Walker and Clinton lead in 2016 polls for Presidential run

oh yeah, we have the youngster governor. they have the old lady career politician.

how sad is that? lol
oh yeah, we have the youngster governor. they have the old lady career politician.

how sad is that? lol

Sad indeed! You have a college dropout, education hating, union buster. Embarrassing.....

lol, well you have Union ass kissing commie white woman who rode to fame off her serial adulterer accused rapist coat tails. so you should talk EMBARASSING. You all kicked her to curb ONCE. talk about embarrassing. you democrat show that you have no loyalty or honor. talk about embarrassing
oh yeah, we have the youngster governor. they have the old lady career politician.

how sad is that? lol

Sad indeed! You have a college dropout, education hating, union buster. Embarrassing.....

lol, well you have Union ass kissing commie white woman who rode to fame off her serial adulterer accused rapist coat tails. so you should talk EMBARASSING. You all kicked her to curb ONCE. talk about embarrassing. you democrat show that you have no loyalty or honor. talk about embarrassing

I hope Walker wins the nomination. It will be sweet to see him crushed......I doubt he will even carry Wisconsin.
lol, they are going to run with that college dropout. I'm glad. the people kicked that so called Harvard professors party out with him in charge in only six years. so I'm sure the people are going to worry over someone who didn't go to college who is a successful governor of a state...

they crack me up
oh yeah, we have the youngster governor. they have the old lady career politician.

how sad is that? lol

Sad indeed! You have a college dropout, education hating, union buster. Embarrassing.....

lol, well you have Union ass kissing commie white woman who rode to fame off her serial adulterer accused rapist coat tails. so you should talk EMBARASSING. You all kicked her to curb ONCE. talk about embarrassing. you democrat show that you have no loyalty or honor. talk about embarrassing

I hope Walker wins the nomination. It will be sweet to see him crushed......I doubt he will even carry Wisconsin.
Maybe he will also select Palin for VP. I need some more laughs.
this the handiwork of the Democrat party and UNIONS. so elect Hillary so she can finish us off what Obama started. a tyrant militarized Government that is now running OVER YOU

Union pensions and repairing the deadbeat state
posted at 6:01 pm on February 12, 2015 by Jazz Shaw
Yesterday we mentioned the challenges which the new Governor of Illinois will face as he attempts to confront the unions in his state – particularly the public workers unions. Even the relatively mild move of preventing the state from extorting union dues from non-members will be faced with fierce opposition. But beyond that, the Land of Lincoln has much bigger problems – both short term and long term – which will require a fundamental transition in how the government keeps itself afloat. This editorial from the Washington Examiner is a good one and it explains how the crippling weight of union pensions are dragging the state underwater to the point where no amount of minor reforms will save them.
Thanks to years of poor and corrupt rule and an equally corrupt judicial branch, Illinois has become nearly ungovernable. Its revenues are now insufficient to cover its operating expenses, and so the state was forced last year to pay $7 billion in IOUs instead of cash to its vendors. Yet Illinois tax rates — ratcheted up in 2011 in a futile effort to end the state’s status as a deadbeat — are already so high that businesses are fleeing to neighboring Indiana and Wisconsin.

If the Prairie State’s short-term finances sound bad, its long-term situation is far worse. Thanks to years of over-generous concessions to the state’s public employee unions, Illinois’ pension and healthcare obligations have ballooned to $167 billion. Every landowner and business operator unfortunate enough to reside within Illinois stands to inherit a piece of this crushing debt — as Gerald Skoning recently noted in the Wall Street Journal, they are lucky this obligation does not show up on their credit reports. At this point, a state default — the first in more than 170 years — is very much on the cards. To make matters worse, the state’s extremely liberal supreme court has repeatedly struck down even modest legislative efforts by Democrats to ease the burden.

all of it here:
Union pensions and repairing the deadbeat state Hot Air
The Left wing Subversives are scared of Walker....I love watching them fall all over themselves as they try to denigrate him...Personally a lack of a college degree is a resume ENHANCEMENT..... Not BRAINWASHED by the subversive education system! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The left wing media declares jihad on Scott Walker

Flopping Aces ^
Well over a year ago I wrote a post titled The man democrats fear the most is already under attack by Obama. Walker has endured not one, but two secret "John Doe" probes into his campaign finances. Scurrilous democrats are utterly desperate to find something- anything- that can derail the Walker Express. They have been trolling for years unable to come with anything that will stick. It is so rife with desperation that the democrat Nazis were issuing subpoenas to Walker allies in an effort to squeeze them until a judge shut that down. Prosecutors in the John Doe investigation into...
The Left wing Subversives are scared of Walker....I love watching them fall all over themselves as they try to denigrate him...Personally a lack of a college degree is a resume ENHANCEMENT..... Not BRAINWASHED by the subversive education system! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The left wing media declares jihad on Scott Walker

Flopping Aces ^
Well over a year ago I wrote a post titled The man democrats fear the most is already under attack by Obama. Walker has endured not one, but two secret "John Doe" probes into his campaign finances. Scurrilous democrats are utterly desperate to find something- anything- that can derail the Walker Express. They have been trolling for years unable to come with anything that will stick. It is so rife with desperation that the democrat Nazis were issuing subpoenas to Walker allies in an effort to squeeze them until a judge shut that down. Prosecutors in the John Doe investigation into...

yep, and all they can dig up is he didn't finish college AND now they going for evolution. . as if people can eat that or find a job with it. they pulled that same shit on Mrs. palin. next we'll be hearing about tax returns. ads with Republicans pushing grandmas off the cliffs, how many cars he owns, etc. they've already went after Bush for the cost of a plate of food at some fundraiser. they are so DESPERATE AND STILL DIRTY AS HELL
The Left wing Subversives are scared of Walker....I love watching them fall all over themselves as they try to denigrate him...Personally a lack of a college degree is a resume ENHANCEMENT..... Not BRAINWASHED by the subversive education system! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The left wing media declares jihad on Scott Walker

Flopping Aces ^
Well over a year ago I wrote a post titled The man democrats fear the most is already under attack by Obama. Walker has endured not one, but two secret "John Doe" probes into his campaign finances. Scurrilous democrats are utterly desperate to find something- anything- that can derail the Walker Express. They have been trolling for years unable to come with anything that will stick. It is so rife with desperation that the democrat Nazis were issuing subpoenas to Walker allies in an effort to squeeze them until a judge shut that down. Prosecutors in the John Doe investigation into...

yep, and all they can dig up is he didn't finish college AND now they going for evolution. . as if people can eat that or find a job with it. they pulled that same shit on Mrs. palin. next we'll be hearing about tax returns. ads with Republicans pushing grandmas off the cliffs, how many cars he owns, etc. they've already went after Bush for the cost of a plate of food at some fundraiser. they are so DESPERATE AND STILL DIRTY AS HELL

And their candidate is FOREVER TIED to a lie!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

The Left wing Subversives are scared of Walker....I love watching them fall all over themselves as they try to denigrate him...Personally a lack of a college degree is a resume ENHANCEMENT..... Not BRAINWASHED by the subversive education system! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The left wing media declares jihad on Scott Walker

Flopping Aces ^
Well over a year ago I wrote a post titled The man democrats fear the most is already under attack by Obama. Walker has endured not one, but two secret "John Doe" probes into his campaign finances. Scurrilous democrats are utterly desperate to find something- anything- that can derail the Walker Express. They have been trolling for years unable to come with anything that will stick. It is so rife with desperation that the democrat Nazis were issuing subpoenas to Walker allies in an effort to squeeze them until a judge shut that down. Prosecutors in the John Doe investigation into...

yep, and all they can dig up is he didn't finish college AND now they going for evolution. . as if people can eat that or find a job with it. they pulled that same shit on Mrs. palin. next we'll be hearing about tax returns. ads with Republicans pushing grandmas off the cliffs, how many cars he owns, etc. they've already went after Bush for the cost of a plate of food at some fundraiser. they are so DESPERATE AND STILL DIRTY AS HELL

And their candidate is FOREVER TIED to a lie!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


oh but but, they don't care they LIE TO THEM. they are at least educated stinking liars. so it's ok
oh yeah, we have the youngster governor. they have the old lady career politician.

how sad is that? lol

Sad indeed! You have a college dropout, education hating, union buster. Embarrassing.....

lol, well you have Union ass kissing commie white woman who rode to fame off her serial adulterer accused rapist coat tails. so you should talk EMBARASSING. You all kicked her to curb ONCE. talk about embarrassing. you democrat show that you have no loyalty or honor. talk about embarrassing

I hope Walker wins the nomination. It will be sweet to see him crushed......I doubt he will even carry Wisconsin.

By who Clinton the one who lost the nomination to a nobody with no experience? :laugh:
oh yeah, we have the youngster governor. they have the old lady career politician.

how sad is that? lol

Sad indeed! You have a college dropout, education hating, union buster. Embarrassing.....
What a horror he is...Having saved all those teaching jobs for...gasp....teachers!

Public union busting is a positive thing in case you missed it.

Wait till he takes on the Hildebeast and her Bosnia bullets! Or Uncle Joe, and his pedophilia.... or who else they got....Fauxahontis?
oh yeah, we have the youngster governor. they have the old lady career politician.

how sad is that? lol

Sad indeed! You have a college dropout, education hating, union buster. Embarrassing.....

lol, well you have Union ass kissing commie white woman who rode to fame off her serial adulterer accused rapist coat tails. so you should talk EMBARASSING. You all kicked her to curb ONCE. talk about embarrassing. you democrat show that you have no loyalty or honor. talk about embarrassing

I hope Walker wins the nomination. It will be sweet to see him crushed......I doubt he will even carry Wisconsin.

By who Clinton the one who lost the nomination to a nobody with no experience? :laugh:

oh man, they don't want to hear that. but whoohoo good one. yep she lost to a nobody community agitator and they HELPED in doing it to her.
oh yeah, we have the youngster governor. they have the old lady career politician.

how sad is that? lol

Sad indeed! You have a college dropout, education hating, union buster. Embarrassing.....
A man who was elected three times to the governor's mansion, by more votes than the previous time. A man who can solve problems, balance budgets, and empower citizens.
You've got an old has been who has never achieved anythign and lies like a used car salesman.

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