Walmart pulls Mein Kampf being sold on its website for 14.88$

In Berlin, some 40,000 people heard Joseph Goebbels deliver a fiery address: "No to decadence and moral corruption!" Goebbels enjoined the crowd. "Yes to decency and morality in family and state! I consign to the flames the writings of Heinrich Mann, Ernst Glaeser, Erich Kästner."

The era of extreme Jewish intellectualism is now at an end. The breakthrough of the German revolution has again cleared the way on the German path...The future German man will not just be a man of books, but a man of character. It is to this end that we want to educate you. As a young person, to already have the courage to face the pitiless glare, to overcome the fear of death, and to regain respect for death - this is the task of this young generation. And thus you do well in this midnight hour to commit to the flames the evil spirit of the past. This is a strong, great and symbolic deed - a deed which should document the following for the world to know - Here the intellectual foundation of the November Republic is sinking to the ground, but from this wreckage the phoenix of a new spirit will triumphantly rise.

— Joseph Goebbels, Speech to the students in Berlin

Beautiful speech and spot on! We will have to do this again when we retake our countries.


Books like Mein Kampf and Protocols of Zion are a necessary and important part of history.

Know thine enemy.

Fiction such as 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell, and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is not an adequate substitute for the truth.

Hate is a reality that cannot be conquered by denialism & censorship.
They are necessary because they are the truth. I have read AND own both of those books. Along with HUNDREDS of others of banned or censored books.

wow wow wow.............can you possibly be more ironic?

Burning pornography and other filth is a good thing. Banning actual books because they show the truth about who rules over us is not.

oh the irony is just oozing outa you..........





Trump is a degenerate person no surprise there. I mean for christ sakes he allowed his child to marry and have children with a Jew...I never expected the man had much of a moral compass.
These included books written by Jewish, pacifist, religious, classical liberal, anarchist, socialist, and communist authors, among others.[1] The first books burned were those of Karl Marx and Karl Kautsky.[2]

Also it was NOT the NS Government that burned books it was the German Student Union.

that student union only helped the nazis. & the swastika was very prominent...............
Nope. Even wikipedia confirms what I said...with links to boot. The German Student Union was the main group behind the book burnings.
Books like Mein Kampf and Protocols of Zion are a necessary and important part of history.

Know thine enemy.

Fiction such as 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell, and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is not an adequate substitute for the truth.

Hate is a reality that cannot be conquered by denialism & censorship.
They are necessary because they are the truth. I have read AND own both of those books. Along with HUNDREDS of others of banned or censored books.

wow wow wow.............can you possibly be more ironic?

Burning pornography and other filth is a good thing. Banning actual books because they show the truth about who rules over us is not.

oh the irony is just oozing outa you..........





Trump is a degenerate person no surprise there. I mean for christ sakes he allowed his child to marry and have children with a Jew...I never expected the man had much of a moral compass.
These included books written by Jewish, pacifist, religious, classical liberal, anarchist, socialist, and communist authors, among others.[1] The first books burned were those of Karl Marx and Karl Kautsky.[2]

Also it was NOT the NS Government that burned books it was the German Student Union.

that student union only helped the nazis. & the swastika was very prominent...............
Nope. Even wikipedia confirms what I said...with links to boot. The German Student Union was the main group behind the book burnings.

lol...wikipedia isn't reliable because it can be altered & isn't accepted by university research citation criteria.
They are necessary because they are the truth. I have read AND own both of those books. Along with HUNDREDS of others of banned or censored books.

wow wow wow.............can you possibly be more ironic?

Burning pornography and other filth is a good thing. Banning actual books because they show the truth about who rules over us is not.

oh the irony is just oozing outa you..........





Trump is a degenerate person no surprise there. I mean for christ sakes he allowed his child to marry and have children with a Jew...I never expected the man had much of a moral compass.
These included books written by Jewish, pacifist, religious, classical liberal, anarchist, socialist, and communist authors, among others.[1] The first books burned were those of Karl Marx and Karl Kautsky.[2]

Also it was NOT the NS Government that burned books it was the German Student Union.

that student union only helped the nazis. & the swastika was very prominent...............
Nope. Even wikipedia confirms what I said...with links to boot. The German Student Union was the main group behind the book burnings.

lol...wikipedia isn't reliable because it can be altered & isn't accepted by university research citation criteria.

It comes with the links showing the facts.
wow wow wow.............can you possibly be more ironic?

Burning pornography and other filth is a good thing. Banning actual books because they show the truth about who rules over us is not.

oh the irony is just oozing outa you..........





Trump is a degenerate person no surprise there. I mean for christ sakes he allowed his child to marry and have children with a Jew...I never expected the man had much of a moral compass.
These included books written by Jewish, pacifist, religious, classical liberal, anarchist, socialist, and communist authors, among others.[1] The first books burned were those of Karl Marx and Karl Kautsky.[2]

Also it was NOT the NS Government that burned books it was the German Student Union.

that student union only helped the nazis. & the swastika was very prominent...............
Nope. Even wikipedia confirms what I said...with links to boot. The German Student Union was the main group behind the book burnings.

lol...wikipedia isn't reliable because it can be altered & isn't accepted by university research citation criteria.

It comes with the links showing the facts.

the links themselves may be propaganda, skewed, or not valid.

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