WARNING: Tons of Gun Control Bills Came Out - HOUSE

No, what it proves is that if you have less guns, you have less murder... Usually a LOT less murder.

OK guns are gone in America you still have 5013 murders in America using your data

Well, that's an improvement, then. Glad to have you on board!

Idiot we still lead the world in murders are you that fucking stupid. Now imagine if we didn't have guns the murder rate might be even higher, I mean after all most of those murders happen in gun free zones or places that have very restrictive gun laws.
Joes projecting his racism as if others are racist.
Ain't that right joe?
Fuck the constitution...

The lamest excuse for letting every asshole in the world have a gun is because some dead slave rapist couldn't structure a sentence properly when talking about militias...

There it is, folks, the Liberal WET DREAM.

Proudly brought to you by one of the most bigoted, hate-filled racists on the planet, our very own JoeB!

Take a bow, Joe!!

What makes the constitution holy?

Last time I checked, it was written on paper, not stone tablets...

Even our own officials say, "Don't use this as a model" when countries are drafting their own constitutions...

Great advice. We should take it.

You don't believe in the Sky Pixie, Joe, what would you know about 'holy'?

You should check again Joe, it's on parchment.

One ignorant liberal judge does not equal "our own officials".

You should take your own advice and move to a country that suits you better, and quit trying to change this one.
Look up the Army regs, you stupid bitch. Sidearms are locked in the armory unless you're ON DUTY AND your duty requires you to carry it.

I have the nerve to call you an idiot because you ARE an idiot.


I'm not looking up anything, you jerk. You obviously don't know what you're talking about or you would not have to name call like a little punk. Go out and play with the other juvenile delinquents.

Here's a little Wiki for you, since you're too fucking lazy to look it up yourself.

According to testimony from witnesses, Hasan passed up several opportunities to shoot civilians, and instead targeted soldiers in uniform.[23] These soldiers were not allowed to carry personal firearms on the base due to military policy.[24] At one point, Hasan reportedly approached a group of five civilians hiding under a desk.[25] He looked at them, swept the dot of his pistol's laser sight over one of the men's faces, and turned away without firing.[25]

Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You should have done that in the first place. You are the lazy one.

Now let's see. Our own military base cannot have armed guards but you think our schools should?? Do you see anything wrong with that picture?? Idiot.
Really Rinata? You don't think the pistols would have been enough?

I know you got all butthurt when I called you an idiot, but damn, you sure do talk like an idiot.

Oh, get over yourself. I can't imagine anybody betting butthurt by anything you say. You're insignificant, dear.

Having armed guards in all of our schools is unrealistic!!! Common sense just escapes you, doesn't it??

It's good enough for the children of politicians and celebrities, why would it be 'unrealistic' for the rest of our kids?

I asked you how many schools are in the United States?? How would we pay for these guards?? Do you expect them to walk around the halls with rifles?? We are going to become the country of animals if you people have your way. But you won't.
Oh, get over yourself. I can't imagine anybody betting butthurt by anything you say. You're insignificant, dear.

Having armed guards in all of our schools is unrealistic!!! Common sense just escapes you, doesn't it??

It's good enough for the children of politicians and celebrities, why would it be 'unrealistic' for the rest of our kids?

I asked you how many schools are in the United States?? How would we pay for these guards?? Do you expect them to walk around the halls with rifles?? We are going to become the country of animals if you people have your way. But you won't.
You don't seem to give a ratsass how it is that we're going to pay for more teachers, every time that you lolberal cranks start mewling about overcrowded classrooms.

And you people have had your way with cities like LA, Oakland, Chicago, Detroit and Camden, and they're overrun with animals...All the relatively sane people remaining want is to maintain the right to shoot back.

If you want to infringe on our rights that are protected by the constitution then you need to show just cause. Passing legislation because it feels good to do something is not sufficient. As gun stricter gun laws have shown to be ineffective they must not be passed. Not only will it accomplish nothing but it also stops you from actually addressing the problem as you already did 'something.'

Again, so far NO ONE has been able to present any data that backs up further gun legislation.

Fuck the constitution...

The lamest excuse for letting every asshole in the world have a gun is because some dead slave rapist couldn't structure a sentence properly when talking about militias...
A Primer on the Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Read this article...in its entirety. You will, if you have a firm grasp on the use of English language, understand quite fully that there is no misunderstanding what the second amendment means. The alleged ambiguity comes from the desire of liberals to disarm the public.
I'm so sick of hearing about the 2nd amendment and the whiners claiming their rights are being stolen from them. Do any of you get that when the Bill of Rights was written, single-fire muskets were the only guns available. Now, one person can kill multiple people in a matter of seconds. Why does anybody need a weapon like that??
I'm not looking up anything, you jerk. You obviously don't know what you're talking about or you would not have to name call like a little punk. Go out and play with the other juvenile delinquents.

Here's a little Wiki for you, since you're too fucking lazy to look it up yourself.

According to testimony from witnesses, Hasan passed up several opportunities to shoot civilians, and instead targeted soldiers in uniform.[23] These soldiers were not allowed to carry personal firearms on the base due to military policy.[24] At one point, Hasan reportedly approached a group of five civilians hiding under a desk.[25] He looked at them, swept the dot of his pistol's laser sight over one of the men's faces, and turned away without firing.[25]

Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You should have done that in the first place. You are the lazy one.

Now let's see. Our own military base cannot have armed guards but you think our schools should?? Do you see anything wrong with that picture?? Idiot.

Have you ever even set foot on a military base? I have my doubts, because EVERY GATE on EVERY BASE is manned by ARMED guards with M-16's.

You should stop replying, you're looking dumber by the post.

It's good enough for the children of politicians and celebrities, why would it be 'unrealistic' for the rest of our kids?

I asked you how many schools are in the United States?? How would we pay for these guards?? Do you expect them to walk around the halls with rifles?? We are going to become the country of animals if you people have your way. But you won't.
You don't seem to give a ratsass how it is that we're going to pay for more teachers, every time that you lolberal cranks start mewling about overcrowded classrooms.

And you people have had your way with cities like LA, Oakland, Chicago, Detroit and Camden, and they're overrun with animals...All the relatively sane people remaining want is to maintain the right to shoot back.

Yep they never seem to care about how much it cost to pay a teachers union.
I'm so sick of hearing about the 2nd amendment and the whiners claiming their rights are being stolen from them. Do any of you get that when the Bill of Rights was written, single-fire muskets were the only guns available. Now, one person can kill multiple people in a matter of seconds. Why does anybody need a weapon like that??

What part of the right of the people shall not be infringed don't you comprehend?
Any type of gun control is an infringement of my rights.
You may assume you don't have a right like that, but you do not have any right to even attempt to take it from me.
Oh, get over yourself. I can't imagine anybody betting butthurt by anything you say. You're insignificant, dear.

Having armed guards in all of our schools is unrealistic!!! Common sense just escapes you, doesn't it??

It's good enough for the children of politicians and celebrities, why would it be 'unrealistic' for the rest of our kids?

I asked you how many schools are in the United States?? How would we pay for these guards?? Do you expect them to walk around the halls with rifles?? We are going to become the country of animals if you people have your way. But you won't.

Between elementary and secondary, about 100,000.

Eliminate one bloated bureaucrat from each school.

No rifles, a Glock and a couple extra mags ought to do it.

You liberal fucks have already turned our urban centers into zoos full of animals, we're just trying to limit your damage before it infects the rest of us.
I'm so sick of hearing about the 2nd amendment and the whiners claiming their rights are being stolen from them. Do any of you get that when the Bill of Rights was written, single-fire muskets were the only guns available. Now, one person can kill multiple people in a matter of seconds. Why does anybody need a weapon like that??

The weapons available to the the citizen should not be unequal to the weapons available to the military.
OK guns are gone in America you still have 5013 murders in America using your data

Well, that's an improvement, then. Glad to have you on board!

Idiot we still lead the world in murders are you that fucking stupid. Now imagine if we didn't have guns the murder rate might be even higher, I mean after all most of those murders happen in gun free zones or places that have very restrictive gun laws.

No, if we didn't have guns, the murder rate would be lower, because most people would be more squeamish bout blundgeoning or stabbing someone to death.

And a "gun free zone" is like declaring a "safe swimming zone" in shark infested waters. If the sharks can get in and out, it isn't safe.
What part of the right of the people shall not be infringed don't you comprehend?
Any type of gun control is an infringement of my rights.
You may assume you don't have a right like that, but you do not have any right to even attempt to take it from me.

Actually, that's what Davy Koresh thought... and we all saw how that turned out..


Heh, heh, heh.....
Well, that's an improvement, then. Glad to have you on board!

Idiot we still lead the world in murders are you that fucking stupid. Now imagine if we didn't have guns the murder rate might be even higher, I mean after all most of those murders happen in gun free zones or places that have very restrictive gun laws.

No, if we didn't have guns, the murder rate would be lower, because most people would be more squeamish bout blundgeoning or stabbing someone to death.

And a "gun free zone" is like declaring a "safe swimming zone" in shark infested waters. If the sharks can get in and out, it isn't safe.

Dumb ass can you do basic subtraction?
From an earlier post you made
The US has 14,159 homicides a year, and of those, 9146 are committed with firearms.

14,159 - 9146 = 5013
Murders - murders with firearms = Murders without firearms
What part of the right of the people shall not be infringed don't you comprehend?
Any type of gun control is an infringement of my rights.
You may assume you don't have a right like that, but you do not have any right to even attempt to take it from me.

Actually, that's what Davy Koresh thought... and we all saw how that turned out..


Heh, heh, heh.....

He wasn't wrong.
Dumb ass can you do basic subtraction?
From an earlier post you made
The US has 14,159 homicides a year, and of those, 9146 are committed with firearms.

14,159 - 9146 = 5013
Murders - murders with firearms = Murders without firearms

Yup, so we ban guns, we cut the murder rate by 70%. That would be fucking awesome, glad you agree and nice to have you on board...
What part of the right of the people shall not be infringed don't you comprehend?
Any type of gun control is an infringement of my rights.
You may assume you don't have a right like that, but you do not have any right to even attempt to take it from me.

Actually, that's what Davy Koresh thought... and we all saw how that turned out..


Heh, heh, heh.....

He wasn't wrong.

He was a creepy ass child molestor who thought the world was going to end in 2000, so he needed a lot of guns...

Thank C'Thulhu we got those mutants the fuck out of the gene pool.
Dumb ass can you do basic subtraction?
From an earlier post you made
The US has 14,159 homicides a year, and of those, 9146 are committed with firearms.

14,159 - 9146 = 5013
Murders - murders with firearms = Murders without firearms

Yup, so we ban guns, we cut the murder rate by 70%. That would be fucking awesome, glad you agree and nice to have you on board...

We still lead the world in murders. It's because of guns our murder rate isn't higher than 14,159

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