Walter Reed doctor slams Trump for putting 'lives at risk' for 'political theater

So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.
You do realize, everyone has a 99% survival rate?
What a rightarded thing to say. According to you, a 90 year old person has the same chance of surviving as a 20 year old. :cuckoo:
They have a better chance than what is being reported.
How do you know?
The stats, you know out of all those covid deaths. Only 6% died from the coronavirus alone?
What.., so that is going to have them rolling out of the graves, as if they had not contracted covid?
No, they want the number high to make Trump look bad.
Donnie looks bad on his own. His dog whistle policy to the stupid, but loyal few has had 35% of the country working against the 65%, as far as defeating the virus is concerned. He got it because he did not take precautions just like he dog whistled to the trump chumps. I no longer care what happens to his dumb ass. Be glad when the election is over and he is outta here.
He got over it in 3 days, better than a pansy liberal. Who doesn't know what gender they are.
Don't be dull. He is getting over it because he had the best of modern science and medicine, unavailable to 95% of the of the people in this country. Neither Hydroxichloriquine, Clorox bleach and sunshine, nor his overweight, out of shape, heart conditioned body had what it took to carry the day.
So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.
You do realize, everyone has a 99% survival rate?
What a rightarded thing to say. According to you, a 90 year old person has the same chance of surviving as a 20 year old. :cuckoo:
They have a better chance than what is being reported.
How do you know?
The stats, you know out of all those covid deaths. Only 6% died from the coronavirus alone?
I see, so if you cherry pick stats, you can falsely claim there's a 99% survival rate. Thanks for confirming.
The fact is only 6% of the 200,000 deaths were caused by corona alone. Don't worry, Trump will be your president till 2024.
Assuming that's even correct, all that means is the rest died because they contracted COVID-19 while having other underlying conditions that had not previously killed them.
Yeah, if a guy shot himself in the head and had covid. He died of covid. Trump will be your president till 2024.
Or until January.
No, till 2024.

So you're predicting he won't even live long enough to finish a second term??

Not talking about dementia Joe.

I know, that's what makes your idiotic post so funny.
Yeah funny,View attachment 397864
Even funnier -- Impeached Trump lost a debate to that ^^^

Didn't know which debate you were looking at. Anyway if somehow Biden wins. He will also be impeached, since you loons made it so. You can impeach a president, if you don't like him.
I'm looking at Biden's lead over Impeached Trump grow since the debate...


....and you can't impeach Biden unless you win the House.
So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.
You do realize, everyone has a 99% survival rate?
What a rightarded thing to say. According to you, a 90 year old person has the same chance of surviving as a 20 year old. :cuckoo:
They have a better chance than what is being reported.
How do you know?
The stats, you know out of all those covid deaths. Only 6% died from the coronavirus alone?
I see, so if you cherry pick stats, you can falsely claim there's a 99% survival rate. Thanks for confirming.
The fact is only 6% of the 200,000 deaths were caused by corona alone. Don't worry, Trump will be your president till 2024.
Assuming that's even correct, all that means is the rest died because they contracted COVID-19 while having other underlying conditions that had not previously killed them.
Yeah, if a guy shot himself in the head and had covid. He died of covid. Trump will be your president till 2024.
Or until January.
No, till 2024.

So you're predicting he won't even live long enough to finish a second term??

Not talking about dementia Joe.

I know, that's what makes your idiotic post so funny.
Yeah funny,View attachment 397864
Even funnier -- Impeached Trump lost a debate to that ^^^

Didn't know which debate you were looking at. Anyway if somehow Biden wins. He will also be impeached, since you loons made it so. You can impeach a president, if you don't like him.
I'm looking at Biden's lead over Impeached Trump grow since the debate...

View attachment 398019

....and you can't impeach Biden unless you win the House.
That kind of information helped you out in 2016. Lol
So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.
You do realize, everyone has a 99% survival rate?
What a rightarded thing to say. According to you, a 90 year old person has the same chance of surviving as a 20 year old. :cuckoo:
They have a better chance than what is being reported.
How do you know?
The stats, you know out of all those covid deaths. Only 6% died from the coronavirus alone?
I see, so if you cherry pick stats, you can falsely claim there's a 99% survival rate. Thanks for confirming.
The fact is only 6% of the 200,000 deaths were caused by corona alone. Don't worry, Trump will be your president till 2024.
Assuming that's even correct, all that means is the rest died because they contracted COVID-19 while having other underlying conditions that had not previously killed them.
Yeah, if a guy shot himself in the head and had covid. He died of covid. Trump will be your president till 2024.
Or until January.
No, till 2024.

So you're predicting he won't even live long enough to finish a second term??

Not talking about dementia Joe.

I know, that's what makes your idiotic post so funny.
Yeah funny,View attachment 397864
Even funnier -- Impeached Trump lost a debate to that ^^^

Didn't know which debate you were looking at. Anyway if somehow Biden wins. He will also be impeached, since you loons made it so. You can impeach a president, if you don't like him.
I'm looking at Biden's lead over Impeached Trump grow since the debate...

View attachment 398019

....and you can't impeach Biden unless you win the House.
That kind of information helped you out in 2016. Lol

So now you want to switch the debate from who won the debate to who won the election?
Joe won't get his own groceries and puts a black woman at risk who has to stock his home pantry. WTF. Like that's any different than Trump having the Secret Service guys drive him so he can wave to his supporters? No fucking difference. You're putting someone at risk for your gain. Joe uses a black woman. Trump uses Secret Service agents who protect his life. That's their job. So is stocking the pantry for Joe.
Joe won't get his own groceries and puts a black woman at risk who has to stock his home pantry. WTF. Like that's any different than Trump having the Secret Service guys drive him so he can wave to his supporters? No fucking difference. You're putting someone at risk for your gain. Joe uses a black woman. Trump uses Secret Service agents who protect his life. That's their job. So is stocking the pantry for Joe.
Yeah, no difference at all. Well, other than Impeach Trump is COVID-19 positive while Biden is not.
So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.
You do realize, everyone has a 99% survival rate?
What a rightarded thing to say. According to you, a 90 year old person has the same chance of surviving as a 20 year old. :cuckoo:
They have a better chance than what is being reported.
How do you know?
The stats, you know out of all those covid deaths. Only 6% died from the coronavirus alone?
I see, so if you cherry pick stats, you can falsely claim there's a 99% survival rate. Thanks for confirming.
The fact is only 6% of the 200,000 deaths were caused by corona alone. Don't worry, Trump will be your president till 2024.
Assuming that's even correct, all that means is the rest died because they contracted COVID-19 while having other underlying conditions that had not previously killed them.
Yeah, if a guy shot himself in the head and had covid. He died of covid. Trump will be your president till 2024.
Or until January.
No, till 2024.

So you're predicting he won't even live long enough to finish a second term??

Not talking about dementia Joe.

I know, that's what makes your idiotic post so funny.
Yeah funny,View attachment 397864
Even funnier -- Impeached Trump lost a debate to that ^^^

Didn't know which debate you were looking at. Anyway if somehow Biden wins. He will also be impeached, since you loons made it so. You can impeach a president, if you don't like him.
I'm looking at Biden's lead over Impeached Trump grow since the debate...

View attachment 398019

....and you can't impeach Biden unless you win the House.

So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.
You do realize, everyone has a 99% survival rate?
What a rightarded thing to say. According to you, a 90 year old person has the same chance of surviving as a 20 year old. :cuckoo:
They have a better chance than what is being reported.
How do you know?
The stats, you know out of all those covid deaths. Only 6% died from the coronavirus alone?
I see, so if you cherry pick stats, you can falsely claim there's a 99% survival rate. Thanks for confirming.
The fact is only 6% of the 200,000 deaths were caused by corona alone. Don't worry, Trump will be your president till 2024.
Assuming that's even correct, all that means is the rest died because they contracted COVID-19 while having other underlying conditions that had not previously killed them.
Yeah, if a guy shot himself in the head and had covid. He died of covid. Trump will be your president till 2024.
Or until January.
No, till 2024.

So you're predicting he won't even live long enough to finish a second term??

Not talking about dementia Joe.

I know, that's what makes your idiotic post so funny.
Yeah funny,View attachment 397864
Even funnier -- Impeached Trump lost a debate to that ^^^

Didn't know which debate you were looking at. Anyway if somehow Biden wins. He will also be impeached, since you loons made it so. You can impeach a president, if you don't like him.
I'm looking at Biden's lead over Impeached Trump grow since the debate...

View attachment 398019

....and you can't impeach Biden unless you win the House.
That kind of information helped you out in 2016. Lol

So now you want to switch the debate from who won the debate to who won the election?
Just letting you know who is going to win, and it isn't Biden.
even with corona, Trump has enough energy to power America's entire Western seaboard

Biden doesn't even have energy to fart when he digests peppers
Going for a 10 minute drive is "insanity"? :dunno:

Lighten up doc.
Makes me angry, he would have such wanton disregard for other people's health and that of their families.
“You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed,” Trump said in a Feb. 7 call with Woodward. “And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.”
“This is deadly stuff,” the president repeated for emphasis.
Trump told Woodward on March 19 that he deliberately minimized the danger. “I wanted to always play it down,” the president said.
You think the secret service go by the wayside because he has covid? Really? You think he is unprotected?
I know he is protected, but he has no business needlessly putting them in danger from him for his amusement or personal gain. Like Daryl said, same as intentionally an aids patient intentionally having unprotected sex, just to get his jollies.
You are missing the point, I imagine purposely. He has secret service with him in the hospital as he moves around. The same ones. The same ones that went in the cramped helicopter with him. They don’t give up their duties because he has the virus. Period.

Please note that the car is hermetically sealed to fend off gas attacks. So there was no fresh air coming into that vehicle at all, just air recycled out of the lungs of Covid Donnie. In the hospital, Trump is in his own suite so the SS aren't always right there with him. It's an isolation unit so they have their hazmat suits, cleaned air and social distancing. Not cramped into a hermetically sealed SUV
even with corona, Trump has enough energy to power America's entire Western seaboard

Biden doesn't even have energy to fart when he digests peppers

Trump is on steriods and has steroid mania. I thought I could leap over tall buildings in a single bound too, when I took them. The stuff Trump is taking is 4 times as strong. But I had the good sense to know that that Superman feeling was the drugs. Trump thinks it's all him.

Donald Trump stood out on that balcony for a long, long time after he strode confidently up to the balcony, gasping for air, obviously in pain and working hard not to show it. One of my friends suggested the reason why he stood there so long was because he would have collapsed if he tried to move. He had to gather himself to go in.

I've watched Trump walk around in his TV appearances, and he lumbers -visibly. I know that walk. He has arthritis in his hips and knees. It's made worse by his obesity. I can do that confident stride too, but not very long, and it's an act. I'll pay for it later. And so will he.
Going for a 10 minute drive is "insanity"? :dunno:

Lighten up doc.
Makes me angry, he would have such wanton disregard for other people's health and that of their families.
“You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed,” Trump said in a Feb. 7 call with Woodward. “And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.”
“This is deadly stuff,” the president repeated for emphasis.
Trump told Woodward on March 19 that he deliberately minimized the danger. “I wanted to always play it down,” the president said.
You think the secret service go by the wayside because he has covid? Really? You think he is unprotected?
I know he is protected, but he has no business needlessly putting them in danger from him for his amusement or personal gain. Like Daryl said, same as intentionally an aids patient intentionally having unprotected sex, just to get his jollies.
You are missing the point, I imagine purposely. He has secret service with him in the hospital as he moves around. The same ones. The same ones that went in the cramped helicopter with him. They don’t give up their duties because he has the virus. Period.

Please note that the car is hermetically sealed to fend off gas attacks. So there was no fresh air coming into that vehicle at all, just air recycled out of the lungs of Covid Donnie. In the hospital, Trump is in his own suite so the SS aren't always right there with him. It's an isolation unit so they have their hazmat suits, cleaned air and social distancing. Not cramped into a hermetically sealed SUV
Ya cause doctors wouldn't consider that right ya retardo Canadian wanna be. Take care of your government before you cone down here and complain about ours. The Canadian Government is crap and has been for some time. But here you are whining about OUR Government instead of solving your own problems.
Going for a 10 minute drive is "insanity"? :dunno:

Lighten up doc.
Makes me angry, he would have such wanton disregard for other people's health and that of their families.
“You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed,” Trump said in a Feb. 7 call with Woodward. “And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.”
“This is deadly stuff,” the president repeated for emphasis.
Trump told Woodward on March 19 that he deliberately minimized the danger. “I wanted to always play it down,” the president said.
You think the secret service go by the wayside because he has covid? Really? You think he is unprotected?
I know he is protected, but he has no business needlessly putting them in danger from him for his amusement or personal gain. Like Daryl said, same as intentionally an aids patient intentionally having unprotected sex, just to get his jollies.
You are missing the point, I imagine purposely. He has secret service with him in the hospital as he moves around. The same ones. The same ones that went in the cramped helicopter with him. They don’t give up their duties because he has the virus. Period.

Please note that the car is hermetically sealed to fend off gas attacks. So there was no fresh air coming into that vehicle at all, just air recycled out of the lungs of Covid Donnie. In the hospital, Trump is in his own suite so the SS aren't always right there with him. It's an isolation unit so they have their hazmat suits, cleaned air and social distancing. Not cramped into a hermetically sealed SUV
And the doc that said it was bad also removed from his twitter that he is with Walter Reed now. And lo and behold! His other bio’s never showed Walter Reed! Amazing that! You and he don’t know that of which you speak. But he does show he is a media contributor, To cnn, that hates Trump with a passion, no less.
So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.
You do realize, everyone has a 99% survival rate?
What a rightarded thing to say. According to you, a 90 year old person has the same chance of surviving as a 20 year old. :cuckoo:
They have a better chance than what is being reported.
How do you know?
The stats, you know out of all those covid deaths. Only 6% died from the coronavirus alone?
I see, so if you cherry pick stats, you can falsely claim there's a 99% survival rate. Thanks for confirming.
The fact is only 6% of the 200,000 deaths were caused by corona alone. Don't worry, Trump will be your president till 2024.
Assuming that's even correct, all that means is the rest died because they contracted COVID-19 while having other underlying conditions that had not previously killed them.
Yeah, if a guy shot himself in the head and had covid. He died of covid. Trump will be your president till 2024.
Or until January.
No, till 2024.

So you're predicting he won't even live long enough to finish a second term??

Not talking about dementia Joe.

I know, that's what makes your idiotic post so funny.
Yeah funny,View attachment 397864
Even funnier -- Impeached Trump lost a debate to that ^^^

Didn't know which debate you were looking at. Anyway if somehow Biden wins. He will also be impeached, since you loons made it so. You can impeach a president, if you don't like him.
I'm looking at Biden's lead over Impeached Trump grow since the debate...

View attachment 398019

....and you can't impeach Biden unless you win the House.

Liar, those polls didn't predict a Hillary landslide. They were national polls that predicted she would get more votes, which she did by 3 million. Some pollsters read into state-by-state polling and erroneously predicted a Hillary landslide but the polls were very accurate with only Wisconsin getting it wrong.
So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.
You do realize, everyone has a 99% survival rate?
What a rightarded thing to say. According to you, a 90 year old person has the same chance of surviving as a 20 year old. :cuckoo:
They have a better chance than what is being reported.
How do you know?
The stats, you know out of all those covid deaths. Only 6% died from the coronavirus alone?
I see, so if you cherry pick stats, you can falsely claim there's a 99% survival rate. Thanks for confirming.
The fact is only 6% of the 200,000 deaths were caused by corona alone. Don't worry, Trump will be your president till 2024.
Assuming that's even correct, all that means is the rest died because they contracted COVID-19 while having other underlying conditions that had not previously killed them.
Yeah, if a guy shot himself in the head and had covid. He died of covid. Trump will be your president till 2024.
Or until January.
No, till 2024.

So you're predicting he won't even live long enough to finish a second term??

Not talking about dementia Joe.

I know, that's what makes your idiotic post so funny.
Yeah funny,View attachment 397864
Even funnier -- Impeached Trump lost a debate to that ^^^

Didn't know which debate you were looking at. Anyway if somehow Biden wins. He will also be impeached, since you loons made it so. You can impeach a president, if you don't like him.
I'm looking at Biden's lead over Impeached Trump grow since the debate...

View attachment 398019

....and you can't impeach Biden unless you win the House.
That kind of information helped you out in 2016. Lol

So now you want to switch the debate from who won the debate to who won the election?
Just letting you know who is going to win, and it isn't Biden.
Fortunately for Biden, you're talking out of your ass.
even with corona, Trump has enough energy to power America's entire Western seaboard

Biden doesn't even have energy to fart when he digests peppers

Trump is on steriods and has steroid mania. I thought I could leap over tall buildings in a single bound too, when I took them. The stuff Trump is taking is 4 times as strong. But I had the good sense to know that that Superman feeling was the drugs. Trump thinks it's all him.

Donald Trump stood out on that balcony for a long, long time after he strode confidently up to the balcony, gasping for air, obviously in pain and working hard not to show it. One of my friends suggested the reason why he stood there so long was because he would have collapsed if he tried to move. He had to gather himself to go in.

I've watched Trump walk around in his TV appearances, and he lumbers -visibly. I know that walk. He has arthritis in his hips and knees. It's made worse by his obesity. I can do that confident stride too, but not very long, and it's an act. I'll pay for it later. And so will he.
100% speculation by a TDS afflicted moron.
So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.
You do realize, everyone has a 99% survival rate?
What a rightarded thing to say. According to you, a 90 year old person has the same chance of surviving as a 20 year old. :cuckoo:
They have a better chance than what is being reported.
How do you know?
The stats, you know out of all those covid deaths. Only 6% died from the coronavirus alone?
I see, so if you cherry pick stats, you can falsely claim there's a 99% survival rate. Thanks for confirming.
The fact is only 6% of the 200,000 deaths were caused by corona alone. Don't worry, Trump will be your president till 2024.
Assuming that's even correct, all that means is the rest died because they contracted COVID-19 while having other underlying conditions that had not previously killed them.
Yeah, if a guy shot himself in the head and had covid. He died of covid. Trump will be your president till 2024.
Or until January.
No, till 2024.

So you're predicting he won't even live long enough to finish a second term??

Not talking about dementia Joe.

I know, that's what makes your idiotic post so funny.
Yeah funny,View attachment 397864
Even funnier -- Impeached Trump lost a debate to that ^^^

Didn't know which debate you were looking at. Anyway if somehow Biden wins. He will also be impeached, since you loons made it so. You can impeach a president, if you don't like him.
I'm looking at Biden's lead over Impeached Trump grow since the debate...

View attachment 398019

....and you can't impeach Biden unless you win the House.

Liar, those polls didn't predict a Hillary landslide. They were national polls that predicted she would get more votes, which she did by 3 million. Some pollsters read into state-by-state polling and erroneously predicted a Hillary landslide but the polls were very accurate with only Wisconsin getting it wrong.
Hey Moron, when will you learn to never mess with me? I'm 10X smarter than you and more informed than you will ever be, SImpleton.

Final Presidential Polls: Clinton Heads Toward Landslide In Electoral College

Emerson College Polling predicts electoral landslide for Clinton

So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.
You do realize, everyone has a 99% survival rate?
What a rightarded thing to say. According to you, a 90 year old person has the same chance of surviving as a 20 year old. :cuckoo:
They have a better chance than what is being reported.
How do you know?
The stats, you know out of all those covid deaths. Only 6% died from the coronavirus alone?
I see, so if you cherry pick stats, you can falsely claim there's a 99% survival rate. Thanks for confirming.
The fact is only 6% of the 200,000 deaths were caused by corona alone. Don't worry, Trump will be your president till 2024.
Assuming that's even correct, all that means is the rest died because they contracted COVID-19 while having other underlying conditions that had not previously killed them.
Yeah, if a guy shot himself in the head and had covid. He died of covid. Trump will be your president till 2024.
Or until January.
No, till 2024.

So you're predicting he won't even live long enough to finish a second term??

Not talking about dementia Joe.

I know, that's what makes your idiotic post so funny.
Yeah funny,View attachment 397864
Even funnier -- Impeached Trump lost a debate to that ^^^

Didn't know which debate you were looking at. Anyway if somehow Biden wins. He will also be impeached, since you loons made it so. You can impeach a president, if you don't like him.
I'm looking at Biden's lead over Impeached Trump grow since the debate...

View attachment 398019

....and you can't impeach Biden unless you win the House.

Liar, those polls didn't predict a Hillary landslide. They were national polls that predicted she would get more votes, which she did by 3 million. Some pollsters read into state-by-state polling and erroneously predicted a Hillary landslide but the polls were very accurate with only Wisconsin getting it wrong.
Hey Moron, when will you learn to never mess with me? I'm 10X smarter than you and more informed than you will ever be, SImpleton.

Final Presidential Polls: Clinton Heads Toward Landslide In Electoral College

Emerson College Polling predicts electoral landslide for Clinton


You're not smarter than me. Shit, you're not even smarter than a rock. Want proof? What you just posted agrees with what I said. You just posted how pollsters, not polls, predicted a Hillary landslide.

You lose again because you're a loser.

So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.
You do realize, everyone has a 99% survival rate?
What a rightarded thing to say. According to you, a 90 year old person has the same chance of surviving as a 20 year old. :cuckoo:
They have a better chance than what is being reported.
How do you know?
The stats, you know out of all those covid deaths. Only 6% died from the coronavirus alone?
I see, so if you cherry pick stats, you can falsely claim there's a 99% survival rate. Thanks for confirming.
The fact is only 6% of the 200,000 deaths were caused by corona alone. Don't worry, Trump will be your president till 2024.
Assuming that's even correct, all that means is the rest died because they contracted COVID-19 while having other underlying conditions that had not previously killed them.
Yeah, if a guy shot himself in the head and had covid. He died of covid. Trump will be your president till 2024.
Or until January.
No, till 2024.

So you're predicting he won't even live long enough to finish a second term??

Not talking about dementia Joe.

I know, that's what makes your idiotic post so funny.
Yeah funny,View attachment 397864
Even funnier -- Impeached Trump lost a debate to that ^^^

Didn't know which debate you were looking at. Anyway if somehow Biden wins. He will also be impeached, since you loons made it so. You can impeach a president, if you don't like him.
I'm looking at Biden's lead over Impeached Trump grow since the debate...

View attachment 398019

....and you can't impeach Biden unless you win the House.

Liar, those polls didn't predict a Hillary landslide. They were national polls that predicted she would get more votes, which she did by 3 million. Some pollsters read into state-by-state polling and erroneously predicted a Hillary landslide but the polls were very accurate with only Wisconsin getting it wrong.
Hey Moron, when will you learn to never mess with me? I'm 10X smarter than you and more informed than you will ever be, SImpleton.

Final Presidential Polls: Clinton Heads Toward Landslide In Electoral College

Emerson College Polling predicts electoral landslide for Clinton


You're not smarter than me. Shit, you're not even smarter than a rock. Want proof? What you just posted agrees with what I said. You just posted how pollsters, not polls, predicted a Hillary landslide.

You lose again because you're a loser.

And what did Pollsters use for their prediction of a HITLERY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why, that would be POLLS you raving lunatic.

You lose again.
So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.
You do realize, everyone has a 99% survival rate?
What a rightarded thing to say. According to you, a 90 year old person has the same chance of surviving as a 20 year old. :cuckoo:
They have a better chance than what is being reported.
How do you know?
The stats, you know out of all those covid deaths. Only 6% died from the coronavirus alone?
I see, so if you cherry pick stats, you can falsely claim there's a 99% survival rate. Thanks for confirming.
The fact is only 6% of the 200,000 deaths were caused by corona alone. Don't worry, Trump will be your president till 2024.
Assuming that's even correct, all that means is the rest died because they contracted COVID-19 while having other underlying conditions that had not previously killed them.
Yeah, if a guy shot himself in the head and had covid. He died of covid. Trump will be your president till 2024.
Or until January.
No, till 2024.

So you're predicting he won't even live long enough to finish a second term??

Not talking about dementia Joe.

I know, that's what makes your idiotic post so funny.
Yeah funny,View attachment 397864
Even funnier -- Impeached Trump lost a debate to that ^^^

Didn't know which debate you were looking at. Anyway if somehow Biden wins. He will also be impeached, since you loons made it so. You can impeach a president, if you don't like him.
I'm looking at Biden's lead over Impeached Trump grow since the debate...

View attachment 398019

....and you can't impeach Biden unless you win the House.

Liar, those polls didn't predict a Hillary landslide. They were national polls that predicted she would get more votes, which she did by 3 million. Some pollsters read into state-by-state polling and erroneously predicted a Hillary landslide but the polls were very accurate with only Wisconsin getting it wrong.
Hey Moron, when will you learn to never mess with me? I'm 10X smarter than you and more informed than you will ever be, SImpleton.

Final Presidential Polls: Clinton Heads Toward Landslide In Electoral College

Emerson College Polling predicts electoral landslide for Clinton


You're not smarter than me. Shit, you're not even smarter than a rock. Want proof? What you just posted agrees with what I said. You just posted how pollsters, not polls, predicted a Hillary landslide.

You lose again because you're a loser.

Hey RETARD.... Pollsters go BY THE POLLS. They don't fabricate predictions from thin air, and yes in 2016 all the polls had Hillary ahead by 3 to 5 points, the problem was they did NOT take into account the 10 percent undecided vote. Most polls in 2016 had Hillary at 45 or 46 percent and Trump at 40 or 41 percent.

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