Wait we shut down immigration for 40 years!? To assimilate! Why the hell


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
aren’t we doing that now!?

I legit work with Spanish people that say they are taken over lol

Hatians tell me that they hate America..

We are getting invaded thousand a day.

What the hell is going on.. shut it down!
aren’t we doing that now!?

I legit work with Spanish people that say they are taken over lol

Hatians tell me that they hate America..

We are getting invaded thousand a day.

What the hell is going on.. shut it down!

What you ask for is tantamount to closing the barn door after the cows have gotten away. Can we be realistic for a change?

The government says there are 11 million (give or take) undocumented foreigners living in the United States. Some paranoid extremists claim 20, 40 million and even more. Of those many have American born children. The liars on the right call these children "anchor babies" though there is no law that gives those parents any more latitude than any other undocumented foreigner. But, the children are here with their birth certificates and Socialist Surveillance Numbers ....ooops, "Social Security Numbers" and National ID cards. They are, for all intents and purposes, Americans.

Then you have the Dreamers. Those children were brought here as children and grew up in the United States not knowing a flipping thing about their parents native country. Some of them only know English as a language. NEITHER side of the political aisle has any incentive to deport those children. By most accounts there are 3.6 million Dreamers.

Finally, there is this part of the United States Constitution that says:

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." (8th Amendment to the Constitution)

You and I know that these protections are going to apply to foreigners, regardless of what kind of label you put on them. The 14th Amendment states:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Note how I bolded that last part to show that the protections of our Constitution apply to all persons as differentiated from citizens. So politicians can tell you what you want to hear; however, by any metric or standard you can come up with, the United States Supreme Court WILL NOT separate families just because some foreigner came here without going through the proper procedure. Separating families just because someone committed a federal civil misdemeanor is cruel and unusual.

There is a solution to the problem, but you've been led down the wrong road and cannot see the answer. One thing you have to think about is how you were misled. A person does not need to become a citizen in order to come here and work a job willingly offered. Forced citizenship will not work and if you end up giving all those undocumented foreigners citizenship, they will permanently displace you in the next generation. So, you've got to start thinking about the real solutions.
aren’t we doing that now!?

I legit work with Spanish people that say they are taken over lol

Hatians tell me that they hate America..

We are getting invaded thousand a day.

What the hell is going on.. shut it down!

What you ask for is tantamount to closing the barn door after the cows have gotten away. Can we be realistic for a change?

The government says there are 11 million (give or take) undocumented foreigners living in the United States. Some paranoid extremists claim 20, 40 million and even more. Of those many have American born children. The liars on the right call these children "anchor babies" though there is no law that gives those parents any more latitude than any other undocumented foreigner. But, the children are here with their birth certificates and Socialist Surveillance Numbers ....ooops, "Social Security Numbers" and National ID cards. They are, for all intents and purposes, Americans.

Then you have the Dreamers. Those children were brought here as children and grew up in the United States not knowing a flipping thing about their parents native country. Some of them only know English as a language. NEITHER side of the political aisle has any incentive to deport those children. By most accounts there are 3.6 million Dreamers.

Finally, there is this part of the United States Constitution that says:

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." (8th Amendment to the Constitution)

You and I know that these protections are going to apply to foreigners, regardless of what kind of label you put on them. The 14th Amendment states:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Note how I bolded that last part to show that the protections of our Constitution apply to all persons as differentiated from citizens. So politicians can tell you what you want to hear; however, by any metric or standard you can come up with, the United States Supreme Court WILL NOT separate families just because some foreigner came here without going through the proper procedure. Separating families just because someone committed a federal civil misdemeanor is cruel and unusual.

There is a solution to the problem, but you've been led down the wrong road and cannot see the answer. One thing you have to think about is how you were misled. A person does not need to become a citizen in order to come here and work a job willingly offered. Forced citizenship will not work and if you end up giving all those undocumented foreigners citizenship, they will permanently displace you in the next generation. So, you've got to start thinking about the real solutions.

I think you are forgetting one thing in particular that our law makers swore to do. That is to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic..

And I’m not sure what you said had anything to do with what I stated about shutting down immigration to assimilate..

But as some one from a area that was destroyed by today’s immigration I can attest that Latinos are destroying America. Hatians, Africans.

So either we come up with militias to remove these treasonous lawmakers or they do there job and protect us.

Enough said. Do your job or face the consequences
aren’t we doing that now!?

I legit work with Spanish people that say they are taken over lol

Hatians tell me that they hate America..

We are getting invaded thousand a day.

What the hell is going on.. shut it down!
Proof right wing bigotry is Wrong and will never be right once or twice a day depending on the Clause.
aren’t we doing that now!?

I legit work with Spanish people that say they are taken over lol

Hatians tell me that they hate America..

We are getting invaded thousand a day.

What the hell is going on.. shut it down!

What you ask for is tantamount to closing the barn door after the cows have gotten away. Can we be realistic for a change?

The government says there are 11 million (give or take) undocumented foreigners living in the United States. Some paranoid extremists claim 20, 40 million and even more. Of those many have American born children. The liars on the right call these children "anchor babies" though there is no law that gives those parents any more latitude than any other undocumented foreigner. But, the children are here with their birth certificates and Socialist Surveillance Numbers ....ooops, "Social Security Numbers" and National ID cards. They are, for all intents and purposes, Americans.

Then you have the Dreamers. Those children were brought here as children and grew up in the United States not knowing a flipping thing about their parents native country. Some of them only know English as a language. NEITHER side of the political aisle has any incentive to deport those children. By most accounts there are 3.6 million Dreamers.

Finally, there is this part of the United States Constitution that says:

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." (8th Amendment to the Constitution)

You and I know that these protections are going to apply to foreigners, regardless of what kind of label you put on them. The 14th Amendment states:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Note how I bolded that last part to show that the protections of our Constitution apply to all persons as differentiated from citizens. So politicians can tell you what you want to hear; however, by any metric or standard you can come up with, the United States Supreme Court WILL NOT separate families just because some foreigner came here without going through the proper procedure. Separating families just because someone committed a federal civil misdemeanor is cruel and unusual.

There is a solution to the problem, but you've been led down the wrong road and cannot see the answer. One thing you have to think about is how you were misled. A person does not need to become a citizen in order to come here and work a job willingly offered. Forced citizenship will not work and if you end up giving all those undocumented foreigners citizenship, they will permanently displace you in the next generation. So, you've got to start thinking about the real solutions.

I think you are forgetting one thing in particular that our law makers swore to do. That is to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic..

And I’m not sure what you said had anything to do with what I stated about shutting down immigration to assimilate..

But as some one from a area that was destroyed by today’s immigration I can attest that Latinos are destroying America. Hatians, Africans.

So either we come up with militias to remove these treasonous lawmakers or they do there job and protect us.

Enough said. Do your job or face the consequences

What you're saying is like waving a toothpick at a rabid wolf.

Lawmakers might have sworn to protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic, but here are a couple of truths for you to ponder:

1) Maybe big government IS the real enemy. They have NO intention to regulate immigration so as to help your agenda and demographics are against you

2) You cannot build a government big enough to save you from yourself. Foreigners come and go because America operates as a free economy. With what you're saying, you would force those people to become citizens in order to compete in the free market. That is your first mistake. Once the scales are tipped in favor of the mixed multitude, you are going to lose. At the current rates of people adopting socialism, that will happen, most likely, in the next presidential cycle.

Again, the onus is on you to tell us what kind of country you are going to force people to become citizens of. I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that you cannot articulate what you want people to assimilate into.

More than half of all Americans get some kind of help from the government to meet their daily needs. We spend over half of what we make to pay taxes. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet. The United States consumes 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more drug addicts per square mile than anywhere in the entire world.

The Blacks are not assimilating. They hate Whites and demand reparations. When their own commit hate crimes, prosecutors let them go free. If you utter the N word, you would become a second class citizen for the rest of your life (presuming you're not Black.) Many foreigners who jump through the hoops and become Americans still hate you.

Those people who hate, loathe and despise America become political and legal leaders in our country. They work around the clock to dismantle the culture of the founders. It's so bad that even you cannot answer my question. What do expect people to assimilate into?
aren’t we doing that now!?

I legit work with Spanish people that say they are taken over lol

Hatians tell me that they hate America..

We are getting invaded thousand a day.

What the hell is going on.. shut it down!
These aren't your fathers immigrants. Other past generations managed to get in legally. And then acclimate, or at least fake it until the made it. Fuck American culture, anything goes. And if we complain? "Xenophobia" against other cultures that are xenophobic...That is bullshit and we all know it.

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