#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters
protectionist, post: 20304540,
One thing is for sure, if you go around calling people a liar, just because they don't immediately respond to your demands with 10 minutes, it just shows one thing.

I am calling you a liar until you prove you are not.

Such claims that Obama committed high treason by colluding in 2010 with Baghdadi to withdraw US troops so ISIS could take over Iraq, if true would have made headlines around the world.

You would have no trouble citing at least one.

So far your wild claim exists mostly in your mind.

I have no choice but to conclude you are lying. You don’t know that Obama’s colluded with Baghdadi.

But I will wait for whatever it is you think you have on this claim.
protectionist, post: 20304569
Al Qaeda in Iraq led by Zarqawi was active from 2003 (when Saddam left) up until 2010, despite a number of leader changes, when the group in 2010 began to morph in what we know know as ISIS

Those are facts. What do they have to do with your claim that Baghdadi colluded with Obama (2010) to withdraw all troops by the end of 2011 so that Baghdadi could take advantage of civil war in Syria to grow ISiS strength there and then eventually invade Iraq.
I am calling you a liar until you prove you are not.

Such claims that Obama committed high treason by colluding in 2010 with Baghdadi to withdraw US troops so ISIS could take over Iraq, if true would have made headlines around the world.

You would have no trouble citing at least one.

So far your wild claim exists mostly in your mind.

I have no choice but to conclude you are lying. You don’t know that Obama’s colluded with Baghdadi.

But I will wait for whatever it is you think you have on this claim.
And I care about what you call me ? HAHA HA. As far as I'm concerned, in this forum, you are NOBODY. And I can call names too. You're an IDIOT.

And I have ZERO trouble citing what I will cite. None at all. I just will do it on MY TIME SCHEDULE, not yours. :biggrin:

(this was yet another interruption that you got away with)
Those are facts. What do they have to do with your claim that Baghdadi colluded with Obama (2010) to withdraw all troops by the end of 2011 so that Baghdadi could take advantage of civil war in Syria to grow ISiS strength there and then eventually invade Iraq.
There is other information to be posted (all in good time), but just Post # 242 confirmed Obama's collusion with a Baghdadi. Only a moron would be try to refute it.

I don't expect a liberal to accept it. You're all liars.
Al Qaeda in Iraq led by Zarqawi was active from 2003 (when Saddam left) up until 2010, despite a number of leader changes, when the group in 2010 began to morph in what we know know as ISIS
A small part of ISIS was already there, and they were not the Bathists. They were known as Al Qaeda in Iraq and were political decendants of Al Zarqawi (assassinated in 2006). Another small part of ISIS was already in Iraq, and were mostly children whom ISIS recruited. Both of these were relatively small and insignificant compared to the ISIS forces that (AS I SAID) traveled from Syria.

The great majority of ISIS TRAVELED into Iraq, from Syria, in long convoys on open, desert roads, where they would have been sitting ducks for airstrikes. Airstrikes were few or none, withheld by jihadist, Baghdadi-colluder Obama.

2. The Iraqis who dropped their weapons and ran, did so because of the Obama supported Shiite govt in Iraq, under Malaki. The Iraqi soldiers were Sunnis (as was ISIS) Get it ?

3. The region WAS stabilized, with many cities (Fallujah, Ramadi, Mosul, etc) liberated from the jihadists. It was after Obama's 2011 withdrawl of US troops, that these formerly liberated cities fell to ISIS. (and because of that withdrawl)

4. Of course we oppose the Arab Spring. It was a Muslim Brotherhood engineered project, that even took power in Egypt, and was supported by US Muslim Brotherhood supporters, Obama and Hillary Clinton.

5. Nice try, Bush-basher, but this is about jihadist-Obama and US patriot Trump.

6. Are you nuts ? EVERYBODY knows airstrikes were "pinpricks" as Air Force ex- LT General MacInerney and ex Army 4 star general Jack Keane called them. The were few or none. Who do you think THESE GUYS are ? Teenagers cruising to pick up girls ? >


If not for Obama's obvious ISIS collusion these creeps would have been easily decimated by US airstrikes. You think Baghdadi would have OK'd this without the green light from Obama ? Is there a doctor in the house ? :rolleyes:

McCain Calls Obama's 'Pinprick' Iraq Strikes 'Meaningless' and 'Almost Worse Than Nothing'

US Generals on Iraq: Obama Must Do More Than 'Pinprick' Airstrikes

The Pinprick President

U.S. won’t provide airstrikes for Iraqi offensive against Islamic State: Pentagon
While no mainstream source or candidate I know of is calling for violence against LGTBQ, that movement's targeting of our children must stop. They recruit through our public school system quite obviously by use of sexual education and politically correct acceptance curriculum, increasingly aimed at younger and younger children. Parents should always have a choice to opt their kids out of programs like this--which, as is being discussed in another thread, rise to the level of religious indoctrination. This is purely a 'live and let live' issue. Don't proselytize and far fewer Americans, I think, will hate.
Maybe less people will hate, but not many people really do hate right now. It is more of simply more of a nonacceptance thing. A lot of people are also annoyed by gays constant pretentious style of pretending that their perversion is normal and healthy.

People don't like being lied to, and the moronic shame parades, maquarading as "Pride Parades" only intensify the annoyance.
protectionist, post: 20304587
If not for Obama's obvious ISIS collusion these creeps would have been easily decimated by US airstrikes. You think Baghdadi would have OK'd this without the green light from Obama ? Is there a doctor in the house ? :rolleyes:

McCain Calls Obama's 'Pinprick' Iraq Strikes 'Meaningless' and 'Almost Worse Than Nothing'

Still a liar. The McCain link is about convoys approaching Erbil not Fallujah or Mosul. They were the first two Iraqi cities to fall at the start of the ISIS terror campaign. If you can’t produce what I’ve asked for don’t bother.

Isn’t McCain one who staunchly supported invading Iraq that Trumpo said Bush lied in order to justify invading. Why would a Trumporoid trust someone’s judgement who blindly supported a war that was based on lies.

Obama opposed invading Iraq you know.
If not for Obama's obvious ISIS collusion these creeps would have been easily decimated by US airstrikes. You think Baghdadi would have OK'd this without the green light from Obama ?

That’s your proof of Obama’s collusion with Baghdadi. You are a liar.

It’s not based on any reasonable understanding of the facts. It’s a false conclusion.

There is no “obvious” collusion.
Strange person, I wasn't talking about pedophilia (that's a Muslim thing). I was talking about RECRUITMENT (can you read ?)

And yes I think it's MORE THAN "icky",it is contrary-to-nature lunacy, and you are lunacy pervert yourself, to support it.

Um, guy, homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom. What is contrary to nature is believing there's a magic fairy in the sky who cares what kind of sex you are having.

Not sure how gays are "recruiting"... you mean they set up stands that say, "We throw killer Oscar Parties!"
No, they teach kids that being gay isn't disgusting.
Because its not
protectionist, post: 20304587
If not for Obama's obvious ISIS collusion these creeps would have been easily decimated by US airstrikes. You think Baghdadi would have OK'd this without the green light from Obama ?

Why did Obama put together a coalition that stopped ISIS from advancing into Bagdad and Kurdish territory and drove them out of all major Iraqi cities except Mosul? Before he left office, Obama’s coalition had ISIS under siege for months and supply and escape routes were bombed. ISIS grip on Mosul was severely weakened as it was the last city to fall.

Not only is your charge a lie it makes no sense at all.
Your racist Bull Shit doesn't seem to work as well as it used to...

It's plain to see the vast majority of Racist are on the left.

Corey Stewart is a Republican. David Duke is a Republican to name a couple.

I will tell you what you uninformed Dumb Ass.

David Duke can’t hold a candle to louis Farrakhan.

Trump didn’t hang out with Duke, but obongo

did hang with farrakhan and many other RACIST’s.

We all know the vast majority of RACISM is on the left….

And we all know you don’t have the GUTS to call it out,

In fact you defend it…..

I will bet you any amount of money you care to lose

that for every prominent Racist you can name on the Right I

can name more on the left….

Let’s see you put your money where your mouth is at ass wipe..

I don't really think you can.

Well lets do it Dumb Ass....

What would you like to wager?

What are you waiting for?

Name the bet Dumb Ass.....
Just the thought of socialism makes my stomach churn.

If America goes down that road, it's all over for liberty. That's not hyperbole. Don't ever fall for "free" as a motivating factor to vote in this manner...ever...
the right wing "falls for free tax cuts", every time.


We are all suckers for the extra money in our paychecks...

If you had a job you would understand.
If not for Obama's obvious ISIS collusion these creeps would have been easily decimated by US airstrikes. You think Baghdadi would have OK'd this without the green light from Obama ?

That’s your proof of Obama’s collusion with Baghdadi. You are a liar.

It’s not based on any reasonable understanding of the facts. It’s a false conclusion.

There is no “obvious” collusion.
You say it isn't . I say it is. And I'm still looking for my old posts about this. I'll find them (not that they're necessary) :biggrin:

PS - you didn't answer my question.SO once again >> If not for Obama's obvious ISIS collusion these creeps would have been easily decimated by US airstrikes
You think Baghdadi would have OK'd this without the green light from Obama ?
But I will wait.........

protectionist, post: 20304540,
One thing is for sure, if you go around calling people a liar, just because they don't immediately respond to your demands with 10 minutes, it just shows one thing.

I am calling you a liar until you prove you are not.

Such claims that Obama committed high treason by colluding in 2010 with Baghdadi to withdraw US troops so ISIS could take over Iraq, if true would have made headlines around the world.

You would have no trouble citing at least one.

So far your wild claim exists mostly in your mind.

I have no choice but to conclude you are lying. You don’t know that Obama’s colluded with Baghdadi.

But I will wait for whatever it is you think you have on this claim.
protectionist, post: 20304587
If not for Obama's obvious ISIS collusion these creeps would have been easily decimated by US airstrikes. You think Baghdadi would have OK'd this without the green light from Obama ?

Why did Obama put together a coalition that stopped ISIS from advancing into Bagdad and Kurdish territory and drove them out of all major Iraqi cities except Mosul? Before he left office, Obama’s coalition had ISIS under siege for months and supply and escape routes were bombed. ISIS grip on Mosul was severely weakened as it was the last city to fall.

Not only is your charge a lie it makes no sense at all.

Obama handed all of the real estate from Aleppo to Baghdad to his brothers in Jihad and left the all the best US military hardware. He was supplying them ammo through Benghazi
Obama handed all of the real estate from Aleppo to Baghdad to his brothers in Jihad and left the all the best US military hardware. He was supplying them ammo through Benghazi
No question about it. He was one of them. Probably still is, and NFBW won't answer my question in Post # 266 and 274.
It's not entirely where they are born, most people are familiar with Christianity, and most know it better than you lefties.
And yes the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

again, can't really take a God seriously who would send someone to hell for being born in Japan, but will welcome Chef Jeff Dahmner with open arms if he was really sincere about accepting Jesus into his heart.

This video shows how truly fucked up this thinking is.

That may be so, I don't know. All I do know is what I truly believe in my heart. I won't lie to you, to anybody else, and especially myself. I won't practice Christianity if I have reservations about it. I won't pretend I don't believe in God because that means I get a free pass when I go to the next world.

So what happens when you get to the afterlife, and you find out God is a black guy?
Keep in mind there is no third party except for Crazy Bernie, who moved to democrat. The entire government unfortunately is setup for 2 parties. But it is great now because one is a racist, anti-White, retarded party called the democrats, and the other is a wishy-washy party afraid to call a spade a spade but has a half dozen great American citizens on it along with our incredible President. Do the math. Republican all the way!
I did the math. Between a choice between swallowing a turd or a maggot, I choose not to eat.

Only an idiot would say "do the math" and eat one.
I can certainly understand the notion that some are horrified by what has happened to the Democratic Party and don't want to officially be a part of it. But this simplistic notion that they're going to go running straight to the GOP is silly in the extreme. One can still vote for Democrats without being one.
protectionist, post: 20304587
The great majority of ISIS TRAVELED into Iraq, from Syria, in long convoys on open, desert roads, where they would have been sitting ducks for airstrikes. Airstrikes were few or none, withheld by jihadist, Baghdadi-colluder Obama.

Provide a link that backs that up. One of your links to date are from two Fox News armchair Generals about airstrikes inside Iraq to protect Kurdish forces and other humanitarian objectives.

So you refer to the first few pinprick air strikes that were entirely defensive and after the fall of Mosul. You cannot produce evidence of an ISIS invasion by convoy that would have prevented Fallujah and Mosul from falling to ISIS had Obama bombed this open road convoys prior to the fall of Fallujah that never existed.

There were none. That is why.

And why don’t you post regarding the 13,000 offensive air strikes ordered by Obama that decimated ISiS.

Why did Obama lead the coalition to do this?

DECEMBER 6, 2016
Iraqi Army Begins New Assault on Mosul
Iraqi army units launched a new attack on Mosul from the southeast, advancing towards a bridge in the center of the city (Reuters).

Mosul was 1/3 liberated on Obama's watch.

It took Trumpo ten months to lo liberate one city.

Why why why would Obama have risked collusion with Baghdadi and then led a coalition to defeat him?
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