Walker was a good governor and a good man. It is a tragedy that got "Trumped"

I think George Bush has done more harm to the GOP brand, Trump has a long way to go before he hits that territory.
False. The "Southern Strategy" is the worst thing that ever happened to the Republican Party.
Trump's candidacy has been the worse thing that ever happened to the Republican Party,

You can't give Trump that much credit.

Look Scott Walker literally committed political suicide, on stage, during the 1st debate, when Morgan Kelly asked him about the no exception for the life of the mother. Kelly told him that 91% of this nation does give exception to the mother's life, rape & incest, and he mumbled something stupid, there's no medical reason a mother would die from child birth.

You saw it, his face went white and he looked like a deer in the headlights. He knew his campaign was over at that very moment. Walker's polls numbers went off a cliff after that.

You're not going to run on an extreme abortion stance in a national election and expect to win. If you don't give exceptions you're not going anywhere.

The majority voting block in this country are women, and they outvote men by about 10 points. They believe their lives are worth saving.

He's right though, this field is full of candidates that have no chance what-so ever of winning the White House, and they only make for the continual circus atmosphere that's going on. Those that should drop out are--Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki, Chris Christie & Rand Paul. I doubt Jeb Bush will drop out now, because he has 160 million in his campaign war chest.

Nixon's covering for his dumb cluck subordinates and their 5th rate burglary might be just a little tiny bit worse than Trump. But not by much
I think George Bush has done more harm to the GOP brand, Trump has a long way to go before he hits that territory.

I don't think anyone takes Trump seriously. If they do--they haven't done their homework on this guy, and are just listening to his biggest supporter, Rush Limbaugh--who isn't telling the Trump supporter what they should know. Trump is often referred to as a "Liberal's liberal." Of course, Limbaugh is all about ratings, which = "mo" money--so he's going to herd around with his audience and tell them what he thinks they want to hear.

Trump supported Obama's 878 billion dollar stimulus bill.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Trump changed his party status at least 5 times
Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report - Washington Times

Trump blasted Republicans in 2012 for losing, citing the reason was they were too mean spirited toward illegals. Yet he has tripled down on that rhetoric and is currently polling at a NEGATIVE 51% within this large voting block.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

Trump took this widow woman to court and kept her there for years to get her house where she had lived for 30 years, so he could turn it into a parking lot for one of his casinos.
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz

This is just a smidgen that's out there on Donald Trump, that you're sure not going to hear from his biggest cheerleader RUSH LIMBAUGH. Don't do your own homework? You can dam well be certain that the DNC will do it for you, after the nomination.

I think George Bush has done more harm to the GOP brand, Trump has a long way to go before he hits that territory.

I don't think anyone takes Trump seriously. If they do--they haven't done their homework on this guy, and are just listening to his biggest supporter, Rush Limbaugh--who isn't telling the Trump supporter what they should know. Trump is often referred to as a "Liberal's liberal." Of course, Limbaugh is all about ratings, which = "mo" money--so he's going to herd around with his audience and tell them what he thinks they want to hear.

Trump supported Obama's 878 billion dollar stimulus bill.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Trump changed his party status at least 5 times
Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report - Washington Times

Trump blasted Republicans in 2012 for losing, citing the reason was they were too mean spirited toward illegals. Yet he has tripled down on that rhetoric and is currently polling at a NEGATIVE 51% within this large voting block.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

Trump took this widow woman to court and kept her there for years to get her house where she had lived for 30 years, so he could turn it into a parking lot for one of his casinos.
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz

This is just a smidgen that's out there on Donald Trump, that you're sure not going to hear from his biggest cheerleader RUSH LIMBAUGH. Don't do your own homework? You can dam well be certain that the DNC will do it for you, after the nomination.


I think a third of the GOP takes him seriously. Now, more than likely he is going to burn out before this is over but that will depend on who drops out before him. If the wingnuts dropout first then Trump has a chance to win the nomination, something I wouldn't have believe even 2 weeks ago. if the establishment GOP drops out first and only leaves 1 to oppose Trump, then Trump is toast.

I don't think Limbaugh amounts to much, like you said, he's more of a follower at this point than anything else and is preaching to a an ever smaller choir, when that choir sings a different tune, Rush will follow.

The further Trump gets, the more damage he causes to the GOP. Not because of liberal issues he once did/does support but his racist comments attracting the ugly side of the GOP. That is what he will be remembered for and that is the stain he will leave on the GOP, something they already couldn't afford.
Trump's candidacy has been the worse thing that ever happened to the Republican Party,

Don't sweat it. It's not a real candidacy. Rump will be long gone before that starts.

But yeah what a tragedy we won't get a POTUS who you can just call up and say you're David Koch, and he believes you.
I think George Bush has done more harm to the GOP brand, Trump has a long way to go before he hits that territory.

I don't think anyone takes Trump seriously. If they do--they haven't done their homework on this guy, and are just listening to his biggest supporter, Rush Limbaugh--who isn't telling the Trump supporter what they should know. Trump is often referred to as a "Liberal's liberal." Of course, Limbaugh is all about ratings, which = "mo" money--so he's going to herd around with his audience and tell them what he thinks they want to hear.

Trump supported Obama's 878 billion dollar stimulus bill.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Trump changed his party status at least 5 times
Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report - Washington Times

Trump blasted Republicans in 2012 for losing, citing the reason was they were too mean spirited toward illegals. Yet he has tripled down on that rhetoric and is currently polling at a NEGATIVE 51% within this large voting block.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

Trump took this widow woman to court and kept her there for years to get her house where she had lived for 30 years, so he could turn it into a parking lot for one of his casinos.
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz

This is just a smidgen that's out there on Donald Trump, that you're sure not going to hear from his biggest cheerleader RUSH LIMBAUGH. Don't do your own homework? You can dam well be certain that the DNC will do it for you, after the nomination.


I think a third of the GOP takes him seriously. Now, more than likely he is going to burn out before this is over but that will depend on who drops out before him. If the wingnuts dropout first then Trump has a chance to win the nomination, something I wouldn't have believe even 2 weeks ago. if the establishment GOP drops out first and only leaves 1 to oppose Trump, then Trump is toast.

I don't think Limbaugh amounts to much, like you said, he's more of a follower at this point than anything else and is preaching to a an ever smaller choir, when that choir sings a different tune, Rush will follow.

The further Trump gets, the more damage he causes to the GOP. Not because of liberal issues he once did/does support but his racist comments attracting the ugly side of the GOP. That is what he will be remembered for and that is the stain he will leave on the GOP, something they already couldn't afford.
Then a third of the GOP are morons
I think George Bush has done more harm to the GOP brand, Trump has a long way to go before he hits that territory.

I don't think anyone takes Trump seriously. If they do--they haven't done their homework on this guy, and are just listening to his biggest supporter, Rush Limbaugh--who isn't telling the Trump supporter what they should know. Trump is often referred to as a "Liberal's liberal." Of course, Limbaugh is all about ratings, which = "mo" money--so he's going to herd around with his audience and tell them what he thinks they want to hear.

Trump supported Obama's 878 billion dollar stimulus bill.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Trump changed his party status at least 5 times
Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report - Washington Times

Trump blasted Republicans in 2012 for losing, citing the reason was they were too mean spirited toward illegals. Yet he has tripled down on that rhetoric and is currently polling at a NEGATIVE 51% within this large voting block.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

Trump took this widow woman to court and kept her there for years to get her house where she had lived for 30 years, so he could turn it into a parking lot for one of his casinos.
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz

This is just a smidgen that's out there on Donald Trump, that you're sure not going to hear from his biggest cheerleader RUSH LIMBAUGH. Don't do your own homework? You can dam well be certain that the DNC will do it for you, after the nomination.


I think a third of the GOP takes him seriously. Now, more than likely he is going to burn out before this is over but that will depend on who drops out before him. If the wingnuts dropout first then Trump has a chance to win the nomination, something I wouldn't have believe even 2 weeks ago. if the establishment GOP drops out first and only leaves 1 to oppose Trump, then Trump is toast.

I don't think Limbaugh amounts to much, like you said, he's more of a follower at this point than anything else and is preaching to a an ever smaller choir, when that choir sings a different tune, Rush will follow.

The further Trump gets, the more damage he causes to the GOP. Not because of liberal issues he once did/does support but his racist comments attracting the ugly side of the GOP. That is what he will be remembered for and that is the stain he will leave on the GOP, something they already couldn't afford.
Then a third of the GOP are morons

At least. After all you still have morons that support Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush and Ben Carson.

I completely disagree with Kasich, but I don't think he's stupid.
Trump is an example of the sort of situation in which I don't believe his poll numbers represent reality.

I think that a significant percentage of the people who respond with "Trump" when they get the pollster call are choosing him as an emotional reaction, rather than a serious endorsement.

I could be wrong, we'll see.
I agree it's emotional. With Darkfury, it's down right hysterical. However, what gets people to the polls? I tend to think, at least at this moment that his flame is going to burn out.
I agree it's emotional. With Darkfury, it's down right hysterical. However, what gets people to the polls? I tend to think, at least at this moment that his flame is going to burn out.

Oh, I agree.

I don't expect Trump will last long once the primaries actually start.
I agree it's emotional. With Darkfury, it's down right hysterical. However, what gets people to the polls? I tend to think, at least at this moment that his flame is going to burn out.

Oh, I agree.

I don't expect Trump will last long once the primaries actually start.

if he doesn't win Iowa, he's done. if he wins Iowa...who knows.

Out of all of them, he's probably got the best shot of winning Iowa.

He won't come close in New Hampshire, though.
I agree it's emotional. With Darkfury, it's down right hysterical. However, what gets people to the polls? I tend to think, at least at this moment that his flame is going to burn out.

Oh, I agree.

I don't expect Trump will last long once the primaries actually start.

if he doesn't win Iowa, he's done. if he wins Iowa...who knows.

Out of all of them, he's probably got the best shot of winning Iowa.

He won't come close in New Hampshire, though.

Perhaps. I see Carson, wingnutty religious zealot that he is as being more suitable to win Iowa even though he is currently running second. He also appears to be really bad at this and has an obvious skin pigmentation problem for the GOP. He also seems to at least walk the religious talk unlike Trump who I think evangelicals will eventually be worn out on. Again, that relies on Carson even making it to Iowa and that is certainly not a given.

it's a weird year.

Anyway, quite a statement about Walker, in this good-bye thread nobody wants to talk about him.
'Walker was a good governor and a good man. It is a tragedy that got "Trumped"'

Whether he was a 'good' governor is debatable, whether a 'good man' subjective – the fact is Walker was wrong on most, if not all, the issues, as is the case with the other GOP candidates; particularly as a social conservative Walker is wrong on issues such as privacy rights for women and equal protection rights for gay Americans.

Walker is a reactionary, fearful of change, diversity and expressions of individual liberty.

And Walker was clearly not prepared to be president, if he couldn't have even survived Silly Season.
I think George Bush has done more harm to the GOP brand, Trump has a long way to go before he hits that territory.

I don't think anyone takes Trump seriously. If they do--they haven't done their homework on this guy, and are just listening to his biggest supporter, Rush Limbaugh--who isn't telling the Trump supporter what they should know. Trump is often referred to as a "Liberal's liberal." Of course, Limbaugh is all about ratings, which = "mo" money--so he's going to herd around with his audience and tell them what he thinks they want to hear.

Trump supported Obama's 878 billion dollar stimulus bill.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Trump changed his party status at least 5 times
Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report - Washington Times

Trump blasted Republicans in 2012 for losing, citing the reason was they were too mean spirited toward illegals. Yet he has tripled down on that rhetoric and is currently polling at a NEGATIVE 51% within this large voting block.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

Trump took this widow woman to court and kept her there for years to get her house where she had lived for 30 years, so he could turn it into a parking lot for one of his casinos.
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz

This is just a smidgen that's out there on Donald Trump, that you're sure not going to hear from his biggest cheerleader RUSH LIMBAUGH. Don't do your own homework? You can dam well be certain that the DNC will do it for you, after the nomination.


I think a third of the GOP takes him seriously. Now, more than likely he is going to burn out before this is over but that will depend on who drops out before him. If the wingnuts dropout first then Trump has a chance to win the nomination, something I wouldn't have believe even 2 weeks ago. if the establishment GOP drops out first and only leaves 1 to oppose Trump, then Trump is toast.

I don't think Limbaugh amounts to much, like you said, he's more of a follower at this point than anything else and is preaching to a an ever smaller choir, when that choir sings a different tune, Rush will follow.

The further Trump gets, the more damage he causes to the GOP. Not because of liberal issues he once did/does support but his racist comments attracting the ugly side of the GOP. That is what he will be remembered for and that is the stain he will leave on the GOP, something they already couldn't afford.
Then a third of the GOP are morons
Don't forget the 43 percent of republican morons who believe the president is a 'Muslim.'
Trump's candidacy has been the worse thing that ever happened to the Republican Party,

I disagree.

He's the best thing to happen to the GOP in a long long time. I may not agree with him on the issues, but he is honest about his positions and he defends them with vigor. He is unafraid, unfiltered, and unapologetic. Most GOP politicians sound like they are reading a script! They are too timid, too easily intimidated by "political correctness". Not Trump. he calls it the way he sees it and never backs down.

Plus he's a RATINGS MACHINE! Every channel, every news program is about TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!! As a result, more people are talking about conservative issues like immigration. More people are watching the GOP debates now than any time in history! How is that a bad thing? I don't know or even care if he wins the nomination, I am just enjoying seeing a GOP candidate play offense for a change.

Enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts......I know I will!
If Trump still has 30% of the GOP vote going into the primaries, he will be very hard to beat. The GOP encouraged almost every state to adopt a "winner take all" approach to delegates rather than proportional.. In a crowded field, 30% is more than enough to win. He could have the entire thing sewn up shortly after Super Tuesday.

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