Wall Street VS. OWS: Who's Winning This War?

Wall Steet VS. OWS: Who's Winning This War?

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So arresting a bunch of Democrat politicians and executives from Fannie Mae and Freddie Max is the sign?
Along with Hank Paulson, Alan Greenspan, Christopher Cox, and Phil Gramm. (You should go along with Phil since he's been elected as both a Democrat AND Republican during his time in "public service."

I'll go along with Hank Paulson, but I fail to see what the rest have done that qualifies as fraud. Passing legislation certainly doesn't qualify. So what do you plan to charge them with?
Passing legislation designed to facilitate fraud would seem to warrant prosecution.
"Regulators" like Cox and Greenspan who may have been bribed to ignore fraud deserve investigations.
There were hundreds of bankers prosecuted after the Savings and Loans fiasco.
Politicians and regulators from both parties were complicit in that crime, just as they are today.

Think of it this way: for the last 500 years the only thing worse for any politician than getting caught doing business with organized crime is losing control of the revenue streams organized crime generates.

Republicans AND Democrats are NEVER going to seriously investigate each other.
The mainstream media lives off of news. OWS was ripe with all the elements that tv news loves today.

If you were following the movement from the beginning, as I was -- and I'm reasonably certain you weren't -- you would have seen that it took quite a long time before the movement began to get media coverage. Here, a study was done:

Media Coverage of Occupy vs. Tea Party | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)

It's kind of hard to read, because the Tea Party graph goes chronologically left to right (amber colored) while the Occupy graph goes the other direction (blue). But you can see that the media ran instantly to cover Tea Party rallies from the first time they showed up (tax day 2009), and then tapered off over time. With Occupy, there was very little coverage in the beginning, and coverage began to rise only once events occurred that the media could not get away with ignoring or suppressing, like the pepper-spraying of young women who seemed to be breaking no laws, or the mass arrests on the Brooklyn Bridge.

You are right that in the end ratings trump everything, which is why the movement has not been suppressed altogether in the MSM. But an attempt was made to downplay it in the beginning, before that ceased to be an option.
Just saw some Market Forecasts that are claiming 2012 could be a big year for Wall Street. So it looks like they have shrugged off OWS.
This is the one I like; too funny really, Chris Christy has fun with the OWS when they protest his appearance for Romney.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrJgdtbzzvU]Occupy Des Moines Mic Check Gov. Chris Christie - YouTube[/ame]
This is the one I like; too funny really, Chris Christy has fun with the OWS when they protest his appearance for Romney.

Occupy Des Moines Mic Check Gov. Chris Christie - YouTube

Funny. Remember when the OWS nutters were pretending to be 'Non-Partisan' and had no party affiliation? Well so much for that farce. They are liars. It's just a far Left Soros,Democratic Party-funded Entitlement sham. Christie handled them well though.
Passing legislation designed to facilitate fraud would seem to warrant prosecution.
"Regulators" like Cox and Greenspan who may have been bribed to ignore fraud deserve investigations.
There were hundreds of bankers prosecuted after the Savings and Loans fiasco.
Politicians and regulators from both parties were complicit in that crime, just as they are today.

Think of it this way: for the last 500 years the only thing worse for any politician than getting caught doing business with organized crime is losing control of the revenue streams organized crime generates.

Republicans AND Democrats are NEVER going to seriously investigate each other.

The CRA legislation was a colossal swindle. If you prosecuted every Democrat who voted for that, you would utterly destroy the Democrat Party.

There's absolutely no evidence that either Greenspan or Cox received a dime in bribes. That's just gratuitous persecution. The fact is that Democrat politicians are primarily responsible for the debacle, but you only have Republicans in your cross-hairs.
This is the one I like; too funny really, Chris Christy has fun with the OWS when they protest his appearance for Romney.

Occupy Des Moines Mic Check Gov. Chris Christie - YouTube

Funny. Remember when the OWS nutters were pretending to be 'Non-Partisan' and had no party affiliation? Well so much for that farce. They are liars. It's just a far Left Soros,Democratic Party-funded Entitlement sham. Christie handled them well though.

Whenever some group claims they are "non-partisan," it almost automatically means they are in bed with the Democrat party.
This is the one I like; too funny really, Chris Christy has fun with the OWS when they protest his appearance for Romney.

Occupy Des Moines Mic Check Gov. Chris Christie - YouTube

Funny. Remember when the OWS nutters were pretending to be 'Non-Partisan' and had no party affiliation? Well so much for that farce. They are liars. It's just a far Left Soros,Democratic Party-funded Entitlement sham. Christie handled them well though.

Whenever some group claims they are "non-partisan," it almost automatically means they are in bed with the Democrat party.

I told people from the very beginning that these people were liars. They are far from being 'Non-Partisan' or not having a political agenda. It's all partisan and political agenda. Look at who is supporting & funding them. And there is where you'll find all the answers you need. It's all just Class Warfare & Entitlement. They managed to bamboozle some in the beginning but now most have caught on. They're done.
Passing legislation designed to facilitate fraud would seem to warrant prosecution.
"Regulators" like Cox and Greenspan who may have been bribed to ignore fraud deserve investigations.
There were hundreds of bankers prosecuted after the Savings and Loans fiasco.
Politicians and regulators from both parties were complicit in that crime, just as they are today.

Think of it this way: for the last 500 years the only thing worse for any politician than getting caught doing business with organized crime is losing control of the revenue streams organized crime generates.

Republicans AND Democrats are NEVER going to seriously investigate each other.

The CRA legislation was a colossal swindle. If you prosecuted every Democrat who voted for that, you would utterly destroy the Democrat Party.

There's absolutely no evidence that either Greenspan or Cox received a dime in bribes. That's just gratuitous persecution. The fact is that Democrat politicians are primarily responsible for the debacle, but you only have Republicans in your cross-hairs.
Elected Democrats AND Republicans have done their parts, but I blame bankers and rating agencies for the latest debacle. Goldman Sachs and the Royal Bank of Scotland perform the same dictatorial functions in this country and the UK as Mubarak, Inc and Ben Alis, Inc performed in Egypt and Tunisia.

Arab martyrs died proving their countries don't belong to dictators.
When are you going to notice?

Bankers are the Dictators of the West | Common Dreams
Looks like Wall Street is doing pretty good today. OWS may be completely irrelevant at this point.
OWS has had their 15 minutes of fame. The novelty has worn off. Only the stench remains. That's why they are planning to be more confrontational in the future with plans to engage in asymetrical warfare against the people themselves.

The businesses that tolerated them in the past have started throwing them out. The plan for massive publicity in the Rose Parade got nothing. The plan to shut down the ports went noplace. The citizens of Iowa have plans of their own to address efforts to occupy the vote. OWS has come and gone except in their own minds.
OWS has had their 15 minutes of fame. The novelty has worn off. Only the stench remains. That's why they are planning to be more confrontational in the future with plans to engage in asymetrical warfare against the people themselves.

The businesses that tolerated them in the past have started throwing them out. The plan for massive publicity in the Rose Parade got nothing. The plan to shut down the ports went noplace. The citizens of Iowa have plans of their own to address efforts to occupy the vote. OWS has come and gone except in their own minds.

Yes,they bamboozled many in the beginning but most have now caught on. "Non-Partisan" and "No politicial agenda?" Such Bullshit. Anyone with common sesne knows who supports and funds them. They're anything but "Non Partisan" and have "No political agenda." They are liars.
At their heart, OWS is anarchy. Democrats find anarchy useful in helping to destroy the republicans. They'll deal with anarchy against democrats later. Right now they are unmatched as a tool. If you look at the progression of events, the democrats have seized and hooked themselves to OWS, not the other way around.
At their heart, OWS is anarchy. Democrats find anarchy useful in helping to destroy the republicans. They'll deal with anarchy against democrats later. Right now they are unmatched as a tool. If you look at the progression of events, the democrats have seized and hooked themselves to OWS, not the other way around.

I'm voting for wall street obviously, but the OWS movement isn't dead yet.... its just really cold outside right now in New York. I think the movement really has brought politics into the life of much of the ignorant masses, especially college students as I've been seeing it become a hot talking point for people of all ages. I think the movement will be back in the spring and it couldn't be at a better time with the elections coming up. Regardless, it's not like they were going to have an impact that fast to tear down wall street and change the widespread corruption through out our government.

Cold? if they really believed in what they were doing they would be outside no matter what the temperature is, did the freedom riders skip going to the south because of the southern humidity and heat?:confused:
So I wonder what happened to all those OWS donations. Not sure who's holding that purse.

Oh and definitely Wall Street won, they went after the wrong folks. Should have been those guys in DC.


You bet. Wall St. can't do anything unles DC paves the way for em.

OWS turned into a bunch of hippie wanna be's. Most of em didn't have a clue.

The idiots all should have been in DC where the regs and laws are written.

Wall St. hands down.
I'm voting for wall street obviously, but the OWS movement isn't dead yet.... its just really cold outside right now in New York. I think the movement really has brought politics into the life of much of the ignorant masses, especially college students as I've been seeing it become a hot talking point for people of all ages. I think the movement will be back in the spring and it couldn't be at a better time with the elections coming up. Regardless, it's not like they were going to have an impact that fast to tear down wall street and change the widespread corruption through out our government.

Cold? if they really believed in what they were doing they would be outside no matter what the temperature is, did the freedom riders skip going to the south because of the southern humidity and heat?:confused:

:badgrin: Great point.
I'm voting for wall street obviously, but the OWS movement isn't dead yet.... its just really cold outside right now in New York. I think the movement really has brought politics into the life of much of the ignorant masses, especially college students as I've been seeing it become a hot talking point for people of all ages. I think the movement will be back in the spring and it couldn't be at a better time with the elections coming up. Regardless, it's not like they were going to have an impact that fast to tear down wall street and change the widespread corruption through out our government.

Cold? if they really believed in what they were doing they would be outside no matter what the temperature is, did the freedom riders skip going to the south because of the southern humidity and heat?:confused:
The Freedom Riders were motivated by actual discrimination and risked actual reprisals, like lynchings.

The OWS, on the other hand, will eventually peter out like any good temper tantrum.

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