Wall Street Gang Using Black Card to Buy Stuff With Our Credit. Wow


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgDqzAGpi9c]YouTube - Wall Street Gang Using Black Card to Buy Stuff With Our Credit[/ame]
snopes.com: Black American Express Card

In order to be in the Who’s Who on Wall Street, is a black card a requirement? If not, is there another card that people are starting to flaunt now?

No, in order to be WWoWS you just have to be a prick and willing to lie, cheat and steal—depending on the situation/client. A black card is just one of the many possible trophies you receive for being such a shitty human being/above-average financier.

The card now being flaunted around is the BOB card, or Banking On Bankruptcy card—as in “I’m banking from betting that your firm is going bankrupt.” It’s getting more popular by the day, especially among the hedge fund crowd.

Black Cards and Wall Street with Tim Sykes | BlackCardSource.com

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