Want work? Accept a job.

I'm surprised by the posts that follow mine, especially the one that hints at my losing privileges. Who made you judge and jury; I am entitled to my opinion.

I've worked very hard all my life, putting in an average of 60 hours per week for the past 40 years. And so, having put in my time, I will determine what I believe I deserve.

I wouldn't consider my post a case of my being a whinging (that's whining) loser; some one must be envious of my unwillingness to settle for something less.

IMO, if you have a savings account that you've built up, and you're living off of, you should feel free to hold out for as long as you want, for whatever you want.

However, if someone ELSE is footing the bill for you to sit on your self-righteous throne, I think you should take what's offered, while you look for what you think you "deserve".

He's not talking about entitlements, but about being paid for what he earned.

When times are tough, you have to take what's out there. There is nothing wrong to work in McDonalds if there is nothing else, and if there is no other choice left. But for someone with masters and with 20 years of experience IS degrading to be forced to work for minimum wage just for sake of taking off of the unemployment benefits.
We were at a convention center a few weeks ago and sawone of the areas used as a jobs conference with the Chamber sponsored by some government entity.
85% of the men there were in suit and tie and many had briefcases.
Most of the jobs were hands on work such as office assistant at $2500 to start with benefits.
We know many unemployed that will not accept many types of work unless it is a 9-5 job with benefits.
Folks, you have to look for what is available, NOT what you want.
Horse and buggy days are over.

Do you really think that people want a job were they make only $2500?

$2500 a week, Why not? ;)
Accepting something less than what you deserve is degrading; I choose to stand and fight. If I were responsible for the current crisis, I'd bite the bullet and take what I could get. I'm not responsible, so I'll wait until I find what I consider to be acceptable, thank you very much!

I have recently found myself unemployed. I would be more than happy to accept employment in a position that is "below" my level of expertise, but truthfully, who is going to offer me a job as a convenience store clerk or some other position knowing that I would be seeking employment that more accurately fits my experience and qualifications and that the minute I find such employment, I will be moving on?

It is not that the position is "below" me, but rather that my experiences and qualifications call for a different position and no employer in his/her right mind is going to hire someone who is over qualified for the position.


If you get paid well enough, you might not look elsewhere.
Blah, blah, defensive, defensive. We don't "think we know you". We don't CARE to know you. All we need to know is that you made a boneheaded, indefensible remark and got your ass handed to you over it. Please do not feel the need to share your personal details with us in a lame attempt to justify yourself. Again, we don't care.

I have a family to care for. If we lose our income, you had better believe that I won't be sitting on MY dead ass, talking about how I'm "degraded" by working at anything legal and paying in order to feed my kids and keep a roof over their heads. But I guess that's the difference: You're too proud to work, and I'm too proud not to.

I wasn't being defensive, not in the slightest. So tell me, you speak for everyone now?
Yeah, whatever. "I'll have you know that I'm [fill in the blank]" isn't the LEAST bit defensive. :eusa_liar:

You really shouldn't, since you haven't got a clue as to what you're talking about.

"Accepting something less than what you deserve is degrading". That's all I NEED a clue about, loser, but by all means, keep backpedaling and pretending you haven't made a fool of yourself. But do it on someone else's dime, because now you bore me.

You know, you should try taking a bath in baking soda because you're one caustic bitch.

LOL Yes, because I'm DYING for advice on how to get a self-absorbed loser like you to like me better. The goal of my existence.

You should try getting over yourself.

You said you wanted "what you deserve". Well, I'll be less caustic when you deserve it. That day isn't today.

What could possibly make you think I'm looking for your approval? :lol: You should be begging me for my forgiveness after you assumed you knew anything about me.
I wasn't being defensive, not in the slightest. So tell me, you speak for everyone now? You really shouldn't, since you haven't got a clue as to what you're talking about. You know, you should try taking a bath in baking soda because you're one caustic bitch.

There is a reason I have the moron on ignore....

....Here's a little test for you. Find one post - just one, where the Loser is being nice....just one....take your time.

However, it's not hard to find self-aggrandizing, "I-know-better-than-anyone-else", King Shit, "you're-all-morons", "I'm the be-all and end-all of any subject on the USMB", "my opinion is the only one that matters, and you're all dumbfucks", self-flagellating posts by the Cesspit...

...but don't worry, we all know she's thick as pig shit...she just doesn't know it...ignorance is bliss...
What could possibly make you think I'm looking for your approval? :lol: You should be begging me for my forgiveness after you assumed you knew anything about me.

Why do people assume that people are stupid and don't understand completely what you are talking about when you talk? I mean it's not like anything you say could possibly tell anyone else about you. No siree! I mean there is nothing in my language right now that would show anyone that an I am a sarcastic person who loves to be absurd to make fun of absurdity. You'd never know that from anything I said.

So no, none of us know a darn thing about you because we cant read what you say. We are obviously completely misunderstanding you when you act like an elitist jackoff.
I'm just amazed that you are making a judgment based on so little information. And no it's not "a huge stumper" as long as you are reading tea leaves.

I'm just amazed that you need more information to make a judgement as to whether or not a statement is stupid, much less that you think it requires ESP.

Actually, I wish I WAS amazed, but I'm becoming accustomed to the fact that more and more people are incapable of forming a coherent opinion about anything any more.

"Accepting something less than what you deserve is degrading" is a stupid statement. I don't need to know any more than the statement itself to know that it's stupid. Period.

Rational people form coherent opinions based on fact not interpretive projection. You've made your pet peeve known, BFD...........

Fact: CS said, "Accepting something less than what you deserve is degrading".

Fact: That is a stupid statement.

Fact: It doesn't take Miss Cleo to know that that is a stupid statement.

Fact: This asinine non-discussion is over now. If you want to believe you can't form an opinion without an FBI dossier on someone, that's your confusion, not mine.
Ame®icano;2040878 said:
I'm surprised by the posts that follow mine, especially the one that hints at my losing privileges. Who made you judge and jury; I am entitled to my opinion.

I've worked very hard all my life, putting in an average of 60 hours per week for the past 40 years. And so, having put in my time, I will determine what I believe I deserve.

I wouldn't consider my post a case of my being a whinging (that's whining) loser; some one must be envious of my unwillingness to settle for something less.

IMO, if you have a savings account that you've built up, and you're living off of, you should feel free to hold out for as long as you want, for whatever you want.

However, if someone ELSE is footing the bill for you to sit on your self-righteous throne, I think you should take what's offered, while you look for what you think you "deserve".

He's not talking about entitlements, but about being paid for what he earned.

When times are tough, you have to take what's out there. There is nothing wrong to work in McDonalds if there is nothing else, and if there is no other choice left. But for someone with masters and with 20 years of experience IS degrading to be forced to work for minimum wage just for sake of taking off of the unemployment benefits.

He's talking about applying for jobs, and refusing to apply for or accept jobs that are "less" than he thinks he "deserves". How does one "earn" a job one does not have yet, or "deserve" it?

You go on to talk about how there's nothing wrong with working at McDonald's if that's all you can get, which demonstrates that YOU did not get CS's point, since he was arguing that doing exactly that is "degrading".

Learn some reading comprehension before you decide to tell others that THEY don't understand what's being said.
I'm just amazed that you need more information to make a judgement as to whether or not a statement is stupid, much less that you think it requires ESP.

Actually, I wish I WAS amazed, but I'm becoming accustomed to the fact that more and more people are incapable of forming a coherent opinion about anything any more.

"Accepting something less than what you deserve is degrading" is a stupid statement. I don't need to know any more than the statement itself to know that it's stupid. Period.

Rational people form coherent opinions based on fact not interpretive projection. You've made your pet peeve known, BFD...........

Fact: CS said, "Accepting something less than what you deserve is degrading".

Fact: That is a stupid statement.

Fact: It doesn't take Miss Cleo to know that that is a stupid statement.

Fact: This asinine non-discussion is over now. If you want to believe you can't form an opinion without an FBI dossier on someone, that's your confusion, not mine.

:cuckoo: Tomorrow you might want to check your corn flakes just to make sure no one peed in them. Or did you simply forget to take your medications? I.e. who the fuck are you to judge??!! Arrogant cow.
What could possibly make you think I'm looking for your approval? :lol: You should be begging me for my forgiveness after you assumed you knew anything about me.

Why do people assume that people are stupid and don't understand completely what you are talking about when you talk? I mean it's not like anything you say could possibly tell anyone else about you. No siree! I mean there is nothing in my language right now that would show anyone that an I am a sarcastic person who loves to be absurd to make fun of absurdity. You'd never know that from anything I said.

So no, none of us know a darn thing about you because we cant read what you say. We are obviously completely misunderstanding you when you act like an elitist jackoff.[/QUOTE]

Well, apparently some of you are. Case in point, you believe I'm acting like an elitist jackoff. :eusa_whistle:
I wasn't being defensive, not in the slightest. So tell me, you speak for everyone now?
Yeah, whatever. "I'll have you know that I'm [fill in the blank]" isn't the LEAST bit defensive. :eusa_liar:

"Accepting something less than what you deserve is degrading". That's all I NEED a clue about, loser, but by all means, keep backpedaling and pretending you haven't made a fool of yourself. But do it on someone else's dime, because now you bore me.

You know, you should try taking a bath in baking soda because you're one caustic bitch.

LOL Yes, because I'm DYING for advice on how to get a self-absorbed loser like you to like me better. The goal of my existence.

You should try getting over yourself.

You said you wanted "what you deserve". Well, I'll be less caustic when you deserve it. That day isn't today.

What could possibly make you think I'm looking for your approval? :lol: You should be begging me for my forgiveness after you assumed you knew anything about me.

I never said you were looking for my approval, dumbass. I sure hope you aren't, because you're doomed to disappointment if you are. I said YOU imagine that I am looking for YOURS.

The only thing I'm begging from you is that you NEVER agree with me, since I would never want to be associated, even by accident, with someone as ignorant as you've proven to be.

And again, dumbfuck, the only thing I NEED to know about you is the words that you yourself uttered.
What could possibly make you think I'm looking for your approval? :lol: You should be begging me for my forgiveness after you assumed you knew anything about me.

Why do people assume that people are stupid and don't understand completely what you are talking about when you talk? I mean it's not like anything you say could possibly tell anyone else about you. No siree! I mean there is nothing in my language right now that would show anyone that an I am a sarcastic person who loves to be absurd to make fun of absurdity. You'd never know that from anything I said.

So no, none of us know a darn thing about you because we cant read what you say. We are obviously completely misunderstanding you when you act like an elitist jackoff.

Well, it's not hard to understand why CS and his ilk think their words have no meaning whatsoever. After all, they don't have MUCH meaning.
Rational people form coherent opinions based on fact not interpretive projection. You've made your pet peeve known, BFD...........

Fact: CS said, "Accepting something less than what you deserve is degrading".

Fact: That is a stupid statement.

Fact: It doesn't take Miss Cleo to know that that is a stupid statement.

Fact: This asinine non-discussion is over now. If you want to believe you can't form an opinion without an FBI dossier on someone, that's your confusion, not mine.

:cuckoo: Tomorrow you might want to check your corn flakes just to make sure no one peed in them. Or did you simply forget to take your medications? I.e. who the fuck are you to judge??!! Arrogant cow.

What part of the bolded text did you need me to give you a crayon drawing for so you can understand it?

What could possibly make you think I'm looking for your approval? :lol: You should be begging me for my forgiveness after you assumed you knew anything about me.

Why do people assume that people are stupid and don't understand completely what you are talking about when you talk? I mean it's not like anything you say could possibly tell anyone else about you. No siree! I mean there is nothing in my language right now that would show anyone that an I am a sarcastic person who loves to be absurd to make fun of absurdity. You'd never know that from anything I said.

So no, none of us know a darn thing about you because we cant read what you say. We are obviously completely misunderstanding you when you act like an elitist jackoff.[/QUOTE]

Well, apparently some of you are. Case in point, you believe I'm acting like an elitist jackoff. :eusa_whistle:

And obviously, the problem is that WE don't understand YOUR wonderfulness, rather than that YOU don't understand what an elitist jackoff you sound like to everyone else. There's a name for people who think everyone but them has the problem. They're called "elitist jackoffs". :eusa_whistle:
What could possibly make you think I'm looking for your approval? :lol: You should be begging me for my forgiveness after you assumed you knew anything about me.

Why do people assume that people are stupid and don't understand completely what you are talking about when you talk? I mean it's not like anything you say could possibly tell anyone else about you. No siree! I mean there is nothing in my language right now that would show anyone that an I am a sarcastic person who loves to be absurd to make fun of absurdity. You'd never know that from anything I said.

So no, none of us know a darn thing about you because we cant read what you say. We are obviously completely misunderstanding you when you act like an elitist jackoff.

Well, it's not hard to understand why CS and his ilk think their words have no meaning whatsoever. After all, they don't have MUCH meaning.

Oh, my words have meaning; it's just that you haven't got the intelligence to figure out what I'm trying to say. Others got what I was trying to say out of my post and said as much, but you can't be bothered to figure it out; you're intent on throwing daggers at me. Well, go ahead, take your best shot. As far as you're concerned, I'm Superman.
Why do people assume that people are stupid and don't understand completely what you are talking about when you talk? I mean it's not like anything you say could possibly tell anyone else about you. No siree! I mean there is nothing in my language right now that would show anyone that an I am a sarcastic person who loves to be absurd to make fun of absurdity. You'd never know that from anything I said.

So no, none of us know a darn thing about you because we cant read what you say. We are obviously completely misunderstanding you when you act like an elitist jackoff.[/QUOTE]

Well, apparently some of you are. Case in point, you believe I'm acting like an elitist jackoff. :eusa_whistle:

And obviously, the problem is that WE don't understand YOUR wonderfulness, rather than that YOU don't understand what an elitist jackoff you sound like to everyone else. There's a name for people who think everyone but them has the problem. They're called "elitist jackoffs". :eusa_whistle:

You really need to quit while your ahead, you're beyond sounding a little :cuckoo:.
Why do people assume that people are stupid and don't understand completely what you are talking about when you talk? I mean it's not like anything you say could possibly tell anyone else about you. No siree! I mean there is nothing in my language right now that would show anyone that an I am a sarcastic person who loves to be absurd to make fun of absurdity. You'd never know that from anything I said.

So no, none of us know a darn thing about you because we cant read what you say. We are obviously completely misunderstanding you when you act like an elitist jackoff.

Well, it's not hard to understand why CS and his ilk think their words have no meaning whatsoever. After all, they don't have MUCH meaning.

Oh, my words have meaning; it's just that you haven't got the intelligence to figure out what I'm trying to say. Others got what I was trying to say out of my post and said as much, but you can't be bothered to figure it out; you're intent on throwing daggers at me. Well, go ahead, take your best shot. As far as you're concerned, I'm Superman.

Yeah, 'cause your drivel is SOOOO deep and profound, it can't be comprehended by a basic knowledge of English and word definitions.

They have medications to treat God complexes. Look into it.

Oh, and I already took my best shot, and you've now spent something like four or five pages screaming about it, so I'd call that a direct hit in your fat ass.

Mission accomplished. Move the fuck on, drooler.
And obviously, the problem is that WE don't understand YOUR wonderfulness, rather than that YOU don't understand what an elitist jackoff you sound like to everyone else. There's a name for people who think everyone but them has the problem. They're called "elitist jackoffs". :eusa_whistle:

You really need to quit while your ahead, you're beyond sounding a little :cuckoo:.

Cesspit accusing anybody of being an elitist Jackoff is akin to Stalin accusing Hitler of mass murder.

If any two words described the Cesspit 'elitist jackoff' is her to a T...
Well, it's not hard to understand why CS and his ilk think their words have no meaning whatsoever. After all, they don't have MUCH meaning.

Oh, my words have meaning; it's just that you haven't got the intelligence to figure out what I'm trying to say. Others got what I was trying to say out of my post and said as much, but you can't be bothered to figure it out; you're intent on throwing daggers at me. Well, go ahead, take your best shot. As far as you're concerned, I'm Superman.

Yeah, 'cause your drivel is SOOOO deep and profound, it can't be comprehended by a basic knowledge of English and word definitions.

They have medications to treat God complexes. Look into it.

Oh, and I already took my best shot, and you've now spent something like four or five pages screaming about it, so I'd call that a direct hit in your fat ass.

Mission accomplished. Move the fuck on, drooler.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'm screaming? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:.... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: .... etc, etc.
Last edited:
Fact: CS said, "Accepting something less than what you deserve is degrading".

Fact: That is a stupid statement.

Fact: It doesn't take Miss Cleo to know that that is a stupid statement.

Fact: This asinine non-discussion is over now. If you want to believe you can't form an opinion without an FBI dossier on someone, that's your confusion, not mine.

:cuckoo: Tomorrow you might want to check your corn flakes just to make sure no one peed in them. Or did you simply forget to take your medications? I.e. who the fuck are you to judge??!! Arrogant cow.

What part of the bolded text did you need me to give you a crayon drawing for so you can understand it?


Like I'm going to do what YOU want??!!!!! Fuck you and your bolded text. You really are arrogant.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

There's a box of Motrin out there with your name on it.................

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