Very sad for that boy. And his wounding means that Christians should be burned in non-war times? Why do you compare the unfortunate victim of a war witha man being burned in "peaceful times" due to his religion?
Very sad for that boy. And his wounding means that Christians should be burned in non-war times? Why do you compare the unfortunate victim of a war witha man being burned in "peaceful times" due to his religion?
No, it means Christians should remove the mote from their own eye before removing the beam from that of their neighbours.

Apart from that, is an illegal war of aggression less criminal than another crime, especially considering there were 'peaceful times' until the illegal assault took place.
You unify nothing and you hold nothing. Your "fire" is your mouth.
Your EGO is your only friend.

It is literally impossible for you to convince me of that, when I know otherwise.

It's against the rules here but just going by MY PMs that I have gotten you ARE the number one ego based fool here. Guno is dumber but your seen as loonier.
Hoho, as though anyone who puts 'Fury' in their username is qualified to witter on about lunacy.
There is no need for America to choose between Muslims and Christians.

More Christians would mean FEWER of YOUR type.
Reason enough as I see it.

My "type" is already the rarest of all.

I am a Dragon in a world full of Sheep, holding in one hand the Sun and in the other the Moon. Yet I would rather use my Fire to unify rather than to divide.

You are a snake, a first class liar.
Very sad for that boy. And his wounding means that Christians should be burned in non-war times? Why do you compare the unfortunate victim of a war witha man being burned in "peaceful times" due to his religion?
No, it means Christians should remove the mote from their own eye before removing the beam from that of their neighbours.

Apart from that, is an illegal war of aggression less criminal than another crime, especially considering there were 'peaceful times' until the illegal assault took place.
9-11 mean anything to you asshole?
Ah...Muslims/Christians. Let's see.
1. It would be very impossible for US or any country to pick and choose who can migrate based on religious beliefs.
2. It would be impossible to protect christians in any part of the globe when sometimes we cannot even protect our embassy.
3. During Iraq invasion christians are being attack. US Marines cannot even protect them.
4. Muslim migrations to other countries has been going on for decades. Asia, Europe, Africa. It's not because of Obama.
4. Blaming Obama and democrat is just pure ignorant.
5. Netanyahu's invitation is political bs. Israel is crowded as it is and desperate need of more land and a war on top of that. Does that make sense?
6. Both christians and muslims from ME has the same chances of coming to US. Not just muslim.
7. In muslim world Islam is the only religion others are called non believers. That we should vanish from face of this planet.
Gee, because Christians don't burn Muslims in kilns now do they?
Heaven forfend. Christians are much too technologically advanced to actually have to put their hands on a boy in order to maim him. What are you thinking of?

Perfect example of a libTARD. Incapable of any form of discernment.
No, it means Christians should remove the mote from their own eye before removing the beam from that of their neighbours.

Apart from that, is an illegal war of aggression less criminal than another crime, especially considering there were 'peaceful times' until the illegal assault took place.
It wasn't a Christian war and wasn't illegal. You don't have a clue about the world you live in. Who ties your shoes in the morning?
It is indeed disgusting that Obama is not taking action to protect Christian victims of brutality in the Middle east. Since the US is a majority Christian country, I am surprised that the its leader can get away with this.
America is not a Christian nation. Otherwise, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now. What's happening now could not happen in a Christian nation, blessed by God. America has rejected God, and we are paying the price.
What mess are we in right now? How is it any messier than any other mess we've been in since this country began?
It wasn't a Christian war and wasn't illegal. You don't have a clue about the world you live in. Who ties your shoes in the morning?
It was waged by what numerous posters on this site call a Christian country (One nation under God), Christians executed it.

It was illegal both in terms of the UN Charter and the Nuremberg Principles. Perhaps you should remove the mote from your eye.
The American left is at war with Christians every bit as islam is. A story like this isn't bad news. It's one less Christian.

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