#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters
Because if you elect me, I will make your race a minority in this country for the first time in our history.

Why would I vote for you then?

Why is that a big deal to you.

An America where whites are a minority kind of works the same way if you are the majority... if you aren't part of the One Percent, they will still screw you.

This is where you are kind of dumb, buddy. You sit their in your slum with your crappy job where you can't get health insurance, and somehow think you got it better because you are "White".

I didn't say that. Show me one country outside those with a large Surrender First white population where they would be stupid enough to support a party that wants to make them the minority. I'll tell you what Joe, why don't you move to a country where you are the minority for a couple of years and tell us how it works out. If that's too inconvenient, move to the south side of Chicago and see how welcome you are over there.
Gateway Pundit?
Stay dumb and ignorant......NO ONE really gives a damn.....LOL
YOU DO. Or you wouldn't be posting here. Only trouble is YOU, et al libs, are the dumb & ignorant ones. I once was one of you. I got cured. You're still down in the hole.
Gateway Pundit?
The lies are coming from the leftist media. Nonstop. But the AMERICAN people know it. That's why Trump is president, The congress is GOP. The SCOTUS is GOP. And state legislatures and governors (33) are GOP.

Some large cities where liberals and illegal aliens congregate are majority Democrat. Well, they'll just rot in their own filth.(riots, looting, gun-free zone massacres, traffic blocking, etc)
More than anything else, the Democratic Party's 'War on White Males' is gonna come back to haunt em. Quietly, many White Democrat males are feeling like they're being targeted and ostracized. Democrats feel their War is a winning strategy, but i think it's gonna backfire on them bigtime. Many will leave the Party and join the GOP. There very-well could be a coming quiet mass exodus.
Nothing dumber than a white, male Democrat.
Sigh, again, Sil is like the vegetarian who can't stop talking about steak.

Even the GOP has realized that homophobia is a loser issue for them.
There is no such thing as "homophobia" (typical ridiculous invention of the con-job left) . Phobias are irrational fears without any basis.
fears of homosexuality have plenty of basis. There is the fear of recruitment of children + just the discomfort of the presence of homosexuals and their perversions.
Meh, the only people who feel "Ostracized" are the white trash losers who aren't getting the good jobs their daddies had and are too stupid to realize why.
1. They're not "white trash"

2. You are a REPORTED racist, low-life.

3. They know why they're not getting as good jobs as they should (and so do you) it's because of the Affirmative Action, supported by racists like you.
I didn't say that. Show me one country outside those with a large Surrender First white population where they would be stupid enough to support a party that wants to make them the minority. I'll tell you what Joe, why don't you move to a country where you are the minority for a couple of years and tell us how it works out. If that's too inconvenient, move to the south side of Chicago and see how welcome you are over there.

I lived in Cicero for 13 years, where I was a minority... You know what, at the end of the day, it really didn't make a difference. All my brown neighbors had the same issues I had.
1. They're not "white trash"

2. You are a REPORTED racist, low-life.

3. They know why they're not getting as good jobs as they should (and so do you) it's because of the Affirmative Action, supported by racists like you.

Um, no, you see the reason why the White Trash with no education aren't getting those good jobs is because 1) Unions don't exist anymore and 2) Most of those jobs are now being done by machines.

But instead of getting the education to get the good jobs that replaced the ones that disappeared... the White Trash sat around their trailer parks with their Confederate Flags and looked for someone to blame.
I am personally mystified that ANYONE still vote republican after 2008, and all us white males ended up with underwater mortgages and busted 401K's...
I am personally mystified that ANYONE still votes Democrat after 2009, the jihad of Obama and Fort Hood, after 2011, the collusion of Obama with al Baghdadi (ISIS), the creation of race riots by the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustle machine, thousands more abortion deaths, and the deaths of scores of defenseless, unarmed people in Obama's idiotic gun-free zones.
There is no such thing as "homophobia" (typical ridiculous invention of the con-job left) . Phobias are irrational fears without any basis.
fears of homosexuality have plenty of basis. There is the fear of recruitment of children + just the discomfort of the presence of homosexuals and their perversions.

Except neither of those things are "rational". Gays aren't any more or less like to be pedophiles than straights are. So right there... Irrational fear.

Discomfort? Completely irrational.

At the end of the day, all homophobic arguments boil down to "I think it's icky, and so does my Imaginary Friend in the Sky!"
Except neither of those things are "rational". Gays aren't any more or less like to be pedophiles than straights are. So right there... Irrational fear.

Discomfort? Completely irrational.

At the end of the day, all homophobic arguments boil down to "I think it's icky, and so does my Imaginary Friend in the Sky!"

When "debating" with Prostationist, please remember the adage about wrestling with pigs.......
I didn't say that. Show me one country outside those with a large Surrender First white population where they would be stupid enough to support a party that wants to make them the minority. I'll tell you what Joe, why don't you move to a country where you are the minority for a couple of years and tell us how it works out. If that's too inconvenient, move to the south side of Chicago and see how welcome you are over there.

I lived in Cicero for 13 years, where I was a minority... You know what, at the end of the day, it really didn't make a difference. All my brown neighbors had the same issues I had.

Sure you did.
Um, no, you see the reason why the White Trash with no education aren't getting those good jobs is because 1) Unions don't exist anymore and 2) Most of those jobs are now being done by machines.

But instead of getting the education to get the good jobs that replaced the ones that disappeared... the White Trash sat around their trailer parks with their Confederate Flags and looked for someone to blame.
They (WITH college degrees) aren't getting the jobs they should, because of Affirmative Action. This has been going on for 50+ years. Now the Trump administration is finally beginning to take some action against it. Another acccomplishment for Trump. :clap: :clap2:
I am personally mystified that ANYONE still votes Democrat after 2009, the jihad of Obama and Fort Hood,

You mean the Crazy Guy the Army knew was crazy and refused to discharge? That Crazy Guy. Sorry, man, one Crazy guy a Jihad does not make.

the collusion of Obama with al Baghdadi (ISIS),

Actually, the creator or ISIS was George W. Bush. He gave those folks something to be mad about.

the creation of race riots by the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustle machine,

Guy, peaceful protests aren't race riots... I've lived through race riots... they are pretty distinct on their own.

thousands more abortion deaths

Gee, I wasn't aware that there were these vans going around grabbing women off the street and performing abortions. I always thought that women made appointments, walked past angry crowds of religious nuts, got up on the table and got their 'little problems" taken care of.
They (WITH college degrees) aren't getting the jobs they should, because of Affirmative Action. This has been going on for 50+ years. Now the Trump administration is finally beginning to take some action against it. Another acccomplishment for Trump.

Most of the Universities will probably keep on with these programs, no matter what Trump says... and in two years when Trump is gone, we'll have fairness back.
Look at the human waste currently in power: trump, his adult children, pigpence, pruitt, devos, azar, sanders, sessions, haley, etc. They even sent that trashy, foul-mouthed jeffress over to speak at the embassy. All scum of the worst sort.
You are nuts. Those people are all doing FINE JOB, and we're lucky to have them.
Most of the Universities will probably keep on with these programs, no matter what Trump says... and in two years when Trump is gone, we'll have fairness back.
Most of them will drop the programs, due to inability to get federal funding and other problems Trump will make for them. Next will be attacks on AA in college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, and business loans.

All this will be part of the added power to Trump's re-election campaign, which he'll win in a landslide, Many say he's already secured the victory. :biggrin:

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