#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters
The 'Walkaway' movement.....Lefties abandoning liberalism.

#WalkAway Movement to Abandon Liberalism Goes Viral | Breitbart

Go ahead leftie, neo-Marxists trash my link but you won't be able to ignore this movement.

“Once upon a time, I was a liberal. Well, to be honest, less than a year ago, I was still a liberal,” begins Brandon Straka, the unlikely face of the new “silent minority” of Americans.

"It is enough to search for the hashtag #WalkAway on Twitter or Facebook to see how the campaign has taken on like wildfire, spawning an entire cottage industry of personal testimonials and “conversion” stories of how people woke up to the false promises of liberalism."

"And yet, according to Straka, this is “so much more than a hashtag on Twitter.”

“This is a testimonial campaign, a grassroots movement that is going to change the political landscape of this country.”
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Time to join the Libertarian or Freedom parties. Vacate the Socialist bastion of hate calling itself Democrats.
According to an article last Thursday in the Epoch Times, some five million people on Facebook and YouTube have seen the groundbreaking video showing a “very handsome gay man” who describes his awakening to the inanities of liberalism and the Democratic Party.

“Once upon a time, I was a liberal. Well, to be honest, less than a year ago, I was still a liberal,” begins Brandon Straka, the unlikely face of the new “silent minority” of Americans.

“I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth,” he says. “I reject hate.”

“These are the reasons why I became a liberal. And these are the same reasons why I am now walking away.”
#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves
Like the right wing cares more.
The Obama mandate for boys in girls' bathrooms at school was the straw that broke this camel's back.

There have been millions of wild sex orgies between those boys and the girls in those bathrooms, correct????

I mean, if THAT is what got your goat, there must be tons of scandals, isn't it so?
More like Americans abandoning leftism.

Who can find a fault. An American is an enemy of the leftists #1. Always putting illegals, criminals and taxing Americans first.
The Obama mandate for boys in girls' bathrooms at school was the straw that broke this camel's back.

There have been millions of wild sex orgies between those boys and the girls in those bathrooms, correct????

I mean, if THAT is what got your goat, there must be tons of scandals, isn't it so?

I think that would be a huge concern for any normal parent who has a daughter in school.
Keep in mind there is no third party except for Crazy Bernie, who moved to democrat. The entire government unfortunately is setup for 2 parties. But it is great now because one is a racist, anti-White, retarded party called the democrats, and the other is a wishy-washy party afraid to call a spade a spade but has a half dozen great American citizens on it along with our incredible President. Do the math. Republican all the way!

Republicans need to go the way of the Whigs. It is the party of white supremacists along with the Chief white supremacist Trump.

Your racist Bull Shit doesn't seem to work as well as it used to...

It's plain to see the vast majority of Racist are on the left.

Corey Stewart is a Republican. David Duke is a Republican to name a couple.

This reminds me of "PUMA".

Don't you guys remember? Back in 2008, every conservative on the internet was feverishly counting on all of Hillary's supporters to either stay home, or vote for McCain. The internet told them it was true, and so they believed it.

I suspect this will turn out the same way.

Trump wasn't a guaranteed loser candidate like those that ran against Obama. * years of that loser, following two years of Democratic control of both the House and Senate wherein the Democrats could write their own ticket and chose to do nothing, and your Party can only win in heavily racist and low information districts now.

We know for certain your beloved Party isn't going to gain much at all even in these mid-terms, and Trump will go on to appoint two more Justices to the SC.


I encourage you to count your chickens.

Already have, and they're hatching just fine. Dem will not have any gains in the Senate, and if they're lucky they might gain at most 4 in the House, depending on how well the Socialist indies split the votes in some key districts.

If you believe that, you are a fool. Democrats will likely gain control of the House. The Senate is wide open and could go either way.
For sure, walking away is a start. But it may be too slow. Just think about what happened to slaves that tried to walk away from their democrat plantation masters.


Perhaps instead of walking, we should be encouraging people to run away. Even better take the Trump train away. It has no breaks, reverse gear and triumphs at lightning speed. No leftist bullshit allowed on board.
Actually, this: View attachment 202463 and this: View attachment 202464 and this:
is what droves look like.

Which proves what exactly, Bodecea? That liberals LOVE to protest and don't seem to have anything else going on in their lives that would keep them from attending one? Conservatives are usually the poor people who's cars are blocked by you idiots on the way to work!

Bottom line? The only "droves" that count are the ones who turn out to vote. Conservatives turn out...even in mid term elections. Democrats? Not so much...
I love how you have been groomed to believe that those who make the effort to go out in the streets to protest won't bother to vote. :71:

I'm a history major, Bodecea...I go by what's happened in the past. Historically Democrats don't turn out to vote in mid term elections. That's not the "slant" that I'm putting on history...it's simply history. What's going on right now with these protests is a rather desperate attempt by leaders of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party to save what they've finally realized ISN'T going to be a wave in their favor and might actually go the other way! I think they've made a major miscalculation on what the feelings of the American public are about immigration and border security. In an effort to gin up their base...I think they're alienating swing voters. I could be wrong...but I don't think I am!

Trump and Republicans are the ones who overplayed their hand. The American people support DACA, a path to citizenship and do not support a wall. Republicans are alienating swing voters especially in suburban districts.
Republicans need to go the way of the Whigs. It is the party of white supremacists along with the Chief white supremacist Trump.
For a so-called "white supremacist", Trump sure is getting a lot of Hispanic support lately.

Trump Approval With Hispanics is Surging


If you believe that, you are a fool. That is right. You are a fool.
Actually, this: View attachment 202463 and this: View attachment 202464 and this:
is what droves look like.

Which proves what exactly, Bodecea? That liberals LOVE to protest and don't seem to have anything else going on in their lives that would keep them from attending one? Conservatives are usually the poor people who's cars are blocked by you idiots on the way to work!

Bottom line? The only "droves" that count are the ones who turn out to vote. Conservatives turn out...even in mid term elections. Democrats? Not so much...
I love how you have been groomed to believe that those who make the effort to go out in the streets to protest won't bother to vote. :71:

I'm a history major, Bodecea...I go by what's happened in the past. Historically Democrats don't turn out to vote in mid term elections. That's not the "slant" that I'm putting on history...it's simply history. What's going on right now with these protests is a rather desperate attempt by leaders of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party to save what they've finally realized ISN'T going to be a wave in their favor and might actually go the other way! I think they've made a major miscalculation on what the feelings of the American public are about immigration and border security. In an effort to gin up their base...I think they're alienating swing voters. I could be wrong...but I don't think I am!

Trump and Republicans are the ones who overplayed their hand. The American people support DACA, a path to citizenship and do not support a wall. Republicans are alienating swing voters especially in suburban districts.

That is if you believe leftist polls. I would be willing to bet that if you asked 10 Americans what DACA is, only one out of ten would be able to tell you.

As for alienating the public, just look to Mad Max and her promotion of harassing people and supporters of the Trump administration.

Abolishing ICE Isn't Very Popular (Yet) | HuffPost
For sure, walking away is a start. But it may be too slow. Just think about what happened to slaves that tried to walk away from their democrat plantation masters.


Perhaps instead of walking, we should be encouraging people to run away. Even better take the Trump train away. It has no breaks, reverse gear and triumphs at lightning speed. No leftist bullshit allowed on board.

If away from anything I'd advise Democrats to run not walk in the opposite direction of fringe/far Left ideologies. Mainstreaming/mainlining the neo-Marxist handbook is going to get this country locked down the hard way. They want to remain Democrats, it's all good, just please let go of the radicalized commie wannabe trouble maker saboteurs before your party crosses point of no return.
Good point. Actually liberated Blacks have been walking away from the democrat political plantation for years since crazy lefties were cursing at Justice Thomas. That's why democrats need open borders
I like the poll. Its the first one that I couldn't make up my mind how to vote.

The ambivalence comes from the fact that I am not now, nor ever have been, nor ever will be---a Dumb-Ass Democrat.

Now, as a Republican, if I had a nightmare, and dreamed I was a Democrat, and woke up terrified---naturally, I would RUN.

But, to consider how a Democrat might think is to try to think like you have a 70 I.Q.---which Republicans can't do.

So, I didn't vote---but I thank you for stimulating my imagine.
The 'Walkaway' movement.....Lefties abandoning liberalism.

#WalkAway Movement to Abandon Liberalism Goes Viral | Breitbart

Go ahead leftie, neo-Marxists trash my link but you won't be able to ignore this movement.

“Once upon a time, I was a liberal. Well, to be honest, less than a year ago, I was still a liberal,” begins Brandon Straka, the unlikely face of the new “silent minority” of Americans.

"It is enough to search for the hashtag #WalkAway on Twitter or Facebook to see how the campaign has taken on like wildfire, spawning an entire cottage industry of personal testimonials and “conversion” stories of how people woke up to the false promises of liberalism."

"And yet, according to Straka, this is “so much more than a hashtag on Twitter.”

“This is a testimonial campaign, a grassroots movement that is going to change the political landscape of this country.”

Saw that guy on Laura Ingraham's show tonight. Pretty gutsy guy.
For sure, walking away is a start. But it may be too slow. Just think about what happened to slaves that tried to walk away from their democrat plantation masters.


Perhaps instead of walking, we should be encouraging people to run away. Even better take the Trump train away. It has no breaks, reverse gear and triumphs at lightning speed. No leftist bullshit allowed on board.

Good point.
Actually, this: View attachment 202463 and this: View attachment 202464 and this:
is what droves look like.

Which proves what exactly, Bodecea? That liberals LOVE to protest and don't seem to have anything else going on in their lives that would keep them from attending one? Conservatives are usually the poor people who's cars are blocked by you idiots on the way to work!

Bottom line? The only "droves" that count are the ones who turn out to vote. Conservatives turn out...even in mid term elections. Democrats? Not so much...
I love how you have been groomed to believe that those who make the effort to go out in the streets to protest won't bother to vote. :71:

I'm a history major, Bodecea...I go by what's happened in the past. Historically Democrats don't turn out to vote in mid term elections. That's not the "slant" that I'm putting on history...it's simply history. What's going on right now with these protests is a rather desperate attempt by leaders of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party to save what they've finally realized ISN'T going to be a wave in their favor and might actually go the other way! I think they've made a major miscalculation on what the feelings of the American public are about immigration and border security. In an effort to gin up their base...I think they're alienating swing voters. I could be wrong...but I don't think I am!

Trump and Republicans are the ones who overplayed their hand. The American people support DACA, a path to citizenship and do not support a wall. Republicans are alienating swing voters especially in suburban districts.

I beg to differ...the majority of Americans support enforcing our immigration laws and securing the border. Once that's done they are also amenable to working out a path to citizenship. What they are NOT in favor of is open borders and the elimination of ICE.

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