit from off of their organs.

Influential new intellectual trends at the turn of the nineteenth century bolstered the anti-dueling campaign; the utilitarian philosophy of Jeremy Bentham stressed that praiseworthy actions were exclusively restricted to those that maximize human welfare and happiness, and the Evangelical notion of the "Christian conscience" began to actively promote social activism. Individuals in the Clapham Sect and similar societies, who had successfully campaigned for the abolition of slavery, condemned dueling as ungodly violence and as an egocentric culture of honor.[
Duel - Wikipedia

President Andrew Jackson had participated in numerous duels before his election in 1828, which, coincidentally, was the same year an amendment was proposed to ban the practice. It failed, and politicians continued to duel with surprisingly few consequences. In 1838 Whig congressman William Graves killed Democratic foe Jonathan Cilley in a duel, and though Congress formally scolded Graves, they refused to expel him.

Eventually, state laws and common sense prevailed, so now shooting someone over a disagreement is generally frowned upon

Sadly it's not unusual for libs to find stuff that doesn't exist in the Constitution to justify the killing of the unborn (and newly born). Roe v Wade was based on an alleged "right to privacy" that did not exist in the Constitution. As a matter of fact the FDR Court found that incarcerating American citizens without due process was legal and the same Justice (Hugo Black) found a "separation of church and state" that did not exist in the Constitution.
2 out of 3 Supreme Court justices nominated by Democratic presidents sided with Roe over Wade. 5 of the 6 justices nominated by Republicans sided with Roe. I believe a Constitutional Amendment to end abortion is the only way to go.
2 out of 3 Supreme Court justices nominated by Democratic presidents sided with Roe over Wade. 5 of the 6 justices nominated by Republicans sided with Roe. I believe a Constitutional Amendment to end abortion is the only way to go.

Over 60% of voters support Roe vs Wade. A Constitutional Amendment only hardens hearts and does not persuade anyone to come over tp your side.
The fact is that you do not end abortion with laws. You do it by convincing them not to have a abortion not making it illegal. Women do have a point in saying that it is their body and the fact that most legislators in this country are men makes it worse. It alienates suburban women and they will rebel against the GOP.. Too many people want to make it easy by passing laws while persuasion is much harder however it is the only way.

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