WAKE UP EV supporters! Question for you : Where will the electricity needed by EVs come from?

exactly, when the first automobile was built , I bet gas stations was a big concern.

Now we multiple gas stations right across the street from each other.

If you build it, they will come
Capitalism built that with no government subsidies. I’m all for electric vehicles. They need to win in the market. No tax dollars for the cars or the infrastructure to run them.
Maybe you can do some math. If all of the coal power went away today how many nuclear plants do you need to replace the output?
Well, ask the OP. If History is any indication He’ll tell you 10,000 today and 4 days later he’ll say 2,500
Maybe you can do some math. If all of the coal power went away today how many nuclear plants do you need to replace the output?
Pretty simple.
3,400 electric generating plants create the 79% of the nation's energy comes from fossil fuels,
Total electricity generated per year by the approximately 12,538 plants for total of
4,240,000,000,000 kWh at 79% from fossil fuels or 3,349,600,000,000 kWh.
Electricity generation, capacity, and sales in the United States - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)).
A standard 1 gigawatt nuclear plant produces approximately 8 billion kilowatt hours, each year.
FACT: 3,349,600,000,000 kWh from 79% fossil fuel electric plants divided by 15 billion kWh/ nuclear or
19% of America’s electricity comes from nuclear power?
54 nuclear power plants, located in 28 states,
FACT: 3,349,600,000,000 kWh divided by 8,000,000,000 kWh or 418 nuclear power plants.
FACT: Cost of 1 nuclear power plant:
As of 2023, capital costs for nuclear power plants ranged between $8,475 and $13,925 U.S. dollars per kilowatt or average of $11,200/ kWh.
3,349,600,000,000 kWh needed to replace fossil fuels or $4,282,593,607,306 for 418 nuclear plants...
just to replace according to Biden's guarantee:
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM
What advice could you possibly have, that any American should regard as anything better than worthless?
I can offer you advice on your particular problem of transporting your tools and materials to the jobsite, but I still need details on what your needs are.

But I suspect that you were just trying to disrupt the discussion on EV's and going green and you really don't want to know.

Work on your anger and rage issues Bob. You can't make America right by trying to criticize others who are above your country's problems.
I can offer you advice on your particular problem of transporting your tools and materials to the jobsite, but I still need details on what your needs are.

You're a pathetic faggot from Canaduh, that probably has never done a day of honest work in your life. What could you possibly know about the needs of a real American man, who does real work, and has to haul hundreds of pounds of tools with him on his daily commute, to sites possibly as far away as eighty miles?

I already know how to manage such a commute. It involves a real car, with a real internal combustion engine, that has enough range to easily make the round trip, and can be refueled in minutes.

You're aligned with worthless pussies that want to take that way from me, and force me into a pussy electric vehicle, that isn't capable of meeting my needs.

You and all your similar pussified excuses for men can just go fuck yourselves.
Green solutions are required Bob and that's not one.

Fuck your “green solutions”. And fuck you very much, for thinking that they are more important than the ability of a working man to get himself and his tools to and from his job.

Just fuck you, and every pathetic faggot like you.

Do you even have the capacity to understand that if workers are prevented form being able to get to work, to earn their wages and pay taxes thereon, that there will be no money for the government welfare handouts on which worthless faggot parasites such as yourself depend in order to survive?
Green sources. Those are sources that are greener than Carbon based energy.

And of course EV's can never replace all gas and diesel fueled vehicles. Other solutions will be needed.

Can anyone in the class tell us what those alternative sources and solutions will be.

A hint: When you come to school in the morning, what has pedals?
Do you support greatly increasing the use of nuclear power?
And then in northern cities all the pipes freeze and explode.....

Why should I give up my standard of living for your phobias?
I think you fell into the sarCHASM...
Maybe you can do some math. If all of the coal power went away today how many nuclear plants do you need to replace the output?
Probably a 1 for 1 replacement. Which is why it's long past time to get cracking and start building them.
I can offer you advice on your particular problem of transporting your tools and materials to the jobsite, but I still need details on what your needs are.

But I suspect that you were just trying to disrupt the discussion on EV's and going green and you really don't want to know.

Work on your anger and rage issues Bob. You can't make America right by trying to criticize others who are above your country's problems.
Man, you're dumb as a rock.
No, but some increase might be inevitable for America at least. Some European countries won't need it.
Then you are not serious about reducing carbon emissions.
I know, I know, some of you are informed as to how electricity is generated in the USA.
But the vast majority of EV supporters just flip a switch in the room, or turn on the stove or plug into an outlet to charge the EV.
But to those of you that have no idea, FACTS folks:
3,400 electric generating plants create the
  • 79% of the nation's energy comes from fossil fuels,
  • 8.0% from nuclear, and
  • 13.1% from renewable sources.

So with Biden's guarantee to "rid fossil fuels" eliminating 3,400 fossil fueled plants AND with
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

So a simple question you EV supporters, Where will 79% of the electricity needed TODAY before EVs that will according to the following:
"..An equivalent of approximately 4,800 billion kWh was used to fuel gasoline vehicles over that year.
Do you understand folks? Doing what "Agreement to phase out fossil fuels would be huge for humanity, says Gore
Do you people understand what that means to your daily life?
Where will 79% of your electricity come from?

Personal solar panels? Not all households in the USA live in single dwelling homes.
In 2022, it had skyrocketed to close to 30%.
So where will the rest of 70% American households get electricity as they won't have solar panels?

Dats EZ.....A berry berry long stension kord to da sun! Duh!

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