#WalkAway ~ Dear Black People


Equal Opportunity Asshole
Jul 15, 2012
That is one seriously well spoken young black woman. Couple spots within this vid are graphic... Shows Malcolm shot and what not... It's a powerful speech.

She ends it with "This man who minstrates" ... I need to look that up to see if it has any special meaning. But I like it at the moment... You go girl.

That is one seriously well spoken young black woman. Couple spots within this vid are graphic... Shows Malcolm shot and what not... It's a powerful speech.

She ends it with "This man who minstrates" ... I need to look that up to see if it has any special meaning. But I like it at the moment... You go girl.

She's GREAT x a BILLION. Everything she said was correct, I bet PRIVATELY there are TONS of Blacks like her who agree with her and think the same things. These are young Black Conservatives and also young Black Would-Be-Conservatives and most of them will be part of The Silent Majority, silent because if that crowd openly said they are Conservative or leaning Conservative then the feral Blacks and the unhinged Self-Hating White Commies would beat them up and probably leave them Brain Dead on Life Support or whatever.

"She ends it with "This man who minstrates"

It's a joke, she is obviously a woman and we are the ONLY ones who menstruate but the unhinged Leftists aka Communists INSISTS that MEN also have periods and that men are also women, they insist this because they are Batshit crazy and so I THINK she is making a joke about all that insanity.
Watch the black community desert the marxist shitstains in droves this election. I see 36-38% black support for Trump.... and a lot of sad mother fuckers on Nov. 4. Tune in to one of those state run politburo channels for several hours of belly laughs at their misery.

conservatives hate the poor black and immigrants. liberals hate the rich. and the middle get fed fairy tales from both sides.

i've been rich. i've been poor. i prefer rich! that's why black folks should hop on the Trump Train.

That is one seriously well spoken young black woman. Couple spots within this vid are graphic... Shows Malcolm shot and what not... It's a powerful speech.

She ends it with "This man who minstrates" ... I need to look that up to see if it has any special meaning. But I like it at the moment... You go girl.

Rut roh they didnt like her dear white progressive video....lol this ones just as good
Trump ad....Malcolm x ,,,wacism ! Uncle tom !
Pop bang whiz


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    white folks.jpg
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That is one seriously well spoken young black woman. Couple spots within this vid are graphic... Shows Malcolm shot and what not... It's a powerful speech.

She ends it with "This man who minstrates" ... I need to look that up to see if it has any special meaning. But I like it at the moment... You go girl.

I should add that here we are Conservatives, well I'm not a Conservative I'm full-on Right-Wing BUT I side WITH Conservatives because Conservatism is on the Right of the Political Spectrum, but anyhow, here we are Rightists and we are LOVING this intelligent and sane Black woman and showing her support etc

The filthy Leftists aka Communists ALL say that we are White Supremacists and filthy racists, well IF we were we would NOT have even WATCHED that Black woman's video let alone AGREED with her, because White Supremacists and filthy racists AVOID ANYTHING coming from ALL Blacks INCLUDING Black Conservatives.

conservatives hate the poor black and immigrants. liberals hate the rich. and the middle get fed fairy tales from both sides.

i've been rich. i've been poor. i prefer rich! that's why black folks should hop on the Trump Train.

LMAO @ the psychoism coming from the Left ....

You can't make this Shit up folks ....
Look at the creeps this Russian agitprop brought out.

There's even an Austrian Nazi...a proud one
She is gorgeous
That's sure to piss off the Left ...

You now how they feel about beautiful women ....

Leftists HATE beautiful ANYTHING, they WORSHIP anything UGLY, EVERY piece of so-called Art from Leftists has ALWAYS been UGLY, they HATE beauty, this is because they have dark souls that are UGLY, they are Satan's Children on this earth....God's Children WORSHIP beauty.
Leftists HATE beautiful ANYTHING, they WORSHIP anything UGLY, EVERY piece of so-called Art from Leftists has ALWAYS been UGLY, they HATE beauty, this is because they have dark souls that are UGLY, they are Satan's Children on this earth....God's Children WORSHIP beauty.
God's Children are BEAUTY ....

Leftist will always be ugly and diseased.
Leftists HATE beautiful ANYTHING, they WORSHIP anything UGLY, EVERY piece of so-called Art from Leftists has ALWAYS been UGLY, they HATE beauty, this is because they have dark souls that are UGLY, they are Satan's Children on this earth....God's Children WORSHIP beauty.
God's Children are BEAUTY ....

Leftist will always be ugly and diseased.

Yes and yes.

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