Want to know why all this crap is happening now, and accelerating?!?!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
Usually, I would wait to explain why, before I posted the link. Not this time, I think it is readily apparent to everyone once the look at the link!

Atlanta Fed raises U.S. second-quarter GDP growth view above 4 percent

LOOK AT THE PROJECTED NUMBER! Even if it is off some, what do YOU think will happen after a tax code redo, going forward!

The Marxists are now in panic mode! They are all in RIGHT NOW, THIS INSTANT, because if the economics of this continue, it will be another Reagan, and they know it. Understand, NOBODY wants their policies but the furthest left of them, and once the economic data proves they are a bunch of liars, they are cooked with almost every independent, and moderate Democrat.

So there you have it, and look......it is NOT me, it is YOUR Federal reserve projecting this; not 3 or 4 years down the road, but THIS QUARTER as the country fills with optimism. The left has GOT TO STOP this. And now you know how much they care about the country. They will put it belly up, and you to.......before they allow anyone else to have power that could save it!
Usually, I would wait to explain why, before I posted the link. Not this time, I think it is readily apparent to everyone once the look at the link!

Atlanta Fed raises U.S. second-quarter GDP growth view above 4 percent

LOOK AT THE PROJECTED NUMBER! Even if it is off some, what do YOU think will happen after a tax code redo, going forward!

The Marxists are now in panic mode! They are all in RIGHT NOW, THIS INSTANT, because if the economics of this continue, it will be another Reagan, and they know it. Understand, NOBODY wants their policies but the furthest left of them, and once the economic data proves they are a bunch of liars, they are cooked with almost every independent, and moderate Democrat.

So there you have it, and look......it is NOT me, it is YOUR Federal reserve projecting this; not 3 or 4 years down the road, but THIS QUARTER as the country fills with optimism. The left has GOT TO STOP this. And now you know how much they care about the country. They will put it belly up, and you to.......before they allow anyone else to have power that could save it!
The gop is in control of every branch of gummit. The dems and liberals have no power. STOP PLAYING A VICTIM AND GROW A PAIR
After 100 failed attempts to take out Trump the liberal media thought they finally got him this time, they smelled blood in the water, then Trump flipped them the bird like always. The libwits will drool and foam at the mouth for a few more days then fabricate some new cockamamie scheme to dethrone Trump.
Usually, I would wait to explain why, before I posted the link. Not this time, I think it is readily apparent to everyone once the look at the link!

Atlanta Fed raises U.S. second-quarter GDP growth view above 4 percent

LOOK AT THE PROJECTED NUMBER! Even if it is off some, what do YOU think will happen after a tax code redo, going forward!

The Marxists are now in panic mode! They are all in RIGHT NOW, THIS INSTANT, because if the economics of this continue, it will be another Reagan, and they know it. Understand, NOBODY wants their policies but the furthest left of them, and once the economic data proves they are a bunch of liars, they are cooked with almost every independent, and moderate Democrat.

So there you have it, and look......it is NOT me, it is YOUR Federal reserve projecting this; not 3 or 4 years down the road, but THIS QUARTER as the country fills with optimism. The left has GOT TO STOP this. And now you know how much they care about the country. They will put it belly up, and you to.......before they allow anyone else to have power that could save it!
The gop is in control of every branch of gummit. The dems and liberals have no power. STOP PLAYING A VICTIM AND GROW A PAIR

Oh, we got a pair, and if you don't screw up the economy with your incessant phony scandals, we are going to put a bunch of you in museums so as our kids can see what Marxist's actually looked like. Would you like to be between Franco and Valerie, on a pedestal right close to Bernadine Dorn and company. It is a glorious pedastel also graced by Barack and Moochie, so you should like it!
Usually, I would wait to explain why, before I posted the link. Not this time, I think it is readily apparent to everyone once the look at the link!

Atlanta Fed raises U.S. second-quarter GDP growth view above 4 percent

LOOK AT THE PROJECTED NUMBER! Even if it is off some, what do YOU think will happen after a tax code redo, going forward!

The Marxists are now in panic mode! They are all in RIGHT NOW, THIS INSTANT, because if the economics of this continue, it will be another Reagan, and they know it. Understand, NOBODY wants their policies but the furthest left of them, and once the economic data proves they are a bunch of liars, they are cooked with almost every independent, and moderate Democrat.

So there you have it, and look......it is NOT me, it is YOUR Federal reserve projecting this; not 3 or 4 years down the road, but THIS QUARTER as the country fills with optimism. The left has GOT TO STOP this. And now you know how much they care about the country. They will put it belly up, and you to.......before they allow anyone else to have power that could save it!
The gop is in control of every branch of gummit. The dems and liberals have no power. STOP PLAYING A VICTIM AND GROW A PAIR
Can't say I disagree. It takes two to tango and too many of my fellow righties seem content to wallow in the mud with your ilk.
Saw that this morning.
Liberals are shitting themselves at the prospect of Trump winning.

After 100 failed attempts to take out Trump the liberal media thought they finally got him this time, they smelled blood in the water, then Trump flipped them the bird like always. The libwits will drool and foam at the mouth for a few more days then fabricate some new cockamamie scheme to dethrone Trump.

Do you realize what will happen if the economy hits 4%, the magic number! Ask the lefties how many times Obysmal hit it, OMG, lololololol.......I am laughing so hard, I can hardly type!

This is why they are doing this, honestly! They have got to get him, before he gets the people. A 4% report will make the lefties look like fools. I know it. You know it. But more importantly, we all know, the LEFTIES KNOW IT! And now you know why they are pulling out all the stops, and will still not get him. I don't live in New York or California, but my liberal friends here are getting tired of this. He puts up 4%, and they will throw the Dems overboard instantly, lol!
Saw that this morning.
Liberals are shitting themselves at the prospect of Trump winning.

After 100 failed attempts to take out Trump the liberal media thought they finally got him this time, they smelled blood in the water, then Trump flipped them the bird like always. The libwits will drool and foam at the mouth for a few more days then fabricate some new cockamamie scheme to dethrone Trump.

Do you realize what will happen if the economy hits 4%, the magic number! Ask the lefties how many times Obysmal hit it, OMG, lololololol.......I am laughing so hard, I can hardly type!

This is why they are doing this, honestly! They have got to get him, before he gets the people. A 4% report will make the lefties look like fools. I know it. You know it. But more importantly, we all know, the LEFTIES KNOW IT! And now you know why they are pulling out all the stops, and will still not get him. I don't live in New York or California, but my liberal friends here are getting tired of this. He puts up 4%, and they will throw the Dems overboard instantly, lol!

The American people take the Democrats to the woodshed, give them the spanking of their lives, take away the House, the Senate, and the White House and growth tops 4% for the first time in 8 years...coincidence? Trump is going to beat them senseless with that number :laugh:
Saw that this morning.
Liberals are shitting themselves at the prospect of Trump winning.

After 100 failed attempts to take out Trump the liberal media thought they finally got him this time, they smelled blood in the water, then Trump flipped them the bird like always. The libwits will drool and foam at the mouth for a few more days then fabricate some new cockamamie scheme to dethrone Trump.

Do you realize what will happen if the economy hits 4%, the magic number! Ask the lefties how many times Obysmal hit it, OMG, lololololol.......I am laughing so hard, I can hardly type!

This is why they are doing this, honestly! They have got to get him, before he gets the people. A 4% report will make the lefties look like fools. I know it. You know it. But more importantly, we all know, the LEFTIES KNOW IT! And now you know why they are pulling out all the stops, and will still not get him. I don't live in New York or California, but my liberal friends here are getting tired of this. He puts up 4%, and they will throw the Dems overboard instantly, lol!
1st quarter was 0.7%. And Obama had multiple quarters of growth above 3% and 4%. I doubt Trump's 2nd quarter will be significantly better than his 1st, considering how incompetent he is proving to be as President.
Saw that this morning.
Liberals are shitting themselves at the prospect of Trump winning.

After 100 failed attempts to take out Trump the liberal media thought they finally got him this time, they smelled blood in the water, then Trump flipped them the bird like always. The libwits will drool and foam at the mouth for a few more days then fabricate some new cockamamie scheme to dethrone Trump.

Do you realize what will happen if the economy hits 4%, the magic number! Ask the lefties how many times Obysmal hit it, OMG, lololololol.......I am laughing so hard, I can hardly type!

This is why they are doing this, honestly! They have got to get him, before he gets the people. A 4% report will make the lefties look like fools. I know it. You know it. But more importantly, we all know, the LEFTIES KNOW IT! And now you know why they are pulling out all the stops, and will still not get him. I don't live in New York or California, but my liberal friends here are getting tired of this. He puts up 4%, and they will throw the Dems overboard instantly, lol!
1st quarter was 0.7%. And Obama had multiple quarters of growth above 3%. I doubt Trump's 2nd quarter will be significantly better than his 1st, considering how incompetent he is proving to be as President.

Just relax snowflake while president Trump gets the country back to work, go cash your welfare check.
Saw that this morning.
Liberals are shitting themselves at the prospect of Trump winning.

After 100 failed attempts to take out Trump the liberal media thought they finally got him this time, they smelled blood in the water, then Trump flipped them the bird like always. The libwits will drool and foam at the mouth for a few more days then fabricate some new cockamamie scheme to dethrone Trump.

Do you realize what will happen if the economy hits 4%, the magic number! Ask the lefties how many times Obysmal hit it, OMG, lololololol.......I am laughing so hard, I can hardly type!

This is why they are doing this, honestly! They have got to get him, before he gets the people. A 4% report will make the lefties look like fools. I know it. You know it. But more importantly, we all know, the LEFTIES KNOW IT! And now you know why they are pulling out all the stops, and will still not get him. I don't live in New York or California, but my liberal friends here are getting tired of this. He puts up 4%, and they will throw the Dems overboard instantly, lol!

The American people take the Democrats to the woodshed, give them the spanking of their lives, take away the House, the Senate, and the White House and growth tops 4% for the first time in 8 years...coincidence? Trump is going to beat them senseless with that number :laugh:
2nd quarter of 2015 had a 4.12% growth rate.
Saw that this morning.
Liberals are shitting themselves at the prospect of Trump winning.

After 100 failed attempts to take out Trump the liberal media thought they finally got him this time, they smelled blood in the water, then Trump flipped them the bird like always. The libwits will drool and foam at the mouth for a few more days then fabricate some new cockamamie scheme to dethrone Trump.

Do you realize what will happen if the economy hits 4%, the magic number! Ask the lefties how many times Obysmal hit it, OMG, lololololol.......I am laughing so hard, I can hardly type!

This is why they are doing this, honestly! They have got to get him, before he gets the people. A 4% report will make the lefties look like fools. I know it. You know it. But more importantly, we all know, the LEFTIES KNOW IT! And now you know why they are pulling out all the stops, and will still not get him. I don't live in New York or California, but my liberal friends here are getting tired of this. He puts up 4%, and they will throw the Dems overboard instantly, lol!
1st quarter was 0.7%. And Obama had multiple quarters of growth above 3%. I doubt Trump's 2nd quarter will be significantly better than his 1st, considering how incompetent he is proving to be as President.

Just relax snowflake while president Trump gets the country back to work, go cash your welfare check.
Remember how Trump "saved" that Ford factory? Ford to slash 10% of salaried jobs in North America, Asia
Saw that this morning.
Liberals are shitting themselves at the prospect of Trump winning.

After 100 failed attempts to take out Trump the liberal media thought they finally got him this time, they smelled blood in the water, then Trump flipped them the bird like always. The libwits will drool and foam at the mouth for a few more days then fabricate some new cockamamie scheme to dethrone Trump.

Do you realize what will happen if the economy hits 4%, the magic number! Ask the lefties how many times Obysmal hit it, OMG, lololololol.......I am laughing so hard, I can hardly type!

This is why they are doing this, honestly! They have got to get him, before he gets the people. A 4% report will make the lefties look like fools. I know it. You know it. But more importantly, we all know, the LEFTIES KNOW IT! And now you know why they are pulling out all the stops, and will still not get him. I don't live in New York or California, but my liberal friends here are getting tired of this. He puts up 4%, and they will throw the Dems overboard instantly, lol!
1st quarter was 0.7%. And Obama had multiple quarters of growth above 3% and 4%. I doubt Trump's 2nd quarter will be significantly better than his 1st, considering how incompetent he is proving to be as President.

Well, I will take the Fed prediction over yours. But here is the thing-------->in the world according to you, it should be falling apart, instead, it is rising!

I don't know if you are a paid poster, or an ultra partisan, but I do know this-------> If he hits 4% without a tax cut, after the tax cut, you people will be like crickets at a rock concert-)
Saw that this morning.
Liberals are shitting themselves at the prospect of Trump winning.

After 100 failed attempts to take out Trump the liberal media thought they finally got him this time, they smelled blood in the water, then Trump flipped them the bird like always. The libwits will drool and foam at the mouth for a few more days then fabricate some new cockamamie scheme to dethrone Trump.

Do you realize what will happen if the economy hits 4%, the magic number! Ask the lefties how many times Obysmal hit it, OMG, lololololol.......I am laughing so hard, I can hardly type!

This is why they are doing this, honestly! They have got to get him, before he gets the people. A 4% report will make the lefties look like fools. I know it. You know it. But more importantly, we all know, the LEFTIES KNOW IT! And now you know why they are pulling out all the stops, and will still not get him. I don't live in New York or California, but my liberal friends here are getting tired of this. He puts up 4%, and they will throw the Dems overboard instantly, lol!
1st quarter was 0.7%. And Obama had multiple quarters of growth above 3% and 4%. I doubt Trump's 2nd quarter will be significantly better than his 1st, considering how incompetent he is proving to be as President.

Well, I will take the Fed prediction over yours. But here is the thing-------->in the world according to you, it should be falling apart, instead, it is rising!

I don't know if you are a paid poster, or an ultra partisan, but I do know this-------> If he hits 4% without a tax cut, after the tax cut, you people will be like crickets at a rock concert-)
Well since we learned nothing from the Dubya experiment I guess we deserve whatever happens after the Trump one.
As I said from the beginning, the socialists, quasi-communists and crony capitalists worst nightmare wasn't that Trump would ruin the country, but rather than Trump would succeed! That would put to rest all of their lazy, free handout, persecution of the freedom and liberty of citizens in the name of "social harmony". Let people who have the ambition work ethic, drive, desire and talent pursue their dreams, instead of some bureaucrat profiting on the backs of future generations.

Get 'er done Trump! NAFTA renegotiation and low taxes, and this will be even better!
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Usually, I would wait to explain why, before I posted the link. Not this time, I think it is readily apparent to everyone once the look at the link!

Atlanta Fed raises U.S. second-quarter GDP growth view above 4 percent

LOOK AT THE PROJECTED NUMBER! Even if it is off some, what do YOU think will happen after a tax code redo, going forward!

The Marxists are now in panic mode! They are all in RIGHT NOW, THIS INSTANT, because if the economics of this continue, it will be another Reagan, and they know it. Understand, NOBODY wants their policies but the furthest left of them, and once the economic data proves they are a bunch of liars, they are cooked with almost every independent, and moderate Democrat.

So there you have it, and look......it is NOT me, it is YOUR Federal reserve projecting this; not 3 or 4 years down the road, but THIS QUARTER as the country fills with optimism. The left has GOT TO STOP this. And now you know how much they care about the country. They will put it belly up, and you to.......before they allow anyone else to have power that could save it!
The gop is in control of every branch of gummit. The dems and liberals have no power. STOP PLAYING A VICTIM AND GROW A PAIR

Oh, we got a pair, and if you don't screw up the economy with your incessant phony scandals, we are going to put a bunch of you in museums so as our kids can see what Marxist's actually looked like. Would you like to be between Franco and Valerie, on a pedestal right close to Bernadine Dorn and company. It is a glorious pedastel also graced by Barack and Moochie, so you should like it!
The dems can't screw up anything. This is on the Grande Orange.
Saw that this morning.
Liberals are shitting themselves at the prospect of Trump winning.

After 100 failed attempts to take out Trump the liberal media thought they finally got him this time, they smelled blood in the water, then Trump flipped them the bird like always. The libwits will drool and foam at the mouth for a few more days then fabricate some new cockamamie scheme to dethrone Trump.

Do you realize what will happen if the economy hits 4%, the magic number! Ask the lefties how many times Obysmal hit it, OMG, lololololol.......I am laughing so hard, I can hardly type!

This is why they are doing this, honestly! They have got to get him, before he gets the people. A 4% report will make the lefties look like fools. I know it. You know it. But more importantly, we all know, the LEFTIES KNOW IT! And now you know why they are pulling out all the stops, and will still not get him. I don't live in New York or California, but my liberal friends here are getting tired of this. He puts up 4%, and they will throw the Dems overboard instantly, lol!
1st quarter was 0.7%. And Obama had multiple quarters of growth above 3% and 4%. I doubt Trump's 2nd quarter will be significantly better than his 1st, considering how incompetent he is proving to be as President.

Well, I will take the Fed prediction over yours. But here is the thing-------->in the world according to you, it should be falling apart, instead, it is rising!

I don't know if you are a paid poster, or an ultra partisan, but I do know this-------> If he hits 4% without a tax cut, after the tax cut, you people will be like crickets at a rock concert-)
Well since we learned nothing from the Dubya experiment I guess we deserve whatever happens after the Trump one.

Now that is kind of funny, since not only have tax cuts created economic growth back to Coolidge, but they also INCREASED money going into the treasury. So since we need more money, and economic growth, it is time for a tax cut, yes-)
Saw that this morning.
Liberals are shitting themselves at the prospect of Trump winning.

After 100 failed attempts to take out Trump the liberal media thought they finally got him this time, they smelled blood in the water, then Trump flipped them the bird like always. The libwits will drool and foam at the mouth for a few more days then fabricate some new cockamamie scheme to dethrone Trump.

Do you realize what will happen if the economy hits 4%, the magic number! Ask the lefties how many times Obysmal hit it, OMG, lololololol.......I am laughing so hard, I can hardly type!

This is why they are doing this, honestly! They have got to get him, before he gets the people. A 4% report will make the lefties look like fools. I know it. You know it. But more importantly, we all know, the LEFTIES KNOW IT! And now you know why they are pulling out all the stops, and will still not get him. I don't live in New York or California, but my liberal friends here are getting tired of this. He puts up 4%, and they will throw the Dems overboard instantly, lol!

The American people take the Democrats to the woodshed, give them the spanking of their lives, take away the House, the Senate, and the White House and growth tops 4% for the first time in 8 years...coincidence? Trump is going to beat them senseless with that number :laugh:

as he should

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