'War on Women'? Boxer Leads the Liberal / DNC 'Charge'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
DNC Crusade Against Female Candidate:
'She 'Crushed' Carly Fiorina in 2010. Now She’s on a Mission to Do It Again"

Barbara Boxer 'took out' Fiorina, ‘the most negative campaigner I’ve ever run against,’ by 10 points. The senator’s new goal: to ensure her one-time foe does just as badly in 2016. Barbara Boxer, the senator from California, leaned over her press secretary, Peter True, as he sat at an HP desktop computer and tried to find an old campaign ad from 2010.

Boxer wanted me to see the ad because it featured interviews with former employees of HP who had been laid off by the storied technology company’s one-time CEO, Carly Fiorina, who in 2010 challenged Boxer for her seat and now, five years later, seeks the Republican nomination for a somewhat higher office: President of the United States.

Looks like Carly is going to have to fend off some 'old ghosts' because media will not give her the same courtesy / kindness they did to Obama by declaring 'the past does not matter'.

Personally, as I did in 2008, I most definitely think a candidates past matters, and if there is something there of concern they should have to defend / explain it. Too bad Barry never had to.
Your posts are always good for a chuckle.

Thanks clown!
Your posts are always good for a chuckle.

Thanks clown!
And yours are always as informative as a 'for a good time call...' found on the back of bathroom stall doors. LOL! Thanks for the post, and have a nice day. :p
1200 posts in two months.

Keep up the good work champ!

Thank you!

And look, you can actually COUNT. Your parents must be so proud.... Oh wait, never mind - you just read it under my profile. Hey, still good - at least you can read. Have a nice day.

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