Supreme Court Throws Out Bid To Restrict Abortion Medication

The FDA has Statutory Authority. In other words, they are by law the people who make decisions like this. But the Supremes didn’t decide on that basis. They decided it on Standing.

Ok. For the Trump Fanboys. Let’s explain standing.

If you file a lawsuit you have to show how you are harmed. What injury did you suffer? The Doctors did not suffer any injury. So they were not able to sue.
Red herring fallacy, failed attempt to deflect.

The topic is the bad faith, meritless effort of conservatives to deny citizens their right to reproductive autonomy; an effort so devoid of merit that even the Court’s partisan conservative ideologues rejected the claim.
Baloney. Dim ilk is too lazy to prevent the unwanted child so they look for the convenience murder to make up for their lack of self responsibility.
‘Historian Mary Ziegler of the University of California, Davis says more plaintiffs — including a group of Republican-led states — are lining up in the lower court to challenge mifepristone access again. “I think the best way to read this is the Supreme Court kicking the can down the road,” she says.
Reproductive rights groups expressed cautious relief about the ruling, noting that the status quo is not exactly a win, since more than half of U.S. states severely restrict access to abortion.

“We are relieved by this outcome, but we are not celebrating,” writes Destiny Lopez of the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights. “From the start, this case was rooted in bad faith and [lacked] any basis in facts or science.”’

The authoritarian right will not stop its meritless attack on reproductive autonomy and the right of citizens to be left alone from government excess and overreach.
Mrs. Jones loves baby murders for women and defeat for women in competition against men with wigs,

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