#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters
Europeans pay $7.00 a gallon for gasoline. WTF wants to be traveling on a bus or train twice a day or more? Nobody that I know of and I don't care how good the system is.

actually, 10% of the population does... and they are fine with it. Shit, I didn't even own a car until I was 24, didn't need one, Mass Transit got me everywhere I needed to go in Chicago.

Sure, 10% of the population doesn't want to walk 30 miles to get to work.
They have no choice and they have made themselves “fine with it”.

If you had more mass transit options, more people would use mass transit. We just refuse to invest in it.
You have mass transit for elderly people who can’t drive and mostly lazy people who can’t afford to buy a car, as well as sometimes young teenage kids.

Nobody likes waiting hours just so you can get on the bus to start going somewhere that you can drive to in 30 minutes.

You are delusional.
You have mass transit for elderly people who can’t drive and mostly lazy people who can’t afford to buy a car, as well as sometimes young teenage kids.

Nobody likes waiting hours just so you can get on the bus to start going somewhere that you can drive to in 30 minutes.

But that's the point... if you invest in enough Mass Transit, you don't have to wait hours.

Have you ever tried driving through a congested downtown like Chicago? I truly hate driving in Chicago itself, it's awful.
You have mass transit for elderly people who can’t drive and mostly lazy people who can’t afford to buy a car, as well as sometimes young teenage kids.

Nobody likes waiting hours just so you can get on the bus to start going somewhere that you can drive to in 30 minutes.

But that's the point... if you invest in enough Mass Transit, you don't have to wait hours.

Have you ever tried driving through a congested downtown like Chicago? I truly hate driving in Chicago itself, it's awful.
Driving in smaller cities is ALWAYS preferable to mass transit.

That is the point. Big cities only like mass transit because driving isn’t really an option.
They have no choice and they have made themselves “fine with it”.

If you had more mass transit options, more people would use mass transit. We just refuse to invest in it.

If what you say had an ounce of truth to it, we wouldn't have to invest in it. The private market would have jumped all over it years ago. But the reason you need government subsidies is because nobody will use it, and government with private industry both know it.
Europeans pay $7.00 a gallon for gasoline. WTF wants to be traveling on a bus or train twice a day or more? Nobody that I know of and I don't care how good the system is.

actually, 10% of the population does... and they are fine with it. Shit, I didn't even own a car until I was 24, didn't need one, Mass Transit got me everywhere I needed to go in Chicago.

I had a car by the time I was 16 and never been on a bus since then. I guess you have more time you can waste than most people. When I need to go somewhere, I want to get there ASAP. Our mass transit here is another failure. That's why it has to be subsidized through a sales tax.

So you can save the earth, and I'll save a lot of time.
Who Killed the Electric Car? NOW | PBS

You call that evidence of something? It's a piece to promote a movie which of course I didn't (or want to) see. You have a real problem posting shit you didn't even read. There is only a slight mention of oil companies, but the article makes claim that Pontiac and others backed out of making electric cars because of no interest from the public. They tried to sell them and they were a failure. And where do you Save The Planet people think electricity comes from anyway?
If what you say had an ounce of truth to it, we wouldn't have to invest in it. The private market would have jumped all over it years ago. But the reason you need government subsidies is because nobody will use it, and government with private industry both know it.

again, private markets don't always do what's good. It's why we have boner pills but haven't cured cancer yet.

There is only a slight mention of oil companies, but the article makes claim that Pontiac and others backed out of making electric cars because of no interest from the public. They tried to sell them and they were a failure. And where do you Save The Planet people think electricity comes from anyway?

It comes from plants that can run on clean technology... but again, it's why we have boner pills and no cancer cure.
I had a car by the time I was 16 and never been on a bus since then. I guess you have more time you can waste than most people. When I need to go somewhere, I want to get there ASAP. Our mass transit here is another failure. That's why it has to be subsidized through a sales tax.

Um, yeah, here's the thing

EVERYTHING IN YOUR CITY IS A FAILURE. I've been to your city, where the only new buildings are the banks feeding off the corpse of a city. All the other buildings are old and decrepit.
Um, guy, homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom. What is contrary to nature is believing there's a magic fairy in the sky who cares what kind of sex you are having.

Not sure how gays are "recruiting"... you mean they set up stands that say, "We throw killer Oscar Parties!"
1. Silly animal kingdom line has been stomped to death 1,000,000 times ,included quite s few by me the past month. AGAIN, homosexuality is an uncommon mental illness in animals just as it is in humans. Animals are just as subject to physical and mental ailments as humans are. That have an ailment similar to humans shows nothing, Um guy.

2. Believing in God in not contrary to nature. Homosexuality certainly is. Nature created sexuality to be heterosexual, period.

3. Since gays cannot reproduce, to propagate their warped lifestyle they must recruit. Everyone knows they do. Pretending things opposite to common knowledge, doesn't help your credibility quotient.

4. I don't know what an "Oscar party" is , and don't care to know, and have no need to.
There is no homosexuality among animals at all. There is homosexual behavior as you so admirably pointed out as an aberration. An animal deprived of a suitable mate will engage in homosexual behavior because the instinct to procreate is just that strong. A moose is not in love with your car even if he spends an hour trying to mount it. The pro perverts are not interested in reality.
I had a car by the time I was 16 and never been on a bus since then. I guess you have more time you can waste than most people. When I need to go somewhere, I want to get there ASAP. Our mass transit here is another failure. That's why it has to be subsidized through a sales tax.

Um, yeah, here's the thing

EVERYTHING IN YOUR CITY IS A FAILURE. I've been to your city, where the only new buildings are the banks feeding off the corpse of a city. All the other buildings are old and decrepit.

Yeah Joe, I know you drove through small parts of our Democrat city, but mass transit is only successful in places like New York where it's impossible to get around. People take the subway and many have nightmarish stories to tell about that. There are even rapes, robberies and murders.

Herber Hoover once said "A chicken in every pot and a car in every driveway" as a sign of prosperity. Why would that have been a huge achievement? Because the only way people got around was mass transit and it sucked. It was a goal people looked forward to in effort to not have to take a bus everywhere they needed to go.
again, private markets don't always do what's good. It's why we have boner pills but haven't cured cancer yet.

No, boner pills were discovered by accident. They created the medication for something else, I believe it was heart disease or something. The medication was not intended for what it's used for today.

It comes from plants that can run on clean technology... but again, it's why we have boner pills and no cancer cure.

Really? All plants that create electricity are run on clean energy?
If what you say had an ounce of truth to it, we wouldn't have to invest in it. The private market would have jumped all over it years ago. But the reason you need government subsidies is because nobody will use it, and government with private industry both know it.

again, private markets don't always do what's good. It's why we have boner pills but haven't cured cancer yet.

There is only a slight mention of oil companies, but the article makes claim that Pontiac and others backed out of making electric cars because of no interest from the public. They tried to sell them and they were a failure. And where do you Save The Planet people think electricity comes from anyway?

It comes from plants that can run on clean technology... but again, it's why we have boner pills and no cancer cure.
We have “boner pills” because the inability of men to get an erection affects far more people than cancer does, and it is WAY easier to solve.

Cancer will literally take hundreds of years to cure with all the funding in the world, and that is if there is even a cure to all cancers.
If what you say had an ounce of truth to it, we wouldn't have to invest in it. The private market would have jumped all over it years ago. But the reason you need government subsidies is because nobody will use it, and government with private industry both know it.

again, private markets don't always do what's good. It's why we have boner pills but haven't cured cancer yet.

There is only a slight mention of oil companies, but the article makes claim that Pontiac and others backed out of making electric cars because of no interest from the public. They tried to sell them and they were a failure. And where do you Save The Planet people think electricity comes from anyway?

It comes from plants that can run on clean technology... but again, it's why we have boner pills and no cancer cure.
We have “boner pills” because the inability of men to get an erection affects far more people than cancer does, and it is WAY easier to solve.

Cancer will literally take hundreds of years to cure with all the funding in the world, and that is if there is even a cure to all cancers.

And if we ever cure cancer, what will people die of then? We cured just about everything else. That's why most people die of cancer.
The reality is, we didn't want to stay and the Iraqis didn't want us there.

That the Iraqis themselves fucked it up after we left certainly isn't Obama's fault. Maliki is the one who alienated the Sunnis so they all joined ISIS and cut off payments to Sunni leaders.

Really, do you have a link for this. Oh, wait, I do.Here are hard copies of Nidal Hasan's OER's, prepared by his commanding officers.

Maj. Nidal Hasan evaluation reports

Here's an article that summarizes them.

Ft. Hood shooter received glowing evaluations before attack

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's supervisors had also repeatedly recommended him for promotion, according to documents.

"He has a keen interest in Islamic culture and faith and has shown capacity to contribute to our psychological understanding of Islamic nationalism and how it may relate to events of national security and Army interest in the Middle East and Asia," supervisors wrote in an evaluation report July 1, 2009.

Among Hasan's "unique skills," the report listed "Islamic studies" and "traumatic stress spectrum psychiatric disorders," concluding that "Maj. Hasan has great potential as an Army officer."

The other report, completed March 13, 2009, said Hasan had "outstanding moral integrity" and that he had selected a "challenging topic" for his master's of public health project: "the impact of beliefs and culture on views regarding military service during the Global War on Terror."

Supervisors recommended Hasan for a position "that allows others to learn from his perspectives," noting his "unique insights into the dimensions of Islam" including "moral reasoning" were "of great potential interest and strategic importance to the U.S. Army."

So really, if Obama actually did take an interest in Hasan's career, he would have gone on the basis of these OER's, which show that the Army thought he was a wonderful officer.
We should have wanted to stay (that's where Obama went wrong), and what another country wants is moot, in questions of US national security. We do what we NEED to do, period.

Sure, he got good evaluations. All to please Commander in Chief Obama (who broke records in firings of generals). The glow came from Obama, not the generals. That was easy.
If what you say had an ounce of truth to it, we wouldn't have to invest in it. The private market would have jumped all over it years ago. But the reason you need government subsidies is because nobody will use it, and government with private industry both know it.

again, private markets don't always do what's good. It's why we have boner pills but haven't cured cancer yet.

There is only a slight mention of oil companies, but the article makes claim that Pontiac and others backed out of making electric cars because of no interest from the public. They tried to sell them and they were a failure. And where do you Save The Planet people think electricity comes from anyway?

It comes from plants that can run on clean technology... but again, it's why we have boner pills and no cancer cure.
We have “boner pills” because the inability of men to get an erection affects far more people than cancer does, and it is WAY easier to solve.

Cancer will literally take hundreds of years to cure with all the funding in the world, and that is if there is even a cure to all cancers.

And if we ever cure cancer, what will people die of then? We cured just about everything else. That's why most people die of cancer.
The mutation of cancer, or a heightened strain of a previously harmless disease.

These idiots don’t understand that there will never be a cure for everything. The more humans and more living and non-living things there are, the more diseases are born.
Um, no. Actually, Christians gave us two world wars, the slave trade, the inquisition, crusades, colonization of most of the rest of the world, genocide of aboriginal peoples in the Americans and Australia.

And Muslims... um.... er... well, I guess they fought some wars in India or something. Over hundreds of years and most of India is still Hindu.
Conveniently skipping over the important stuff in order to distort the subject, right ? You can't be trusted. Again >>

Muslims have killed 271 million people around the globe, over the past 1400 years. 120 million Africans, 80 million Hindus, 60 million Christians, 10 million Buddists. No ideology, cult, religion, race, or nation even comes close to this horrific figure. Tears of Jihad - Political Islam

As for your laughable Crusades post, the Crusades were because of Islam. If not for its Muslim marauders running around killing people like flies, there would have been no Crusades.

As for slavery, nothing approaches blame on that like Islam does. The largest number of sellers were blacks in Central Africa. Greatest number (by far) of those attacking and invading parts of central Africa, to carry on the slave trade, were Arabs from the Middle East and North Africa, (for centuries). This went on for many centuries before the first slave ships arrived in North America.

In fact, slavery is so endemic in North Africa, that the Arabic word for black (abed or abeed), also means "slave"
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If what you say had an ounce of truth to it, we wouldn't have to invest in it. The private market would have jumped all over it years ago. But the reason you need government subsidies is because nobody will use it, and government with private industry both know it.

again, private markets don't always do what's good. It's why we have boner pills but haven't cured cancer yet.

There is only a slight mention of oil companies, but the article makes claim that Pontiac and others backed out of making electric cars because of no interest from the public. They tried to sell them and they were a failure. And where do you Save The Planet people think electricity comes from anyway?

It comes from plants that can run on clean technology... but again, it's why we have boner pills and no cancer cure.
We have “boner pills” because the inability of men to get an erection affects far more people than cancer does, and it is WAY easier to solve.

Cancer will literally take hundreds of years to cure with all the funding in the world, and that is if there is even a cure to all cancers.

And if we ever cure cancer, what will people die of then? We cured just about everything else. That's why most people die of cancer.
The mutation of cancer, or a heightened strain of a previously harmless disease.

These idiots don’t understand that there will never be a cure for everything. The more humans and more living and non-living things there are, the more diseases are born.

But the longer we live, the more stress on our social programs that were designed for people to live in their mid 60's.
If what you say had an ounce of truth to it, we wouldn't have to invest in it. The private market would have jumped all over it years ago. But the reason you need government subsidies is because nobody will use it, and government with private industry both know it.

again, private markets don't always do what's good. It's why we have boner pills but haven't cured cancer yet.

There is only a slight mention of oil companies, but the article makes claim that Pontiac and others backed out of making electric cars because of no interest from the public. They tried to sell them and they were a failure. And where do you Save The Planet people think electricity comes from anyway?

It comes from plants that can run on clean technology... but again, it's why we have boner pills and no cancer cure.
We have “boner pills” because the inability of men to get an erection affects far more people than cancer does, and it is WAY easier to solve.

Cancer will literally take hundreds of years to cure with all the funding in the world, and that is if there is even a cure to all cancers.

And if we ever cure cancer, what will people die of then? We cured just about everything else. That's why most people die of cancer.
The mutation of cancer, or a heightened strain of a previously harmless disease.

These idiots don’t understand that there will never be a cure for everything. The more humans and more living and non-living things there are, the more diseases are born.

But the longer we live, the more stress on our social programs that were designed for people to live in their mid 60's.
Which is why eventually diseases will start killing off the old and the weak no matter how much money we spend on medicine.

Diseases actually do have a purpose in the eco-system.

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