Wall Street VS. OWS: Who's Winning This War?

Wall Steet VS. OWS: Who's Winning This War?

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Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
In this Wall Street/OWS War,who is winning? Wall Street is boasting about their recent big gains while OWS is boasting about having a big impact and hurting Wall Street. But what do you think?
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I'm going with Wall Street, those fat cats are still balling and what did OWS really accomplish? I don't see anyone changing anything.
I don't hear anything about that OWS bunch.
Last I heard they were trying to close the Port of Oakland
I think that's been it...

They got bored,the movement lost their interest...
They went to play with another "shiny" thing that caught their eye
whatever that may be.
I don't hear anything about that OWS bunch.
Last I heard they were trying to close the Port of Oakland
I think that's been it...

They got bored,the movement lost their interest...
They went to play with another "shiny" thing that caught their eye
whatever that may be.

Probably their new iPhones Mommy & Daddy paid for. ;)
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OWS was correct that Wallstreet is corrupt, but only because Washington continually bails out the corruption rather than let it fail as it would in a free market system. OWS recogized the role corporations play in corporatism or crony capitalism (as opposed to market capitalism) but completely missed the role of government in it. They conflated our current corporatist system with the free market, a grave mistake that led them to pursue terrible policies.
Wall Street is winning, they always do, but that does not make the battle any less worth fighting because the alternative is to be scared little serfs afraid to speak up and irritate the bosses.
OWS was correct that Wallstreet is corrupt, but only because Washington continually bails out the corruption rather than let it fail as it would in a free market system. OWS recogized the role corporations play in corporatism or crony capitalism (as opposed to market capitalism) but completely missed the role of government in it. They conflated our current corporatist system with the free market, a grave mistake that led them to pursue terrible policies.

They started out ok but later on they got hijacked by the usual suspect Leftist Entitlement nutters. They had a glimmer of hope in the beginning. They even claimed they were non-partisan and not affiliated with any particular Political Party. And that sounded pretty good to most common sense thinking people. But as time went by most began to realize what they were really all about. They all just worked for the Soros-funded far Left/Democrat political hacks. It was really just about that 'Gimme Gimme Gimme' Entitlement stuff. It is kind of sad though. Because they really did have a real chance to do something. Now they've lost so much credibility,i don't think they can make a difference.
So I wonder what happened to all those OWS donations. Not sure who's holding that purse.

Oh and definitely Wall Street won, they went after the wrong folks. Should have been those guys in DC.
I was gonna vote OWS, but only because I thought the question was "Who's whining this war?"
I'm going with Wall Street, those fat cats are still balling and what did OWS really accomplish? I don't see anyone changing anything.

Exactly. After all the huffing and puffing from the protesters, what's happened? Nothing. I highly doubt that the high rollers on wall street really care about a few protesters in the park. And as long as washington is on the side of wall street, then wall street has no reason to change.

Standing outside of a building chanting won't change anything. The people inside those buildings are far too comfortable and powerful to give a shit what you're saying. It takes action, not words and marches. The Tea Party, hate them all you want, was on the right track by getting their candidates in office to shake up the Republican party. Unfortunately, the Republican party has now absorbed the Tea Party and made it worthless.
I'm voting for wall street obviously, but the OWS movement isn't dead yet.... its just really cold outside right now in New York. I think the movement really has brought politics into the life of much of the ignorant masses, especially college students as I've been seeing it become a hot talking point for people of all ages. I think the movement will be back in the spring and it couldn't be at a better time with the elections coming up. Regardless, it's not like they were going to have an impact that fast to tear down wall street and change the widespread corruption through out our government.

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