Wal-Mart-Screw Obamacare: Add More Temps


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Wal-Mart's Everyday Hiring Strategy: Add More Temps

Wal-Mart Stores has in recent months been only hiring temporary workers at many of its U.S. stores, the first time the world's largest retailer has done so outside of the holiday shopping season.

It also could set an example for some other companies as they look for ways to cushion themselves from a potential rise in healthcare costs next year as a result of President Barack Obama's health-care reforms, according industry experts and retail executives.

You go Wal - mart................
Businesses are going to protect themselves and their shareholders. It is simple self defense.
Well, it's a matter of their business plan.

It hasn't yet been determined whether they made the right call.

Will the loss of productivity from having an entirely part-time staff make up for the "savings"?
Wal=Mart has been hiring temps for many years, Oblamacare has not a thing to do with it.
Rival anecdote!

Cumberland Gulf Group Moves to Make 1,500 Workers Full-Time Ahead of Health-Care Law Changes - At Work - WSJ

The Cumberland Gulf Group is expected to announce Tuesday that it is maintaining or expanding some workers’ schedules to make them eligible for company-sponsored care. Its reasoning: The increased costs for care will pay off in the long run, with better employee retention and customer service.

At Cumberland, which is based in Framingham, Mass., and owns the Cumberland Farms convenience stores and the Gulf Oil brand, an additional 1,500 workers will be re-classified as full-time and become eligible for company-sponsored health insurance in advance of the ACA deadline. These workers were already working more than 30 hours per week, but not the 40 hours previously required for access to the company insurance plan.

“We sketched out all the options, which included paying the penalty or having employees work fewer than 30 hours,” said Ari Haseotes, Cumberland Farms’ president and chief operating officer. The company has decided to make employee satisfaction and retention a corporate priority, and that meant expanding access to benefits. “We’ve been moving in this direction, but the ACA galvanized us to move more quickly,” he said.
Sam and his minions have used the common worker to make a lot of money. They care not about their employees. I should know I've worked for them, and currently my wife does.
Aside from the oddball/red herring stories like the one that paid WH/ACA propagandist greenbeard posted, this will be the norm for most businesses under the jack boot of Obamacare. 2014 will be quite a mess as folks lose employment hours and opportunities, while the majority have our HC premiums doubled or more. Even unions are waking up to that fact.

In the end some folks are predicting we will have about the same number of uninsured. even though most folks will be paying more. Also many poor folks have family members working under the table, so may not want to invite IRS scrutiny by applying for subsidies. Many young healthy folks will stay out as well, since the only way penalties are collected are from IRS refunds due.

BO would be smart to put the entire mess on hold for a few years, and eventually just start over with a new bill that just targets certain areas that need reform, and especially meaningful tort reform, but he's not smart and Dems are owned by GREEDY trial lawyers, so that won't happen.
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Wal-Mart's Everyday Hiring Strategy: Add More Temps

Wal-Mart Stores has in recent months been only hiring temporary workers at many of its U.S. stores, the first time the world's largest retailer has done so outside of the holiday shopping season.

It also could set an example for some other companies as they look for ways to cushion themselves from a potential rise in healthcare costs next year as a result of President Barack Obama's health-care reforms, according industry experts and retail executives.

You go Wal - mart................

Whatever they can do to remain in business. Cause and effect. I go there about twice a month, early in the morning to avoid crowds and last week I was telling about 3 employees what the liberals on my political site, say about Walmart and they said to tell them "hey we are all happy with our jobs and insurance, so mind your own business and we'll see you next time you are in here shopping, for the savings." :lmao:
Wal-Mart's Everyday Hiring Strategy: Add More Temps

Wal-Mart Stores has in recent months been only hiring temporary workers at many of its U.S. stores, the first time the world's largest retailer has done so outside of the holiday shopping season.

It also could set an example for some other companies as they look for ways to cushion themselves from a potential rise in healthcare costs next year as a result of President Barack Obama's health-care reforms, according industry experts and retail executives.

You go Wal - mart................

Do you think Walmart will the only company that will have more part time people working for them? News flash Walmart has a history of hiring more part timers long before obamacare came to be.
It's not just WalMart. Re-read Greenbeard's post. Most companies reduced employees' workweeks to below 40 hours decades ago to avoid giving them benefits. There was a Commerce Department law that said that the average number of hours worked by all employees constitutes full-time. What that means is that if the corner store has employees working 20-25 hours per week, then 22 hours is considered full time.

Apparently that law was disposed of after an employee suit against Revlon in the early 90s. (The employees won, as I recall.)
Wal-Mart's Everyday Hiring Strategy: Add More Temps

Wal-Mart Stores has in recent months been only hiring temporary workers at many of its U.S. stores, the first time the world's largest retailer has done so outside of the holiday shopping season.

It also could set an example for some other companies as they look for ways to cushion themselves from a potential rise in healthcare costs next year as a result of President Barack Obama's health-care reforms, according industry experts and retail executives.

You go Wal - mart................
Yes it shows in other ways to, because my friend was in Wal-Mart the other day, and he complained to me about how Wal-Mart has also cut back on the amount of employee's it works in the store, and this regardless of rush hours and etc.

Yeah you go Wal-Mart, because you must think that you finally got all of your competition knocked out, so you can now just kick back and do what ever you want to Americans now, and this in the ways of service and quality of service, and so the Americans will just be forced to keep coming and shopping with you no matter what ? Got a news bulletin for you, we ain't that desperate yet in life, so thanks for the preview of how it is for stores to become a monopoly like this in America, and then to think that we are all like rats in a barrel with no place to go afterwards.
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Wal-Mart's Everyday Hiring Strategy: Add More Temps

Wal-Mart Stores has in recent months been only hiring temporary workers at many of its U.S. stores, the first time the world's largest retailer has done so outside of the holiday shopping season.

It also could set an example for some other companies as they look for ways to cushion themselves from a potential rise in healthcare costs next year as a result of President Barack Obama's health-care reforms, according industry experts and retail executives.

You go Wal - mart................

As more and more companies turn to this method of employment to protect their shareholders and profits, the more it will hurt the government and the nation as a whole. With only part time employees in the work force there will be less purchasing power by people therefore less tax money going to the government via sales taxes. This will also negatively affect Obamacare, being on part time employees, citizens will not have the money needed to purchase the insurance needed or pay the fines placed on them for not purchasing health insurance. The government will not be able to house all of these violators that they have created so the only choice they will have is to end Obamacare or destroy the nation.

Well, it's a matter of their business plan.

It hasn't yet been determined whether they made the right call.

Will the loss of productivity from having an entirely part-time staff make up for the "savings"?

Wal=Mart has been hiring temps for many years, Oblamacare has not a thing to do with it.

Sam and his minions have used the common worker to make a lot of money. They care not about their employees. I should know I've worked for them, and currently my wife does.

In this area, when you go to Wally World you have to be VERY patient. It seems that almost all their workers with the exception of a few 'managers' are elderly. Those people don't really want full time work and if they are 65 or over, they don't need insurance and would likely opt out of it if offered anyway. If you want to shop where you can get in and out quickly Wally World here in Western KY is NOT the place to do it. The workers are very slow moving, but very friendly, conscientious, and courteous. Some of them are very elegant old people and I think may be retired college professors from the nearby universities and colleges. The guy who loads the heavy bags of potting soil and manure, etc. is so old that I feel like, even though I am 65, I should get out and load it myself instead of asking him to do it. I often wonder how many of them would have trouble making ends meet if it weren't for their little part time jobs at Wally World and how many are working just to have something to do. I suspect there are several there in both categories. I doubt there are many working there who are looking for bread and butter full time work with bennies. Personally, I think it's nice that the old people of this area have something like this they can do. And I have gotten many lessons in patience. It is good for all of us. I'll keep shopping Wally World.

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Rival anecdote!
“We sketched out all the options, which included paying the penalty or having employees work fewer than 30 hours,” said Ari Haseotes, Cumberland Farms’ president and chief operating officer.
So they looked at paying the Penalty as well right? They were gonna' do either one. Fort them it was affordable, but for other businesses, not so right?

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