Wall Street Declares War on Warren

That’s bull shit. Warren loves Wall Street and they love her.

Disinformation designed to dupe voters.
What has Warren done to deserve Wall Street's love?
She supports them 100% , just as Ears and Hilary did.
She supports them 100% , just as Ears and Hilary did.
Ears and Hillary never proposed a wealth tax

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

"Billionaires such as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett could have collectively lost hundreds of billions of dollars in net worth over decades if presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax plan had been in effect -- and they had done nothing to avoid it."
That’s bull shit. Warren loves Wall Street and they love her.

Disinformation designed to dupe voters.
What has Warren done to deserve Wall Street's love?
She supports them 100% , just as Ears and Hilary did.
She supports them 100% , just as Ears and Hilary did.
Ears and Hillary never proposed a wealth tax

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

"Billionaires such as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett could have collectively lost hundreds of billions of dollars in net worth over decades if presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax plan had been in effect -- and they had done nothing to avoid it."
I am all for a wealth tax. While Warren proposes it, I suspect she won’t enact it should she be potus.
That’s bull shit. Warren loves Wall Street and they love her.

Disinformation designed to dupe voters.
What has Warren done to deserve Wall Street's love?
She supports them 100% , just as Ears and Hilary did.
She supports them 100% , just as Ears and Hilary did.
Ears and Hillary never proposed a wealth tax

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

"Billionaires such as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett could have collectively lost hundreds of billions of dollars in net worth over decades if presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax plan had been in effect -- and they had done nothing to avoid it."
I am all for a wealth tax. While Warren proposes it, I suspect she won’t enact it should she be potus.
I am all for a wealth tax. While Warren proposes it, I suspect she won’t enact it should she be potus.
Apparently, there are some potential drawbacks even if it becomes law?

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

"Massachusetts Senator Warren has proposed that the wealthiest 75,000 households pay an annual tax of 2% on each dollar of their net worth above $50 million. It would rise to 3% on every dollar above $1 billion.

"She has said this would combat rising inequality.

"Critics have charged that the tax would be hard to administer and easy to avoid.

"They’ve also questioned its constitutionality."
Wall Street backed that shithead Obama and that asshole Clinton. I don't see what they could possibly have against Pocahontas.
Wall Street factions back every POTUS to one degree or another.
The only "choice" is between Republican billionaire shitheads and Democratic billionaire shitheads:

America’s Billionaires Congealing Around Warren and Buttigieg | Washington's Blog

"This, in turn, would mean that Democratic Party billionaires, instead of Republican Party billionaires, would almost certainly control the country after 2020 — the country would be controlled by people such as Thomas Steyer and Donald Sussman, instead of by people such as Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer.

"It would be a different ‘democracy’, but not really much different; it would be like the difference between George W. Bush and Barack Obama — it would be different in rhetoric and bumper-stickers, but very similar in actual policies."

But they gave more money to Obama than they gave to either McCain or Romney and they gave a shitload to crooked Hillary.

I don't know why because they were dumbasses. Maybe the promise of bailouts or who they perceived was going to win.
But they gave more money to Obama than they gave to either McCain or Romney and they gave a shitload to crooked Hillary.

I don't know why because they were dumbasses. Maybe the promise of bailouts or who they perceived was going to win.
Most of US productivity gains over the past five decades have gone to the richest 10% of Americans with the richest 1% and 0.1% hogging the lions' share. This has happened regardless of which corporate party controls government, and those at the top always want more.

You might call them sociopaths..

Charles Derber on Our Sociopathic Society - Corporate Crime Reporter

"Sociopathic individuals in the United States are often successful and well adjusted. Most of them are sane and well educated.

"They are more likely to be conforming to the values and rules of conduct of a society than violating them.

"The reason?

"It is the society, it’s rules and values, that are sociopathic."

Obama screwed up the economy. Under his administration poverty increased, family income decreased, $10 trillion was added to the debt and we had piss poor economic growth. In addition to that taxes were increased and healthcare was screwed up.

If you want to bitch about something bitch about how failed Left policies have screwed the American people.

Wall Street loves big government. That has been a sugar daddy for them. They proved it when they backed Obama and Clinton.
Wall Street loves big government. That has been a sugar daddy for them. They proved it when they backed Obama and Clinton.
But not Reagan, Thatcher, and Bush?
Every POTUS since Carter has advanced the cause of neoliberal economics in the interest of those who own the means of production, proving once again how capitalism is designed to enrich private interests at the expense of the public.

Bernie is the best candidate for those who think the rich have too large a share of national income and wealth.
The Wall Street Campaign to Stop Elizabeth Warren Officially Began on September 10, 2019

"Yesterday, that Wall Street campaign officially began. CNBC’s Jim Cramer and David Faber discussed on TV how they are hearing from Wall Street bank executives that Warren must be stopped..."

Can you guess why Wall Street's trolls have a problem with Liz?

Bloomberg Knows:

"On the same day, September 10, 2019, Bloomberg News, which is majority owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, whose $52.4 billion net worth derives from leasing his data terminals to thousands of Wall Street trading floors around the globe, ran this headline: 'Richest Could Lose Hundreds of Billions Under Warren’s Wealth Tax.'

"Obviously, that wouldn’t sit too well with Michael Bloomberg, who has frequently penned his own OpEds for his financial news empire..."

"The opinion piece was titled 'Warren’s Assault on Retiree Wealth,' and was written by Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. Gramm is the former Republican Senator whose name appears on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the legislation that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act."

"t was that repeal that allowed Wall Street’s casino investment banks to merge with commercial banks holding Federally-insured deposits.

"And it was this dangerous combo that led to the epic crash on Wall Street in 2008 and the ensuing economic collapse in the U.S. – the greatest collapse since the Great Depression."

There are economic events on the horizon (like negative interest rates) that pose a legitimate threat to savers and retirees; Liz Warren is not among them.

What Negative Interest Rates Mean For Your Retirement
So you want Warren for president?
So you want Warren for president?
Right now she's my second choice.

However, Warren appears to be trending in ways Bernie isn't doing yet, so I'll wait to see which one appears to have the best chance of burying Joe and the other corporate whores next summer.

Good for you, what "free stuff" are you hoping for.
Good for you, what "free stuff" are you hoping for
Are you sure you want the answer to that loaded question?

A society free of land rents?

Mixed economies and monopoly | Michael Hudson

"The kind of 'mixed economy' envisioned by Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and other classical 19th century free market economists aimed at saving the economy from land rent paid to Europe’s hereditary landlord class.

"Either the government would tax away the land’s rent, or would nationalize it by taking land out of the hands of landlords.

"The idea was to free markets from economic rent ('unearned income') in general, including monopoly rents, and also to subsidize basic needs to create a price-competitive national economy."

Don't worry, Scrooge.
I'll give you a good deal on a used tent and a free patch of sidewalk to camp on:19:
Everybody is still responsible for themselves
Liz Warren has their number

Unconstrained greed will not be tolerated
She and Bernie seem like the only two possibilities for those disgusted with the last 40 years of neoliberal wealth and income redistribution.

Elizabeth Warren understands Wall Street better than any other presidential candidate

"Elizabeth Warren understands Wall Street better than any other presidential candidate.

"She studied it in her previous career as a Harvard professor, and she has effectively built her own think tank inside the Senate, coming up with genuinely novel ideas for how to improve financial regulation.

"What to watch: Warren has already received the grudging respect of many on Wall Street.

"Her diagnoses of where the financial services industry falls short are generally accurate, and her proposed regulations would probably give a competitive advantage to financial giants with large compliance departments."

One analysis I've read claims Wall Street prefers Biden or Mayor Pete, and they think they can leverage Warren to advance Pete.
Wall Street backed that shithead Obama and that asshole Clinton. I don't see what they could possibly have against Pocahontas.
Wall Street factions back every POTUS to one degree or another.
The only "choice" is between Republican billionaire shitheads and Democratic billionaire shitheads:

America’s Billionaires Congealing Around Warren and Buttigieg | Washington's Blog

"This, in turn, would mean that Democratic Party billionaires, instead of Republican Party billionaires, would almost certainly control the country after 2020 — the country would be controlled by people such as Thomas Steyer and Donald Sussman, instead of by people such as Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer.

"It would be a different ‘democracy’, but not really much different; it would be like the difference between George W. Bush and Barack Obama — it would be different in rhetoric and bumper-stickers, but very similar in actual policies."

But they gave more money to Obama than they gave to either McCain or Romney and they gave a shitload to crooked Hillary.

I don't know why because they were dumbasses. Maybe the promise of bailouts or who they perceived was going to win.
But they gave more money to Obama than they gave to either McCain or Romney and they gave a shitload to crooked Hillary.

I don't know why because they were dumbasses. Maybe the promise of bailouts or who they perceived was going to win.
Most of US productivity gains over the past five decades have gone to the richest 10% of Americans with the richest 1% and 0.1% hogging the lions' share. This has happened regardless of which corporate party controls government, and those at the top always want more.

You might call them sociopaths..

Charles Derber on Our Sociopathic Society - Corporate Crime Reporter

"Sociopathic individuals in the United States are often successful and well adjusted. Most of them are sane and well educated.

"They are more likely to be conforming to the values and rules of conduct of a society than violating them.

"The reason?

"It is the society, it’s rules and values, that are sociopathic."

Obama screwed up the economy. Under his administration poverty increased, family income decreased, $10 trillion was added to the debt and we had piss poor economic growth. In addition to that taxes were increased and healthcare was screwed up.

If you want to bitch about something bitch about how failed Left policies have screwed the American people.

Wall Street loves big government. That has been a sugar daddy for them. They proved it when they backed Obama and Clinton.
Wall Street loves big government. That has been a sugar daddy for them. They proved it when they backed Obama and Clinton.
But not Reagan, Thatcher, and Bush?
Every POTUS since Carter has advanced the cause of neoliberal economics in the interest of those who own the means of production, proving once again how capitalism is designed to enrich private interests at the expense of the public.

Bernie is the best candidate for those who think the rich have too large a share of national income and wealth.

Wall Street sucks off the teat of big government just like other welfare queens. Especially when it comes to subsidies and bailouts. They also love globalism. That is why they tend to support the more Liberal candidates.
The Wall Street Campaign to Stop Elizabeth Warren Officially Began on September 10, 2019

"Yesterday, that Wall Street campaign officially began. CNBC’s Jim Cramer and David Faber discussed on TV how they are hearing from Wall Street bank executives that Warren must be stopped..."

Can you guess why Wall Street's trolls have a problem with Liz?

Bloomberg Knows:

"On the same day, September 10, 2019, Bloomberg News, which is majority owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, whose $52.4 billion net worth derives from leasing his data terminals to thousands of Wall Street trading floors around the globe, ran this headline: 'Richest Could Lose Hundreds of Billions Under Warren’s Wealth Tax.'

"Obviously, that wouldn’t sit too well with Michael Bloomberg, who has frequently penned his own OpEds for his financial news empire..."

"The opinion piece was titled 'Warren’s Assault on Retiree Wealth,' and was written by Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. Gramm is the former Republican Senator whose name appears on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the legislation that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act."

"t was that repeal that allowed Wall Street’s casino investment banks to merge with commercial banks holding Federally-insured deposits.

"And it was this dangerous combo that led to the epic crash on Wall Street in 2008 and the ensuing economic collapse in the U.S. – the greatest collapse since the Great Depression."

There are economic events on the horizon (like negative interest rates) that pose a legitimate threat to savers and retirees; Liz Warren is not among them.

What Negative Interest Rates Mean For Your Retirement
So you want Warren for president?
So you want Warren for president?
Right now she's my second choice.

However, Warren appears to be trending in ways Bernie isn't doing yet, so I'll wait to see which one appears to have the best chance of burying Joe and the other corporate whores next summer.

Good for you, what "free stuff" are you hoping for.
Good for you, what "free stuff" are you hoping for
Are you sure you want the answer to that loaded question?

A society free of land rents?

Mixed economies and monopoly | Michael Hudson

"The kind of 'mixed economy' envisioned by Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and other classical 19th century free market economists aimed at saving the economy from land rent paid to Europe’s hereditary landlord class.

"Either the government would tax away the land’s rent, or would nationalize it by taking land out of the hands of landlords.

"The idea was to free markets from economic rent ('unearned income') in general, including monopoly rents, and also to subsidize basic needs to create a price-competitive national economy."

Don't worry, Scrooge.
I'll give you a good deal on a used tent and a free patch of sidewalk to camp on:19:
Everybody is still responsible for themselves
True but some of us are more equal than others, while receiving a lot of help along the way.
Liz Warren has their number

Unconstrained greed will not be tolerated
She and Bernie seem like the only two possibilities for those disgusted with the last 40 years of neoliberal wealth and income redistribution.

Elizabeth Warren understands Wall Street better than any other presidential candidate

"Elizabeth Warren understands Wall Street better than any other presidential candidate.

"She studied it in her previous career as a Harvard professor, and she has effectively built her own think tank inside the Senate, coming up with genuinely novel ideas for how to improve financial regulation.

"What to watch: Warren has already received the grudging respect of many on Wall Street.

"Her diagnoses of where the financial services industry falls short are generally accurate, and her proposed regulations would probably give a competitive advantage to financial giants with large compliance departments."

One analysis I've read claims Wall Street prefers Biden or Mayor Pete, and they think they can leverage Warren to advance Pete.
The fix is in just as it was in 2016. The DNC will never allow their candidate bring anything other than controlled by the elite establishment.

This is why Tulsi was excluded. She is the real deal. Can’t have that.

“…this also points to a bigger issue and challenge that goes beyond the DNC and party politics, the government itself. There’s people who are increasingly losing that faith and trust in the government because they see a lack of transparency there and they see that we don’t have a government that is of, by, and for the people, and really what they see is a small group of really powerful political elites, the establishment, making decisions that serve their interests and maintaining that power while the rest of us are left outside.” Tulsi Gabbard
Warren will promise anything she thinks will get her votes but all those promises will go the way of her Indian heritage once she gets what she wants. In other words, she's the exact opposite of Trump where her word is concerned. She's more of a promises made, promises broken candidate. We call that an establishment elitist or a swamper.
Warren will promise anything she thinks will get her votes but all those promises will go the way of her Indian heritage once she gets what she wants. In other words, she's the exact opposite of Trump where her word is concerned. She's more of a promises made, promises broken candidate. We call that an establishment elitist or a swamper.
I tend to agree. She is much like Obama who promised hope and change, but gave us little hope and more of the same.

With the MSM COLLUDING with the D Party, it’s easier for a D potus to dupe some voters.
The Wall Street Campaign to Stop Elizabeth Warren Officially Began on September 10, 2019

"Yesterday, that Wall Street campaign officially began. CNBC’s Jim Cramer and David Faber discussed on TV how they are hearing from Wall Street bank executives that Warren must be stopped..."

Can you guess why Wall Street's trolls have a problem with Liz?

Bloomberg Knows:

"On the same day, September 10, 2019, Bloomberg News, which is majority owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, whose $52.4 billion net worth derives from leasing his data terminals to thousands of Wall Street trading floors around the globe, ran this headline: 'Richest Could Lose Hundreds of Billions Under Warren’s Wealth Tax.'

"Obviously, that wouldn’t sit too well with Michael Bloomberg, who has frequently penned his own OpEds for his financial news empire..."

"The opinion piece was titled 'Warren’s Assault on Retiree Wealth,' and was written by Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. Gramm is the former Republican Senator whose name appears on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the legislation that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act."

"t was that repeal that allowed Wall Street’s casino investment banks to merge with commercial banks holding Federally-insured deposits.

"And it was this dangerous combo that led to the epic crash on Wall Street in 2008 and the ensuing economic collapse in the U.S. – the greatest collapse since the Great Depression."

There are economic events on the horizon (like negative interest rates) that pose a legitimate threat to savers and retirees; Liz Warren is not among them.

What Negative Interest Rates Mean For Your Retirement
Re-adjusting your portfolio?
The Wall Street Campaign to Stop Elizabeth Warren Officially Began on September 10, 2019

"Yesterday, that Wall Street campaign officially began. CNBC’s Jim Cramer and David Faber discussed on TV how they are hearing from Wall Street bank executives that Warren must be stopped..."

Can you guess why Wall Street's trolls have a problem with Liz?

Bloomberg Knows:

"On the same day, September 10, 2019, Bloomberg News, which is majority owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, whose $52.4 billion net worth derives from leasing his data terminals to thousands of Wall Street trading floors around the globe, ran this headline: 'Richest Could Lose Hundreds of Billions Under Warren’s Wealth Tax.'

"Obviously, that wouldn’t sit too well with Michael Bloomberg, who has frequently penned his own OpEds for his financial news empire..."

"The opinion piece was titled 'Warren’s Assault on Retiree Wealth,' and was written by Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. Gramm is the former Republican Senator whose name appears on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the legislation that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act."

"t was that repeal that allowed Wall Street’s casino investment banks to merge with commercial banks holding Federally-insured deposits.

"And it was this dangerous combo that led to the epic crash on Wall Street in 2008 and the ensuing economic collapse in the U.S. – the greatest collapse since the Great Depression."

There are economic events on the horizon (like negative interest rates) that pose a legitimate threat to savers and retirees; Liz Warren is not among them.

What Negative Interest Rates Mean For Your Retirement
So you want Warren for president?
So you want Warren for president?
Right now she's my second choice.

However, Warren appears to be trending in ways Bernie isn't doing yet, so I'll wait to see which one appears to have the best chance of burying Joe and the other corporate whores next summer.

Good for you, what "free stuff" are you hoping for.
Good for you, what "free stuff" are you hoping for
Are you sure you want the answer to that loaded question?

A society free of land rents?

Mixed economies and monopoly | Michael Hudson

"The kind of 'mixed economy' envisioned by Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and other classical 19th century free market economists aimed at saving the economy from land rent paid to Europe’s hereditary landlord class.

"Either the government would tax away the land’s rent, or would nationalize it by taking land out of the hands of landlords.

"The idea was to free markets from economic rent ('unearned income') in general, including monopoly rents, and also to subsidize basic needs to create a price-competitive national economy."

Don't worry, Scrooge.
I'll give you a good deal on a used tent and a free patch of sidewalk to camp on:19:

Great, so ya want free rent. Good luck with your tent.
The Wall Street Campaign to Stop Elizabeth Warren Officially Began on September 10, 2019

"Yesterday, that Wall Street campaign officially began. CNBC’s Jim Cramer and David Faber discussed on TV how they are hearing from Wall Street bank executives that Warren must be stopped..."

Can you guess why Wall Street's trolls have a problem with Liz?

Bloomberg Knows:

"On the same day, September 10, 2019, Bloomberg News, which is majority owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, whose $52.4 billion net worth derives from leasing his data terminals to thousands of Wall Street trading floors around the globe, ran this headline: 'Richest Could Lose Hundreds of Billions Under Warren’s Wealth Tax.'

"Obviously, that wouldn’t sit too well with Michael Bloomberg, who has frequently penned his own OpEds for his financial news empire..."

"The opinion piece was titled 'Warren’s Assault on Retiree Wealth,' and was written by Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. Gramm is the former Republican Senator whose name appears on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the legislation that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act."

"t was that repeal that allowed Wall Street’s casino investment banks to merge with commercial banks holding Federally-insured deposits.

"And it was this dangerous combo that led to the epic crash on Wall Street in 2008 and the ensuing economic collapse in the U.S. – the greatest collapse since the Great Depression."

There are economic events on the horizon (like negative interest rates) that pose a legitimate threat to savers and retirees; Liz Warren is not among them.

What Negative Interest Rates Mean For Your Retirement

This you Georgie?

Yeah, it's not like Warren's gonna stop monetizing debt.

Agree with the gipper, all show in order to weaponize democracy at every stage of the game and on every channel 24/7.
Wall Street WANTS Warren to win. They know she will do their bidding just as Ears and Hillary did.

No offense, but that is the stupidest thing I've heard in a long, long time.

You live in a weird alternative universe, where up is down, wet is dry, east is west, and the Buccaneers are better than the Patriots. You have absolutely zero clue about what is happening in the real world.
Offense taken. I really dislike stupidity.

You are not informed. Allow me to get you informed.

Warren was a Reagan republican into her 40s.

“I was a Republican because I thought that those were the people who best supported markets. I think that is not true anymore,” Warren toldthe Daily Beast in 2011. “I was a Republican at a time when I felt like there was a problem that the markets were under a lot more strain. It worried me whether or not the government played too activist a role.”
Elizabeth Warren confronted by her Republican past

America’s Billionaires Congealing Around Warren and Buttigieg
America’s Billionaires Congealing Around Warren and Buttigieg | Washington's Blog

And Trump was a Dem into his 60s, what the hell does that prove?
Yeah, it's not like Warren's gonna stop monetizing debt.

Agree with the gipper, all show in order to weaponize democracy at every stage of the game and on every channel 24/7.
Wall Street WANTS Warren to win. They know she will do their bidding just as Ears and Hillary did.

No offense, but that is the stupidest thing I've heard in a long, long time.

You live in a weird alternative universe, where up is down, wet is dry, east is west, and the Buccaneers are better than the Patriots. You have absolutely zero clue about what is happening in the real world.
Offense taken. I really dislike stupidity.

You are not informed. Allow me to get you informed.

Warren was a Reagan republican into her 40s.

“I was a Republican because I thought that those were the people who best supported markets. I think that is not true anymore,” Warren toldthe Daily Beast in 2011. “I was a Republican at a time when I felt like there was a problem that the markets were under a lot more strain. It worried me whether or not the government played too activist a role.”
Elizabeth Warren confronted by her Republican past

America’s Billionaires Congealing Around Warren and Buttigieg
America’s Billionaires Congealing Around Warren and Buttigieg | Washington's Blog

And Trump was a Dem into his 60s, what the hell does that prove?
It just might prove she isn’t a real progressive. No? She admits to being a capitalist. She said the following:
“I was a Republican because I thought that those were the people who best supported markets. I think that is not true anymore,” Warren toldthe Daily Beast in 2011. “I was a Republican at a time when I felt like there was a problem that the markets were under a lot more strain. It worried me whether or not the government played too activist a role.”
Elizabeth Warren confronted by her Republican past

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren: 'I am a capitalist' – but markets need to work for more than just the rich
Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren: ‘I am a capitalist’ – but markets need to work for more than just the rich
That’s bull shit. Warren loves Wall Street and they love her.

Disinformation designed to dupe voters.

You take some very heavy drugs
I thought you were smart. I guess I am wrong once in a great while.

Warren will not be good for business, why would Wall Street like her? that makes no sense at all.

you are normally not this stupid, are you drunk or high today?
-------------------------- I like your reasoning G.G. and thanks for it as that's the way I see things though I don't really follow money issues . Warren or similar is my backup if the TRUMP messes up on any new gun laws and makes its impossible for me to vote TRUMP GGator .
The Wall Street Campaign to Stop Elizabeth Warren Officially Began on September 10, 2019

"Yesterday, that Wall Street campaign officially began. CNBC’s Jim Cramer and David Faber discussed on TV how they are hearing from Wall Street bank executives that Warren must be stopped..."

Can you guess why Wall Street's trolls have a problem with Liz?

Bloomberg Knows:

"On the same day, September 10, 2019, Bloomberg News, which is majority owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, whose $52.4 billion net worth derives from leasing his data terminals to thousands of Wall Street trading floors around the globe, ran this headline: 'Richest Could Lose Hundreds of Billions Under Warren’s Wealth Tax.'

"Obviously, that wouldn’t sit too well with Michael Bloomberg, who has frequently penned his own OpEds for his financial news empire..."

"The opinion piece was titled 'Warren’s Assault on Retiree Wealth,' and was written by Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. Gramm is the former Republican Senator whose name appears on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the legislation that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act."

"t was that repeal that allowed Wall Street’s casino investment banks to merge with commercial banks holding Federally-insured deposits.

"And it was this dangerous combo that led to the epic crash on Wall Street in 2008 and the ensuing economic collapse in the U.S. – the greatest collapse since the Great Depression."

There are economic events on the horizon (like negative interest rates) that pose a legitimate threat to savers and retirees; Liz Warren is not among them.

What Negative Interest Rates Mean For Your Retirement
So you want Warren for president?
So you want Warren for president?
Right now she's my second choice.

However, Warren appears to be trending in ways Bernie isn't doing yet, so I'll wait to see which one appears to have the best chance of burying Joe and the other corporate whores next summer.

Good for you, what "free stuff" are you hoping for.
Good for you, what "free stuff" are you hoping for
Are you sure you want the answer to that loaded question?

A society free of land rents?

Mixed economies and monopoly | Michael Hudson

"The kind of 'mixed economy' envisioned by Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and other classical 19th century free market economists aimed at saving the economy from land rent paid to Europe’s hereditary landlord class.

"Either the government would tax away the land’s rent, or would nationalize it by taking land out of the hands of landlords.

"The idea was to free markets from economic rent ('unearned income') in general, including monopoly rents, and also to subsidize basic needs to create a price-competitive national economy."

Don't worry, Scrooge.
I'll give you a good deal on a used tent and a free patch of sidewalk to camp on:19:
Everybody is still responsible for themselves
Everybody is still responsible for themselves
Americans tend to see problems in individual or psychological terms instead of social and structural ones; we see people rather than systems (like capitalism), and we've been taught to believe all behavior reflects free personal choice.

When the next white American male picks up his gun and shoots up the nearest school he will be judged mentally ill, or individually evil, or someone who failed to receive the moral teachings a good society imparts.

It will never occur to most good Americans that it is their sociopathic society that creates the psychological disorders that drive school shooters, here and abroad.

Americans Escaping Gun Violence Flee to Iraq and Syria - The Mideast Beast
Last edited:
The Wall Street Campaign to Stop Elizabeth Warren Officially Began on September 10, 2019

"Yesterday, that Wall Street campaign officially began. CNBC’s Jim Cramer and David Faber discussed on TV how they are hearing from Wall Street bank executives that Warren must be stopped..."

Can you guess why Wall Street's trolls have a problem with Liz?

Bloomberg Knows:

"On the same day, September 10, 2019, Bloomberg News, which is majority owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, whose $52.4 billion net worth derives from leasing his data terminals to thousands of Wall Street trading floors around the globe, ran this headline: 'Richest Could Lose Hundreds of Billions Under Warren’s Wealth Tax.'

"Obviously, that wouldn’t sit too well with Michael Bloomberg, who has frequently penned his own OpEds for his financial news empire..."

"The opinion piece was titled 'Warren’s Assault on Retiree Wealth,' and was written by Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. Gramm is the former Republican Senator whose name appears on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the legislation that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act."

"t was that repeal that allowed Wall Street’s casino investment banks to merge with commercial banks holding Federally-insured deposits.

"And it was this dangerous combo that led to the epic crash on Wall Street in 2008 and the ensuing economic collapse in the U.S. – the greatest collapse since the Great Depression."

There are economic events on the horizon (like negative interest rates) that pose a legitimate threat to savers and retirees; Liz Warren is not among them.

What Negative Interest Rates Mean For Your Retirement
So you want Warren for president?
So you want Warren for president?
Right now she's my second choice.

However, Warren appears to be trending in ways Bernie isn't doing yet, so I'll wait to see which one appears to have the best chance of burying Joe and the other corporate whores next summer.

Good for you, what "free stuff" are you hoping for.
Good for you, what "free stuff" are you hoping for
Are you sure you want the answer to that loaded question?

A society free of land rents?

Mixed economies and monopoly | Michael Hudson

"The kind of 'mixed economy' envisioned by Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and other classical 19th century free market economists aimed at saving the economy from land rent paid to Europe’s hereditary landlord class.

"Either the government would tax away the land’s rent, or would nationalize it by taking land out of the hands of landlords.

"The idea was to free markets from economic rent ('unearned income') in general, including monopoly rents, and also to subsidize basic needs to create a price-competitive national economy."

Don't worry, Scrooge.
I'll give you a good deal on a used tent and a free patch of sidewalk to camp on:19:

Great, so ya want free rent. Good luck with your tent.
reat, so ya want free rent. Good luck with your tent.
Some of the tents are becoming quite spacious.
As an extra bonus, no GREEDY landlords required.

"It’s a warm Friday night in Westlake, and more than 50 tenants living in apartments on Burlington Avenue are crowding sidewalks, huddled around tents and cloth banners that hang from orange and yellow apartment buildings.

"The tenants, who call themselves Burlington Unidos, have formed a 'homeless encampment' outside their apartments at 131, 143, and 171 Burlington Avenue as part of an ongoing protest over rent hikes."

Westlake tenants form homeless encampment to protest rent hikes: ‘The prospect of becoming homeless is real’

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