Walking away from your mortgage

There is no right and wrong when dealing with mega-corporations. Get as much as you can out of them. They'll be doing the same to you, trust me.

Speaks volumes about you.

Indeed it does...ST is one of those gimme gimme gimme I I I I I I me me me me me me me fuck everybody else ass holes who's responsible for the situation our country's in. Moral bankruptcy doesn't even begin to describe the psyche of people who think like this.

America's now full of this type. This whole thread is a perfect example of the decay of society and the lack of personal responsibility.
I just can't get my head around the thought process that leads one to think this is an acceptable strategy.
What do they need your sympathy for? They have a roof over their head. Maybe they're trying to avoid needing your sympathy.

Banks fuck people all the time and force the people to lawyer up to undo the fucking. It is in no way wrong or immoral to to the same thing to a bank.

This is maybe the best example of a liberal, gimme gimme gimme attitude that could be shown.

You liberals must be pretty proud of spidey and his beliefs of self responsibility.

Enough with the labels. I'm just as "liberal" as anyone here and I don't agree with what these people are doing either. Life isn't always about labels.

I labeled one person... Spidey... a liberal. That is hardly in question here.

Also, Spideys attitude regarding this illustrates... to an extreme... the difference in liberalism and conservatism.
This is maybe the best example of a liberal, gimme gimme gimme attitude that could be shown.

You liberals must be pretty proud of spidey and his beliefs of self responsibility.

Enough with the labels. I'm just as "liberal" as anyone here and I don't agree with what these people are doing either. Life isn't always about labels.

I labeled one person... Spidey... a liberal. That is hardly in question here.

Also, Spideys attitude regarding this illustrates... to an extreme... the difference in liberalism and conservatism.

So I could post that Timothy McVeigh is an example of an extreme right winger. Does that make you all terrorists? Cmon now.
Our CU has a contract with Capital One - so we can get ATM cash without a fee at one of our CU's 3 ATM locations - or at any Capital One ATM nationwide.

Plus its part of a nationwide CU network, and even though there's only local locations of my particular CU, I can make in person withdrawals and deposits at any CU in the network.

The interest paid on savings is lower than a bank(prolly due to the fact they make safer investments), but the fees are almost non-existant. I get charged $3 if I overdraft and money has to be moved from savings - and there's no checking account fee.

Your actual knowledge of the banking industry is shockingly similar to the media's......non-existent.

Hey thanks for being a complete stuck up douchebag, you've surely shown your best colors, but I'm pretty sure I know what I get with my my own credit union. Now go be a douche elsewhere.

You know ST, if you got nothing, just admit it and move on instead of using insults as a defense. :eusa_whistle:
Your actual knowledge of the banking industry is shockingly similar to the media's......non-existent.

Hey thanks for being a complete stuck up douchebag, you've surely shown your best colors, but I'm pretty sure I know what I get with my my own credit union. Now go be a douche elsewhere.

You know ST, if you got nothing, just admit it and move on instead of using insults as a defense. :eusa_whistle:

That seems to be standard for him. He's ignoring my posts now which I guess is better then insults.
obie wan put "i'm entitled" in the kool aid,, with a healthy dose of "demonize" and all the DUmmies drank the brew. buy a house you cannot afford, refuse to pay for it, demand to live in it.. yep... that sure as hell sounds like a demonRat to me. :lol:

Speaking of kool-aid, you have a stain over your lip. This problem existed long before Obama came to office.
Can you please explain why it is not fair for people to treat the banks as they have treated people? Why this double standard?

The bank lent you money that you contractually agreed to pay back with interest after meeting the qualifications for said loan. You sought the loan from them, they didn't put a gun to your head. The bank has a butt load of government regulations they have to follow to ensure you are being treated fairly. How exactly was the bank "treating you"? This is like asking someone to hit you in the head with a hammer and then complaining because it left a mark.

The bank made a bad investment along with the homeowner. It is no different than a business loan. If a bank invests in a business and the business goes belly-up....the bank takes a loss too.

The bank needs to make an offer to the potentially defaulting homeowner so that both share some of the loss. The all or nothing policy of most banks encourages the borrower to choose nothing

If banks were free to make mortgage loans to only those customers who were decent to good risks, we wouldn't have the problem we do today. The government forces banks to make loans to people with questionable means to repay them and then the banking industry is made out to be the bad guy when people default. Like I said earlier, if you make $30,000 per year, you can't afford a $200,000 home. But it happens. If banks were free to say NO, they would never make such loans. Their profit comes from people paying interest on loans, not from repossessing the collateral and selling it for pennies on the dollar.
Enough with the labels. I'm just as "liberal" as anyone here and I don't agree with what these people are doing either. Life isn't always about labels.

I labeled one person... Spidey... a liberal. That is hardly in question here.

Also, Spideys attitude regarding this illustrates... to an extreme... the difference in liberalism and conservatism.

So I could post that Timothy McVeigh is an example of an extreme right winger. Does that make you all terrorists? Cmon now.

With the keyword being "extreme", yes... you could label him as that. But I didn't say Spideys attitude defined you.
Thanks for confirming your double standard.

I should be worried about how to morally treat the bank - whereas the bank is allowed to treat me any way it finds profitable.

Fuck that. Guess what? If I'm ever not able to pay a house note - I'M NOT MOVING MY FAMILY TO A HOMELESS SHELTER just to make same bank exec's day easier. You got a problem with it you can come throw me out yourself.

Once you sign a contract THEY OWN YOUR ASS!!!
No they don't. I own my ass. Always. Though I'm not surprised that you would gladly give your ass to a corporation - you love them.

If you don't like banks PAY CASH FOR EVERYTHING YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!!
Why? Cash is so clunky. I prefer to charge credit and pay the bill every month rom checking.

You do realize that you have to use one of those evil banks to do that........don't you?
Then learn to deal with banks, be a responsible citizen and pay your bills.

My #1 obligation will always be to my family.

Food shelter and clothing...like I said...learn to deal with banks, be a responsible citizen and pay your bills....it would set a good example for your offspring...you know...being a father and a good husband instead of an irresponsible buffoon who flouts the law and sets a piss poor example of what a man is and should be to his family.

I deal with credit unions and I do pay my bills, but thanks for checking in on me daddy.
"Gimme Gimme Gimmer' is the attitude of a for profit corporation, because they are interested in only profit. It is beyond me why you think it unfair for people to treat corporations as corporations treat people. Can you explain this double standard?

Please explain how Banks do something similar to individuals?

They kick out people protected by the Tenant Protection Act for one thing.

Elaborate please... possibly with examples?

My understanding is that the Tenant Protection Act applies to those that rent... not people that have purchased a home. Is that right?
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:eek: Our bank charges something like $25. I had to put a stop payment on a check that got lost in the mail :mad: and they charged me $28. Gaaaa. I'll take low fees over the measly interest any day.

yea sure blame the post office.....i guess its convenient....:rolleyes:

yea sure blame the post office.....i guess its convenient....:rolleyes:

I've actually never had the post office fail to deliver a letter or package that I addressed properly. I've even had a few items I improperly addressed make it anyway. The only screw up the P.O. has ever done me that wasn't my own fault was taking 4 days to deliver a 2-3 day priority package.

Really? I've had this happen to me a few times. Things mailed - one bill I mailed at the post office - failing to turn up to the company or person. My dad just sent my brother something recently and my brother never got it. I mailed the check, the recipient never received it, I have no idea where it is. Last I saw it, it was in the mailbox. The other mail sent that day along with the check was received by the recipients so . . . where's the check I mailed?

How absolutely sure are you those things weren't misaddressed?

As far as a bill failing to turn up at a company - its always possible the person at the company lost it. But I've never had that happen, either.

Maybe I'm just lucky. I once sent a package to my brother in a huge apartment complex and forgot to put the apt number. There was no public directory at the place, and no front office the P.O. guy could just go ask - but it found its way there somehow.
This is so ridiculous. Does anyone even have the desire to be honest nowadays? And we wonder why corruption is rampant.

I fail to see the dishonesty. Are they attempting to conceal the fact they do not intend to pay on the note? Isn't telling the bank you're not going to pay actually called "honesty" ?

What should these people do? Go back in time and sign a different note? Load up the kids into the minivan and sell it on the way to the homeless shelter? Sorry but if I've got a family in this situation I'm not going to give a shit about a bank - they don't give a shit about me, so why not return the favor?

They borrowed money and made a commitment to pay it back. They are refusing to even make an effort to do so. That is dishonest.
There is no right and wrong when dealing with mega-corporations. Get as much as you can out of them. They'll be doing the same to you, trust me.

There is always right and wrong. You can lie to yourself, but there are always consequences for selling yourself short.

The fact that your dishonest doesn't mean it's right or the rest of us need to be as well.
There is no right and wrong when dealing with mega-corporations. Get as much as you can out of them. They'll be doing the same to you, trust me.

There is always right and wrong. You can lie to yourself, but there are always consequences for selling yourself short.

The fact that your dishonest doesn't mean it's right or the rest of us need to be as well.

Save your breath, he's too stubborn to admit when he's wrong.
So they don't get to keep the house.

I still fail to see the problem. If the roles were reversed - a financially ruined corporation occupying a building owned by an individual investor - the individual investor would almost surely have to hire attorneys to force the corporation to vacate.

That's because you are an immoral, dishonest, hypocritical man who likes to pretend he has absolutely no responsibility to anyone else and is simply a victim of everyone else.

If you let go of this self righteous image you seem to have of yourself and actually took responsibility for your actions instead of excusing them because others are less than perfect, you would clearly see the problem that being corrupt causes to both yourself and to society in general.
There is no right and wrong when dealing with mega-corporations. Get as much as you can out of them. They'll be doing the same to you, trust me.

There is always right and wrong. You can lie to yourself, but there are always consequences for selling yourself short.

The fact that your dishonest doesn't mean it's right or the rest of us need to be as well.

Save your breath, he's too stubborn to admit when he's wrong.

Luckily, I dont breath alot typing.
Like I said, it's only a problem if taking what doesn't belong to you violates your personal code of ethics. I can only speak for myself but I certainly do not model my personal ethical decisions on the behavior of corporations.

Well that's because you aren't looking for justification for your bad behavior. Quite the opposite, you want to do good things.

Now if someone is dishonest and realizes it and wants to justify their dishonesty because they know it makes them garbage, they would be more than happy to falsely rationalize that the behavior of others should influence their decisions.

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