Walmart/Corporations Kill Off "Mom and Pop Shops"...

I have no idea what impact a $0.03 per share permanent increase in costs would be, but it would most definitely be "serious." A permanent 6% reduction in dividends is significant.

I still don't see how calling low income subsidies for certain workers is "subsidizing." The company is paying market rates for services and labor. It's the lifestyle details of some of those workers that garner the subsidies, not any company policies.

Six percent of 48 cents is what, 3 cents? WMT is a growth stock that is 1/3 owned by mutuals and pensions; unlikely they will dump WMT and buy stocks that both pay less in dividend AND have under performed.

You may be right about the "lifestyles" of the workers but the degrees of separation between need/want narrows. Back home, they announced the end to employees getting paper checks for payroll the other day. Now they have to have direct deposit. And, unless you want to run to the ATM to check your balance every day, you need some pathway to the Internet to check your paycheck and your timesheet. So how do you get there? Cell phones are the least expensive way to access the 'net unless you want to pay for both phone service AND a line in the house;

True; nobody needs a camera phone.

As for other lifestyles such as having kids or a husband...get real.

I am getting real. Compensation for a job is based on the market rates for that job function not the size of a family the employee has to support.

This is where the conservative argument goes from tenuous to cruel. While I agree that it's not WMT's or any employer's responsibility to pay for extravagances an employee desires; many (if not most thankfully) would consider kids or a husband extravagances. Why not just argue that if you work there, you should limit yourself to 1,300 calories which has been shown to be near the bare minimum for consumption by a healthy adult....:eek:
Education and being educated are what transforms persons like yourself into liberals....however the people deciding our educational standards are appointed by GOPV governors 3 out of 5 times. That educated persons are predominantly politically liberal is simply human nature
Governors don't set educational standards, that mostly comes from DC.

This is from the Texas State Board of Education website:

Curriculum and instructional materials are integral parts of a public school system. The State Board of Education periodically updates the state’s curriculum standards called the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Textbooks and other instructional materials are then written for children based on those standards. More than 48 million textbooks are distributed by the Texas Education Agency to Texas public school students each year.

Here is what the Arizona Board of Education website says:

12. Prescribe a minimum course of study in the common schools, minimum competency requirements for the promotion of pupils from the third grade and minimum course of study and competency requirements for the promotion of pupils from the eighth grade.

Either you're mistaken or the SBOE's in AZ and Texas are. I'm guessing it's you.

It should be up to the states though.
It is, according to the sites above.

Public ed is overwhelmingly liberal and teach with that mindset.
Your opinion is noted. But if you have conservative Governors and conservative SBOE's, and conservative heads of the school districts...why would liberalism be taught?

If you think a GOP governor has a bigger impact on the youths then you really aren't playing with a full deck.
What impact any governor has on students is very limited however the administrators that she/he appoints and the district leadership that gets elected in these red states do have a direct impact on students.

What conservatives like to do is disavow their looting of education funds in their states while blaming DC for the shortcomings of their students.

30 of 50 governors are GOP some point they have to bear responsibility for what goes on in their state with their budgets, appointments, etc... Don't they?

Brainwashing works and is difficult to overcome, that's human nature.

You're living proof.

As one becomes educated, they become more liberal once they see the cartoonish shortcomings of the conservative "I got mine--screw YOU" way of doing things.
rw's in favor of anything that harms Americans and benefits China.

Doesn't even surprise me anymore.

Also doesn't surprise me that some rw's are in favor of tax payers subsidizing Wal Mart.
Your opinion is noted. But if you have conservative Governors and conservative SBOE's, and conservative heads of the school districts...why would liberalism be taught?
Because most teachers are liberal, Einstein. Governors don't teach classes and the curriculum isn't Liberalism 101. I have teacher friends that would know better than you or I. Plus just about everyone I've spoken to. I don't know where you came up with heads of schools being conservatives, probably pulled it out of your ample ass.

If you think a GOP governor has a bigger impact on the youths then you really aren't playing with a full deck.
What impact any governor has on students is very limited however the administrators that she/he appoints and the district leadership that gets elected in these red states do have a direct impact on students.

What conservatives like to do is disavow their looting of education funds in their states while blaming DC for the shortcomings of their students.[/quote]Why does the money need to go to DC? And looting funds means money not going to the teacher's union I suppose. Funding isn't the problem, they are funded well enough, we rate much lower than many countries with less funding. What liberals do is always cry about funding, as if it would solve everything.
30 of 50 governors are GOP some point they have to bear responsibility for what goes on in their state with their budgets, appointments, etc... Don't they?
Of course but Obama knows nothing about any wrong doing and that's acceptable to libs. Go figure.

Brainwashing works and is difficult to overcome, that's human nature.

You're living proof.

As one becomes educated, they become more liberal once they see the cartoonish shortcomings of the conservative "I got mine--screw YOU" way of doing things.[/QUOTE]You think schools are run by conservatives and come out liberal. Talk about stupid.
As a liberal, it doesn't anger me (Wal Mart). What does make me pause is that Wal Mart receives billions in corporate welfare in the form of taxpayers picking up large chunks of the costs of living for part time as well as full time Wal Mart employees.

VIDEO: What if Wal-Mart paid its employees more? |

The "pause" comes from the right wing's hatred of all assistance programs for individuals but a seemingly endless supply of sympathy for corporations (like Wal Mart but in no way ONLY Wal Mart) who receive billions from the exact same sources and are able to keep wages very low since Uncle Sam pays the difference.

How utterly absurd.... most of the jobs you speak of are low-skill jobs. There's only so much that businesses are willing to pay. The problem is that there are so many low-skill/no-skill workers... that's the problem.

But liberals keep creating generation after generation of illiterates barely able to spell their own names, then complain that he problem is they don't make $20/hr.

As usual, liberals always see the symptom as the problem...


30 States have GOP governors.


30 States (presumably) have GOP appointed heads to their State Boards of Education


The SBOE's have the predominant verdict on what type of education the kids in their State receive


Blaming Liberals is what lazy rednecks do when they can't admit that conservatism is a failure.

FACT: Cornball wouldn't know a fact if it crawled in her ear.

FACT: If it did crawl in her ear, it would die of loneliness in the vast reaches of her empty skull.

FACT: Anyone who actually wants to try on the "Conservatives control education policy, not liberals" argument is so pathetically retarded and desperate, she deserves nothing but scorn and mockery.

I believe that covers this topic.

30 States have GOP governors.


30 States (presumably) have GOP appointed heads to their State Boards of Education


The SBOE's have the predominant verdict on what type of education the kids in their State receive


Blaming Liberals is what lazy rednecks do when they can't admit that conservatism is a failure.

Hit a nerve I see... if your contention is that education in the U.S. leans conservative, you're either full-of-shit or crazy.

So, which is it?

We can certainly see how you use language as a detriment of intelligence...

That's an awful lot of words to say, "Duuhhhh . . ."

30 States have GOP governors.


30 States (presumably) have GOP appointed heads to their State Boards of Education


The SBOE's have the predominant verdict on what type of education the kids in their State receive


Blaming Liberals is what lazy rednecks do when they can't admit that conservatism is a failure.

Hit a nerve I see... if your contention is that education in the U.S. leans conservative, you're either full-of-shit or crazy.

So, which is it?

Education and being educated are what transforms persons like yourself into liberals....however the people deciding our educational standards are appointed by GOPV governors 3 out of 5 times. That educated persons are predominantly politically liberal is simply human nature

You know, I thought Moonglow's last post was the strongest example I'd seen today of someone trying desperately to sound articulate and intelligent while spouting gibberish, and then I encountered THIS steaming pile of feces.

Since you're clearly not smart enough to recognize just how ashamed you should be of being you in public where people can see you doing it, allow me to enlighten you: be embarrassed that you exist. Take every chance you can possibly find to pretend that you don't, and to encourage people to forget that words have ever emanated from you in any way. Curse the day you were ever conceived. Seriously. It's the only honorable thing to do.
FACT: Anyone who actually wants to try on the "Conservatives control education policy, not liberals" argument is so pathetically retarded and desperate, she deserves nothing but scorn and mockery.
It was a first for me. But hey, that's why I'm here, I learn something new every day.
Six percent of 48 cents is what, 3 cents? WMT is a growth stock that is 1/3 owned by mutuals and pensions; unlikely they will dump WMT and buy stocks that both pay less in dividend AND have under performed.

You may be right about the "lifestyles" of the workers but the degrees of separation between need/want narrows. Back home, they announced the end to employees getting paper checks for payroll the other day. Now they have to have direct deposit. And, unless you want to run to the ATM to check your balance every day, you need some pathway to the Internet to check your paycheck and your timesheet. So how do you get there? Cell phones are the least expensive way to access the 'net unless you want to pay for both phone service AND a line in the house;

True; nobody needs a camera phone.

As for other lifestyles such as having kids or a husband...get real.

I am getting real. Compensation for a job is based on the market rates for that job function not the size of a family the employee has to support.

This is where the conservative argument goes from tenuous to cruel. While I agree that it's not WMT's or any employer's responsibility to pay for extravagances an employee desires; many (if not most thankfully) would consider kids or a husband extravagances. Why not just argue that if you work there, you should limit yourself to 1,300 calories which has been shown to be near the bare minimum for consumption by a healthy adult....:eek:

Cruel. Now that is so bad it's almost comical.

I made no comment on what an employee should consume with the wages earned. I said that a requirement for more than what those wages will provide do not add value to an organization.

If you want to make the moral case that we should pay single mothers of 12 more then start by telling me how many kids your maid has. If it's less than 12 then you obviously aren't doing your part. Did you pay $100 for someone to wash your car today? Why not?
rw's in favor of anything that harms Americans and benefits China.

Doesn't even surprise me anymore.

Also doesn't surprise me that some rw's are in favor of tax payers subsidizing Wal Mart.

Better to have those hardware store workers making minimum wage at your Dad's store without assistance?

WalMart does the same thing that the SEIU does (except the SEIU doesn't pay benefits to picketers).

But somehow that's different.

30 States have GOP governors.


30 States (presumably) have GOP appointed heads to their State Boards of Education


The SBOE's have the predominant verdict on what type of education the kids in their State receive


Blaming Liberals is what lazy rednecks do when they can't admit that conservatism is a failure.

Hit a nerve I see... if your contention is that education in the U.S. leans conservative, you're either full-of-shit or crazy.

So, which is it?

Education and being educated are what transforms persons like yourself into liberals....however the people deciding our educational standards are appointed by GOPV governors 3 out of 5 times. That educated persons are predominantly politically liberal is simply human nature

If educated persons are predominantly politically liberal then why are so many "educated" liberals still railing against all these successful conservatives? It seems to me that if you folks were so smart you would have taken over. It's not like you actually foster and appreciate diverse views, so why haven't you eradicated all the idiots on the right?

(maybe we breed more - funny that)

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