#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters
One more time, buddy, the people giving that Advice weren't the ones who kids were coming home in body bags. The American people voted twice, loudly, to end Bush's folly in Iraq. The Iraqi people voted repeatedly for us to leave.

So Obama was supposed to insist on keeping American Troops in Iraq when neither Americans nor Iraqis wanted that?
Yes he did, and then when ISIS was on the horizon he colluded with al Baghdadi to allow them to take over Iraq by pulling US troops out in 2011followed by the pinpricks.
Nobody has ever won re-election with a negative approval number.
1. You offer no evidence.

2. With Trump, "Nobody has ever" has no bearing. Also, same sources who say Trump has "negative approval number" said Hillary was going to win big, the day before the 2016 election. :biggrin:

And what you just did is invite Joe to post his Popular Vote argument.

As Rush Limbaugh has pointed out, polls are designed to shape your opinion, not report it. The polls that showed Hil-Liar were in her favor for months changed their tune as the election drew near. That's because no polling entity wants to be historically wrong. So months and months of attempted brainwashing went on, and a few days before the election, they needed to preserve their integrity.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 20268284
Now they are seeing raises, bonuses, and the one's that didn't are seeing more in their paycheck.

Most income increases for mid to lower tier wage earners are offset by the increases in gasoline prices.

The federal debt is getting worse rather than better during these robust economic times. A recession is closer with each passing month. Mid to lower income earners bear the brunt of recessions. Not those in Trumpo’s Income bracket.

Do you really believe Trumpo’s free Obama ride is going to last forever?
Um, guy, homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom. What is contrary to nature is believing there's a magic fairy in the sky who cares what kind of sex you are having.

Not sure how gays are "recruiting"... you mean they set up stands that say, "We throw killer Oscar Parties!"
1. Silly animal kingdom line has been stomped to death 1,000,000 times ,included quite s few by me the past month. AGAIN, homosexuality is an uncommon mental illness in animals just as it is in humans. Animals are just as subject to physical and mental ailments as humans are. That have an ailment similar to humans shows nothing, Um guy.

2. Believing in God in not contrary to nature. Homosexuality certainly is. Nature created sexuality to be heterosexual, period.

3. Since gays cannot reproduce, to propagate their warped lifestyle they must recruit. Everyone knows they do. Pretending things opposite to common knowledge, doesn't help your credibility quotient.

4. I don't know what an "Oscar party" is , and don't care to know, and have no need to.
And what you just did is invite Joe to post his Popular Vote argument.

As Rush Limbaugh has pointed out, polls are designed to shape your opinion, not report it. The polls that showed Hil-Liar were in her favor for months changed their tune as the election drew near. That's because no polling entity wants to be historically wrong. So months and months of attempted brainwashing went on, and a few days before the election, they needed to preserve their integrity.
They were still posting Hillary as the winner on November 7.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 20268284
Now they are seeing raises, bonuses, and the one's that didn't are seeing more in their paycheck.

Most income increases for mid to lower tier wage earners are offset by the increases in gasoline prices.

The federal debt is getting worse rather than better during these robust economic times. A recession is closer with each passing month. Mid to lower income earners bear the brunt of recessions. Not those in Trumpo’s Income bracket.

Do you really believe Trumpo’s free Obama ride is going to last forever?
So 'trickle up poverty' (as Rush puts it) should be implemented yet again... brilliant
Except the Army did nothing of the sort. The army gave him positive OER's (Officer Evaluation Reports) and promoted him to Major. In fact, Hasan wanted to resign his commission, and they army insisted on sending him to Afghanistan. And this was long before Obama got there.

this "Their Sky Fairy is worse than My Sky Fairy" stuff is laughable. Do you really want to talk about all the bad stuff Christian have done in the last 2000 years.

Naw, I'm just pragmatic. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.
1. You lie. Every Fort Hood officer (rank of Major an above) requestd in writing, a dishonorable discharge for Hasan, Obama ignored them because like Hasan, he is a jihadist himself, but he just doesn't get his hands dirty, that's all. Maybe you've been reading CNN distortion.

As for Hasan's jihadism it started right about when Obama took over in 2009. It didn't get into a noticeable full swing until about the summer of 2009.

2, Do you really want to try the Christians vs Muslims line ? HAHA. For the 1,000,000th time, what evil Christians ever did, is a grain of sand compared to that of Muslims. If you try to debate me on Islam/Islamization you could be in way over your head. I've been studying it extensively for 17 years. Would you like to take my Islamization Quiz, and find out how much you don't know ? (or are you going to ask me > "Islamization. What's that ?")

Muslims have killed 271 million people around the globe, over the past 1400 years. 120 million Africans, 80 million Hindus, 60 million Christians, 10 million Buddists. No ideology, cult, religion, race, or nation even comes close to this horrific figure.

Tears of Jihad - Political Islam

3. Many women unable to have abortion, will have the baby and she (and society) will benefit happily from it.
“The Islamic State was born out of the ashes of Al Qaeda in Iraq, which was crippled by the time Mr. Obama withdrew American forces from Iraq at the end of 2011.”

protectionist, post: 20304313
Yes he did, and then when ISIS was on the horizon he colluded with al Baghdadi to allow them to take over Iraq by pulling US troops out in 2011followed by the pinpricks.

Your timeline is way off.

The Islamic State was born out of the ashes of Al Qaeda in Iraq, which was crippled by the time Mr. Obama withdrew American forces from Iraq at the end of 2011. The civil war that erupted in neighboring Syria pitting President Bashar al-Assad against a variety of rebel organizations provided a haven for the Qaeda affiliate to reconstitute itself with an influx of foreign fighters.

Many Missteps in Assessment of ISIS Threat

US Troops were out of Iraq in accordance with Bush’s withdrawal date that sovereign Iraq held fast. But your lie is exposed by the fact ttat US troops were out of Iraq before ISiS was visible as a threat to worldwide intelligence services.

What kind of sick mind would charge that Obama pulled US trooos out of Iraq in collusion with Al Baghdadi as if there was no other reason to pull the trooos out such as Iraq wanting them out by the date that Bush set in stone.
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Except the Army did nothing of the sort. The army gave him positive OER's (Officer Evaluation Reports) and promoted him to Major. In fact, Hasan wanted to resign his commission, and they army insisted on sending him to Afghanistan. And this was long before Obama got there.

this "Their Sky Fairy is worse than My Sky Fairy" stuff is laughable. Do you really want to talk about all the bad stuff Christian have done in the last 2000 years.

Naw, I'm just pragmatic. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.
1. You lie. Every Fort Hood officer (rank of Major an above) requestd in writing, a dishonorable discharge for Hasan, Obama ignored them because like Hasan, he is a jihadist himself, but he just doesn't get his hands dirty, that's all. Maybe you've been reading CNN distortion.

As for Hasan's jihadism it started right about when Obama took over in 2009. It didn't get into a noticeable full swing until about the summer of 2009.

2, Do you really want to try the Christians vs Muslims line ? HAHA. For the 1,000,000th time, what evil Christians ever did, is a grain of sand compared to that of Muslims. If you try to debate me on Islam/Islamization you could be in way over your head. I've been studying it extensively for 17 years. Would you like to take my Islamization Quiz, and find out how much you don't know ? (or are you going to ask me > "Islamization. What's that ?")

Muslims have killed 271 million people around the globe, over the past 1400 years. 120 million Africans, 80 million Hindus, 60 million Christians, 10 million Buddists. No ideology, cult, religion, race, or nation even comes close to this horrific figure.

Tears of Jihad - Political Islam

3. Many women unable to have abortion, will have the baby and she (and society) will benefit happily from it.
Perhaps it would be good for us to be exposed to your 'quiz'. IMHO there are many parallels to be draw between US 'progressivization' and Islamization...
And what you just did is invite Joe to post his Popular Vote argument.

As Rush Limbaugh has pointed out, polls are designed to shape your opinion, not report it. The polls that showed Hil-Liar were in her favor for months changed their tune as the election drew near. That's because no polling entity wants to be historically wrong. So months and months of attempted brainwashing went on, and a few days before the election, they needed to preserve their integrity.
They were still posting Hillary as the winner on November 7.

Yes they did, but as a much closer race. Prior to that, Hillary didn't even need to show up.
#Walkaway is best thing that has happened to the Democratic Party in 50 years. It's to wake up DEMs you've lost your message and you are losing your support.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 20304403
His decision to pull out was right before reelection. He needed to keep at least a few of his promises, even if it meant letting all our work go to hell.

The date was set by Bush. The Iraqi government insisted the Bush deadline be met. The US election process had absolutely nothing to do with it. Iraqi politics had everything to do with it as well as Bush’s deadline.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 20268284
Now they are seeing raises, bonuses, and the one's that didn't are seeing more in their paycheck.

Most income increases for mid to lower tier wage earners are offset by the increases in gasoline prices.

The federal debt is getting worse rather than better during these robust economic times. A recession is closer with each passing month. Mid to lower income earners bear the brunt of recessions. Not those in Trumpo’s Income bracket.

Do you really believe Trumpo’s free Obama ride is going to last forever?

DumBama never provided any ride as I explained earlier. DumBama was the most anti-business President of our time, and for him to take credit for what business has done is pure selfishness.

A recession is upcoming? That's what you people said the day Trump was elected. Yet a year and a half later, major non-farm jobs being created and a nonstop economy.

Fuel price increases are normal with a booming economy. The more economic activity, the more more fuel used. Fuel prices are controlled by the commodities market--not the President. But given the fact of our robust economy, we are still paying about $2.50 per gallon for gasoline, and it would normally be much higher.
Strange person, I wasn't talking about pedophilia (that's a Muslim thing). I was talking about RECRUITMENT (can you read ?)

And yes I think it's MORE THAN "icky",it is contrary-to-nature lunacy, and you are lunacy pervert yourself, to support it.

Um, guy, homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom. What is contrary to nature is believing there's a magic fairy in the sky who cares what kind of sex you are having.

Not sure how gays are "recruiting"... you mean they set up stands that say, "We throw killer Oscar Parties!"

While no mainstream source or candidate I know of is calling for violence against LGTBQ, that movement's targeting of our children must stop. They recruit through our public school system quite obviously by use of sexual education and politically correct acceptance curriculum, increasingly aimed at younger and younger children. Parents should always have a choice to opt their kids out of programs like this--which, as is being discussed in another thread, rise to the level of religious indoctrination. This is purely a 'live and let live' issue. Don't proselytize and far fewer Americans, I think, will hate.

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