#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters
taking it up the ass, regardless of sex, is disgusting.

Except 37% of straights have tried anal. Meanwhile half of gays (Lesbians) haven't done anal at all.

See how that works, buddy?

1. You offer no evidence.

2. With Trump, "Nobody has ever" has no bearing. Also, same sources who say Trump has "negative approval number" said Hillary was going to win big, the day before the 2016 election.

she did win, by 3 million votes.
I can certainly understand the notion that some are horrified by what has happened to the Democratic Party and don't want to officially be a part of it. But this simplistic notion that they're going to go running straight to the GOP is silly in the extreme. One can still vote for Democrats without being one.

Oh, Stormy, quit pretending you are still a Democrat. The Islamophobic GOP will welcome you with open arms.
That may be so, I don't know. All I do know is what I truly believe in my heart. I won't lie to you, to anybody else, and especially myself. I won't practice Christianity if I have reservations about it. I won't pretend I don't believe in God because that means I get a free pass when I go to the next world.

So what happens when you get to the afterlife, and you find out God is a black guy?
What happens when you go to afterlife and you find out God isn’t a cuck?
That may be so, I don't know. All I do know is what I truly believe in my heart. I won't lie to you, to anybody else, and especially myself. I won't practice Christianity if I have reservations about it. I won't pretend I don't believe in God because that means I get a free pass when I go to the next world.

So what happens when you get to the afterlife, and you find out God is a black guy?

Tell him I lived in the hood and can bounce a basketball. :auiqs.jpg:
taking it up the ass, regardless of sex, is disgusting.

Except 37% of straights have tried anal. Meanwhile half of gays (Lesbians) haven't done anal at all.

See how that works, buddy?

1. You offer no evidence.

2. With Trump, "Nobody has ever" has no bearing. Also, same sources who say Trump has "negative approval number" said Hillary was going to win big, the day before the 2016 election.

she did win, by 3 million votes.
Lesbians do anal all the time.

It is called a strap on.
It's not entirely where they are born, most people are familiar with Christianity, and most know it better than you lefties.
And yes the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

again, can't really take a God seriously who would send someone to hell for being born in Japan, but will welcome Chef Jeff Dahmner with open arms if he was really sincere about accepting Jesus into his heart.

This video shows how truly fucked up this thinking is.

The Japanese don't believe in a superior being?
I can certainly understand the notion that some are horrified by what has happened to the Democratic Party and don't want to officially be a part of it. But this simplistic notion that they're going to go running straight to the GOP is silly in the extreme. One can still vote for Democrats without being one.

Oh, Stormy, quit pretending you are still a Democrat. The Islamophobic GOP will welcome you with open arms.
You bash Christianity and then embrace Islam?


Do I have to make a video about how fucked up Islamic “justice” is for you to understand anything?
Yes he did, and then when ISIS was on the horizon he colluded with al Baghdadi to allow them to take over Iraq by pulling US troops out in 2011followed by the pinpricks.

Wow... paranoid much.

So how did he get the Iraqi Government to refuse to grant our troops immunity, which was the sticking point on keeping more of them in?

The reality is, we didn't want to stay and the Iraqis didn't want us there.

That the Iraqis themselves fucked it up after we left certainly isn't Obama's fault. Maliki is the one who alienated the Sunnis so they all joined ISIS and cut off payments to Sunni leaders.

1. You lie. Every Fort Hood officer (rank of Major an above) requestd in writing, a dishonorable discharge for Hasan, Obama ignored them because like Hasan, he is a jihadist himself, but he just doesn't get his hands dirty, that's all. Maybe you've been reading CNN distortion.

Really, do you have a link for this.

Oh, wait, I do.

Here are hard copies of Nidal Hasan's OER's, prepared by his commanding officers.

Maj. Nidal Hasan evaluation reports

Here's an article that summarizes them.

Ft. Hood shooter received glowing evaluations before attack

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's supervisors had also repeatedly recommended him for promotion, according to documents.

"He has a keen interest in Islamic culture and faith and has shown capacity to contribute to our psychological understanding of Islamic nationalism and how it may relate to events of national security and Army interest in the Middle East and Asia," supervisors wrote in an evaluation report July 1, 2009.

Among Hasan's "unique skills," the report listed "Islamic studies" and "traumatic stress spectrum psychiatric disorders," concluding that "Maj. Hasan has great potential as an Army officer."

The other report, completed March 13, 2009, said Hasan had "outstanding moral integrity" and that he had selected a "challenging topic" for his master's of public health project: "the impact of beliefs and culture on views regarding military service during the Global War on Terror."

Supervisors recommended Hasan for a position "that allows others to learn from his perspectives," noting his "unique insights into the dimensions of Islam" including "moral reasoning" were "of great potential interest and strategic importance to the U.S. Army."

So really, if Obama actually did take an interest in Hasan's career, he would have gone on the basis of these OER's, which show that the Army thought he was a wonderful officer.
2, Do you really want to try the Christians vs Muslims line ? HAHA. For the 1,000,000th time, what evil Christians ever did, is a grain of sand compared to that of Muslims. If you try to debate me on Islam/Islamization you could be in way over your head. I've been studying it extensively for 17 years. Would you like to take my Islamization Quiz, and find out how much you don't know ?

Um, no. Actually, Christians gave us two world wars, the slave trade, the inquisition, crusades, colonization of most of the rest of the world, genocide of aboriginal peoples in the Americans and Australia.

And Muslims... um.... er... well, I guess they fought some wars in India or something. Over hundreds of years and most of India is still Hindu.
You bash Christianity and then embrace Islam?


Do I have to make a video about how fucked up Islamic “justice” is for you to understand anything?

Here's what I understand.

We wouldn't give a fuck about what Muslims believe if the Jews and the Oil companies didn't want their land.

Muslims aren't voting plutocrats into office to make all our lives more miserable...that would be Christians.
Perhaps it would be good for us to be exposed to your 'quiz'. IMHO there are many parallels to be draw between US 'progressivization' and Islamization...

Naw, it really wouldn't be interesting to show how easily you dumb white trash are manipulated into hating people on the other side of the world to benefit the oil companies.
You bash Christianity and then embrace Islam?


Do I have to make a video about how fucked up Islamic “justice” is for you to understand anything?

Here's what I understand.

We wouldn't give a fuck about what Muslims believe if the Jews and the Oil companies didn't want their land.

Muslims aren't voting plutocrats into office to make all our lives more miserable...that would be Christians.
Muslims vote in nothing but plutocrats and theocrats....
Perhaps it would be good for us to be exposed to your 'quiz'. IMHO there are many parallels to be draw between US 'progressivization' and Islamization...

Naw, it really wouldn't be interesting to show how easily you dumb white trash are manipulated into hating people on the other side of the world to benefit the oil companies.
They aren’t just on the other side of the world, idiot.
While no mainstream source or candidate I know of is calling for violence against LGTBQ, that movement's targeting of our children must stop. They recruit through our public school system quite obviously by use of sexual education and politically correct acceptance curriculum, increasingly aimed at younger and younger children. Parents should always have a choice to opt their kids out of programs like this--which, as is being discussed in another thread, rise to the level of religious indoctrination. This is purely a 'live and let live' issue. Don't proselytize and far fewer Americans, I think, will hate.

Guy, your side proselytizes kids in the churches all the time with homophobia. Shit, I grew up Catholic in the 70's... nothing more funny than watching a lispy Catholic Priest you KNEW was gay telling you how being gay is bad.

As for "recruiting", so when did you decide to be straight? It would seem to me that if you think that anyone can be recruited into a sexual preference, then there had to be a moment that you were on the fence, correct?
The only reason you on the left bring up the Bush deadline is because DumBama pulling our troops out was a complete failure. No President has to honor the deals of a previous President. That's how we got out of the phony Iran deal. That's how we got out of the job killing Paris Accord. If pulling our troops out was a success, you on the left would have never given Bush any credit.

Here's the problem. When you break deals, it becomes harder to make future deals.

"How do I know the next guy isn't going to back out of this deal?"

The complete failure in Iraq was invading to start with. People predicted this outcome as far back as 1990, when they talked Bush-41 out of toppling Saddam. If we toppled Saddam, there would be a civil war between Sunni's and Shi'ites and eventually the Shi'ites would win and be closer to Iran.

and that's exactly what happened.
Perhaps it would be good for us to be exposed to your 'quiz'. IMHO there are many parallels to be draw between US 'progressivization' and Islamization...

Naw, it really wouldn't be interesting to show how easily you dumb white trash are manipulated into hating people on the other side of the world to benefit the oil companies.

If you use oil, then you're just as guilty as the oil companies. That's why child porn is illegal. If you don't create the market for it, then the market would never exist.
The only reason you on the left bring up the Bush deadline is because DumBama pulling our troops out was a complete failure. No President has to honor the deals of a previous President. That's how we got out of the phony Iran deal. That's how we got out of the job killing Paris Accord. If pulling our troops out was a success, you on the left would have never given Bush any credit.

Here's the problem. When you break deals, it becomes harder to make future deals.

"How do I know the next guy isn't going to back out of this deal?"

The complete failure in Iraq was invading to start with. People predicted this outcome as far back as 1990, when they talked Bush-41 out of toppling Saddam. If we toppled Saddam, there would be a civil war between Sunni's and Shi'ites and eventually the Shi'ites would win and be closer to Iran.

and that's exactly what happened.

A deal from any sitting President is only as good as his term. Everybody around the world knows this. Most times they are honored by the next President, guaranteed if the next President is of the same party. But a deal by a President can be broken by the next President, or even the President that made the deal.

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