Walmart says tax bill allowed raise hikes

As the Trupette dance naked around the fire praising their Orange God, they are too ignorant to note that the extra $18 a week that the tax cut gives the typical Middle Class person will be eaten up by the increase in Health Insurance premiums from Trump ending certain payments to insurance companies. People buying as individuals could see a 20% increase next year.

Not the ones who drop Obama care



They don;t pay any premiums & look at the money they will save until they need healthcare treatments. Then you get to pay & there goes more of your precious little tax cut.
You got a growing economy instead of one which was shedding 500,000 a month. Your stock market recorded the biggest gain under a single President in history. 15,000,000 million American citizens got health insurance coverage.

The one "handicap" that Obama will NEVER be able to overcome with some (not all) right wingers, is the fact that he was too dark skinned to be sitting in the oval office.................THAT little factor in some right wingers' mind will never be forgiven by them..

As I said, disagreeing with your Messiah Hussein makes someone racist.
Funny Chit. You get called a racist when you say say racist shit or defend racists.
My oldest son came over this afternoon and we watched NFL playoffs. He got a $1000 bonus from financial firm where he works.

One wonders if your son knows that he will have to pay that money back with INTEREST, when the tax cuts expire and the $1.4 Trillion borrowed by the treasury to finance this tax scam will have to be repaid.

Exactly, unlike the 10 trillion DumBama spent that doesn't have to be repaid.

But you support these people and what they do. They sneaky shit they get up to that makes you think you're getting something, but instead they're raping your ass.

I'm getting a hell of a lot more now that I did under DumBama.

I'll get more from my paycheck.
I'll likely get more work.
I'll get my income tax refund check.

What did I get with Hussein and his spending?

Ah, the simplistic view of things.

No future, no past, just the now. Nothing else matters. Forget that the economy will crash big time at some point in the future. Yeah, who cares?

Bush put tax cuts in place during his time in office. In 2001 and 2004 he put tax cuts in place. There was a recession, then the recession abated. The unemployment rate dropped in time for reelection. Bush looked good. He got reelected. Then what happened? The economy went to the worst recession the US has seen since WW2.

Some people made a lot of money out of that recession. Money doesn't disappear. It goes somewhere.

Warren Buffet made a lot of money.

Buffet bought lots of Goldman Sachs.

Goldman Sachs made a lot of money by short selling subprime mortgage backed securities. A lot of people lost a lot of money because of this. Americans lost 1/4 of their net worth. Retirement assets dropped 22%. Unemployment doubled.

7 million Americans lost their homes during the recession. Are they ready to buy again? —

7 million Americans lost their homes during the recession. Are they ready to buy again?"

7 million people lost their homes.

The recession was a tragedy for millions of Americans and it made some Americans extremely rich. People who couldn't afford to lose, lost. People who could afford to lose lots, gained.

This WILL happen again Ray. You don't see it. You see a little extra cash just like you might have seen a little extra cash in 2005. But to pretend that it'll all be fine and dandy, that you'll still be rich at the end of it is ludicrous.

It's like being given a candy now that then gives you cancer later and being real fucking happy you got candy.

Ridiculous. The tax cuts had absolutely nothing to do with the recession, the housing crash did. It's was building for years before Bush even took office. It's what happens when GOVERNMENT regulates that banks give loans to people with no money or ability to repay. That's how people lost their homes.
It is rather amazing how easily right wing Americans are so easily fooled.

Walmart is "praising" Trump for giving its workers a raise (while shutting down over 60 stores...Sam's Club)

Here's a dose of reality and YOU tell us if Walmart needed a "tax cut":

How much does Walmart make a year in profits? With fiscal year 2016 revenue of $482.1 billion,

and YET,

Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Here's a link:
Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance
That is not Walmart's fault. The government has and does establish who collects those monies, not Walmart. How dumb are you people?

That is not Walmart’s fault? So having Walmart HR staff assist employees with public assistance applications isn’t Walmart’s fault. And keeping employee hours low so they continue to qualify for Medicaid and food stamps isn’t Walmart’s fault either.

Nor is it Walmart’s fault that the minimum wage is so low that those paid this little can’t live on their earnings.

Republicans. It’s never the fault of those who benefit most from these programs. The executives and shareholders of Walmart who don’t work at all. Who let the government subsidize their wages to the benefit of those who don’t work.

Government doesn't give welfare to companies, they give welfare to people; the same people that keep their own hours down so they can continue getting their government goodies.
My oldest son came over this afternoon and we watched NFL playoffs. He got a $1000 bonus from financial firm where he works.

One wonders if your son knows that he will have to pay that money back with INTEREST, when the tax cuts expire and the $1.4 Trillion borrowed by the treasury to finance this tax scam will have to be repaid.

Exactly, unlike the 10 trillion DumBama spent that doesn't have to be repaid.

But you support these people and what they do. They sneaky shit they get up to that makes you think you're getting something, but instead they're raping your ass.

I'm getting a hell of a lot more now that I did under DumBama.

I'll get more from my paycheck.
I'll likely get more work.
I'll get my income tax refund check.

What did I get with Hussein and his spending?

You got a growing economy instead of one which was shedding 500,000 a month. Your stock market recorded the biggest gain under a single President in history. 15,000,000 million American citizens got health insurance coverage.

You like to brag on your investments and savings Ray. The stock market gains alone should have made you a happy man.

I don't have money in the market outside of my IRA. What investments have I bragged about?

Yes, 15 million got coverage (not actually insurance) but how many lost their employer sponsored coverage because of it?
Like Walmart couldn’t afford that before with all of their profits. Conservatives are such suckers :lol:

If you knew anything about business you'd realize that profit is less a factor than growth

Thanks for conceding that net profit increasing tax-cuts for corporations has little to do with employment improvement.

Corporations hire who they need to hire and pay them as little as they can pay them - profits are not a factor in these equations.

Walmart employees could have gotten a serious raise if this blowjob to corporations bill also came with a side of $15 min wage.

$15.00 minimum wage would cause businesses to close, stop new businesses from opening, and cause such inflation it would kill our economy.

There is a balance between keeping stock prices up and employee wages. Companies try to do both, but favor investors over employees.
As the Trupette dance naked around the fire praising their Orange God, they are too ignorant to note that the extra $18 a week that the tax cut gives the typical Middle Class person will be eaten up by the increase in Health Insurance premiums from Trump ending certain payments to insurance companies. People buying as individuals could see a 20% increase next year.

Not the ones who drop Obama care



They don;t pay any premiums & look at the money they will save until they need healthcare treatments. Then you get to pay & there goes more of your precious little tax cut.
What most they might pay is a couple Grand and with $6,000 deductibles they would have to pay it anyways..

Do the math , what kind of normal 20~50 year old is going to have that major of a doctor bill?
Like Walmart couldn’t afford that before with all of their profits. Conservatives are such suckers :lol:

If you knew anything about business you'd realize that profit is less a factor than growth

Thanks for conceding that net profit increasing tax-cuts for corporations has little to do with employment improvement.

Corporations hire who they need to hire and pay them as little as they can pay them - profits are not a factor in these equations.

Walmart employees could have gotten a serious raise if this blowjob to corporations bill also came with a side of $15 min wage.

$15.00 minimum wage would cause businesses to close, stop new businesses from opening, and cause such inflation it would kill our economy.

There is a balance between keeping stock prices up and employee wages. Companies try to do both, but favor investors over employees.

Employers have managed to endure increases for the costs of real estate, furniture, fixtures, supplies, utilities and every other aspect of their businesses low these past 30 years, and to pass along those increased costs in their pricing without loss of businesses.

Wages, as a percentage of costs, are at their lowest levels since the Guilded Age. Countries with higher minimum wages than the US are thriving in ways Americans are not and their businesses aren’t closing and new ones are opening all of the time.

Jursidictions where minimum wages have risen are seeing rapid growth, not the contraction you’re predicting.
As the Trupette dance naked around the fire praising their Orange God, they are too ignorant to note that the extra $18 a week that the tax cut gives the typical Middle Class person will be eaten up by the increase in Health Insurance premiums from Trump ending certain payments to insurance companies. People buying as individuals could see a 20% increase next year.

Not the ones who drop Obama care



They don;t pay any premiums & look at the money they will save until they need healthcare treatments. Then you get to pay & there goes more of your precious little tax cut.
What most they might pay is a couple Grand and with $6,000 deductibles they would have to pay it anyways..

Do the math , what kind of normal 20~50 year old is going to have that major of a doctor bill?

Just about every adult woman in America. Those are child bearing years sir.
The opinions in this article are the author's, as published by our content partner, and do not necessarily represent the views of MSN or Microsoft.

from the op ^^^^^^^^^^^^

an opinion - nothing from Walmart.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ shocking }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Like Walmart couldn’t afford that before with all of their profits. Conservatives are such suckers :lol:

If you knew anything about business you'd realize that profit is less a factor than growth

Thanks for conceding that net profit increasing tax-cuts for corporations has little to do with employment improvement.

Corporations hire who they need to hire and pay them as little as they can pay them - profits are not a factor in these equations.

Walmart employees could have gotten a serious raise if this blowjob to corporations bill also came with a side of $15 min wage.

$15.00 minimum wage would cause businesses to close, stop new businesses from opening, and cause such inflation it would kill our economy.

There is a balance between keeping stock prices up and employee wages. Companies try to do both, but favor investors over employees.

Employers have managed to endure increases for the costs of real estate, furniture, fixtures, supplies, utilities and every other aspect of their businesses low these past 30 years, and to pass along those increased costs in their pricing without loss of businesses.

Wages, as a percentage of costs, are at their lowest levels since the Guilded Age. Countries with higher minimum wages than the US are thriving in ways Americans are not and their businesses aren’t closing and new ones are opening all of the time.

Jursidictions where minimum wages have risen are seeing rapid growth, not the contraction you’re predicting.

Name us these countries with 300 million people and

Here are the world's top seven economies, according to the 2017 IMF forecast:

  1. U.S. - $19.4 trillion
  2. China - $11.9 trillion
  3. Japan - $4.9 trillion
  4. Germany - $3.7 trillion
  5. France - $2.575 trillion
  6. U.K. - $2.565 trillion
  7. India - $2.4 trillion

Minimum wage :

China $2.9 hour

Beijing tops China's hourly minimum wage -

Japan $8.00 an hour ( damn didn't know it was that low)

Japan: Minimum Wage Increase Sets Record

Germany $9.79 hour

France $9.88

Gross Minimum Wage France, Monthly and Hourly Wages in France I

UK $9.20

How generous is the British minimum wage compared with the rest of the world?

India 28 cents

Like Walmart couldn’t afford that before with all of their profits. Conservatives are such suckers :lol:

If you knew anything about business you'd realize that profit is less a factor than growth

Thanks for conceding that net profit increasing tax-cuts for corporations has little to do with employment improvement.

Corporations hire who they need to hire and pay them as little as they can pay them - profits are not a factor in these equations.

Walmart employees could have gotten a serious raise if this blowjob to corporations bill also came with a side of $15 min wage.

$15.00 minimum wage would cause businesses to close, stop new businesses from opening, and cause such inflation it would kill our economy.

There is a balance between keeping stock prices up and employee wages. Companies try to do both, but favor investors over employees.

Employers have managed to endure increases for the costs of real estate, furniture, fixtures, supplies, utilities and every other aspect of their businesses low these past 30 years, and to pass along those increased costs in their pricing without loss of businesses.

Wages, as a percentage of costs, are at their lowest levels since the Guilded Age. Countries with higher minimum wages than the US are thriving in ways Americans are not and their businesses aren’t closing and new ones are opening all of the time.

Jursidictions where minimum wages have risen are seeing rapid growth, not the contraction you’re predicting.

We have four problems with supporting labor in the US: Automation, outsourcing, demand for cheap goods, and online shopping.

Now think for a moment what a national $15.00 minimum wage would do to each of these categories.
One wonders if your son knows that he will have to pay that money back with INTEREST, when the tax cuts expire and the $1.4 Trillion borrowed by the treasury to finance this tax scam will have to be repaid.

Exactly, unlike the 10 trillion DumBama spent that doesn't have to be repaid.

But you support these people and what they do. They sneaky shit they get up to that makes you think you're getting something, but instead they're raping your ass.

I'm getting a hell of a lot more now that I did under DumBama.

I'll get more from my paycheck.
I'll likely get more work.
I'll get my income tax refund check.

What did I get with Hussein and his spending?

Ah, the simplistic view of things.

No future, no past, just the now. Nothing else matters. Forget that the economy will crash big time at some point in the future. Yeah, who cares?

Bush put tax cuts in place during his time in office. In 2001 and 2004 he put tax cuts in place. There was a recession, then the recession abated. The unemployment rate dropped in time for reelection. Bush looked good. He got reelected. Then what happened? The economy went to the worst recession the US has seen since WW2.

Some people made a lot of money out of that recession. Money doesn't disappear. It goes somewhere.

Warren Buffet made a lot of money.

Buffet bought lots of Goldman Sachs.

Goldman Sachs made a lot of money by short selling subprime mortgage backed securities. A lot of people lost a lot of money because of this. Americans lost 1/4 of their net worth. Retirement assets dropped 22%. Unemployment doubled.

7 million Americans lost their homes during the recession. Are they ready to buy again? —

7 million Americans lost their homes during the recession. Are they ready to buy again?"

7 million people lost their homes.

The recession was a tragedy for millions of Americans and it made some Americans extremely rich. People who couldn't afford to lose, lost. People who could afford to lose lots, gained.

This WILL happen again Ray. You don't see it. You see a little extra cash just like you might have seen a little extra cash in 2005. But to pretend that it'll all be fine and dandy, that you'll still be rich at the end of it is ludicrous.

It's like being given a candy now that then gives you cancer later and being real fucking happy you got candy.

Ridiculous. The tax cuts had absolutely nothing to do with the recession, the housing crash did. It's was building for years before Bush even took office. It's what happens when GOVERNMENT regulates that banks give loans to people with no money or ability to repay. That's how people lost their homes.

Well Ray, the point I'm making here is that everything goes hand in hand.

Bush gave tax cuts to the rich. Bush allowed the banks to get away with stuff that shouldn't have been happening. Bush wanted to pump the economy.

He pumped the economy.

That's what's happening now. People get more money, they see the economy doing well, they'll take out loans in order to try and make more money and the next recession will happen.

The limit of the presidential terms to 2 terms is killing the US, because it makes presidents put in short term measures to get elected the second time without having to think beyond 4 years.
Exactly, unlike the 10 trillion DumBama spent that doesn't have to be repaid.

But you support these people and what they do. They sneaky shit they get up to that makes you think you're getting something, but instead they're raping your ass.

I'm getting a hell of a lot more now that I did under DumBama.

I'll get more from my paycheck.
I'll likely get more work.
I'll get my income tax refund check.

What did I get with Hussein and his spending?

Ah, the simplistic view of things.

No future, no past, just the now. Nothing else matters. Forget that the economy will crash big time at some point in the future. Yeah, who cares?

Bush put tax cuts in place during his time in office. In 2001 and 2004 he put tax cuts in place. There was a recession, then the recession abated. The unemployment rate dropped in time for reelection. Bush looked good. He got reelected. Then what happened? The economy went to the worst recession the US has seen since WW2.

Some people made a lot of money out of that recession. Money doesn't disappear. It goes somewhere.

Warren Buffet made a lot of money.

Buffet bought lots of Goldman Sachs.

Goldman Sachs made a lot of money by short selling subprime mortgage backed securities. A lot of people lost a lot of money because of this. Americans lost 1/4 of their net worth. Retirement assets dropped 22%. Unemployment doubled.

7 million Americans lost their homes during the recession. Are they ready to buy again? —

7 million Americans lost their homes during the recession. Are they ready to buy again?"

7 million people lost their homes.

The recession was a tragedy for millions of Americans and it made some Americans extremely rich. People who couldn't afford to lose, lost. People who could afford to lose lots, gained.

This WILL happen again Ray. You don't see it. You see a little extra cash just like you might have seen a little extra cash in 2005. But to pretend that it'll all be fine and dandy, that you'll still be rich at the end of it is ludicrous.

It's like being given a candy now that then gives you cancer later and being real fucking happy you got candy.

Ridiculous. The tax cuts had absolutely nothing to do with the recession, the housing crash did. It's was building for years before Bush even took office. It's what happens when GOVERNMENT regulates that banks give loans to people with no money or ability to repay. That's how people lost their homes.

Well Ray, the point I'm making here is that everything goes hand in hand.

Bush gave tax cuts to the rich. Bush allowed the banks to get away with stuff that shouldn't have been happening. Bush wanted to pump the economy.

He pumped the economy.

That's what's happening now. People get more money, they see the economy doing well, they'll take out loans in order to try and make more money and the next recession will happen.

The limit of the presidential terms to 2 terms is killing the US, because it makes presidents put in short term measures to get elected the second time without having to think beyond 4 years.

No, it doesn't go hand-in-hand. The tax cuts had absolutely nothing to do with the housing crash.

First off, most people got a tax cut--not just the wealthy. Secondly, can you explain to me how allowing people to keep more of their money hurts the economy? None of you leftists have ever been able to give me the dynamics of that. If you get a raise at work, does that make you want to spend more money or less?
But you support these people and what they do. They sneaky shit they get up to that makes you think you're getting something, but instead they're raping your ass.

I'm getting a hell of a lot more now that I did under DumBama.

I'll get more from my paycheck.
I'll likely get more work.
I'll get my income tax refund check.

What did I get with Hussein and his spending?

Ah, the simplistic view of things.

No future, no past, just the now. Nothing else matters. Forget that the economy will crash big time at some point in the future. Yeah, who cares?

Bush put tax cuts in place during his time in office. In 2001 and 2004 he put tax cuts in place. There was a recession, then the recession abated. The unemployment rate dropped in time for reelection. Bush looked good. He got reelected. Then what happened? The economy went to the worst recession the US has seen since WW2.

Some people made a lot of money out of that recession. Money doesn't disappear. It goes somewhere.

Warren Buffet made a lot of money.

Buffet bought lots of Goldman Sachs.

Goldman Sachs made a lot of money by short selling subprime mortgage backed securities. A lot of people lost a lot of money because of this. Americans lost 1/4 of their net worth. Retirement assets dropped 22%. Unemployment doubled.

7 million Americans lost their homes during the recession. Are they ready to buy again? —

7 million Americans lost their homes during the recession. Are they ready to buy again?"

7 million people lost their homes.

The recession was a tragedy for millions of Americans and it made some Americans extremely rich. People who couldn't afford to lose, lost. People who could afford to lose lots, gained.

This WILL happen again Ray. You don't see it. You see a little extra cash just like you might have seen a little extra cash in 2005. But to pretend that it'll all be fine and dandy, that you'll still be rich at the end of it is ludicrous.

It's like being given a candy now that then gives you cancer later and being real fucking happy you got candy.

Ridiculous. The tax cuts had absolutely nothing to do with the recession, the housing crash did. It's was building for years before Bush even took office. It's what happens when GOVERNMENT regulates that banks give loans to people with no money or ability to repay. That's how people lost their homes.

Well Ray, the point I'm making here is that everything goes hand in hand.

Bush gave tax cuts to the rich. Bush allowed the banks to get away with stuff that shouldn't have been happening. Bush wanted to pump the economy.

He pumped the economy.

That's what's happening now. People get more money, they see the economy doing well, they'll take out loans in order to try and make more money and the next recession will happen.

The limit of the presidential terms to 2 terms is killing the US, because it makes presidents put in short term measures to get elected the second time without having to think beyond 4 years.

No, it doesn't go hand-in-hand. The tax cuts had absolutely nothing to do with the housing crash.

First off, most people got a tax cut--not just the wealthy. Secondly, can you explain to me how allowing people to keep more of their money hurts the economy? None of you leftists have ever been able to give me the dynamics of that. If you get a raise at work, does that make you want to spend more money or less?

This is the problem isn't it Ray? You don't understand things.

I didn't say anything about WHO got the tax cuts. What I said was the tax cuts were part of pumping the economy.

You really should read and understand what people say, rather than just type.

Second. How does keeping more of their money hurts the economy. Yes, I can. Will you read it and understand it? Probably not.

There is a natural cycle within capitalism of boom and bust. In the 1930s unregulated capitalism led to the worst recession the US has ever seen.

Before this there was a speculative boom. People were investing. They saw the boom happening and they wanted to make it rich. People will take risks. Look at bitcoin today. People see the value rising massively, so they'll mortgage their house to buy bitcoin

People are taking out mortgages to buy bitcoin, says securities regulator

Well, what happens if bitcoin goes down? They've lost their house. They're taking the risks because the economy is going upwards, and when it goes it, it has to come down.

Govt regulation can either push the economy, make it rise and rise, make people go crazy taking risks in order to make themselves richer, or it can do what the Chinese are doing, which is trying to limit the grow, so that people don't get in such a frenzy, so growth is steady, things don't get overpriced, things don't go crazy. A steady economy where people can be secure in what they do, but not see such wild growth that makes then take crazy risks.
This is the problem isn't it Ray? You don't understand things.

I didn't say anything about WHO got the tax cuts. What I said was the tax cuts were part of pumping the economy.

You really should read and understand what people say, rather than just type.

Geee, I really feel stupid now. I'll try to do as you suggest:

Well Ray, the point I'm making here is that everything goes hand in hand.

Bush gave tax cuts to the rich.
This is the problem isn't it Ray? You don't understand things.

I didn't say anything about WHO got the tax cuts. What I said was the tax cuts were part of pumping the economy.

You really should read and understand what people say, rather than just type.

Geee, I really feel stupid now. I'll try to do as you suggest:

Well Ray, the point I'm making here is that everything goes hand in hand.

Bush gave tax cuts to the rich.

Do you actually want a reply to this?

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