Warning to all Conservatives. Check your ballots before you hit confirm to vote!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Block The Vote - Investors.com

The Democrats will pull any trick to keep from losing power including stealing the vote like they tried to do in 2000.

When you vote, before you hit confirm, read that damn paper ballot, and make sure your real vote gets recorded.

Democrats are pulling shenanigans to try and stop the vote.
This needs to stay at the top for the next week...

It's good for all voters to double check but especially Republicans.

And Democrats wonder why Independents are leaving them in droves. This plus Harry Reid having to bribe voters with free food and gift cards.... That should tell you all you need to know.
I just read how Nevada ballots are already rigged by SEIU unionized government techs to pre-select Harry Reid before voters even select him.

2% race right now, I figure at least a 3% swing in errors because of this, you watch.

This needs to stay at the top for the next week...

It's good for all voters to double check but especially Republicans.

And Democrats wonder why Independents are leaving them in droves. This plus Harry Reid having to bribe voters with free food and gift cards.... That should tell you all you need to know.

Watch out for zombies people. Because the dead will definitely be voting on Tuesday. ;)
I just read how Nevada ballots are already rigged by SEIU unionized government techs to pre-select Harry Reid before voters even select him.

2% race right now, I figure at least a 3% swing in errors because of this, you watch.


Yeah! SEIU control the machines!

Noooooooooooooooooooooooo voting shenanigans in that! Nooooooooo, of course not!

Thanks for the heads up.

We are going to have to go into the polling places with our eyes open.

The local tea party was looking for volunteers with Iphones to be poll watchers.

Dammit, if I had an Iphone I would have volunteered.

We are all going to have to be unofficial poll watchers and CHECK THOSE BALLOTS!

Block The Vote - Investors.com

The Democrats will pull any trick to keep from losing power including stealing the vote like they tried to do in 2000.

When you vote, before you hit confirm, read that damn paper ballot, and make sure your real vote gets recorded.

Democrats are pulling shenanigans to try and stop the vote.

Actually, your thread title is good advice for any voter....I'm surprised that you think the Conservatives need to be reminded to do what is simply good common sense. Are you implying that Conservative voters are stupid?
Block The Vote - Investors.com

The Democrats will pull any trick to keep from losing power including stealing the vote like they tried to do in 2000.

When you vote, before you hit confirm, read that damn paper ballot, and make sure your real vote gets recorded.

Democrats are pulling shenanigans to try and stop the vote.

Actually, your thread title is good advice for any voter....I'm surprised that you think the Conservatives need to be reminded to do what is simply good common sense. Are you implying that Conservative voters are stupid?

I'm not implying anything. I'm saying outright that Democrats are pulling Chicago style tactics to steal the vote.

Block The Vote - Investors.com

The Democrats will pull any trick to keep from losing power including stealing the vote like they tried to do in 2000.

When you vote, before you hit confirm, read that damn paper ballot, and make sure your real vote gets recorded.

Democrats are pulling shenanigans to try and stop the vote.

Actually, your thread title is good advice for any voter....I'm surprised that you think the Conservatives need to be reminded to do what is simply good common sense. Are you implying that Conservative voters are stupid?

No you stupid fuck, she's reminding conservative to be aware of the fraud that you liberal pukes will try to pull. Lord knows there's no such thing as an honest liberal and this forum proves it time after time.
On another Board, I used to joke that I patented the Diebold D2R Vote Flipping Machine, that flipped Dem voters to Republicans.

Looks like Obama and the Dems took it seriously and went ahead and did it for real
Getting the spin all ready in case things don't go their way.

Can't prove these claims wrong can you.... If it was the other way around you would be cussing Republicans left and right....

Hypocrisy, the one true trait of ALL liberals! :lol::lol::lol:
Getting the spin all ready in case things don't go their way.

I would think that with all the evidence you have of voter fraud, you would be reporting said fraud to your local Registrar of Voters.
Block The Vote - Investors.com

The Democrats will pull any trick to keep from losing power including stealing the vote like they tried to do in 2000.

When you vote, before you hit confirm, read that damn paper ballot, and make sure your real vote gets recorded.

Democrats are pulling shenanigans to try and stop the vote.

Actually, your thread title is good advice for any voter....I'm surprised that you think the Conservatives need to be reminded to do what is simply good common sense. Are you implying that Conservative voters are stupid?

I'm not implying anything. I'm saying outright that Democrats are pulling Chicago style tactics to steal the vote.


You, of course, are reporting this to your Registrar of Voters.
Block The Vote - Investors.com

The Democrats will pull any trick to keep from losing power including stealing the vote like they tried to do in 2000.

When you vote, before you hit confirm, read that damn paper ballot, and make sure your real vote gets recorded.

Democrats are pulling shenanigans to try and stop the vote.

Actually, your thread title is good advice for any voter....I'm surprised that you think the Conservatives need to be reminded to do what is simply good common sense. Are you implying that Conservative voters are stupid?

No you stupid fuck, she's reminding conservative to be aware of the fraud that you liberal pukes will try to pull. Lord knows there's no such thing as an honest liberal and this forum proves it time after time.

:lol::lol::lol: Every time you go on and on about others being "stupid", it's become quite evident that you are just trying to convince yourself that you are not. It's not working.
Block The Vote - Investors.com

The Democrats will pull any trick to keep from losing power including stealing the vote like they tried to do in 2000.

When you vote, before you hit confirm, read that damn paper ballot, and make sure your real vote gets recorded.

Democrats are pulling shenanigans to try and stop the vote.

Investors.com??? Please.
And your problem with them is what, exactly?

I suppose idiots like you don't check the news too often. It's all over, but don't let that keep you from letting all know what a complete idiot you are.

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