Walker was a good governor and a good man. It is a tragedy that got "Trumped"

I agree it's emotional. With Darkfury, it's down right hysterical. However, what gets people to the polls? I tend to think, at least at this moment that his flame is going to burn out.

Oh, I agree.

I don't expect Trump will last long once the primaries actually start.

if he doesn't win Iowa, he's done. if he wins Iowa...who knows.
Trump will likely stay in at least through South Carolina; if he loses that primary he'll have a hard time justifying his 'campaign.'
Trump's candidacy has been the worse thing that ever happened to the Republican Party,

Yes he was a good Governor. It takes money to run for POTUS and Walker just didn't have it and he's not the only one.

I daresay we will see more of those running drop out for just that reason.
Walker didn't drop out because of Trump. He dropped out because he was a lousy national candidate.

When you go from leading in the polls to 0%, that's your fault, no one else's.

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