#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters
Dear GOD.....get out as fast as you can....

that's what i just voted

protectionist, post: 20304931, member: 45665
PS - you didn't answer my question.SO once again >> If not for Obama's obvious ISIS collusion these creeps would have been easily decimated by US airstrikes
You think Baghdadi would have OK'd this without the green light from Obama ?

Sure I did. Twice. Your claim is a farce.

Do you have one shred of evidence that Obama and Baghdadi were in contact with each other ever?
protectionist, post: 20304931, member: 45665
PS - you didn't answer my question.SO once again >> If not for Obama's obvious ISIS collusion these creeps would have been easily decimated by US airstrikes
You think Baghdadi would have OK'd this without the green light from Obama ?

Sure I did. Twice. Your claim is a farce.

Do you have one shred of evidence that Obama and Baghdadi were in contact with each other ever?

ISIS was created by the intel agencies and Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast signed off on it. ISIS was nothing but mercenaries fighting proxy wars on behalf of the deep state. Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast made sure that they got what they needed. Benghazi was about arming ISIS to continue the PNAC plan of the neocons. New boss, same as the old boss.
There is no homosexuality among animals at all. There is homosexual behavior as you so admirably pointed out as an aberration. An animal deprived of a suitable mate will engage in homosexual behavior because the instinct to procreate is just that strong. A moose is not in love with your car even if he spends an hour trying to mount it. The pro perverts are not interested in reality.

Naw, we just don't get worked up about it like you guys do.

Since the Moose isn't going to marry your car, nor does your car want to marry the moose, that isn't an issue here.

The thing is, if two consenting adults want to marry, what business is it of yours? How does that have any real effect on your life. Oh, that's right, you refused to to one of you famous finger paintings for a gay couple once.
ISIS was created by the intel agencies and Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast signed off on it. ISIS was nothing but mercenaries fighting proxy wars on behalf of the deep state. Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast made sure that they got what they needed. Benghazi was about arming ISIS to continue the PNAC plan of the neocons. New boss, same as the old boss.


Yup, it was all a scheme by the Lizard People!!!

Thanks for the Sunday Morning Crazy, Dale.
The thing is, if two consenting adults want to marry, what business is it of yours? How does that have any real effect on your life. Oh, that's right, you refused to to one of you famous finger paintings for a gay couple once.

Fair enough. What if a man wanted to marry his mother, would you be okay with that, or a father marrying his daughter?
Conveniently skipping over the important stuff in order to distort the subject, right ? You can't be trusted. Again >>

Muslims have killed 271 million people around the globe, over the past 1400 years. 120 million Africans, 80 million Hindus, 60 million Christians, 10 million Buddists. No ideology, cult, religion, race, or nation even comes close to this horrific figure.

Sorry, you have to do better than an Islamophobic website.

Let me know when you have a credible source for your crazy.

As for your laughable Crusades post, the Crusades were because of Islam. If not for its Muslim marauders running around killing people like flies, there would have been no Crusades.

Actually, you should look at the History of the Crusades. They started because Urban II wanted to up his street Cred against the anti-Pope promoted by the Holy Roman Emperor. "Let's call a crusade!" and thus began 180 years of stupidity and slaughter.

My personal favorite was the 4th Crusade, where the Crusaders decided to sack Constantinople because walking to Palestine would have been too much work.

As for slavery, nothing approaches blame on that like Islam does. The largest number of sellers were blacks in Central Africa. Greatest number (by far) of those attacking and invading parts of central Africa, to carry on the slave trade, were Arabs from the Middle East and North Africa, (for centuries). This went on for many centuries before the first slave ships arrived in North America.

But it was White Christian people who really created a market for it, that was the point.
Fair enough. What if a man wanted to marry his mother, would you be okay with that, or a father marrying his daughter?

Once you repeal the laws against Incest, let me know how that goes.

You see, here's the thing... it the actual act isn't illegal, the marriage shouldn't be either.
Keep in mind there is no third party except for Crazy Bernie, who moved to democrat. The entire government unfortunately is setup for 2 parties. But it is great now because one is a racist, anti-White, retarded party called the democrats, and the other is a wishy-washy party afraid to call a spade a spade but has a half dozen great American citizens on it along with our incredible President. Do the math. Republican all the way!

Republicans need to go the way of the Whigs. It is the party of white supremacists along with the Chief white supremacist Trump.
/----/ Because you say so with your false alligations?
Fair enough. What if a man wanted to marry his mother, would you be okay with that, or a father marrying his daughter?

Once you repeal the laws against Incest, let me know how that goes.

You see, here's the thing... it the actual act isn't illegal, the marriage shouldn't be either.

Well since this gay marriage thing is less about sex and more about getting government benefits, I think a father and daughter should be allowed to get married. Who says they are going to have sex? I don't know of any laws against incest outside of having sex with a minor. What if a man wants to marry his dog, are you okay with that?
1. Silly animal kingdom line has been stomped to death 1,000,000 times ,included quite s few by me the past month. AGAIN, homosexuality is an uncommon mental illness in animals just as it is in humans. Animals are just as subject to physical and mental ailments as humans are. That have an ailment similar to humans shows nothing, Um guy.

Naw, animals just don't get hung up about it. Homophobia is the unnatural act.

2. Believing in God in not contrary to nature. Homosexuality certainly is. Nature created sexuality to be heterosexual, period.

So what God do animals worship? It would seem to me that if belief in God were natural, all animals would do it. It would also seem to me that all humans would believe in the same God instead of different ones.

3. Since gays cannot reproduce, to propagate their warped lifestyle they must recruit. Everyone knows they do. Pretending things opposite to common knowledge, doesn't help your credibility quotient.

Old people can't reproduce, should they be denied the right to second and third marriages?

Is AARP an evil scheme to recruit old people.

Gays don't need to recruit. I'll ask it one more time, when did you "decide" to be straight?

Hey, true story. Most of us don't have sex with the intent to make babies.

4. I don't know what an "Oscar party" is , and don't care to know, and have no need to.

Sure you don't.
Sure I did. Twice.
I didn't see any answer from you to that question. WHERE is it ? What Post # ?

Here they are:

protectionist, post: 20304587
If not for Obama's obvious ISIS collusion these creeps would have been easily decimated by US airstrikes. You think Baghdadi would have OK'd this without the green light from Obama ? Is there a doctor in the house ? :rolleyes:

McCain Calls Obama's 'Pinprick' Iraq Strikes 'Meaningless' and 'Almost Worse Than Nothing'

Still a liar. The McCain link is about convoys approaching Erbil not Fallujah or Mosul. They were the first two Iraqi cities to fall at the start of the ISIS terror campaign. If you can’t produce what I’ve asked for don’t bother.

Isn’t McCain one who staunchly supported invading Iraq that Trumpo said Bush lied in order to justify invading. Why would a Trumporoid trust someone’s judgement who blindly supported a war that was based on lies.

Obama opposed invading Iraq you know.

If not for Obama's obvious ISIS collusion these creeps would have been easily decimated by US airstrikes. You think Baghdadi would have OK'd this without the green light from Obama ?

That’s your proof of Obama’s collusion with Baghdadi. You are a liar.

It’s not based on any reasonable understanding of the facts. It’s a false conclusion.

There is no “obvious” collusion.

protectionist, post: 20304587
If not for Obama's obvious ISIS collusion these creeps would have been easily decimated by US airstrikes. You think Baghdadi would have OK'd this without the green light from Obama ?

Why did Obama put together a coalition that stopped ISIS from advancing into Bagdad and Kurdish territory and drove them out of all major Iraqi cities except Mosul? Before he left office, Obama’s coalition had ISIS under siege for months and supply and escape routes were bombed. ISIS grip on Mosul was severely weakened as it was the last city to fall.

Not only is your charge a lie it makes no sense at all.
Conveniently skipping over the important stuff in order to distort the subject, right ? You can't be trusted. Again >>

Muslims have killed 271 million people around the globe, over the past 1400 years. 120 million Africans, 80 million Hindus, 60 million Christians, 10 million Buddists. No ideology, cult, religion, race, or nation even comes close to this horrific figure.

Sorry, you have to do better than an Islamophobic website.

Let me know when you have a credible source for your crazy.

As for your laughable Crusades post, the Crusades were because of Islam. If not for its Muslim marauders running around killing people like flies, there would have been no Crusades.

Actually, you should look at the History of the Crusades. They started because Urban II wanted to up his street Cred against the anti-Pope promoted by the Holy Roman Emperor. "Let's call a crusade!" and thus began 180 years of stupidity and slaughter.

My personal favorite was the 4th Crusade, where the Crusaders decided to sack Constantinople because walking to Palestine would have been too much work.

As for slavery, nothing approaches blame on that like Islam does. The largest number of sellers were blacks in Central Africa. Greatest number (by far) of those attacking and invading parts of central Africa, to carry on the slave trade, were Arabs from the Middle East and North Africa, (for centuries). This went on for many centuries before the first slave ships arrived in North America.

But it was White Christian people who really created a market for it, that was the point.
1. Standard liberal MO. Reject all sources other than pure left. Can't defeat the message ? They attack the messenger. Ho hum.

2. There is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Phobias are irrational fears and fear of Islam is about a rational as anything could be.

3. Crusades started because Muslim marauder were rampaging all over North Africa and Asia Minor killing millions of people in accordance with their idiotic and massively immoral Koran.

4. Despite your hatred for Whites and Christians, NO, it was Arab Muslims who really created a market for it, and kept that marketing going for 1000+ years.
Republicans need to go the way of the Whigs. It is the party of white supremacists along with the Chief white supremacist Trump.
HA HA HA. This is the new favorite catchword of the American liberal gooneybird. >>"White supremacist". Don't like their local dogcatcher ? He's a White Supremacist. Don't like your mailman ? >> White Supremacist! Pheeeeew! :slap:

Is there a doctor in the house ? Please hurry.
Republicans need to go the way of the Whigs. It is the party of white supremacists along with the Chief white supremacist Trump.
HA HA HA. This is the new favorite catchword of the American liberal gooneybird. >>"White supremacist". Don't like their local dogcatcher ? He's a White Supremacist. Don't like your mailman ? >> White Supremacist! Pheeeeew! :slap:

Is there a doctor in the house ? Please hurry.


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