#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters
Ray From Cleveland, post: 20304403
His decision to pull out was right before reelection. He needed to keep at least a few of his promises, even if it meant letting all our work go to hell.

The date was set by Bush. The Iraqi government insisted the Bush deadline be met. The US election process had absolutely nothing to do with it. Iraqi politics had everything to do with it as well as Bush’s deadline.

The only reason you on the left bring up the Bush deadline is because DumBama pulling our troops out was a complete failure. No President has to honor the deals of a previous President. That's how we got out of the phony Iran deal. That's how we got out of the job killing Paris Accord. If pulling our troops out was a success, you on the left would have never given Bush any credit.
protectionist, post: 20304313
he [Obama] colluded with al Baghdad

That is an outright racist motivated lie. You are sick, demented.
It is NOT a lie, it has nothing to do with race (Mr Race Card), and it has plenty of evidence to back it.

1. Obama pulled US troops out of Iraq, opening up the vacuum for ISIS to move right into. (and allowing thousands of US military deaths- liberating Iraqi cities - to go unsupported)

2. Obama ALLOWED ISIS convoys to move unattacked (except for occasional "pinpricks") on Syrian & Iraqi desert roads - wide open, no tree cover, sitting ducks for air attacks.

3. There is no F'n way that al Baghdai would have sent those convoys out on those open roads, without an assurance from Obama that they wouldn't be attacked. No F'n way, period.

4. Obama was OK with the ISIS Trojan horse. Of course, he's one of them. Just like he ALLOWED Nidal Hasan to remain in Fort Hood right up to the November 2009 massacre.
MarathonMike, post: 20304408
#Walkaway is best thing that has happened to the Democratic Party in 50 years. It's to wake up DEMs you've lost your message and you are losing your support.

Bs. Women are staying and moving toward Democrats in droves. And Trumpo is motivating them to vote.

“A new Quinnipiac University poll found that 58% of women would vote for a Democratic candidate if elections were held today. That number is only 42% for men. Meanwhile, 50% of men would support a Republican candidate, while that number is just 33% for womien.

While these figures illustrate an ideological divide of the sexes, the poll on the whole found that 50% of American voters say they would vote for a Democratic candidate, and 41% a Republican. The poll suggests that Democratic candidates will also see support from independent voters, 49-35%. The trend toward Democratic candidates can likely be attributed to an overall 78% disapproval rating of the way Congress is “handling its job.””

The Ideological Divide Of The Sexes Is Growing: More Women Support Democratic Candidates Than Men

Read it and weep, Trumporoid.
“The Islamic State was born out of the ashes of Al Qaeda in Iraq, which was crippled by the time Mr. Obama withdrew American forces from Iraq at the end of 2011.”

Your timeline is way off.
The Islamic State was born out of the ashes of Al Qaeda in Iraq, which was crippled by the time Mr. Obama withdrew American forces from Iraq at the end of 2011. The civil war that erupted in neighboring Syria pitting President Bashar al-Assad against a variety of rebel organizations provided a haven for the Qaeda affiliate to reconstitute itself with an influx of foreign fighters.

Many Missteps in Assessment of ISIS Threat

US Troops were out of Iraq in accordance with Bush’s withdrawal date that sovereign Iraq held fast. But your lie is exposed by the fact ttat US troops were out of Iraq before ISiS was visible as a threat to worldwide intelligence services.

What kind of sick mind would charge that Obama pulled US trooos out of Iraq in collusion with Al Baghdadi as if there was no other reason to pull the trooos out such as Iraq wanting them out by the date that Bush set in stone.
Timeline is perfectly accurate. I have posted the timeline here in USMB in the past , an a timeline is really a moot point. Whether a group calling itself ISIS, or IS, or ISIL or whatever hardly matter. There has never been a day since 1999, when there hasn't been a major threat of jihad in Iraq.

It is also rather moot whether Obama colluded with al Baghdadi, as is obvious, to if he was guilty of massive mismanagement of the office of US president as shown by the event that unfolded. Either way the dude was a disaster to all the US troops who died to liberate Iraqi cities, to the Iraqis who died from ISIS and it's build-up forces, and to the American people, especially with his OK of Muslim immigration from the middle east.

The Bush policy did not have to be enacted. Obama's follow trough was consistent with all his other collusion activities.

Lastly, you ought to know better than to present a link from the low credibility New York laughingstock Times, as "evidence' of anything. The Times has been a journalism clown, ever since the National Enquirer made mincement of them, in the infamous Times/Enquirer battle in the late 70s.
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3. There is no F'n way that al Baghdai would have sent those convoys out on those open roads, without an assurance from Obama that they wouldn't be attacked. No F'n way, period.

You are such a liar.

I’ve asked a million times for evidence that ISIS took over Iraq via open road convoys.

Produce it or be a liar.

ISIS achieved their foothold in Iraq in Fallujah.where they infiltrated resident fighters against the Maliki misrule, representing themselves as Al Qaeda. They came in as individuals. They did not roll in as an Army blitzkrieging on open roads from Syria.

If that is not true, show me something. Your word is worthless
Perhaps it would be good for us to be exposed to your 'quiz'. IMHO there are many parallels to be draw between US 'progressivization' and Islamization...
Your opinion need not be so humble. It appears to be a very insightful opinion. Anyone who wants to see the quiz, can see it. Usually when I present it to leftists, they run and hide. Of the few who have taken it, none have ever gotten a higher grade than 10%. Most got zero.

They have no idea how much they don't know, because they only listen to liberal OMISSION media (CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc) which withholds mountains of information from them. They are the most information deprived people in America.
protectionist, post: 20304429,
1. Obama pulled US troops out of Iraq,

Of course he did. Sovereign Iraq wanted them gone.

They just made the same demand this week

“"Parliament voted for a decision to thank friendly nations for their support in defeating Islamic State and at the same time to demand the government set a timeline for the withdrawal of foreign troops," lawmaker Husham al-Suhail told Reuters.”

Iraqi parliament demands timeline for foreign troop withdrawal

Does Iraq have the sovereign right to demand we get out or is it up to Trumpo to decide?
You are such a liar.

I’ve asked a million times for evidence that ISIS took over Iraq via open road convoys.

Produce it or be a liar.

ISIS achieved their foothold in Iraq in Fallujah.where they infiltrated resident fighters against the Maliki misrule, representing themselves as Al Qaeda. They came in as individuals. They did not roll in as an Army blitzkrieging on open roads from Syria.

If that is not true, show me something. Your word is worthless
As I've said, I HAVE produced it a number of times over the years, and with multiple links. I'll look it up an give you an education. Ho hum, You're just another know-nothing information derived leftist, as I just got through tellin Sabah about.

I might take me a little time to find my previous posts/links, but no problem, you'll get them. In the meantime, would you like to talk my Islamizaiton Quiz ? ...(as I also just mentioned), and find out how much you don't know.

As foe the "open roads" :puhleeze: LOL. Sure, we all know the convoys traveled through a tropical rain forest, right ?

EARTH TO NFBW: Everyone has seen the videos.

Whether a group calling itself ISIS, or IS, or ISIL or whatever hardly matter.

Your lie was specific. You said specifically that Obama colluded with Baghdadi prior to 2011 to pull US troops out of Iraq so Baghdadi could take over.

Are you now claiming Obama colluded with someone else but you don’t know who or what terrorists group our President colluded with.

If you don’t know then we know you are lying.
Your lie was specific. You said specifically that Obama colluded with Baghdadi prior to 2011 to pull US troops out of Iraq so Baghdadi could take over.

Are you now claiming Obama colluded with someone else but you don’t know who or what terrorists group our President colluded with.

If you don’t know then we know you are lying.
What kind if idiotic question is > "Are you now claiming Obama colluded with someone else.." ? You heard who I said Obama colluded with > al Baghdadi.

Why woud would I suddenly say different ? Are you mentally all intact ? I KNOW it was Baghdadi, and you ALREADY heard why. Stop pretending and stop calling me a liar, you jackass.
EARTH TO NFBW: Everyone has seen the videos.


Don’t worry about your quiz.

Worry about providing facts to back up your claim that Obama colluded with Baghdadi as the reason for withdrawing from Iraq.

So far you have only convinced me that you are a liar.

As for the photo. A facts based response would inducate the date of the photo and that these fighters were openly invading Fallujah or Mosul at a very early stage in the ISIS conquest of Sunni areas of Iraq.
I don't see the GW Bush Iraq war as something bad at all. The whole time it went on there was al Qaeda in Iraq, led by al Zarqawi, which later evolved into ISIS (the worst threat America has ever had)

If the Iraq war had not continued after 2011, with US troops in Iraq, stabilizing it, there would be no ISIS. Bush was proven right, and he warned that something like ISIS would happen, and it did.
protectionist, post: 20304519,
I KNOW it was Baghdadi, and you ALREADY heard why.

I have seen no reason or explanation as to why or how you know Obama colluded with Baghdadi in 2010 to withdraw Troops from Iraq by the end of 2011.

If you have evidence of such collusion let’s see it then.

I’m waiting.
Don’t worry about your quiz.

Worry about providing facts to back up your claim that Obama colluded with Baghdadi as the reason for withdrawing from Iraq.

So far you have only convinced me that you are a liar.

As for the photo. A facts based response would inducate the date of the photo and that these fighters were openly invading Fallujah or Mosul at a very early stage in the ISIS conquest of Sunni areas of Iraq.
I'm not worried about anything You're an idiot. As for the quiz, you can duck it. Most liberals do. :biggrin:

As for what you're convinced about, are you mentally unbalanced ? I have only just begun to talk with you on this subject. You may not get all the stuff you asked for until some time tomorrow, or the next day, if I bother to answer you at all. I'm not in a rush, Are you ?

One thing is for sure, if you go around calling people a liar, just because they don't immediately respond to your demands with 10 minutes, it just shows one thing. That you're an idiot.
I have seen no reason or explanation as to why or how you know Obama colluded with Baghdadi in 2010 to withdraw Troops from Iraq by the end of 2011.

If you have evidence of such collusion let’s see it then.

I’m waiting.
SHUT THE FUCK UP, ASSHOLE! I told you I'm going to go back a few years and dig out my old posts. Now, you will KEEP ON WAITING until MY TIME SCHEDULE (not yours) sees fit to post.

And the more MISinformtion you post, the dumber you'll look, when you finally get informed (even though you've already been informed of enough.
protectionist, post: 20304526
. Bush was proven right, and he warned that something like ISIS would happen, and it did.

Why did Bush in December 2008 set the removal date of US troops from Iraqi cities by July 2009 and from all of Iraq by the end of 2011?

Why do you blame Obama for what Bush set in stone with the Iraqis?
I have seen no reason or explanation as to why or how you know Obama colluded with Baghdadi in 2010 to withdraw Troops from Iraq by the end of 2011.
Whoa! I didn't say he colluded with Baghdadi in 2010 ( YOU SAID THAT) - don't go putting words in my mouth. You're on shaky enough ground here as it is (more like quicksand)
Why did Bush in December 2008 set the removal date of US troops from Iraqi cities by July 2009 and from all of Iraq by the end of 2011?

Why do you blame Obama for what Bush set in stone with the Iraqis?
You're posting too fast. I'm telling you now, I'm not going to move through this thread at YOUR PACE.

I've already interrupted my research and posting a few times, to accomodate your moronic fast pace. I'm going to post at MY PACE. If you can't handle that, tough!

Now I'm going back to my research - SLOWLY.
So far you have only convinced me that you are a liar.

As for the photo. A facts based response would inducate the date of the photo and that these fighters were openly invading Fallujah or Mosul at a very early stage in the ISIS conquest of Sunni areas of Iraq.

Saddam left office in April of 2003. He died in 2006. Al Qaeda in Iraq led by Zarqawi was active from 2003 (when Saddam left) up until 2010, despite a number of leader changes, when the group in 2010 began to morph in what we know know as ISIS. This study by CSIS (Center for Strategic & International Studies - Homeland Security & Counterterrorism Program Transnational Threats Project) can fill you in on the details. I suggest you read it, so as to not make any further fool out of yourself than you have already.


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