WaPo: IgnoRe Jeremiah Wright: Focus On Rick Perry's Painted Rock


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(The WaPo, continuing in its traditional task of collaboration and collusion with the DNC, looks at Rick Perry and strives mightily to call attention to what it thinks is Rick Perry's "Maccacca Moment.")

"There is no story behind the headline.

The article itself reveals that the offensive name of the camp, painted on a rock near the entrance, was painted over by Perry’s father soon after they started hunting at the camp in the early 1980s.

But WaPo made sure to put the offensive word near the top of the article, so that the charge would stick in readers’ memories. It’s not until later in the article that they state the facts. And even then, WaPo cites anonymous sources discounting the precise years in which it was painted over, but never the fact that it was painted over.

A statement issued by the Perry campaign denies that his family ever owned the property, confirms that the rock was painted over in the early 1980s, and that the name officially was changed by the State of Texas in 1991.

I have warned people about the upcoming election, and not to take much comfort in the current polling.

Our mainstream media is biased beyond comprehension, trying to bury Obama’s 20-year association with his mentor Jeremiah Wright while putting a painted-over rock on page 1. How many parishioners at Wright’s church did WaPo interview as to Obama’s claim that he never heard Wright’s race-baiting and anti-American speeches, even though they were sold in the lobby?"

» Reverend Wright is off limits, but a painted-over rock is page 1 at WaPo - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

(America voted for Barack Obama, November 2, 2008, in the hope of erasing the scourge of slavery past, once and for all. Unfortunately, in voting in the first African American president, they also voted in the first Communist president as well. After thirty three months of the Obama presidency, we can say to you, with confidence, Jimmy Carter, that American had every legitimate reason possible to hold onto its "Inordinate fear of Communism."
America is coming for you, Mr Obama.
November 6, 2012, Vote out the Commie progressives.)
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