Walker: I'd 'absolutely' nuke the filibuster to repeal Obamacare

Show where the "Nuke" by Harry Reid has been undone..

Why would they undo that? It only affected nominations, and under President Hillary, they'll all eventually get through anyways.

So in other words the far left even questioning this shows their hypocrisy.

Harry Reid plants a "Nuke" and the far left forgets all about it..

It is so cute to watch these far left drones believe they actually have a choice in their nominations.
Pretty amazing just how much the right LOVES tough authoritarians and takes such joy in them harming American citizens.

But the ultimate of amazing is they don't see who and what they are...

Look who in the hell is talking after we suffered under Obungles

No one is 'suffering' because of the Affordable Care Act...

The American healthcare system was a disgraceful mess before Obamacare, leaving growing numbers of people uncovered in a system of unchecked and runaway wasteful costs. Since Obamacare was passed the standard has changed and we are moving toward humane universal coverage, like every other advanced nation. And the costs and delivery systems are finally subject to at least the beginnings of a discussion about costs and results. Sanity and humanity prevailed, for once.

Now you may return to the endless river of disingenuous carping.
We're doing none of that. But you believe what you want.

REALLY? Go back and READ what you and people like Galt posted...teeth kicking, making people bleed from the ears, butt hurting

Says the far left drone that supported the Harry Reid "Nuke" option..
Pretty amazing just how much the right LOVES tough authoritarians and takes such joy in them harming American citizens.

But the ultimate of amazing is they don't see who and what they are...
Assigning intent to those you disagree with invalidates your entire response to those who support an issue.

Simply because YOU think it causes harm does not mean it equates to reality.

I am not assigning 'intent'. I am honestly reporting the joy you right wing turds post. And YES, there has been harm to fellow Americans.
Since I and every conservative gets no joy from the pain of others, this tells Me that you are assigning intent because you fear that someone is disagreeing with you.

BTW...it also makes you dishonest.

It wasn't me or anyone from the left who joyfully bragged about teeth kicking, making people bleed from the ears, butt hurting
Pretty amazing just how much the right LOVES tough authoritarians and takes such joy in them harming American citizens.

But the ultimate of amazing is they don't see who and what they are...
Assigning intent to those you disagree with invalidates your entire response to those who support an issue.

Simply because YOU think it causes harm does not mean it equates to reality.

I am not assigning 'intent'. I am honestly reporting the joy you right wing turds post. And YES, there has been harm to fellow Americans.
Since I and every conservative gets no joy from the pain of others, this tells Me that you are assigning intent because you fear that someone is disagreeing with you.

BTW...it also makes you dishonest.

It wasn't me or anyone from the left who joyfully bragged about teeth kicking, making people bleed from the ears, butt hurting

You're a timid sort, no?
Pretty amazing just how much the right LOVES tough authoritarians and takes such joy in them harming American citizens.

But the ultimate of amazing is they don't see who and what they are...

Look who in the hell is talking after we suffered under Obungles

No one is 'suffering' because of the Affordable Care Act...

The American healthcare system was a disgraceful mess before Obamacare, leaving growing numbers of people uncovered in a system of unchecked and runaway wasteful costs. Since Obamacare was passed the standard has changed and we are moving toward humane universal coverage, like every other advanced nation. And the costs and delivery systems are finally subject to at least the beginnings of a discussion about costs and results. Sanity and humanity prevailed, for once.

Now you may return to the endless river of disingenuous carping.
We're doing none of that. But you believe what you want.

REALLY? Go back and READ what you and people like Galt posted...teeth kicking, making people bleed from the ears, butt hurting
Galt speaks for every conservative?

Do you honestly believe that? If so, I'll pretty much stop interacting with you now as you don't wish to apply critical thought to the hear and now, let alone to issues.
A Walker/Nikki Haley ticket would eat Democrat lunch.
Good for Walker. He sounds like someone who will not be deterred from doing what he was elected to do by leftist whining and bad press.
Cruz lost me when he came out against the trade pact, after being for it.
And Walker hasnt even announced yet.
Pretty amazing just how much the right LOVES tough authoritarians and takes such joy in them harming American citizens.

But the ultimate of amazing is they don't see who and what they are...

Look who in the hell is talking after we suffered under Obungles

No one is 'suffering' because of the Affordable Care Act...

The American healthcare system was a disgraceful mess before Obamacare, leaving growing numbers of people uncovered in a system of unchecked and runaway wasteful costs. Since Obamacare was passed the standard has changed and we are moving toward humane universal coverage, like every other advanced nation. And the costs and delivery systems are finally subject to at least the beginnings of a discussion about costs and results. Sanity and humanity prevailed, for once.

Now you may return to the endless river of disingenuous carping.
We're doing none of that. But you believe what you want.

REALLY? Go back and READ what you and people like Galt posted...teeth kicking, making people bleed from the ears, butt hurting
Galt speaks for every conservative?

Do you honestly believe that? If so, I'll pretty much stop interacting with you now as you don't wish to apply critical thought to the hear and now, let alone to issues.

Galt and Sassy spoke on THIS thread. I never hear any of you 'conservatives' take people who speak that way to task.

I didn't just fall off the back of a turnip truck. I have heard 'conservatives' compare the death of people like Freddie Gray as 'taking out the garbage'

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom
Says the far left drone that supported the Harry Reid "Nuke" option..

All the reason-based people support it. What's that got to do with the stinking fetid hypocrisy you've put on open display here?

Remember the Constitiution? The senate's job is to approve or disapprove nominees. If the half the senate won't do their job, change the rules.

Oh, the senate isn't doing their job now, being the Republicans have said they flat out refuse to pass any Obama nominee. Those who despise the Constitution will enthusiastically support that action. Needless to say, no Democratic senate ever acted like that under a Republican president. The current bad behavior of the Republican senate is unprecedented.

And by the way, stop blubbering. We kicked your ass hard this week. Get used to it, ya big sissy. If you're crying this hard now, how will you react when Hillary wins?
Look who in the hell is talking after we suffered under Obungles

No one is 'suffering' because of the Affordable Care Act...

The American healthcare system was a disgraceful mess before Obamacare, leaving growing numbers of people uncovered in a system of unchecked and runaway wasteful costs. Since Obamacare was passed the standard has changed and we are moving toward humane universal coverage, like every other advanced nation. And the costs and delivery systems are finally subject to at least the beginnings of a discussion about costs and results. Sanity and humanity prevailed, for once.

Now you may return to the endless river of disingenuous carping.
We're doing none of that. But you believe what you want.

REALLY? Go back and READ what you and people like Galt posted...teeth kicking, making people bleed from the ears, butt hurting
Galt speaks for every conservative?

Do you honestly believe that? If so, I'll pretty much stop interacting with you now as you don't wish to apply critical thought to the hear and now, let alone to issues.

Galt and Sassy spoke on THIS thread. I never hear any of you 'conservatives' take people who speak that way to task.

I didn't just fall off the back of a turnip truck. I have heard 'conservatives' compare the death of people like Freddie Gray as 'taking out the garbage'

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom
I disagree with you completely. You can only provide limited and anecdotal evidence of a few individuals that cannot, to any thinking person, provide a reality that everyone acts and believes in the manner you describe.

Given the truth of the majority of the American conservative, the belief is that people should be held responsible for their own actions, and that to act in a manner contrary to common sense (fighting a cop just after you have robbed a store, or resisting arrest when you have a rap sheet longer than you are tall (Freddy Gray)) is not cause for concern with regard to changing our system.

I find it funny that such individuals as yourself speak against traditionalistic propensities of conservatives, yet fight tooth and nail to protect such programs as Social Security, Abortion on demand, and entitlement payments to the poor.

You do realize that all of these things are 30 and 40 years old, and can be considered traditions of the American culture. One might even say, they are old traditions that should make way for the new way of thinking.....

Either way, your belief that all conservatives believe this way is demonstrably wrong, and as such, easy to ignore. Which means your opinion isn't valid with Me.
Last edited:
It kinda looks like Walker is fading in the polls anyway, I think he's mostly done.

Clown ....

Walker Still Leads Nationally Clinton Over 60 - Public Policy Polling

Here's an updated poll.

And Trump is surging following his announcement last week. He's at 12% among Republican primary voters in the state, putting him in 3rd place. Rand Paul leads the GOP field in his home state but with an underwhelming 19% supporting him. That's down from the 25% standing we found for him in Kentucky last summer, suggesting his bid is losing some steam among the voters who know him best. Jeb Bush is second at 13%, followed by Trump, then Scott Walker at 11%, Mike Huckabee and Marco Rubio at 10%, Ben Carson at 7%, and Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina each at 4%. (We didn't include Chris Christie this week because of his lack of movement toward launching a campaign but will put him back now with news of a possible announcement date.)

Public Policy Polling Scott Walker
A Walker/Nikki Haley ticket would eat Democrat lunch.
Good for Walker. He sounds like someone who will not be deterred from doing what he was elected to do by leftist whining and bad press.
Cruz lost me when he came out against the trade pact, after being for it.
And Walker hasnt even announced yet.
Which is My biggest concern with Cruz.

He is willing to back down to the outrage of people who won't like him regardless of what position he takes.

If he cannot even remain true to his own core principles, how can he remain true to the promises he would make on the campaign trail, or as President?

He can't.
Look who in the hell is talking after we suffered under Obungles

No one is 'suffering' because of the Affordable Care Act...

The American healthcare system was a disgraceful mess before Obamacare, leaving growing numbers of people uncovered in a system of unchecked and runaway wasteful costs. Since Obamacare was passed the standard has changed and we are moving toward humane universal coverage, like every other advanced nation. And the costs and delivery systems are finally subject to at least the beginnings of a discussion about costs and results. Sanity and humanity prevailed, for once.

Now you may return to the endless river of disingenuous carping.
We're doing none of that. But you believe what you want.

REALLY? Go back and READ what you and people like Galt posted...teeth kicking, making people bleed from the ears, butt hurting
Galt speaks for every conservative?

Do you honestly believe that? If so, I'll pretty much stop interacting with you now as you don't wish to apply critical thought to the hear and now, let alone to issues.

Galt and Sassy spoke on THIS thread. I never hear any of you 'conservatives' take people who speak that way to task.

I didn't just fall off the back of a turnip truck. I have heard 'conservatives' compare the death of people like Freddie Gray as 'taking out the garbage'

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom

"And by the way, stop blubbering. We kicked your ass hard this week. Get used to it, ya big sissy. If you're crying this hard now, how will you react when Hillary wins?"

One of yours just posted that on this thread.....the ball is in your court. :)
No one is 'suffering' because of the Affordable Care Act...

The American healthcare system was a disgraceful mess before Obamacare, leaving growing numbers of people uncovered in a system of unchecked and runaway wasteful costs. Since Obamacare was passed the standard has changed and we are moving toward humane universal coverage, like every other advanced nation. And the costs and delivery systems are finally subject to at least the beginnings of a discussion about costs and results. Sanity and humanity prevailed, for once.

Now you may return to the endless river of disingenuous carping.
We're doing none of that. But you believe what you want.

REALLY? Go back and READ what you and people like Galt posted...teeth kicking, making people bleed from the ears, butt hurting
Galt speaks for every conservative?

Do you honestly believe that? If so, I'll pretty much stop interacting with you now as you don't wish to apply critical thought to the hear and now, let alone to issues.

Galt and Sassy spoke on THIS thread. I never hear any of you 'conservatives' take people who speak that way to task.

I didn't just fall off the back of a turnip truck. I have heard 'conservatives' compare the death of people like Freddie Gray as 'taking out the garbage'

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom
I disagree with you completely. You can only provide limited and anecdotal evidence of a few individuals that cannot, to any thinking person, provide a reality that everyone acts and believes in the manner you describe.

Given the truth of the majority of the American conservative, the belief is that people should be held responsible for their own actions, and that to act in a manner contrary to common sense (fighting a cop just after you have robbed a store, or resisting arrest when you have a rap sheet longer than you are tall (Freddy Gray)) is not cause for concern with regard to changing our system.

I find it funny that such individuals as yourself speak against traditionalistic propensities of conservatives, yet fight tooth and nail to protect such programs as Social Security, Abortion on demand, and entitlement payments to the poor.

You do realize that all of these things are 30 and 40 years old, and can be considered traditions of the American culture. One might even say, they are old traditions that should make way for the new way of thinking.....

Either way, your belief that all conservatives believe this way is demonstrably wrong, and as such, easy to ignore. Which means your opinion isn't valid with Me.

I am waiting for one of you to prove me wrong...it has been YEARS...still crickets.

Let's talk about Freddie Gray. His 'rap sheet' is irrelevant. Gray was walking, and had committed no crime when officers on bicycles claim he ran. He was apprehended, with one officer bending Gray's legs backwards, and another holding Gray down by pressing a knee into Gray's neck, subsequent to which most witnesses contemporaneously commented that he "couldn't walk. Two bystanders captured Gray's arrest with video recordings, showing Gray, screaming in pain, being dragged to a police van by officers. The Baltimore Sun reported that another witness saw Gray being beaten with police batons. He was handcuffed and placed in a police van without a seatbelt and given a 'rough ride'...an unsanctioned practice where a handcuffed prisoner is placed without a seatbelt in an erratically driven vehicle. The medical investigation found that Gray had sustained the injuries while in transport. Gray died of injuries to his spinal cord.

There is overwhelming evidence of police brutality. Yet NONE of you conservatives who wail all the time about overreaching government and government invasion of our privacy has ONE word to say when it actually happens.

"In general, it can probably be said that the conservative does not object to coercion or arbitrary power so long as it is used for what he regards as the right purposes. He believes that if government is in the hands of decent men, it ought not to be too much restricted by rigid rules. Since he is essentially opportunist and lacks principles..."
Friedrich August von Hayek-Why I am Not a Conservative
We're doing none of that. But you believe what you want.

REALLY? Go back and READ what you and people like Galt posted...teeth kicking, making people bleed from the ears, butt hurting
Galt speaks for every conservative?

Do you honestly believe that? If so, I'll pretty much stop interacting with you now as you don't wish to apply critical thought to the hear and now, let alone to issues.

Galt and Sassy spoke on THIS thread. I never hear any of you 'conservatives' take people who speak that way to task.

I didn't just fall off the back of a turnip truck. I have heard 'conservatives' compare the death of people like Freddie Gray as 'taking out the garbage'

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom
I disagree with you completely. You can only provide limited and anecdotal evidence of a few individuals that cannot, to any thinking person, provide a reality that everyone acts and believes in the manner you describe.

Given the truth of the majority of the American conservative, the belief is that people should be held responsible for their own actions, and that to act in a manner contrary to common sense (fighting a cop just after you have robbed a store, or resisting arrest when you have a rap sheet longer than you are tall (Freddy Gray)) is not cause for concern with regard to changing our system.

I find it funny that such individuals as yourself speak against traditionalistic propensities of conservatives, yet fight tooth and nail to protect such programs as Social Security, Abortion on demand, and entitlement payments to the poor.

You do realize that all of these things are 30 and 40 years old, and can be considered traditions of the American culture. One might even say, they are old traditions that should make way for the new way of thinking.....

Either way, your belief that all conservatives believe this way is demonstrably wrong, and as such, easy to ignore. Which means your opinion isn't valid with Me.

I am waiting for one of you to prove me wrong...it has been YEARS...still crickets.

Let's talk about Freddie Gray. His 'rap sheet' is irrelevant. Gray was walking, and had committed no crime when officers on bicycles claim he ran. He was apprehended, with one officer bending Gray's legs backwards, and another holding Gray down by pressing a knee into Gray's neck, subsequent to which most witnesses contemporaneously commented that he "couldn't walk. Two bystanders captured Gray's arrest with video recordings, showing Gray, screaming in pain, being dragged to a police van by officers. The Baltimore Sun reported that another witness saw Gray being beaten with police batons. He was handcuffed and placed in a police van without a seatbelt and given a 'rough ride'...an unsanctioned practice where a handcuffed prisoner is placed without a seatbelt in an erratically driven vehicle. The medical investigation found that Gray had sustained the injuries while in transport. Gray died of injuries to his spinal cord.

There is overwhelming evidence of police brutality. Yet NONE of you conservatives who wail all the time about overreaching government and government invasion of our privacy has ONE word to say when it actually happens.

It turns out
This is the issue. Freddie Gray was one isolated incident. But libs want to see vast trends behind one isolated incident. Never let a crisis go to waste etc etc.
Do bad incidents caused by police happen? Yes, of course
Is it indicative of widespread racism and police brutality? No, of course not.
We're doing none of that. But you believe what you want.

REALLY? Go back and READ what you and people like Galt posted...teeth kicking, making people bleed from the ears, butt hurting
Galt speaks for every conservative?

Do you honestly believe that? If so, I'll pretty much stop interacting with you now as you don't wish to apply critical thought to the hear and now, let alone to issues.

Galt and Sassy spoke on THIS thread. I never hear any of you 'conservatives' take people who speak that way to task.

I didn't just fall off the back of a turnip truck. I have heard 'conservatives' compare the death of people like Freddie Gray as 'taking out the garbage'

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom
I disagree with you completely. You can only provide limited and anecdotal evidence of a few individuals that cannot, to any thinking person, provide a reality that everyone acts and believes in the manner you describe.

Given the truth of the majority of the American conservative, the belief is that people should be held responsible for their own actions, and that to act in a manner contrary to common sense (fighting a cop just after you have robbed a store, or resisting arrest when you have a rap sheet longer than you are tall (Freddy Gray)) is not cause for concern with regard to changing our system.

I find it funny that such individuals as yourself speak against traditionalistic propensities of conservatives, yet fight tooth and nail to protect such programs as Social Security, Abortion on demand, and entitlement payments to the poor.

You do realize that all of these things are 30 and 40 years old, and can be considered traditions of the American culture. One might even say, they are old traditions that should make way for the new way of thinking.....

Either way, your belief that all conservatives believe this way is demonstrably wrong, and as such, easy to ignore. Which means your opinion isn't valid with Me.

I am waiting for one of you to prove me wrong...it has been YEARS...still crickets.

Let's talk about Freddie Gray. His 'rap sheet' is irrelevant. Gray was walking, and had committed no crime when officers on bicycles claim he ran. He was apprehended, with one officer bending Gray's legs backwards, and another holding Gray down by pressing a knee into Gray's neck, subsequent to which most witnesses contemporaneously commented that he "couldn't walk. Two bystanders captured Gray's arrest with video recordings, showing Gray, screaming in pain, being dragged to a police van by officers. The Baltimore Sun reported that another witness saw Gray being beaten with police batons. He was handcuffed and placed in a police van without a seatbelt and given a 'rough ride'...an unsanctioned practice where a handcuffed prisoner is placed without a seatbelt in an erratically driven vehicle. The medical investigation found that Gray had sustained the injuries while in transport. Gray died of injuries to his spinal cord.

There is overwhelming evidence of police brutality. Yet NONE of you conservatives who wail all the time about overreaching government and government invasion of our privacy has ONE word to say when it actually happens.

"In general, it can probably be said that the conservative does not object to coercion or arbitrary power so long as it is used for what he regards as the right purposes. He believes that if government is in the hands of decent men, it ought not to be too much restricted by rigid rules. Since he is essentially opportunist and lacks principles..."
Friedrich August von Hayek-Why I am Not a Conservative
Why would I jump to do your bidding? I have knowledge that I think is correct, which proves you wrong. Given your replies in this thread, it is a certainty that you won't acknowledge or even give such knowledge a passing glance.

I am not in the habit of wasting time on trying to change a closed mind.

I'll simply state My opinion, based upon the information I believe to be correct, and will carry on with My life. The fact that you disagree or have a low opinion of those who have the willingness disagree with you doesn't really matter much to anyone but yourself.
REALLY? Go back and READ what you and people like Galt posted...teeth kicking, making people bleed from the ears, butt hurting
Galt speaks for every conservative?

Do you honestly believe that? If so, I'll pretty much stop interacting with you now as you don't wish to apply critical thought to the hear and now, let alone to issues.

Galt and Sassy spoke on THIS thread. I never hear any of you 'conservatives' take people who speak that way to task.

I didn't just fall off the back of a turnip truck. I have heard 'conservatives' compare the death of people like Freddie Gray as 'taking out the garbage'

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom
I disagree with you completely. You can only provide limited and anecdotal evidence of a few individuals that cannot, to any thinking person, provide a reality that everyone acts and believes in the manner you describe.

Given the truth of the majority of the American conservative, the belief is that people should be held responsible for their own actions, and that to act in a manner contrary to common sense (fighting a cop just after you have robbed a store, or resisting arrest when you have a rap sheet longer than you are tall (Freddy Gray)) is not cause for concern with regard to changing our system.

I find it funny that such individuals as yourself speak against traditionalistic propensities of conservatives, yet fight tooth and nail to protect such programs as Social Security, Abortion on demand, and entitlement payments to the poor.

You do realize that all of these things are 30 and 40 years old, and can be considered traditions of the American culture. One might even say, they are old traditions that should make way for the new way of thinking.....

Either way, your belief that all conservatives believe this way is demonstrably wrong, and as such, easy to ignore. Which means your opinion isn't valid with Me.

I am waiting for one of you to prove me wrong...it has been YEARS...still crickets.

Let's talk about Freddie Gray. His 'rap sheet' is irrelevant. Gray was walking, and had committed no crime when officers on bicycles claim he ran. He was apprehended, with one officer bending Gray's legs backwards, and another holding Gray down by pressing a knee into Gray's neck, subsequent to which most witnesses contemporaneously commented that he "couldn't walk. Two bystanders captured Gray's arrest with video recordings, showing Gray, screaming in pain, being dragged to a police van by officers. The Baltimore Sun reported that another witness saw Gray being beaten with police batons. He was handcuffed and placed in a police van without a seatbelt and given a 'rough ride'...an unsanctioned practice where a handcuffed prisoner is placed without a seatbelt in an erratically driven vehicle. The medical investigation found that Gray had sustained the injuries while in transport. Gray died of injuries to his spinal cord.

There is overwhelming evidence of police brutality. Yet NONE of you conservatives who wail all the time about overreaching government and government invasion of our privacy has ONE word to say when it actually happens.

"In general, it can probably be said that the conservative does not object to coercion or arbitrary power so long as it is used for what he regards as the right purposes. He believes that if government is in the hands of decent men, it ought not to be too much restricted by rigid rules. Since he is essentially opportunist and lacks principles..."
Friedrich August von Hayek-Why I am Not a Conservative
Why would I jump to do your bidding? I have knowledge that I think is correct, which proves you wrong. Given your replies in this thread, it is a certainty that you won't acknowledge or even give such knowledge a passing glance.

I am not in the habit of wasting time on trying to change a closed mind.

I'll simply state My opinion, based upon the information I believe to be correct, and will carry on with My life. The fact that you disagree or have a low opinion of those who have the willingness disagree with you doesn't really matter much to anyone but yourself.

Don't want to defend your false charge against Freddie Gray?

Not a big deal...it's not like the poor kid died or something...oh WAIT...
"Walker: I'd 'absolutely' nuke the filibuster to repeal Obamacare"

But what does he propose to replace the ACA – or is he like most others on the right who advocates going back to the bad old days when millions of Americans had no access to affordable health care, when millions of Americans were subject to bankruptcy simply as a result of a catastrophic illness or injury, and when healthcare costs were rising out of control.

Want to repeal the ACA, fine – but have a plan ready to replace the ACA that will accomplish the same goals.
Galt speaks for every conservative?

Do you honestly believe that? If so, I'll pretty much stop interacting with you now as you don't wish to apply critical thought to the hear and now, let alone to issues.

Galt and Sassy spoke on THIS thread. I never hear any of you 'conservatives' take people who speak that way to task.

I didn't just fall off the back of a turnip truck. I have heard 'conservatives' compare the death of people like Freddie Gray as 'taking out the garbage'

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom
I disagree with you completely. You can only provide limited and anecdotal evidence of a few individuals that cannot, to any thinking person, provide a reality that everyone acts and believes in the manner you describe.

Given the truth of the majority of the American conservative, the belief is that people should be held responsible for their own actions, and that to act in a manner contrary to common sense (fighting a cop just after you have robbed a store, or resisting arrest when you have a rap sheet longer than you are tall (Freddy Gray)) is not cause for concern with regard to changing our system.

I find it funny that such individuals as yourself speak against traditionalistic propensities of conservatives, yet fight tooth and nail to protect such programs as Social Security, Abortion on demand, and entitlement payments to the poor.

You do realize that all of these things are 30 and 40 years old, and can be considered traditions of the American culture. One might even say, they are old traditions that should make way for the new way of thinking.....

Either way, your belief that all conservatives believe this way is demonstrably wrong, and as such, easy to ignore. Which means your opinion isn't valid with Me.

I am waiting for one of you to prove me wrong...it has been YEARS...still crickets.

Let's talk about Freddie Gray. His 'rap sheet' is irrelevant. Gray was walking, and had committed no crime when officers on bicycles claim he ran. He was apprehended, with one officer bending Gray's legs backwards, and another holding Gray down by pressing a knee into Gray's neck, subsequent to which most witnesses contemporaneously commented that he "couldn't walk. Two bystanders captured Gray's arrest with video recordings, showing Gray, screaming in pain, being dragged to a police van by officers. The Baltimore Sun reported that another witness saw Gray being beaten with police batons. He was handcuffed and placed in a police van without a seatbelt and given a 'rough ride'...an unsanctioned practice where a handcuffed prisoner is placed without a seatbelt in an erratically driven vehicle. The medical investigation found that Gray had sustained the injuries while in transport. Gray died of injuries to his spinal cord.

There is overwhelming evidence of police brutality. Yet NONE of you conservatives who wail all the time about overreaching government and government invasion of our privacy has ONE word to say when it actually happens.

"In general, it can probably be said that the conservative does not object to coercion or arbitrary power so long as it is used for what he regards as the right purposes. He believes that if government is in the hands of decent men, it ought not to be too much restricted by rigid rules. Since he is essentially opportunist and lacks principles..."
Friedrich August von Hayek-Why I am Not a Conservative
Why would I jump to do your bidding? I have knowledge that I think is correct, which proves you wrong. Given your replies in this thread, it is a certainty that you won't acknowledge or even give such knowledge a passing glance.

I am not in the habit of wasting time on trying to change a closed mind.

I'll simply state My opinion, based upon the information I believe to be correct, and will carry on with My life. The fact that you disagree or have a low opinion of those who have the willingness disagree with you doesn't really matter much to anyone but yourself.

Don't want to defend your false charge against Freddie Gray?

Not a big deal...it's not like the poor kid died or something...oh WAIT...
I made no false charges. Are you seriously going to say he did not have a rap sheet?
"Walker: I'd 'absolutely' nuke the filibuster to repeal Obamacare"

But what does he propose to replace the ACA – or is he like most others on the right who advocates going back to the bad old days when millions of Americans had no access to affordable health care, when millions of Americans were subject to bankruptcy simply as a result of a catastrophic illness or injury, and when healthcare costs were rising out of control.

Want to repeal the ACA, fine – but have a plan ready to replace the ACA that will accomplish the same goals.
When a fire company arrives on a fire and puts it out, do they have to replace the fire with something?

If so, what would they replace it with?
REALLY? Go back and READ what you and people like Galt posted...teeth kicking, making people bleed from the ears, butt hurting
Galt speaks for every conservative?

Do you honestly believe that? If so, I'll pretty much stop interacting with you now as you don't wish to apply critical thought to the hear and now, let alone to issues.

Galt and Sassy spoke on THIS thread. I never hear any of you 'conservatives' take people who speak that way to task.

I didn't just fall off the back of a turnip truck. I have heard 'conservatives' compare the death of people like Freddie Gray as 'taking out the garbage'

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom
I disagree with you completely. You can only provide limited and anecdotal evidence of a few individuals that cannot, to any thinking person, provide a reality that everyone acts and believes in the manner you describe.

Given the truth of the majority of the American conservative, the belief is that people should be held responsible for their own actions, and that to act in a manner contrary to common sense (fighting a cop just after you have robbed a store, or resisting arrest when you have a rap sheet longer than you are tall (Freddy Gray)) is not cause for concern with regard to changing our system.

I find it funny that such individuals as yourself speak against traditionalistic propensities of conservatives, yet fight tooth and nail to protect such programs as Social Security, Abortion on demand, and entitlement payments to the poor.

You do realize that all of these things are 30 and 40 years old, and can be considered traditions of the American culture. One might even say, they are old traditions that should make way for the new way of thinking.....

Either way, your belief that all conservatives believe this way is demonstrably wrong, and as such, easy to ignore. Which means your opinion isn't valid with Me.

I am waiting for one of you to prove me wrong...it has been YEARS...still crickets.

Let's talk about Freddie Gray. His 'rap sheet' is irrelevant. Gray was walking, and had committed no crime when officers on bicycles claim he ran. He was apprehended, with one officer bending Gray's legs backwards, and another holding Gray down by pressing a knee into Gray's neck, subsequent to which most witnesses contemporaneously commented that he "couldn't walk. Two bystanders captured Gray's arrest with video recordings, showing Gray, screaming in pain, being dragged to a police van by officers. The Baltimore Sun reported that another witness saw Gray being beaten with police batons. He was handcuffed and placed in a police van without a seatbelt and given a 'rough ride'...an unsanctioned practice where a handcuffed prisoner is placed without a seatbelt in an erratically driven vehicle. The medical investigation found that Gray had sustained the injuries while in transport. Gray died of injuries to his spinal cord.

There is overwhelming evidence of police brutality. Yet NONE of you conservatives who wail all the time about overreaching government and government invasion of our privacy has ONE word to say when it actually happens.

It turns out
This is the issue. Freddie Gray was one isolated incident. But libs want to see vast trends behind one isolated incident. Never let a crisis go to waste etc etc.
Do bad incidents caused by police happen? Yes, of course
Is it indicative of widespread racism and police brutality? No, of course not.

Michael Brown
Eric Garner
Walter Scott

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