Wall Street Declares War on Warren

What, if anything, would you recommend to replace the Central Bank?

Free Markets.
Free Markets.
Markets free of economic (monopoly) rents or markets free of government regulation?

Mixed economies and monopoly | Michael Hudson

"In the 20th century’s Progressive Era a century ago, a 'mixed economy' meant keeping natural monopolies in the public sector: transportation, the post office, education, health care, and so forth.

"The aim was to save the economy from monopoly rent by a either direct public ownership or government regulation to prevent price gouging by monopolies.

"The kind of 'mixed economy' envisioned by Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and other classical 19thcentury free market economists aimed at saving the economy from land rent paid to Europe’s hereditary landlord class.

"Either the government would tax away the land’s rent, or would nationalize it by taking land out of the hands of landlords.

"The idea was to free markets from economic rent ('unearned income') in general, including monopoly rents, and also to subsidize basic needs to create a price-competitive national economy."
The Wall Street Campaign to Stop Elizabeth Warren Officially Began on September 10, 2019

"Yesterday, that Wall Street campaign officially began. CNBC’s Jim Cramer and David Faber discussed on TV how they are hearing from Wall Street bank executives that Warren must be stopped..."

Can you guess why Wall Street's trolls have a problem with Liz?

Bloomberg Knows:

"On the same day, September 10, 2019, Bloomberg News, which is majority owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, whose $52.4 billion net worth derives from leasing his data terminals to thousands of Wall Street trading floors around the globe, ran this headline: 'Richest Could Lose Hundreds of Billions Under Warren’s Wealth Tax.'

"Obviously, that wouldn’t sit too well with Michael Bloomberg, who has frequently penned his own OpEds for his financial news empire..."

"The opinion piece was titled 'Warren’s Assault on Retiree Wealth,' and was written by Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. Gramm is the former Republican Senator whose name appears on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the legislation that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act."

"t was that repeal that allowed Wall Street’s casino investment banks to merge with commercial banks holding Federally-insured deposits.

"And it was this dangerous combo that led to the epic crash on Wall Street in 2008 and the ensuing economic collapse in the U.S. – the greatest collapse since the Great Depression."

There are economic events on the horizon (like negative interest rates) that pose a legitimate threat to savers and retirees; Liz Warren is not among them.

What Negative Interest Rates Mean For Your Retirement
So you want Warren for president?
So you want Warren for president?
Right now she's my second choice.

However, Warren appears to be trending in ways Bernie isn't doing yet, so I'll wait to see which one appears to have the best chance of burying Joe and the other corporate whores next summer.
Yeah, it's not like Warren's gonna stop monetizing debt.

Agree with the gipper, all show in order to weaponize democracy at every stage of the game and on every channel 24/7.
Wall Street WANTS Warren to win. They know she will do their bidding just as Ears and Hillary did.
Wall Street WANTS Warren to win. They know she will do their bidding just as Ears and Hillary did
What has Warren done to advance Wall Street's interest?

Elizabeth Warren Says Another Economic Crash Is Coming: Is She Right?

"On Monday, (July, 2019) Democratic presidential contender Senator Elizabeth Warren posted a column on Medium that carried the provocative headline: The Coming Economic Crash — And How to Stop It..."

"Warren wrote about economic trends like the fact that the U.S. manufacturing sector is already in recession and the staggering amount of household and corporate debt."
Everyone knows another crash is coming.
Everyone knows another crash is coming
Everyone doesn't know how to lessen the collateral damage of the next Wall Street train wreck; Warren might.

Elizabeth Warren Says Another Economic Crash Is Coming: Is She Right?

"Warren has proven herself to be one of the most knowledgeable members of the Senate Banking Committee since 2013, particularly when it comes to the insidious and highly-leveraged risk taking on Wall Street.

"She knows there is not going to be any way to stop the Wall Street train wreck once it’s in motion.

"That’s because despite the pivotal role that derivatives played in deepening the epic financial collapse that began in 2008, derivatives have not been brought under control by either Congress or Federal regulators of Wall Street."
Markets free of economic (monopoly) rents or markets free of government regulation?

Mixed economies and monopoly | Michael Hudson

"In the 20th century’s Progressive Era a century ago, a 'mixed economy' meant keeping natural monopolies in the public sector: transportation, the post office, education, health care, and so forth.

"The aim was to save the economy from monopoly rent by a either direct public ownership or government regulation to prevent price gouging by monopolies.

"The kind of 'mixed economy' envisioned by Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and other classical 19thcentury free market economists aimed at saving the economy from land rent paid to Europe’s hereditary landlord class.

"Either the government would tax away the land’s rent, or would nationalize it by taking land out of the hands of landlords.

"The idea was to free markets from economic rent ('unearned income') in general, including monopoly rents, and also to subsidize basic needs to create a price-competitive national economy."

Oppression in small pieces will always lead directly to full scale tyranny. Always.

I think the most important thing to understand before pursuing discussion about monetary policy is what money is. And what money is not. What wealth is. And what wealth is not. How wealth is created. And how it is not. Neither the people in Washington or on Wall Street know what money is. Or any of the latter points, for that matter. The malinvestment alone is indicative of that.
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Yeah, it's not like Warren's gonna stop monetizing debt.

Agree with the gipper, all show in order to weaponize democracy at every stage of the game and on every channel 24/7.
Wall Street WANTS Warren to win. They know she will do their bidding just as Ears and Hillary did.

No offense, but that is the stupidest thing I've heard in a long, long time.

You live in a weird alternative universe, where up is down, wet is dry, east is west, and the Buccaneers are better than the Patriots. You have absolutely zero clue about what is happening in the real world.
The Bucs older unis were cooler. Maybe the face emblem could have been changed a bit though.

Liz Warren would be Wall Streets biggest nightmare
She would hold them responsible
Wall Street backed that shithead Obama and that asshole Clinton. I don't see what they could possibly have against Pocahontas.
Wall Street factions back every POTUS to one degree or another.
The only "choice" is between Republican billionaire shitheads and Democratic billionaire shitheads:

America’s Billionaires Congealing Around Warren and Buttigieg | Washington's Blog

"This, in turn, would mean that Democratic Party billionaires, instead of Republican Party billionaires, would almost certainly control the country after 2020 — the country would be controlled by people such as Thomas Steyer and Donald Sussman, instead of by people such as Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer.

"It would be a different ‘democracy’, but not really much different; it would be like the difference between George W. Bush and Barack Obama — it would be different in rhetoric and bumper-stickers, but very similar in actual policies."

But they gave more money to Obama than they gave to either McCain or Romney and they gave a shitload to crooked Hillary.

I don't know why because they were dumbasses. Maybe the promise of bailouts or who they perceived was going to win.
But they gave more money to Obama than they gave to either McCain or Romney and they gave a shitload to crooked Hillary.

I don't know why because they were dumbasses. Maybe the promise of bailouts or who they perceived was going to win.
Most of US productivity gains over the past five decades have gone to the richest 10% of Americans with the richest 1% and 0.1% hogging the lions' share. This has happened regardless of which corporate party controls government, and those at the top always want more.

You might call them sociopaths..

Charles Derber on Our Sociopathic Society - Corporate Crime Reporter

"Sociopathic individuals in the United States are often successful and well adjusted. Most of them are sane and well educated.

"They are more likely to be conforming to the values and rules of conduct of a society than violating them.

"The reason?

"It is the society, it’s rules and values, that are sociopathic."
Wall Street backed that shithead Obama and that asshole Clinton. I don't see what they could possibly have against Pocahontas.
Wall Street factions back every POTUS to one degree or another.
The only "choice" is between Republican billionaire shitheads and Democratic billionaire shitheads:

America’s Billionaires Congealing Around Warren and Buttigieg | Washington's Blog

"This, in turn, would mean that Democratic Party billionaires, instead of Republican Party billionaires, would almost certainly control the country after 2020 — the country would be controlled by people such as Thomas Steyer and Donald Sussman, instead of by people such as Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer.

"It would be a different ‘democracy’, but not really much different; it would be like the difference between George W. Bush and Barack Obama — it would be different in rhetoric and bumper-stickers, but very similar in actual policies."

But they gave more money to Obama than they gave to either McCain or Romney and they gave a shitload to crooked Hillary.

I don't know why because they were dumbasses. Maybe the promise of bailouts or who they perceived was going to win.
But they gave more money to Obama than they gave to either McCain or Romney and they gave a shitload to crooked Hillary.

I don't know why because they were dumbasses. Maybe the promise of bailouts or who they perceived was going to win.
Most of US productivity gains over the past five decades have gone to the richest 10% of Americans with the richest 1% and 0.1% hogging the lions' share. This has happened regardless of which corporate party controls government, and those at the top always want more.

You might call them sociopaths..

Charles Derber on Our Sociopathic Society - Corporate Crime Reporter

"Sociopathic individuals in the United States are often successful and well adjusted. Most of them are sane and well educated.

"They are more likely to be conforming to the values and rules of conduct of a society than violating them.

"The reason?

"It is the society, it’s rules and values, that are sociopathic."

Obama screwed up the economy. Under his administration poverty increased, family income decreased, $10 trillion was added to the debt and we had piss poor economic growth. In addition to that taxes were increased and healthcare was screwed up.

If you want to bitch about something bitch about how failed Left policies have screwed the American people.

Wall Street loves big government. That has been a sugar daddy for them. They proved it when they backed Obama and Clinton.
Yeah, it's not like Warren's gonna stop monetizing debt.

Agree with the gipper, all show in order to weaponize democracy at every stage of the game and on every channel 24/7.
Wall Street WANTS Warren to win. They know she will do their bidding just as Ears and Hillary did.

No offense, but that is the stupidest thing I've heard in a long, long time.

You live in a weird alternative universe, where up is down, wet is dry, east is west, and the Buccaneers are better than the Patriots. You have absolutely zero clue about what is happening in the real world.
Offense taken. I really dislike stupidity.

You are not informed. Allow me to get you informed.

Warren was a Reagan republican into her 40s.

“I was a Republican because I thought that those were the people who best supported markets. I think that is not true anymore,” Warren toldthe Daily Beast in 2011. “I was a Republican at a time when I felt like there was a problem that the markets were under a lot more strain. It worried me whether or not the government played too activist a role.”
Elizabeth Warren confronted by her Republican past

America’s Billionaires Congealing Around Warren and Buttigieg
America’s Billionaires Congealing Around Warren and Buttigieg | Washington's Blog

Warren said she was Cherokee. You expect people to be she was a true Reagan supporter? Based on what, high cheek bones??
Warren said she was Cherokee. You expect people to be she was a true Reagan supporter? Based on what, high cheek bones??

Reagan wasn't much to write home about. We had massive inflationism and deficits under him, too. All for the same reasons we see today, the overly indulgent foreign aid and military spending, and equally unconstitutional foreign policy, etc.
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I live in Washington. We have the Ronald Reagan Building and Reagan National Airport. Based on fact, he was a lot to write for.

Warren is still corrupt.

Well, I went back and added some facts right before you responded, I didn't wanna just do a fly-by post, that's not a very nice thing to do.

There's very, very few that aren't corrupt.
Liz Warren has their number

Unconstrained greed will not be tolerated
The Wall Street Campaign to Stop Elizabeth Warren Officially Began on September 10, 2019

"Yesterday, that Wall Street campaign officially began. CNBC’s Jim Cramer and David Faber discussed on TV how they are hearing from Wall Street bank executives that Warren must be stopped..."

Can you guess why Wall Street's trolls have a problem with Liz?

Bloomberg Knows:

"On the same day, September 10, 2019, Bloomberg News, which is majority owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, whose $52.4 billion net worth derives from leasing his data terminals to thousands of Wall Street trading floors around the globe, ran this headline: 'Richest Could Lose Hundreds of Billions Under Warren’s Wealth Tax.'

"Obviously, that wouldn’t sit too well with Michael Bloomberg, who has frequently penned his own OpEds for his financial news empire..."

"The opinion piece was titled 'Warren’s Assault on Retiree Wealth,' and was written by Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. Gramm is the former Republican Senator whose name appears on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the legislation that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act."

"t was that repeal that allowed Wall Street’s casino investment banks to merge with commercial banks holding Federally-insured deposits.

"And it was this dangerous combo that led to the epic crash on Wall Street in 2008 and the ensuing economic collapse in the U.S. – the greatest collapse since the Great Depression."

There are economic events on the horizon (like negative interest rates) that pose a legitimate threat to savers and retirees; Liz Warren is not among them.

What Negative Interest Rates Mean For Your Retirement
So you want Warren for president?
So you want Warren for president?
Right now she's my second choice.

However, Warren appears to be trending in ways Bernie isn't doing yet, so I'll wait to see which one appears to have the best chance of burying Joe and the other corporate whores next summer.

Good for you, what "free stuff" are you hoping for.
neither the ny times or the ny post have endorsed trump.

i guarantee ya the boston globe endorsed warren, my friends!
The Wall Street Campaign to Stop Elizabeth Warren Officially Began on September 10, 2019

"Yesterday, that Wall Street campaign officially began. CNBC’s Jim Cramer and David Faber discussed on TV how they are hearing from Wall Street bank executives that Warren must be stopped..."

Can you guess why Wall Street's trolls have a problem with Liz?

Bloomberg Knows:

"On the same day, September 10, 2019, Bloomberg News, which is majority owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, whose $52.4 billion net worth derives from leasing his data terminals to thousands of Wall Street trading floors around the globe, ran this headline: 'Richest Could Lose Hundreds of Billions Under Warren’s Wealth Tax.'

"Obviously, that wouldn’t sit too well with Michael Bloomberg, who has frequently penned his own OpEds for his financial news empire..."

"The opinion piece was titled 'Warren’s Assault on Retiree Wealth,' and was written by Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. Gramm is the former Republican Senator whose name appears on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the legislation that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act."

"t was that repeal that allowed Wall Street’s casino investment banks to merge with commercial banks holding Federally-insured deposits.

"And it was this dangerous combo that led to the epic crash on Wall Street in 2008 and the ensuing economic collapse in the U.S. – the greatest collapse since the Great Depression."

There are economic events on the horizon (like negative interest rates) that pose a legitimate threat to savers and retirees; Liz Warren is not among them.

What Negative Interest Rates Mean For Your Retirement

The super rich will simply skirt it
Their accounting and wealth management teams will make sure of it
Im still trying to figure out what this actually means
"U.S. companies would be required to create a material positive impact on society,”
Free anal lube for all ? and more transgenders in the ladies room ?
I looked for her actual plan for 2 seconds but google and bing are full of lefty eat the rich articles ...simply because BESIDES her economy crushing "patriotic nationalist AMERICA FIRST " plan (dats wacist when trump say america first ...but not when redskin rosie does it ) i'm just curious how much MORE shes going to hammer the working poor and the middle classes after her new green deal royally screws us all

Abolish the FED !

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