#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters

This Walk Away movement is all about waking up to self-hatred causing hatred of just about everyone else who is like and different. The modern fringe radical Left is like a smack dealer dealing hatred. Look at all crack houses of hatred the radical Left has built the last few years. The radical Left hates religion so much they embrace a much more violent one in hopes it will destroy the first one they hate. They hate biological sex and gender; they want to make everyone sexless neutron eunuchs. They hate strong, virile men. They hate having babies. They hate babies.

They hate the nuclear family and want it gutted. They hate their own birth race and the races who just want to co-exist. Most of all, they hate America and her Founders; her Flag and her veteran warriors and they spit on millennia of established primacy of right and wrong. Perhaps even slightly more, they hate taking responsibility for their own actions and would rather blame a God they don't even believe in for the consequences.

Walk away indeed.
Just the thought of socialism makes my stomach churn.

If America goes down that road, it's all over for liberty. That's not hyperbole. Don't ever fall for "free" as a motivating factor to vote in this manner...ever...
Just the thought of socialism makes my stomach churn.

If America goes down that road, it's all over for liberty. That's not hyperbole. Don't ever fall for "free" as a motivating factor to vote in this manner...ever...

Well......it certainly seems the Dem party is heading in that direction. Sander's, an admitted Socialist (who some say was screwed out of the nomination) was extremely close to being our President today. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an admitted Socialist out of New York, is said to be the future of the Democrat party. She unseated a long time incumbent.

It was not that long ago when the right accused the left of going Socialist, they would argue that it was rightwing paranoia and propaganda. Today, it's reality.
Except for the fact that it isn't real.

Yup, click your heels and repeat that 3 times.

there is no place like home.gif
They are definitely unhinged though. It's as if they see their dream of a communist Utopia taking a hit every time Trump wins. It has to be frustrating for some who want to profit off of the loss of the U.S Middle Class.

Oh, and the "go back to Mother Russia" and "you're a Russian Bot" bs gets old quick. Worse, they dare call me a Russian as they push hardcore socialism.

Honestly, it's like living in another dimension. Some of the followers of socialism in 2018 are kooks, even moreso than their incarnation 30 years ago.
Actually, this: View attachment 202463 and this: View attachment 202464 and this:
is what droves look like.

Which proves what exactly, Bodecea? That liberals LOVE to protest and don't seem to have anything else going on in their lives that would keep them from attending one? Conservatives are usually the poor people who's cars are blocked by you idiots on the way to work!

Bottom line? The only "droves" that count are the ones who turn out to vote. Conservatives turn out...even in mid term elections. Democrats? Not so much...
I love how you have been groomed to believe that those who make the effort to go out in the streets to protest won't bother to vote. :71:

I'm a history major, Bodecea...I go by what's happened in the past. Historically Democrats don't turn out to vote in mid term elections. That's not the "slant" that I'm putting on history...it's simply history. What's going on right now with these protests is a rather desperate attempt by leaders of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party to save what they've finally realized ISN'T going to be a wave in their favor and might actually go the other way! I think they've made a major miscalculation on what the feelings of the American public are about immigration and border security. In an effort to gin up their base...I think they're alienating swing voters. I could be wrong...but I don't think I am!

Trump and Republicans are the ones who overplayed their hand. The American people support DACA, a path to citizenship and do not support a wall. Republicans are alienating swing voters especially in suburban districts.
  • Only 25% think it is even somewhat likely that the federal government will secure the border and prevent illegal immigration with new immigration legislation; 65% consider it unlikely.
  • Only 18% think illegal aliens should be given immediate amnesty; 62% believe legalization should occur only after the border is secured, and 19% are unsure.
  • 40% favor the immigration bill passed by the Senate (S.744); 40% oppose it, and 20% are undecided. Support was down from 53% just one month earlier.
  • 29% think the House should pass Senate bill. 44% think that the House should review the Senate bill piece by piece. 27% are undecided.
  • Only 28% believe "comprehensive" immigration reform will pass Congress and be signed by the President this year.
  • 55% of American adults oppose "providing free public education benefits to children of immigrants who are in the United States illegally" (PDK/Gallup, August 2013).
  • 56% of American adults want the border secure before any type of amnesty is granted to illegal aliens. Only 37% want amnesty before border security (CBS News, July 2013).
  • 31% of illegal aliens surveyed identified themselves as Democrats; 4% as Republicans. In addition, 23% of illegal aliens lean toward the Democratic Party while 15% lean toward the Republican Party (Pew Hispanic Center, July 2013).
  • When told that the Senate immigration bill (S.744) would only decrease illegal immigration up to 50% of its current rate, according to the Congressional Budget Office, only 39% of U.S. likely voters supported the bill (Rasmussen, July 2013).
  • 80% of American adults support "stricter border control to try to reduce illegal immigration." This includes 93% Republicans, 76% Democrats, 83% Independents, 74% Blacks, 61% Hispanics, and 75% of 18-39 year olds (ABC News/Washington Post, April 2013).
Time to join the Libertarian or Freedom parties. Vacate the Socialist bastion of hate calling itself Democrats.
According to an article last Thursday in the Epoch Times, some five million people on Facebook and YouTube have seen the groundbreaking video showing a “very handsome gay man” who describes his awakening to the inanities of liberalism and the Democratic Party.

“Once upon a time, I was a liberal. Well, to be honest, less than a year ago, I was still a liberal,” begins Brandon Straka, the unlikely face of the new “silent minority” of Americans.

“I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth,” he says. “I reject hate.”

“These are the reasons why I became a liberal. And these are the same reasons why I am now walking away.”
#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves
View attachment 202445 doesn't look like they are walking away.

Gay rights Parade in Washington D.C. in 2009... Might want to get some new material bodecea

Gay Rights March in Washington
Keep in mind there is no third party except for Crazy Bernie, who moved to democrat. The entire government unfortunately is setup for 2 parties. But it is great now because one is a racist, anti-White, retarded party called the democrats, and the other is a wishy-washy party afraid to call a spade a spade but has a half dozen great American citizens on it along with our incredible President. Do the math. Republican all the way!

Republicans need to go the way of the Whigs. It is the party of white supremacists along with the Chief white supremacist Trump.

Your racist Bull Shit doesn't seem to work as well as it used to...

It's plain to see the vast majority of Racist are on the left.

Corey Stewart is a Republican. David Duke is a Republican to name a couple.

I will tell you what you uninformed Dumb Ass.

David Duke can’t hold a candle to louis Farrakhan.

Trump didn’t hang out with Duke, but obongo

did hang with farrakhan and many other RACIST’s.

We all know the vast majority of RACISM is on the left….

And we all know you don’t have the GUTS to call it out,

In fact you defend it…..

I will bet you any amount of money you care to lose

that for every prominent Racist you can name on the Right I

can name more on the left….

Let’s see you put your money where your mouth is at ass wipe..

This reminds me of "PUMA".

Don't you guys remember? Back in 2008, every conservative on the internet was feverishly counting on all of Hillary's supporters to either stay home, or vote for McCain. The internet told them it was true, and so they believed it.

I suspect this will turn out the same way.
You are absolutely clueless.
Keep in mind there is no third party except for Crazy Bernie, who moved to democrat. The entire government unfortunately is setup for 2 parties. But it is great now because one is a racist, anti-White, retarded party called the democrats, and the other is a wishy-washy party afraid to call a spade a spade but has a half dozen great American citizens on it along with our incredible President. Do the math. Republican all the way!

Republicans need to go the way of the Whigs. It is the party of white supremacists along with the Chief white supremacist Trump.

Your racist Bull Shit doesn't seem to work as well as it used to...

It's plain to see the vast majority of Racist are on the left.

Corey Stewart is a Republican. David Duke is a Republican to name a couple.

I will tell you what you uninformed Dumb Ass.

David Duke can’t hold a candle to louis Farrakhan.

Trump didn’t hang out with Duke, but obongo

did hang with farrakhan and many other RACIST’s.

We all know the vast majority of RACISM is on the left….

And we all know you don’t have the GUTS to call it out,

In fact you defend it…..

I will bet you any amount of money you care to lose

that for every prominent Racist you can name on the Right I

can name more on the left….

Let’s see you put your money where your mouth is at ass wipe..

I don't really think you can.
Keep in mind there is no third party except for Crazy Bernie, who moved to democrat. The entire government unfortunately is setup for 2 parties. But it is great now because one is a racist, anti-White, retarded party called the democrats, and the other is a wishy-washy party afraid to call a spade a spade but has a half dozen great American citizens on it along with our incredible President. Do the math. Republican all the way!

Republicans need to go the way of the Whigs. It is the party of white supremacists along with the Chief white supremacist Trump.

Your racist Bull Shit doesn't seem to work as well as it used to...

It's plain to see the vast majority of Racist are on the left.

Corey Stewart is a Republican. David Duke is a Republican to name a couple.

I will tell you what you uninformed Dumb Ass.

David Duke can’t hold a candle to louis Farrakhan.

Trump didn’t hang out with Duke, but obongo

did hang with farrakhan and many other RACIST’s.

We all know the vast majority of RACISM is on the left….

And we all know you don’t have the GUTS to call it out,

In fact you defend it…..

I will bet you any amount of money you care to lose

that for every prominent Racist you can name on the Right I

can name more on the left….

Let’s see you put your money where your mouth is at ass wipe..

I don't really think you can.

Well lets do it Dumb Ass....

What would you like to wager?
Are we supposed to accept gutter scum as an alternative?
That tripe is what they are walking away from.

Look at the human waste currently in power: trump, his adult children, pigpence, pruitt, devos, azar, sanders, sessions, haley, etc. They even sent that trashy, foul-mouthed jeffress over to speak at the embassy. All scum of the worst sort.
You've proven your opinion is without value.
Republicans need to go the way of the Whigs. It is the party of white supremacists along with the Chief white supremacist Trump.

Your racist Bull Shit doesn't seem to work as well as it used to...

It's plain to see the vast majority of Racist are on the left.

Corey Stewart is a Republican. David Duke is a Republican to name a couple.

I will tell you what you uninformed Dumb Ass.

David Duke can’t hold a candle to louis Farrakhan.

Trump didn’t hang out with Duke, but obongo

did hang with farrakhan and many other RACIST’s.

We all know the vast majority of RACISM is on the left….

And we all know you don’t have the GUTS to call it out,

In fact you defend it…..

I will bet you any amount of money you care to lose

that for every prominent Racist you can name on the Right I

can name more on the left….

Let’s see you put your money where your mouth is at ass wipe..

I don't really think you can.

Well lets do it Dumb Ass....

What would you like to wager?

What are you waiting for?
Are we supposed to accept gutter scum as an alternative?
That tripe is what they are walking away from.

Look at the human waste currently in power: trump, his adult children, pigpence, pruitt, devos, azar, sanders, sessions, haley, etc. They even sent that trashy, foul-mouthed jeffress over to speak at the embassy. All scum of the worst sort.
You've proven your opinion is without value.

Because you cannot mount a coherent defense of these low-quality people?
Just the thought of socialism makes my stomach churn.

If America goes down that road, it's all over for liberty. That's not hyperbole. Don't ever fall for "free" as a motivating factor to vote in this manner...ever...
the right wing "falls for free tax cuts", every time.
They are definitely unhinged though. It's as if they see their dream of a communist Utopia taking a hit every time Trump wins. It has to be frustrating for some who want to profit off of the loss of the U.S Middle Class.

Oh, and the "go back to Mother Russia" and "you're a Russian Bot" bs gets old quick. Worse, they dare call me a Russian as they push hardcore socialism.

Honestly, it's like living in another dimension. Some of the followers of socialism in 2018 are kooks, even moreso than their incarnation 30 years ago.
Hard core socialism or hard core hypocrisy from the right wing.
Why "walk away" when the only alternative if the republican shit party?
I split-vote my ticket like many in the Rust Belt and middle blue ranks. I'll stop doing that when my party regains sanity and stops forcing its deviant sex filth on children in the streets and in their schools.

Pretty much the long and the short of the issue. That platform is SO INSANE that all the other good dem platforms I have to reluctantly reject in order to regain the most important concept: safety of children from sex perverts. There is no other issue so fastened to the bone marrow of normal decent (middle voting) adults than the immediate safety of children from perverts.

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