#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters
More than anything else, the Democratic Party's 'War on White Males' is gonna come back to haunt em. Quietly, many White Democrat males are feeling like they're being targeted and ostracized. Democrats feel their War is a winning strategy, but i think it's gonna backfire on them bigtime. Many will leave the Party and join the GOP. There very-well could be a coming quiet mass exodus.
I split-vote my ticket like many in the Rust Belt and middle blue ranks. I'll stop doing that when my party regains sanity and stops forcing its deviant sex filth on children in the streets and in their schools.

Pretty much the long and the short of the issue. That platform is SO INSANE that all the other good dem platforms I have to reluctantly reject in order to regain the most important concept: safety of children from sex perverts. There is no other issue so fastened to the bone marrow of normal decent (middle voting) adults than the immediate safety of children from perverts.

Sigh, again, Sil is like the vegetarian who can't stop talking about steak.

Even the GOP has realized that homophobia is a loser issue for them.
More than anything else, the Democratic Party's 'War on White Males' is gonna come back to haunt em. Quietly, many White Democrat males are feeling like they're being targeted and ostracized. Democrats feel that it's a winning strategy, but i think it's gonna backfire on them bigtime. Many will leave the Party and join the GOP. There very-well could be a coming quiet mass exodus.

Meh, the only people who feel "Ostracized" are the white trash losers who aren't getting the good jobs their daddies had and are too stupid to realize why.

Well, ignore it at own your own peril. But the Democrat 'War on White Males' really could come back to haunt the Party.
Well, ignore it at own your own peril. But the Democrat 'War on White Males' really could come back to haunt the Party.

Here's the underlying problem with that.

Trump actually did LESS well with White people than Romney did.

Romney got 59% of the White vote, Trump only got 58%. And frankly, that number has been pretty consistent since the 1970's.

The real question is, how much time and effort should the Democratic Party spend getting people to not vote against their own economic interests?

I am personally mystified that ANYONE still vote republican after 2008, and all us white males ended up with underwater mortgages and busted 401K's...
More than anything else, the Democratic Party's 'War on White Males' is gonna come back to haunt em. Quietly, many White Democrat males are feeling like they're being targeted and ostracized. Democrats feel their War is a winning strategy, but i think it's gonna backfire on them bigtime. Many will leave the Party and join the GOP. There very-well could be a coming quiet mass exodus.

Look at it from our point of view:

Vote for me, a Democrat.


Because if you elect me, I will make your race a minority in this country for the first time in our history.

Why would I vote for you then?

I think this is only the beginning. It's going to catch like wildfire unless the Democrats abandon their virtual open border and amnesty policies.
Young white Americans are fleeing the Democrat Party en masse following the election of President Donald Trump in 2016, a new poll reveals.

Reuters Poll: Young White Americans Flee Democrat Party in Droves Since Trump’s Election

Oh but the leftist won't want to hear that. You mean some still have a brain left along with self logic. At least some of then are leaving their cancer virus cults.

Time to join the Libertarian or Freedom parties. Vacate the Socialist bastion of hate calling itself Democrats.

Reality Check.

Some of Trump’s Biggest Donors Are Profiting Big-Time on Immigration Detention Centers

And according to a trio of state polls released by NBC News and Marist College, these independent voters are breaking away from the president and the Republican Party.

In Arizona’s poll — which shows Democrat Kyrsten Sinema ahead of her possible GOP opponents by double digits – Sinema leads Republican Martha McSally by 17 points among independent voters, 49 percent to 32 percent.

In Ohio – where Democrat Sherrod Brown is up 13 points — the Democratic senator enjoys a whopping 21-point lead over Republican Jim Renacci among indies, 51 percent to 30 percent.

And in Florida — where Democrat Bill Nelson is ahead by just 4 points (which is within the poll’s margin of error – the Democrat’s lead over Republican Rick Scott among independents is 9 points, 50 percent to 41 percent.

So who profited during the barry era?
I sense a quiet mass exodus brewing. The more extreme the Democrats go, the more likely a mass exodus is gonna happen.
Time to join the Libertarian or Freedom parties. Vacate the Socialist bastion of hate calling itself Democrats.
According to an article last Thursday in the Epoch Times, some five million people on Facebook and YouTube have seen the groundbreaking video showing a “very handsome gay man” who describes his awakening to the inanities of liberalism and the Democratic Party.

“Once upon a time, I was a liberal. Well, to be honest, less than a year ago, I was still a liberal,” begins Brandon Straka, the unlikely face of the new “silent minority” of Americans.

“I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth,” he says. “I reject hate.”

“These are the reasons why I became a liberal. And these are the same reasons why I am now walking away.”
#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves
Here are the top 10 hashtags used by a Russian bots in the last 24 hours, according to researchers:
Why do you use a Russian site for your source?

GMF is an American think tank. Not Russian.
GMF is an American think tank. Not Russian.
GMF stands for German Marshall Fund, Dufus. And the person heading it up right now is an Obamamite ass kisser.

So it's a Kenyan think tank...
how does one walk away from the demo party?
I registered as "democrat"----almost 50 years ago-------but I just VOTE randomly (virtually
mindlessly) ------which way do I walk?
Toward the light! Always toward the light.
Actually, this: View attachment 202463 and this: View attachment 202464 and this:
is what droves look like.

Which proves what exactly, Bodecea? That liberals LOVE to protest and don't seem to have anything else going on in their lives that would keep them from attending one? Conservatives are usually the poor people who's cars are blocked by you idiots on the way to work!

Bottom line? The only "droves" that count are the ones who turn out to vote. Conservatives turn out...even in mid term elections. Democrats? Not so much...
I love how you have been groomed to believe that those who make the effort to go out in the streets to protest won't bother to vote. :71:

I'm a history major, Bodecea...I go by what's happened in the past. Historically Democrats don't turn out to vote in mid term elections. That's not the "slant" that I'm putting on history...it's simply history. What's going on right now with these protests is a rather desperate attempt by leaders of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party to save what they've finally realized ISN'T going to be a wave in their favor and might actually go the other way! I think they've made a major miscalculation on what the feelings of the American public are about immigration and border security. In an effort to gin up their base...I think they're alienating swing voters. I could be wrong...but I don't think I am!

Trump and Republicans are the ones who overplayed their hand. The American people support DACA, a path to citizenship and do not support a wall. Republicans are alienating swing voters especially in suburban districts.

LOL....Trump was elected to stop illegals.
More than anything else, the Democratic Party's 'War on White Males' is gonna come back to haunt em. Quietly, many White Democrat males are feeling like they're being targeted and ostracized. Democrats feel their War is a winning strategy, but i think it's gonna backfire on them bigtime. Many will leave the Party and join the GOP. There very-well could be a coming quiet mass exodus.

Look at it from our point of view:

Vote for me, a Democrat.


Because if you elect me, I will make your race a minority in this country for the first time in our history.

Why would I vote for you then?

I think this is only the beginning. It's going to catch like wildfire unless the Democrats abandon their virtual open border and amnesty policies.
They should focus on a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed.

Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment affects everyone, naturally.
More than anything else, the Democratic Party's 'War on White Males' is gonna come back to haunt em. Quietly, many White Democrat males are feeling like they're being targeted and ostracized. Democrats feel their War is a winning strategy, but i think it's gonna backfire on them bigtime. Many will leave the Party and join the GOP. There very-well could be a coming quiet mass exodus.

Look at it from our point of view:

Vote for me, a Democrat.


Because if you elect me, I will make your race a minority in this country for the first time in our history.

Why would I vote for you then?

I think this is only the beginning. It's going to catch like wildfire unless the Democrats abandon their virtual open border and amnesty policies.
They should focus on a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed.

Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment affects everyone, naturally.

Haha...some things never change.
danielpalos says: “They should focus on giving more free shit and stealing more from America’s Best.”
Are we supposed to accept gutter scum as an alternative?
That tripe is what they are walking away from.

Look at the human waste currently in power: trump, his adult children, pigpence, pruitt, devos, azar, sanders, sessions, haley, etc. They even sent that trashy, foul-mouthed jeffress over to speak at the embassy. All scum of the worst sort.
You've proven your opinion is without value.

Because you cannot mount a coherent defense of these low-quality people?
Dude spouting insults and name calling is not an offense that needs a defense, though it is offensive.
Because if you elect me, I will make your race a minority in this country for the first time in our history.

Why would I vote for you then?

Why is that a big deal to you.

An America where whites are a minority kind of works the same way if you are the majority... if you aren't part of the One Percent, they will still screw you.

This is where you are kind of dumb, buddy. You sit their in your slum with your crappy job where you can't get health insurance, and somehow think you got it better because you are "White".
I sense a quiet mass exodus brewing. The more extreme the Democrats go, the more likely a mass exodus is gonna happen.

Except in the last week, the Dem advantage on the Generic Ballot increased from 5.7 to 7.3. It would be higher if they didn't insist on keeping Ratmufffin in there with his ridiculous numbers.

Trump has no path to the White House.....

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