Waiting for someone to blow Obama's head off.

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Somebody on FaceBook posted this about President Obama: "Waiting for someone to blow his head off if he keeps this shit up." on an Obama Arlington Cemetary poll.


Here is the poll: Do you approve of Obama's decision to skip the Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery to go on vacation?

And it is my opinion that shit like THIS that has got to stop. What the fuck is up with people?

This is what happens when the right wing noise machine keeps up a 24/7 hate campaign in order to win a stupid election. Google Obama, + Memorial Day + Arlington, and page after page of this kind of shit pops up.

The media and social networking sites are taking us down the road to civil unrest.
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I don't like President Owe Bama and I haven't cared for anything he has done or said. I think he's the worst President this country has ever had BUT with that said, I would not like to see harm come to him. I look at him as a "Bad Example" that the next black President we ever have can avoid being like. With all of the very classy black people that this country could have picked to be the first black President, how in the world did we ever end up with this asshole? Please don't anybody harm him. Having him become some sort of a martyr would just add to my misery. I hope he gets voted out of office and is never heard from again. If he is shot, or somehow killed, we'll never stop hearing about this dipshit.
Where's the link to what you claim? All I see is a screenshot of a poll showing that so many disapprove of his lack of respect for fallen troops, which doesn't surprise me in the least.
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COLUMBUS, Ohio -- "I'm tired of rallies. I want to fight!" So said Tim Burga, operations director of the Ohio AFL-CIO, addressing the hundreds who had braved the cold Feb. 20 to attend a "Pass It Now" rally for health care reform at the SEIU Local 1199 hall here.

There was a sense of real urgency in the hall, as speaker after speaker pounded on the point that, as Brian Rothenberg of Progress Ohio stated, "We now have 6 weeks to win the fight our people have been fighting since the Truman administration: health care for all!"

Becky Williams, president of SEIU, 1199, was interrupted by loud cheers as she led off the rally, telling the crowd, "We have three things to tell the administration and the majority in congress.

"One -- we worked for and voted for change last year. That means actually changing what was there when you got there.

"Two -- we need for you to lead with courage, not be intimidated by Fox News and Teabaggers.

"Three, don't be fooled by lies!" she said. "If you do these things we'll be with you, and the 66% of Americans who, according to polls are demanding that health care reform be passed."

Williams went on to point out that "pundits are talking about bipartisanship, but over 40% of that 66% supporting reform are Republicans. While the national media talks, 44,000 Americans lost health care last week and that many will be dropped next week, and every week until we win this fight," she said.

"Four hundred twenty one of our friends, neighbors died last week for not having access to health care, and that will continue, as well."

"I'm tired of rallies. I want to fight!" peoplesworld

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NVLGbGRlfw&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Ohio AFL-CIO Tim Burga: Health Care Finish Reform Right Rally[/ame]
Where's the link to what you claim? All I see is a screenshot of a poll showing that so many disapprove of his lack of respect for fallen troops, which doesn't surprise me in the least.

Facebook you idiot. It shows up on pages linked to friends. It's on the feed page. It was posted by a woman and she lists proudly that she is a Catholic - Christian.

ain't that sweet?


I could link the whole discussion with things blocked out -- links names of the guilty. :eusa_whistle:
Where's the link to what you claim? All I see is a screenshot of a poll showing that so many disapprove of his lack of respect for fallen troops, which doesn't surprise me in the least.

Facebook you idiot. It shows up on pages linked to friends. It's on the feed page. It was posted by a woman and she lists proudly that she is a Catholic - Christian.

ain't that sweet?


I could link the whole discussion with things blocked out -- links names of the guilty. :eusa_whistle:
Sorry, Dante. Until I see it for myself, I have no reason on Earth to believe it exists simply because you say it does.
I don't like President Owe Bama and I haven't cared for anything he has done or said. I think he's the worst President this country has ever had BUT with that said, I would not like to see harm come to him. I look at him as a "Bad Example" that the next black President we ever have can avoid being like. With all of the very classy black people that this country could have picked to be the first black President, how in the world did we ever end up with this asshole? Please don't anybody harm him. Having him become some sort of a martyr would just add to my misery. I hope he gets voted out of office and is never heard from again. If he is shot, or somehow killed, we'll never stop hearing about this dipshit.

Your attitude leaves much to be desired. i didn't vote for Bush or Obama and I've never had the shitty juvenile attitude you have. We live in a nation were we agree who ever wins is President. We do not look at whom ever wins as that President of others, or the black or white President. :(
Where's the link to what you claim? All I see is a screenshot of a poll showing that so many disapprove of his lack of respect for fallen troops, which doesn't surprise me in the least.

Facebook you idiot. It shows up on pages linked to friends. It's on the feed page. It was posted by a woman and she lists proudly that she is a Catholic - Christian.

ain't that sweet?


I could link the whole discussion with things blocked out -- links names of the guilty. :eusa_whistle:
Sorry, Dante. Until I see it for myself, I have no reason on Earth to believe it exists simply because you say it does.

You're an idiot. but watch me mask over their names and them show me what you think...moron.


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Facebook you idiot. It shows up on pages linked to friends. It's on the feed page. It was posted by a woman and she lists proudly that she is a Catholic - Christian.

ain't that sweet?


I could link the whole discussion with things blocked out -- links names of the guilty. :eusa_whistle:
Sorry, Dante. Until I see it for myself, I have no reason on Earth to believe it exists simply because you say it does.

You're an idiot. but watch me mask over their names and them show me what you think...moron.

If my not believing some poster's typed words and my need to see for myself makes me an idiot in your mind, then that fits me fine.
Lets follow the script Dante.... It was a teaparty member was'nt it?

No one in their right mind would ever wish death on an American President.... Left or Right.

That is just absolute madness.


If it were real.... the Secret Service will be in contact with them very soon.
Facebook you idiot. It shows up on pages linked to friends. It's on the feed page. It was posted by a woman and she lists proudly that she is a Catholic - Christian.

ain't that sweet?


I could link the whole discussion with things blocked out -- links names of the guilty. :eusa_whistle:
Sorry, Dante. Until I see it for myself, I have no reason on Earth to believe it exists simply because you say it does.

You're an idiot. but watch me mask over their names and them show me what you think...moron.




Nice edit. But thank you for FINALLY backing up your claim.


The idiot, because she wants claims supported and doesn't just believe typed words on a messageboard.

no. idiot because most normal people do not lie about shit like this.

a prank or a spoof is one thing, but this?

get a life away from the computer. seriously. I can't imagine your friends and family talking to you and having you act like a right wing lunatic saying all the time "show me proof" when they try to converse with you --- the few minutes a day you are not online. :lol:
Lets follow the script Dante.... It was a teaparty member was'nt it?

No one in their right mind would ever wish death on an American President.... Left or Right.

That is just absolute madness.


If it were real.... the Secret Service will be in contact with them very soon.

She is probably a Tea Party member or at the least a supporter. Her words are straight from the script.

Sad part is you belittle what the hate you spread causes. :(
Where's the link to what you claim? All I see is a screenshot of a poll showing that so many disapprove of his lack of respect for fallen troops, which doesn't surprise me in the least.

Facebook you idiot. It shows up on pages linked to friends. It's on the feed page. It was posted by a woman and she lists proudly that she is a Catholic - Christian.

ain't that sweet?


I could link the whole discussion with things blocked out -- links names of the guilty. :eusa_whistle:
Sorry, Dante. Until I see it for myself, I have no reason on Earth to believe it exists simply because you say it does.

Does that mean you're an "atheist"?
Is 0bama incapable of doing the right thing? Okay, maybe you skip the Arlington Cemetery, but for God sakes, go to the BP spill site and wade in the crude for a couple of days.
Facebook you idiot. It shows up on pages linked to friends. It's on the feed page. It was posted by a woman and she lists proudly that she is a Catholic - Christian.

ain't that sweet?


I could link the whole discussion with things blocked out -- links names of the guilty. :eusa_whistle:
Sorry, Dante. Until I see it for myself, I have no reason on Earth to believe it exists simply because you say it does.

Does that mean you're an "atheist"?
As much as I dislike what he is and has done were he to be harmed would be one of the worst things that could happen to this country. He woud become a martyr instead of what he is becoming, a joke of a president.

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