Supreme Court Throws Out Bid To Restrict Abortion Medication

The FDA has Statutory Authority. In other words, they are by law the people who make decisions like this. But the Supremes didn’t decide on that basis. They decided it on Standing.

Ok. For the Trump Fanboys. Let’s explain standing.

If you file a lawsuit you have to show how you are harmed. What injury did you suffer? The Doctors did not suffer any injury. So they were not able to sue.
And it certainly didn't help their case by presenting discredited studies as evidence. Out of about 7,000 request for review, the high court hears only about 150 or 2%. That is why the justices get so pissed when they have to review a case that wastes the courts time. The federal circuit court should have thrown this case out.
Why not be responsible and use birth control before abortion medication is necessary?
About 99% of women who have been sexually active used birth control. The fact is birth control is never 100% effective and no matter how careful a person may be, shit happens. And of course, there are always those that will gamble rather than saying no in the heat of the moment.

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