Walmart/Corporations Kill Off "Mom and Pop Shops"...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™
And of course Walmart doesn't pay well... At least these are some of the things that Liberals say about Wamart... Basically because they Refuse to give in to the Unions... Seriously. :thup:

It's funny, Teacher's Pensions are Invested in Walmart, but I Digress.

Let's talk about "Mom and Pop Shops"...

So what Future or Opportunity does someone at the little Bakery have if they are working the Counter for the Owners?...

Do they get Minimum Wage?... Almost Definitely.

Do they get Health Insurance?... Usually Never.

Retirement?... :rofl:

Walmart offers all of those things and Opportunity for those who are Motivated and want to Work Hard.

They also Generate other Jobs outside of a greeter or checker.

Truck drivers for Walmart make good money.

Construction jobs?... Oh yeah.

How about all of the Businesses that open around Walmart to get some of their MASSIVE Traffic...

Specialty "Mom and Pop Shops"?... Yep.

So why the Hatred?...

Only thing I can Conclude is that they are as Successful as they are and it's not because of Unions and that simply Confuses, Frustrates and Angers Liberals.

What say you? :dunno:


The Mom and Pop shops SHOULD be killed off. Any small business CAN survive, and many do, in the very shadow of a big Wal Mart. But most of these little stores, they just gotta go. Especially the small grocery stores. A convenience store is going to do okay, but these little mom and pop groceries sell out dated, expired, shoddy merchandise at vastly inflated prices. That's why a bigger store with cheaper prices and faster turn over survives and the little guy does not.
And of course Walmart doesn't pay well... At least these are some of the things that Liberals say about Wamart... Basically because they Refuse to give in to the Unions... Seriously. :thup:

It's funny, Teacher's Pensions are Invested in Walmart, but I Digress.

Let's talk about "Mom and Pop Shops"...

So what Future or Opportunity does someone at the little Bakery have if they are working the Counter for the Owners?...

Do they get Minimum Wage?... Almost Definitely.

Do they get Health Insurance?... Usually Never.

Retirement?... :rofl:

Walmart offers all of those things and Opportunity for those who are Motivated and want to Work Hard.

They also Generate other Jobs outside of a greeter or checker.

Truck drivers for Walmart make good money.

Construction jobs?... Oh yeah.

How about all of the Businesses that open around Walmart to get some of their MASSIVE Traffic...

Specialty "Mom and Pop Shops"?... Yep.

So why the Hatred?...

Only thing I can Conclude is that they are as Successful as they are and it's not because of Unions and that simply Confuses, Frustrates and Angers Liberals.

What say you? :dunno:



As a liberal, it doesn't anger me (Wal Mart). What does make me pause is that Wal Mart receives billions in corporate welfare in the form of taxpayers picking up large chunks of the costs of living for part time as well as full time Wal Mart employees.

VIDEO: What if Wal-Mart paid its employees more? |

The "pause" comes from the right wing's hatred of all assistance programs for individuals but a seemingly endless supply of sympathy for corporations (like Wal Mart but in no way ONLY Wal Mart) who receive billions from the exact same sources and are able to keep wages very low since Uncle Sam pays the difference.

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So why the Hatred?...

Only thing I can Conclude is that they are as Successful as they are and it's not because of Unions and that simply Confuses, Frustrates and Angers Liberals.

What say you? :

It's a tough one.

What's the draw of Walmart? Why are they so successful? A few reasons, but largely because of the low prices. And is that a bad thing? Usually not, however I think it can be in some cases. For example:

People might think it's attractive to pay $1 for a bag of Jay's Chips vs $2, however if they knew that the dollar savings came at the price of the Jay's Chips factory deciding to move to China (and laying off 10,000 American employees), maybe they'd think twice. But most consumers don't think this way, and have no consideration for the broader implications of paying $1 vs $2 beyond how it will impact their own wallet.

This is why Walmart can be bad.

You know what I mean?
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And of course Walmart doesn't pay well... At least these are some of the things that Liberals say about Wamart... Basically because they Refuse to give in to the Unions... Seriously. :thup:

It's funny, Teacher's Pensions are Invested in Walmart, but I Digress.

Let's talk about "Mom and Pop Shops"...

So what Future or Opportunity does someone at the little Bakery have if they are working the Counter for the Owners?...

Do they get Minimum Wage?... Almost Definitely.

Do they get Health Insurance?... Usually Never.

Retirement?... :rofl:

Walmart offers all of those things and Opportunity for those who are Motivated and want to Work Hard.

They also Generate other Jobs outside of a greeter or checker.

Truck drivers for Walmart make good money.

Construction jobs?... Oh yeah.

How about all of the Businesses that open around Walmart to get some of their MASSIVE Traffic...

Specialty "Mom and Pop Shops"?... Yep.

So why the Hatred?...

Only thing I can Conclude is that they are as Successful as they are and it's not because of Unions and that simply Confuses, Frustrates and Angers Liberals.

What say you? :dunno:



As a liberal, it doesn't anger me (Wal Mart). What does make me pause is that Wal Mart receives billions in corporate welfare in the form of taxpayers picking up large chunks of the costs of living for part time as well as full time Wal Mart employees.

VIDEO: What if Wal-Mart paid its employees more? |

The "pause" comes from the right wing's hatred of all assistance programs for individuals but a seemingly endless supply of sympathy for corporations (like Wal Mart but in no way ONLY Wal Mart) who receive billions from the exact same sources and are able to keep wages very low since Uncle Sam pays the difference.

You don't understand what Welfare is or you are a Liar. :thup:


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I live in a small town with a very small downtown area. Several years ago WalMart came in and wanted to built a superstore. I was Very much against WalMart because of the reasons listed. I went to several public town meetings to voice my concerns about WalMart. The more I went the more I learned about WalMart. 1st was that it was a done deal. Me and my neighbors really had no say in the decision except that WalMart was coming to town. It was in those meeting I learned about the things they were bringing to my community. They were installing streetlights were we had none. They had to build back streets were there were never going to be streets built. There were million$ spent on city infrastructure that would have never been done if not for WalMart. We had 1 very small local market otherwise it's 25 miles into Town. That little market turned itself into a small gourmet food store for those of us in a hurry or looking for specialty items. There were a few "Mom & Pop" shops that closed not because of WalMart but because of WalMart in that would never be the choice shopping it was the Only shopping. There are several shops that have not lost business because we like to shop local and support local business. There was not a lot of local business. Today with the new WalMart we have several new restaurants and shops. We are now the closest place to do any shopping so we are getting business from other areas that had to travel even further. It has provided jobs not just at WalMart but from the extended business WalMart brought into our community.
WalMart is not my favorite place to shop. If I go into town I shop all the other places I normally would but that includes a 50 mile RT. Not something we do everyday. WalMart get's a bad rap for really no reason. When I need anything in a hurry I run to WalMart and I'm very grateful that it's there. Pick up a prescription, need anything it right down the street....whatever we need it's no longer a whole day driving and trying to get the ice cream home before it melts.
Say what you want about WalMart..I used too say the same things. You'll never hear me complain about how much WalMart sucks. I have the ability to choose to shop there or not. I can go into town or not. The most important thing is that it makes my community a much more desirable place to live as we now have much more available than before WalMart and the much needed infrastructure was not paid for by we taxpayers it was paid for by WalMart.
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And of course Walmart doesn't pay well... At least these are some of the things that Liberals say about Wamart... Basically because they Refuse to give in to the Unions... Seriously. :thup:

It's funny, Teacher's Pensions are Invested in Walmart, but I Digress.

Let's talk about "Mom and Pop Shops"...

So what Future or Opportunity does someone at the little Bakery have if they are working the Counter for the Owners?...

Do they get Minimum Wage?... Almost Definitely.

Do they get Health Insurance?... Usually Never.

Retirement?... :rofl:

Walmart offers all of those things and Opportunity for those who are Motivated and want to Work Hard.

They also Generate other Jobs outside of a greeter or checker.

Truck drivers for Walmart make good money.

Construction jobs?... Oh yeah.

How about all of the Businesses that open around Walmart to get some of their MASSIVE Traffic...

Specialty "Mom and Pop Shops"?... Yep.

So why the Hatred?...

Only thing I can Conclude is that they are as Successful as they are and it's not because of Unions and that simply Confuses, Frustrates and Angers Liberals.

What say you? :dunno:



Back when I was a truck driver, my company did a lot of runs for WalMart, and they were always one of the better customers to work with: very organized and efficient, with a great deal of thought and money put toward making the whole process as easy on everyone as possible. Their competitors, on the other hand, were nightmares: one of them was too cheap to pay the insurance for their own employees to unload the trailers, so they required the drivers to do it. Yeah, I took a job as a truck driver because I wanted to be a stevedore. :eusa_hand: My company finally had to put their foot down and tell that store that the law limits the amount of time a driver can spend working, and they wanted all of that work time spent behind the wheel; stop being such cheap bastards and cough up the dough. Another competitor was too cheap to install proper loading dock areas with sufficient space, and one store actually required the driver to hook up to the dock by making a blind, right-angle backward turn around the corner of the building, with a huge ditch on the other side of the truck just WAITING to catch any errors. I had nightmares about that delivery.

I am an unabashed fan of WalMart. I lost my purse in a store once, and the manager had half of his employees drop what they were doing and search the store to find it. They offer me good prices and a one-stop shop for most of what I need, which allows me to spend the money and time I save on my kids. Am I more interested in accommodating someone else than I am in my kids? Take a guess.

I shop at local stores when they offer me something I need and want. I don't shop ANYWHERE as though I owe it to the store owner: THEY owe it to ME to make shopping there something I want to do. That's how commerce works. Your store is not a charitable cause; it's a place of business. Freaking act like it.
The Mom and Pop shops SHOULD be killed off. Any small business CAN survive, and many do, in the very shadow of a big Wal Mart. But most of these little stores, they just gotta go. Especially the small grocery stores. A convenience store is going to do okay, but these little mom and pop groceries sell out dated, expired, shoddy merchandise at vastly inflated prices. That's why a bigger store with cheaper prices and faster turn over survives and the little guy does not.

Thing is, WalMart HELPS a lot of small businesses, because it acts as an anchor store to draw shoppers to the shopping plaza those small stores are in. There's a reason why small business owners say, "Oh, you're putting in a WalMart? I'd love to rent this space, then."

You know what kind of small grocery store does amazing in this day and age? Specialty stores. Carnicerias are hugely popular in my city, for example, because they carry products that Mexicans and fans of Mexican food can't get at a big chain store. And they have AMAZING premade tamales and carne asada and marinated chicken. Likewise with the Asian grocery stores.

Bottom line: if you can't find a way to satisfy a need for your customers, you DESERVE to go out of business. It's not their job to support you; it's YOUR job to make them want to.
So why the Hatred?...

Only thing I can Conclude is that they are as Successful as they are and it's not because of Unions and that simply Confuses, Frustrates and Angers Liberals.

What say you? :

It's a tough one.

What's the draw of Walmart? Why are they so successful? A few reasons, but largely because of the low prices. And is that a bad thing? Usually not, however I think it can be in some cases. For example:

People might think it's attractive to pay $1 for a bag of Jay's Chips vs $2, however if they knew that the dollar savings came at the price of the Jay's Chips factory deciding to move to China (and laying off 10,000 American employees), maybe they'd think twice. But most consumers don't think this way, and have no consideration for the broader implications of paying $1 vs $2 beyond how it will impact their own wallet.

This is why Walmart can be bad.

You know what I mean?

And of course Walmart doesn't pay well... At least these are some of the things that Liberals say about Wamart... Basically because they Refuse to give in to the Unions... Seriously. :thup:

It's funny, Teacher's Pensions are Invested in Walmart, but I Digress.

Let's talk about "Mom and Pop Shops"...

So what Future or Opportunity does someone at the little Bakery have if they are working the Counter for the Owners?...

Do they get Minimum Wage?... Almost Definitely.

Do they get Health Insurance?... Usually Never.

Retirement?... :rofl:

Walmart offers all of those things and Opportunity for those who are Motivated and want to Work Hard.

They also Generate other Jobs outside of a greeter or checker.

Truck drivers for Walmart make good money.

Construction jobs?... Oh yeah.

How about all of the Businesses that open around Walmart to get some of their MASSIVE Traffic...

Specialty "Mom and Pop Shops"?... Yep.

So why the Hatred?...

Only thing I can Conclude is that they are as Successful as they are and it's not because of Unions and that simply Confuses, Frustrates and Angers Liberals.

What say you? :dunno:



Back when I was a truck driver, my company did a lot of runs for WalMart, and they were always one of the better customers to work with: very organized and efficient, with a great deal of thought and money put toward making the whole process as easy on everyone as possible. Their competitors, on the other hand, were nightmares: one of them was too cheap to pay the insurance for their own employees to unload the trailers, so they required the drivers to do it. Yeah, I took a job as a truck driver because I wanted to be a stevedore. :eusa_hand: My company finally had to put their foot down and tell that store that the law limits the amount of time a driver can spend working, and they wanted all of that work time spent behind the wheel; stop being such cheap bastards and cough up the dough. Another competitor was too cheap to install proper loading dock areas with sufficient space, and one store actually required the driver to hook up to the dock by making a blind, right-angle backward turn around the corner of the building, with a huge ditch on the other side of the truck just WAITING to catch any errors. I had nightmares about that delivery.

I am an unabashed fan of WalMart. I lost my purse in a store once, and the manager had half of his employees drop what they were doing and search the store to find it. They offer me good prices and a one-stop shop for most of what I need, which allows me to spend the money and time I save on my kids. Am I more interested in accommodating someone else than I am in my kids? Take a guess.

I shop at local stores when they offer me something I need and want. I don't shop ANYWHERE as though I owe it to the store owner: THEY owe it to ME to make shopping there something I want to do. That's how commerce works. Your store is not a charitable cause; it's a place of business. Freaking act like it.

But....but....but....the top 1%!!!

And....and...and.....why do you hate the poor?

And what about the fact that people can now oil paint as opposed to having to work for a living?
I live in a small town with a very small downtown area. Several years ago WalMart came in and wanted to built a superstore. I was Very much against WalMart because of the reasons listed. I went to several public town meetings to voice my concerns about WalMart. The more I went the more I learned about WalMart. 1st was that it was a done deal. Me and my neighbors really had no say in the decision except that WalMart was coming to town. It was in those meeting I learned about the things they were bringing to my community. They were installing streetlights were we had none. They had to build back streets were there were never going to be streets built. There were million$ spent on city infrastructure that would have never been done if not for WalMart. We had 1 very small local market otherwise it's 25 miles into Town. That little market turned itself into a small gourmet food store for those of us in a hurry or looking for specialty items. There were a few "Mom & Pop" shops that closed not because of WalMart but because of WalMart in that would never be the choice shopping it was the Only shopping. There are several shops that have not lost business because we like to shop local and support local business. There was not a lot of local business. Today with the new WalMart we have several new restaurants and shops. We are now the closest place to do any shopping so we are getting business from other areas that had to travel even further. It has provided jobs not just at WalMart but from the extended business WalMart brought into our community.
WalMart is not my favorite place to shop. If I go into town I shop all the other places I normally would but that includes a 50 mile RT. Not something we do everyday. WalMart get's a bad rap for really no reason. When I need anything in a hurry I run to WalMart and I'm very grateful that it's there. Pick up a prescription, need anything it right down the street....whatever we need it's no longer a whole day driving and trying to get the ice cream home before it melts.
Say what you want about WalMart..I used too say the same things. You'll never hear me complain about how much WalMart sucks. I have the ability to choose to shop there or not. I can go into town or not. The most important thing is that it makes my community a much more desirable place to live as we now have much more available than before WalMart and the much needed infrastructure was not paid for by we taxpayers it was paid for by WalMart.

I grew up in a small town that had no big chain stores in it. Even the biggest market in town was a small chain that only existed in New Mexico. We didn't go shop at the local stores on Main Street; we drove 35 miles to the nearest city with shopping malls and WalMart. Even with the cost of the gas there and back, it was still cheaper than shopping at the local stores, and provided better selection. Plus, we got to make a fun day of the trip.

It was a huge event when our town finally acquired a big store, and was quickly followed by the opening of several other businesses we had never had, but other towns take for granted, like McDonald's, Burger King, Safeway, Holiday Inn . . .
Mom and pop stores can't compete with big box stores on common goods or services, they aren't buying in that quanity. They need to specialize, different hardware items, organic foods, whatever. Nothing stays the same, a lot of those stores did business they always had and we are more global than ever, plus the internet. Their non union practices pisses off some but that's one way they keep prices down.

And if they hire two part timers instead of one full timer you can blame the government for the regulations, not Walmat. They would rather train one person instead of two.
So why the Hatred?...

Only thing I can Conclude is that they are as Successful as they are and it's not because of Unions and that simply Confuses, Frustrates and Angers Liberals.

What say you? :

It's a tough one.

What's the draw of Walmart? Why are they so successful? A few reasons, but largely because of the low prices. And is that a bad thing? Usually not, however I think it can be in some cases. For example:

People might think it's attractive to pay $1 for a bag of Jay's Chips vs $2, however if they knew that the dollar savings came at the price of the Jay's Chips factory deciding to move to China (and laying off 10,000 American employees), maybe they'd think twice. But most consumers don't think this way, and have no consideration for the broader implications of paying $1 vs $2 beyond how it will impact their own wallet.

This is why Walmart can be bad.

You know what I mean?


Don't get me wrong; Walmart has a lot of great qualities and when they're your customer they can grow your business to heights you never thought possible. However, I know first hand (I work in the food industry) that Walmart is now and all powerful force and can basically tell any one of its suppliers to "GIVE IT TO US FOR CHEAPER", and when that happens companies have really no choice but to find efficiencies which can be good, but also means slashing wages, cutting pension, reducing 401k contributions, lessening benefits, etc.

My point - which apparently you don't understand - is that when a consumer sees a shirt that costs $8 at Walmart and $13 at a mom and pop store, yes they are getting a cheaper product but (what they don't know) is that the savings came from a worker who just was laid off because his company made the decision to outsource to China, etc.

Walmart is forcing (via demanding lower costs) many companies to lay off workers, move overseas, etc - for better or for worse.

You don't understand that concept?
Don't get me wrong; Walmart has a lot of great qualities and when they're your customer they can grow your business to heights you never thought possible. However, I know first hand (I work in the food industry) that Walmart is now and all powerful force and can basically tell any one of its suppliers to "GIVE IT TO US FOR CHEAPER", and when that happens companies have really no choice but to find efficiencies which can be good, but also means slashing wages, cutting pension, reducing 401k contributions, lessening benefits, etc.

My point - which apparently you don't understand - is that when a consumer sees a shirt that costs $8 at Walmart and $13 at a mom and pop store, yes they are getting a cheaper product but (what they don't know) is that the savings came from a worker who just was laid off because his company made the decision to outsource to China, etc.

Walmart is forcing (via demanding lower costs) many companies to lay off workers, move overseas, etc - for better or for worse.

You don't understand that concept?
No one has to sell to Walmart, some people do prefer quality and will shop where the merchandise is. A lot of Wally World stuff is crap so I don't buy it. Textiles went overseas long long ago because no body wants to pay 40 bucks for a union made tee shirt. There are name brand items but they buy in large volumes, that's how they get good prices. The bottom line is Americans vote with their wallets so you can put the blame on them for Walmart's success.
And of course Walmart doesn't pay well... At least these are some of the things that Liberals say about Wamart... Basically because they Refuse to give in to the Unions... Seriously. :thup:

It's funny, Teacher's Pensions are Invested in Walmart, but I Digress.

Let's talk about "Mom and Pop Shops"...

So what Future or Opportunity does someone at the little Bakery have if they are working the Counter for the Owners?...

Do they get Minimum Wage?... Almost Definitely.

Do they get Health Insurance?... Usually Never.

Retirement?... :rofl:

Walmart offers all of those things and Opportunity for those who are Motivated and want to Work Hard.

They also Generate other Jobs outside of a greeter or checker.

Truck drivers for Walmart make good money.

Construction jobs?... Oh yeah.

How about all of the Businesses that open around Walmart to get some of their MASSIVE Traffic...

Specialty "Mom and Pop Shops"?... Yep.

So why the Hatred?...

Only thing I can Conclude is that they are as Successful as they are and it's not because of Unions and that simply Confuses, Frustrates and Angers Liberals.

What say you? :dunno:



Back when I was a truck driver, my company did a lot of runs for WalMart, and they were always one of the better customers to work with: very organized and efficient, with a great deal of thought and money put toward making the whole process as easy on everyone as possible. Their competitors, on the other hand, were nightmares: one of them was too cheap to pay the insurance for their own employees to unload the trailers, so they required the drivers to do it. Yeah, I took a job as a truck driver because I wanted to be a stevedore. :eusa_hand: My company finally had to put their foot down and tell that store that the law limits the amount of time a driver can spend working, and they wanted all of that work time spent behind the wheel; stop being such cheap bastards and cough up the dough. Another competitor was too cheap to install proper loading dock areas with sufficient space, and one store actually required the driver to hook up to the dock by making a blind, right-angle backward turn around the corner of the building, with a huge ditch on the other side of the truck just WAITING to catch any errors. I had nightmares about that delivery.

I am an unabashed fan of WalMart. I lost my purse in a store once, and the manager had half of his employees drop what they were doing and search the store to find it. They offer me good prices and a one-stop shop for most of what I need, which allows me to spend the money and time I save on my kids. Am I more interested in accommodating someone else than I am in my kids? Take a guess.

I shop at local stores when they offer me something I need and want. I don't shop ANYWHERE as though I owe it to the store owner: THEY owe it to ME to make shopping there something I want to do. That's how commerce works. Your store is not a charitable cause; it's a place of business. Freaking act like it.

But....but....but....the top 1%!!!

And....and...and.....why do you hate the poor?

And what about the fact that people can now oil paint as opposed to having to work for a living?

If they had had any talent as oil painters, they'd have been doing it WITHOUT the subsidy.

And I have no personal feeling about rich people OR poor people. I just know that I need money, and rich people have it to pay me for things, and poor people don't. So rich people are useful to me, and poor people are in my way while I'm trying to shop. Let's just say you don't see RICH people stopping a checkout line cold while they search for their coupons. :eusa_whistle:
Back when I was a truck driver, my company did a lot of runs for WalMart, and they were always one of the better customers to work with: very organized and efficient, with a great deal of thought and money put toward making the whole process as easy on everyone as possible. Their competitors, on the other hand, were nightmares: one of them was too cheap to pay the insurance for their own employees to unload the trailers, so they required the drivers to do it. Yeah, I took a job as a truck driver because I wanted to be a stevedore. :eusa_hand: My company finally had to put their foot down and tell that store that the law limits the amount of time a driver can spend working, and they wanted all of that work time spent behind the wheel; stop being such cheap bastards and cough up the dough. Another competitor was too cheap to install proper loading dock areas with sufficient space, and one store actually required the driver to hook up to the dock by making a blind, right-angle backward turn around the corner of the building, with a huge ditch on the other side of the truck just WAITING to catch any errors. I had nightmares about that delivery.

I am an unabashed fan of WalMart. I lost my purse in a store once, and the manager had half of his employees drop what they were doing and search the store to find it. They offer me good prices and a one-stop shop for most of what I need, which allows me to spend the money and time I save on my kids. Am I more interested in accommodating someone else than I am in my kids? Take a guess.

I shop at local stores when they offer me something I need and want. I don't shop ANYWHERE as though I owe it to the store owner: THEY owe it to ME to make shopping there something I want to do. That's how commerce works. Your store is not a charitable cause; it's a place of business. Freaking act like it.

But....but....but....the top 1%!!!

And....and...and.....why do you hate the poor?

And what about the fact that people can now oil paint as opposed to having to work for a living?

If they had had any talent as oil painters, they'd have been doing it WITHOUT the subsidy.

And I have no personal feeling about rich people OR poor people. I just know that I need money, and rich people have it to pay me for things, and poor people don't. So rich people are useful to me, and poor people are in my way while I'm trying to shop. Let's just say you don't see RICH people stopping a checkout line cold while they search for their coupons. :eusa_whistle:

In other words to rich men you were an easy way.....
It's a tough one.

What's the draw of Walmart? Why are they so successful? A few reasons, but largely because of the low prices. And is that a bad thing? Usually not, however I think it can be in some cases. For example:

People might think it's attractive to pay $1 for a bag of Jay's Chips vs $2, however if they knew that the dollar savings came at the price of the Jay's Chips factory deciding to move to China (and laying off 10,000 American employees), maybe they'd think twice. But most consumers don't think this way, and have no consideration for the broader implications of paying $1 vs $2 beyond how it will impact their own wallet.

This is why Walmart can be bad.

You know what I mean?


Don't get me wrong; Walmart has a lot of great qualities and when they're your customer they can grow your business to heights you never thought possible. However, I know first hand (I work in the food industry) that Walmart is now and all powerful force and can basically tell any one of its suppliers to "GIVE IT TO US FOR CHEAPER", and when that happens companies have really no choice but to find efficiencies which can be good, but also means slashing wages, cutting pension, reducing 401k contributions, lessening benefits, etc.

Call me crazy, but I think any intelligent, savvy business owner can manage to work with the laws of supply and demand without well-meaning do-gooders like you showing up to regulate the shit out of them "for their own good".

My point - which apparently you don't understand - is that when a consumer sees a shirt that costs $8 at Walmart and $13 at a mom and pop store, yes they are getting a cheaper product but (what they don't know) is that the savings came from a worker who just was laid off because his company made the decision to outsource to China, etc.

I understand the point you think you're making. I just don't care. I also don't agree.

WalMart isn't the reason that manufacturers go overseas. They are simply dealing with the business world as it is, aka it's too damned expensive to manufacture here, in large part because doofuses like you think that commerce should be about making leftist moral statements than about balancing cost with value. WalMart doesn't really care much where their goods are manufactured. I'm sure they'd actually like to buy American if they could, but they can't if lefties have priced manufacturing out of the country with their stupid, extraneous "businesses shouldn't profit" demands.

Walmart is forcing (via demanding lower costs) many companies to lay off workers, move overseas, etc - for better or for worse.

You don't understand that concept?

No, because it's based on multiple false premises, the first of which is that the world can and should operate with people like you as the Supreme Central Managers, imposing your personal moral decisions onto everyone else's lives.

The truth is, YOU have forced companies to lay off workers and move overseas, not WalMart. YOU are the bad guy here.
Don't get me wrong; Walmart has a lot of great qualities and when they're your customer they can grow your business to heights you never thought possible. However, I know first hand (I work in the food industry) that Walmart is now and all powerful force and can basically tell any one of its suppliers to "GIVE IT TO US FOR CHEAPER", and when that happens companies have really no choice but to find efficiencies which can be good, but also means slashing wages, cutting pension, reducing 401k contributions, lessening benefits, etc.

My point - which apparently you don't understand - is that when a consumer sees a shirt that costs $8 at Walmart and $13 at a mom and pop store, yes they are getting a cheaper product but (what they don't know) is that the savings came from a worker who just was laid off because his company made the decision to outsource to China, etc.

Walmart is forcing (via demanding lower costs) many companies to lay off workers, move overseas, etc - for better or for worse.

You don't understand that concept?
No one has to sell to Walmart, some people do prefer quality and will shop where the merchandise is. A lot of Wally World stuff is crap so I don't buy it. Textiles went overseas long long ago because no body wants to pay 40 bucks for a union made tee shirt. There are name brand items but they buy in large volumes, that's how they get good prices. The bottom line is Americans vote with their wallets so you can put the blame on them for Walmart's success.

. . . No, I think I'm still going to put the blame on leftists and their inability understand that businesses are about profit, and profit is not evil.
And of course Walmart doesn't pay well... At least these are some of the things that Liberals say about Wamart... Basically because they Refuse to give in to the Unions... Seriously. :thup:

It's funny, Teacher's Pensions are Invested in Walmart, but I Digress.

Let's talk about "Mom and Pop Shops"...

So what Future or Opportunity does someone at the little Bakery have if they are working the Counter for the Owners?...

Do they get Minimum Wage?... Almost Definitely.

Do they get Health Insurance?... Usually Never.

Retirement?... :rofl:

Walmart offers all of those things and Opportunity for those who are Motivated and want to Work Hard.

They also Generate other Jobs outside of a greeter or checker.

Truck drivers for Walmart make good money.

Construction jobs?... Oh yeah.

How about all of the Businesses that open around Walmart to get some of their MASSIVE Traffic...

Specialty "Mom and Pop Shops"?... Yep.

So why the Hatred?...

Only thing I can Conclude is that they are as Successful as they are and it's not because of Unions and that simply Confuses, Frustrates and Angers Liberals.

What say you? :dunno:



As a liberal, it doesn't anger me (Wal Mart). What does make me pause is that Wal Mart receives billions in corporate welfare in the form of taxpayers picking up large chunks of the costs of living for part time as well as full time Wal Mart employees.

VIDEO: What if Wal-Mart paid its employees more? |

The "pause" comes from the right wing's hatred of all assistance programs for individuals but a seemingly endless supply of sympathy for corporations (like Wal Mart but in no way ONLY Wal Mart) who receive billions from the exact same sources and are able to keep wages very low since Uncle Sam pays the difference.

That video is a must watch
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You don't understand that concept? No one has to sell to Walmart, some people do prefer quality and will shop where the merchandise is. A lot of Wally World stuff is crap so I don't buy it. Textiles went overseas long long ago because no body wants to pay 40 bucks for a union made tee shirt. There are name brand items but they buy in large volumes, that's how they get good prices. The bottom line is Americans vote with their wallets so you can put the blame on them for Walmart's success.

Yes, that's my point is that Americans vote with only their wallets.

I'm saying that Americans complain all the time about jobs being shipped overseas, or their pensions getting cut, or their wages getting slashed, or their benefits getting slashed while at the same time have no reservations with going to Walmart to buy the cheapest shit possible.

Why is it cheap? Because companies are shipping jobs, slashing pensions, cutting wages, and reducing benefits in many cases!

I'm simply saying that I believe (when possible) Americans should try to recognize the broader implications of only buying the cheapest shit possible. I realize this isn't a choice everyone has the capability of making, but in many cases many people do. Spend the extra $1 and you might save a factory near your hometown. Consider more than just the physical price of things.

This is not about "forcing" companies to do things, it's about educating the consumer to let them know that when you buy the cheapest thing, it might affect you and your community in the long run.

Apparently that thinking makes me a "leftist" in the eyes of Cecilie. If that's the case, so be it - I'm a leftist.
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