#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters
When "debating" with Prostationist, please remember the adage about wrestling with pigs.......

So glad you enjoyed the meme made especially for you. Perhaps save it and use it whenever you wish to use the line.

Actually, the creator or ISIS was George W. Bush. He gave those folks something to be mad about.

Perhaps, as failed former President Barack Hussein Obama once referred to Al-Qaeda as the Jr. Varsity, ISIS was the J.V. until the former President, against all advice, pulled all our troops out of Iraq. That vacuum is filled, as they always are, by someone else. In this case, being filled by ISIS and Russia.
So glad you enjoyed the meme made especially for you. Perhaps save it and use it whenever you wish to use the line.
GOWDY: [...] Clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?
COMEY: No. We found work-related e-mails, thousands that were not returned.

In a later exchange with Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) Comey said Clinton wasn’t sophisticated enough to understand what information was classified and what wasn’t.
I always said she was a know-nothing airhead, who only got picked by Obama, so he could take advantage of Bill Clinton connections. He also picked her for her Muslim Brotherhood (Huma Abedin) connections.

She (and the country) would have been better off if she had stuck to housework and baking cookies.
So glad you enjoyed the meme made especially for you. Perhaps save it and use it whenever you wish to use the line.
GOWDY: [...] Clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?
COMEY: No. We found work-related e-mails, thousands that were not returned.

In a later exchange with Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) Comey said Clinton wasn’t sophisticated enough to understand what information was classified and what wasn’t.
I always said she was a know-nothing airhead, who only got picked by Obama, so he could take advantage of Bill Clinton connections. He also picked her for her Muslim Brotherhood (Huma Abedin) connections.

She (and the country) would have been better off if she had stuck to housework and baking cookies.

The woman probably hasn't been near a stove in over 20 years unless it was for a liquor cabinet above it.
You mean the Crazy Guy the Army knew was crazy and refused to discharge? That Crazy Guy. Sorry, man, one Crazy guy a Jihad does not make.
Yup, that same crazy jihadist guy (Nidal Hasan) that every Fort Hood Army officer put in request for a Dishonorable discharge for and Obama refused. Yup, "the Army" (aka Obama-Commander in Chief), not only refused to discharge him, he encouraged his jihad for months, leading up to the massacre (in one of his gun-free zones)

Actually, the creator or ISIS was George W. Bush. He gave those folks something to be mad about.
"Those folks" have been mad (crazy) for 1400 years. Obama is one of them.

Guy, peaceful protests aren't race riots... I've lived through race riots... they are pretty distinct on their own.





New York


. I always thought that women made appointments, walked past angry crowds of religious nuts, got up on the table and got their 'little problems" taken care of.
Creating "thousands of abortion deaths" by murderer mothers and doctors. Which by your support of it, makes you complicit in those murders, as well.
Except neither of those things are "rational". Gays aren't any more or less like to be pedophiles than straights are. So right there... Irrational fear.

Discomfort? Completely irrational.

At the end of the day, all homophobic arguments boil down to "I think it's icky, and so does my Imaginary Friend in the Sky!"
Strange person, I wasn't talking about pedophilia (that's a Muslim thing). I was talking about RECRUITMENT (can you read ?)

And yes I think it's MORE THAN "icky",it is contrary-to-nature lunacy, and you are lunacy pervert yourself, to support it.
Look at the human waste currently in power: trump, his adult children, pigpence, pruitt, devos, azar, sanders, sessions, haley, etc. They even sent that trashy, foul-mouthed jeffress over to speak at the embassy. All scum of the worst sort.
You are nuts. Those people are all doing FINE JOB, and we're lucky to have them.

They are doing a "fine job" of ruining a once great, and once free nation. They are simply filth from the gutter, yet you worship them.

You can't defend them because there is no valid defense for them. Dirt is dirt.
Most of them will drop the programs, due to inability to get federal funding and other problems Trump will make for them. Next will be attacks on AA in college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, and business loans.

The Federal government has been cutting back on college programs for years, and most of them aren't governed by these rules one way or the other. Trump's ability to make trouble for people is a lot more limited than you think.

And again. He's gone in two years or less.

All this will be part of the added power to Trump's re-election campaign, which he'll win in a landslide, Many say he's already secured the victory.

Nobody has ever won re-election with a negative approval number.
Perhaps, as failed former President Barack Hussein Obama once referred to Al-Qaeda as the Jr. Varsity, ISIS was the J.V. until the former President, against all advice, pulled all our troops out of Iraq. That vacuum is filled, as they always are, by someone else. In this case, being filled by ISIS and Russia.

One more time, buddy, the people giving that Advice weren't the ones who kids were coming home in body bags. The American people voted twice, loudly, to end Bush's folly in Iraq. The Iraqi people voted repeatedly for us to leave.

So Obama was supposed to insist on keeping American Troops in Iraq when neither Americans nor Iraqis wanted that?
Strange person, I wasn't talking about pedophilia (that's a Muslim thing). I was talking about RECRUITMENT (can you read ?)

And yes I think it's MORE THAN "icky",it is contrary-to-nature lunacy, and you are lunacy pervert yourself, to support it.

Um, guy, homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom. What is contrary to nature is believing there's a magic fairy in the sky who cares what kind of sex you are having.

Not sure how gays are "recruiting"... you mean they set up stands that say, "We throw killer Oscar Parties!"
Yup, that same crazy jihadist guy (Nidal Hasan) that every Fort Hood Army officer put in request for a Dishonorable discharge for and Obama refused. Yup, "the Army" (aka Obama-Commander in Chief), not only refused to discharge him, he encouraged his jihad for months, leading up to the massacre (in one of his gun-free zones)

Except the Army did nothing of the sort. The army gave him positive OER's (Officer Evaluation Reports) and promoted him to Major. In fact, Hasan wanted to resign his commission, and they army insisted on sending him to Afghanistan.

And this was long before Obama got there.

"Those folks" have been mad (crazy) for 1400 years. Obama is one of them.

Yawn, guy, this "Their Sky Fairy is worse than My Sky Fairy" stuff is laughable. Do you really want to talk about all the bad stuff Christian have done in the last 2000 years.

Creating "thousands of abortion deaths" by murderer mothers and doctors. Which by your support of it, makes you complicit in those murders, as well.

Naw, I'm just pragmatic. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.
More than anything else, the Democratic Party's 'War on White Males' is gonna come back to haunt em. Quietly, many White Democrat males are feeling like they're being targeted and ostracized. Democrats feel their War is a winning strategy, but i think it's gonna backfire on them bigtime. Many will leave the Party and join the GOP. There very-well could be a coming quiet mass exodus.

Look at it from our point of view:

Vote for me, a Democrat.


Because if you elect me, I will make your race a minority in this country for the first time in our history.

Why would I vote for you then?

I think this is only the beginning. It's going to catch like wildfire unless the Democrats abandon their virtual open border and amnesty policies.
They should focus on a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed.

Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment affects everyone, naturally.

Haha...some things never change.
danielpalos says: “They should focus on giving more free shit and stealing more from America’s Best.”
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage solves some of Labor's problems with cost of living.

And, unemployment compensation for being unemployed, solves simple poverty and "closes the circuit" on our economy. We can power ourselves, as much as we want.
Perhaps, as failed former President Barack Hussein Obama once referred to Al-Qaeda as the Jr. Varsity, ISIS was the J.V. until the former President, against all advice, pulled all our troops out of Iraq. That vacuum is filled, as they always are, by someone else. In this case, being filled by ISIS and Russia.

One more time, buddy, the people giving that Advice weren't the ones who kids were coming home in body bags. The American people voted twice, loudly, to end Bush's folly in Iraq. The Iraqi people voted repeatedly for us to leave.

So Obama was supposed to insist on keeping American Troops in Iraq when neither Americans nor Iraqis wanted that?

Yeah, and he did it just before reelection too. Imagine that.
More than anything else, the Democratic Party's 'War on White Males' is gonna come back to haunt em. Quietly, many White Democrat males are feeling like they're being targeted and ostracized. Democrats feel their War is a winning strategy, but i think it's gonna backfire on them bigtime. Many will leave the Party and join the GOP. There very-well could be a coming quiet mass exodus.

Look at it from our point of view:

Vote for me, a Democrat.


Because if you elect me, I will make your race a minority in this country for the first time in our history.

Why would I vote for you then?

I think this is only the beginning. It's going to catch like wildfire unless the Democrats abandon their virtual open border and amnesty policies.
They should focus on a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed.

Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment affects everyone, naturally.

Haha...some things never change.
danielpalos says: “They should focus on giving more free shit and stealing more from America’s Best.”
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage solves some of Labor's problems with cost of living.

And, unemployment compensation for being unemployed, solves simple poverty and "closes the circuit" on our economy. We can power ourselves, as much as we want.
It really doesn't, a min wage just raises prices, so when you do that the guy that was above min wage at say $12/hour is now at $15 and making min wage, not good.
If you want to make money get a raise or change your job through education, experience or something. Min wage is for teenagers and second jobs. If you're trying to run a family off being a cashier a McDonald's you'll never have enough money.
Strange person, I wasn't talking about pedophilia (that's a Muslim thing). I was talking about RECRUITMENT (can you read ?)

And yes I think it's MORE THAN "icky",it is contrary-to-nature lunacy, and you are lunacy pervert yourself, to support it.

Um, guy, homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom. What is contrary to nature is believing there's a magic fairy in the sky who cares what kind of sex you are having.

Not sure how gays are "recruiting"... you mean they set up stands that say, "We throw killer Oscar Parties!"

yeah I see homos all the time in nature....nope

and as for God, it's easier to believe that than just cause.
An atom blew up just cause and started the universe

no wonder you people are so miserable and violent, you have no hope, you have no salvation. It's sad.
yeah I see homos all the time in nature....nope

and as for God, it's easier to believe that than just cause.
An atom blew up just cause and started the universe

Well, um, no. It really isn't. First, an "atom" didn't start the universe, an explosion of energy converting into matter did.

We now know that matter and energy are related... something the shit kickers who wrote the bible didn't understand.

no wonder you people are so miserable and violent, you have no hope, you have no salvation. It's sad.

Um... no, sad is denying yourself any enjoyment for your entire life because you might make an imiginary fairy made. Sad is living in fear of something that doesn't exist.

You mistake "fear" for "hope", that's your problem.
Um... no, sad is denying yourself any enjoyment for your entire life because you might make an imiginary fairy made. Sad is living in fear of something that doesn't exist.

You mistake "fear" for "hope", that's your problem.

And if you are wrong, that will be your problem. Of course it will be too late by then.

Well, let's say you are wrong. All you have to do is tell God you're sorry, but you really weren't a believer, right? The problem is you can't lie to God. He knows exactly what you were thinking all of your life. He knows what you really believed in. He knows your thought process about abandoning him and what your plans were when you found out he existed.

It's not like US court. When you are judged, you won't have a lawyer, you don't plea your case because everything is known, you can't plea down to a lesser charge, there are no rules, there is nobody there on your side. It's just you and him.

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