WARNING: You May Get Hammered On Your Taxes Next Year

You May?.....anonymous....maybe....unnamed source.....my personal favorite IF......this is getting scary how stupid the anti Trumpers are.....and in turn how stupid they think we are....

Good grief, he provided links and the actual statute.
You Trumpanzees never provide reliable sources.
Gateway Pundit and other blogs are not reliable sources.
Therefore we do think you are stupid.
What you, being a horrendous America hating troll, cannot see or refuse to realize, is that their are no reliable sources.
Because of changes to the tax laws, particularly that some exemptions, credits, and deductions have gone away or been reduced, your employer may be unintentionally underwithholding your taxes.

This means your paycheck might be bigger because you are not having enough income withheld for taxes.

After Public Law 115-97 was enacted last December, the GAO did a checkup on the current formulas used for income tax withholding, and they found that 30 million Americans are going to be in for quite a shock next April.

You can read their report here: https://www.gao.gov/assets/700/693582.pdf

You can check how much your withholding should be here: IRS Withholding Calculator | Internal Revenue Service

Compare that to your pay stub. Adjust accordingly, before it is too late.

You're welcome.
Are you the "tax expenditure must end" guy??
Because of changes to the tax laws, particularly that some exemptions, credits, and deductions have gone away or been reduced, your employer may be unintentionally underwithholding your taxes.

This means your paycheck might be bigger because you are not having enough income withheld for taxes.

After Public Law 115-97 was enacted last December, the GAO did a checkup on the current formulas used for income tax withholding, and they found that 30 million Americans are going to be in for quite a shock next April.

You can read their report here: https://www.gao.gov/assets/700/693582.pdf

You can check how much your withholding should be here: IRS Withholding Calculator | Internal Revenue Service

Compare that to your pay stub. Adjust accordingly, before it is too late.

You're welcome.

Regardless of who is in office, it's best to have a good tax accountant to file for you so they can find the best ways to legally screw the govt.
The way I figure it, those that'll be hammered will mostly be folks that don't sweat these things.
Because of changes to the tax laws, particularly that some exemptions, credits, and deductions have gone away or been reduced, your employer may be unintentionally underwithholding your taxes.

This means your paycheck might be bigger because you are not having enough income withheld for taxes.

After Public Law 115-97 was enacted last December, the GAO did a checkup on the current formulas used for income tax withholding, and they found that 30 million Americans are going to be in for quite a shock next April.

You can read their report here: https://www.gao.gov/assets/700/693582.pdf

You can check how much your withholding should be here: IRS Withholding Calculator | Internal Revenue Service

Compare that to your pay stub. Adjust accordingly, before it is too late.

You're welcome.
Better to check with your tax preparer,,,,,
Good grief, he provided links and the actual statute.
You Trumpanzees never provide reliable sources.
Gateway Pundit and other blogs are not reliable sources.
Therefore we do think you are stupid.
It states something may happen...get back to us when it says something will happen...until then its just fake speculation....
I'm gonna know for sure if this tax bill was a good thing or not. Why? Because when I retired, I calculated my withholding so that at the end of the year, the government might owe me a dollar or two, or some years, I end up owing the government a dollar or two. But, the bottom line is that I have the proper amount taken out of my taxes so that I don't have a huge refund (government using my money for free for the year), or I have to pay a huge bill at the end of the year.

My retirement check went up 20 bucks because of the tax bill. If I owe more than 3.00 next year, it's because the tax bill screwed me.
I’ve never understood people waiting for their tax returns. If you’re waiting to get money back you paid too much, stop doing that. I aim every year for owing just a few dollars. I never want them owing me.
Trump is working to lower taxes but the media and the democrats started new scare tactics today.

maybe there is raises in certain brackets, but on the radio they were saying there will be huge fines for owing money.
sounds like lefty bullshit. they're trying to cancel any happiness by using scare tactics


this is how it starts.

Trump lowers taxes, but instead of everyone in the country saying "Trump lowered taxes" , the media finds a bracket that went up, or cancelled write-offs , and tries to scare the public.

...so Republicans say Trump lowered taxes, and people who hate Trump say he raised taxes.

but the truth is the Democrats want taxes raised so they have more money for government jobs and spending waste.
Because of changes to the tax laws, particularly that some exemptions, credits, and deductions have gone away or been reduced, your employer may be unintentionally underwithholding your taxes.

This means your paycheck might be bigger because you are not having enough income withheld for taxes.

After Public Law 115-97 was enacted last December, the GAO did a checkup on the current formulas used for income tax withholding, and they found that 30 million Americans are going to be in for quite a shock next April.

You can read their report here: https://www.gao.gov/assets/700/693582.pdf

You can check how much your withholding should be here: IRS Withholding Calculator | Internal Revenue Service

Compare that to your pay stub. Adjust accordingly, before it is too late.

You're welcome.

Oh look, the biggest ego on the board wants to "rescue" us.
Warning, no I won't.

You won't what.....think for yourself. Which is what the Dead From The Neck Up Seig Heil! Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer Followers are famous for?
Willful stupidity abounds.

Well, I gave the link for checking your withholding. Nothing more can be done.

Leading the proverbial retarded horses to water...

Leading the proverbial retarded horses to water...

But you can't make them think.

The first step in recovery is admitting there is a problem, which the Dead From The Neck Up Seig Heil Shouting, Goose Stepping 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward supporters of 45 will never admit. They want to the lied to. They need to lied to. They have to be lied to. Without the lies they have nothing.
Republicans rammed the tax bill through without having any idea what they were doing or what they had put in there. All they knew was that it would massively increase the deficit.
Are you talking about Obamacare and the democrats?
Republicans rammed the tax bill through without having any idea what they were doing or what they had put in there. All they knew was that it would massively increase the deficit.
Are you talking about Obamacare and the democrats?
No, retard. How stupid are you? Do you have any idea what this thread is even about? Good fucking grief.
Really? People are still arguing about this topic? :lol:

It's very simple. Employers are given a formula to determine how much to withhold for taxes, based on current tax laws.

That formula was not changed when the new tax law went into effect.

Therefore, some people are going to have too little withheld and will get a big tax bill next year. I provided a link to help you determine if you will be one of those people.


And yet we still have tards here who deny this reality! Is that fucking amazing, or what?

There's a reason why I call them willfully blind and stupid.
Republicans rammed the tax bill through without having any idea what they were doing or what they had put in there. All they knew was that it would massively increase the deficit.
Are you talking about Obamacare and the democrats?
No, retard. How stupid are you? Do you have any idea what this thread is even about? Good fucking grief.
Not a retard at all, this is the same scenario that the democrats did ramming opiecare down our throats without knowing what was in it. All they knew was it would add massively to the deficit Remember?????
Good grief, you're one dense minion. Just the way 'they' like it.
Because of changes to the tax laws, particularly that some exemptions, credits, and deductions have gone away or been reduced, your employer may be unintentionally underwithholding your taxes.

This means your paycheck might be bigger because you are not having enough income withheld for taxes.

After Public Law 115-97 was enacted last December, the GAO did a checkup on the current formulas used for income tax withholding, and they found that 30 million Americans are going to be in for quite a shock next April.

You can read their report here: https://www.gao.gov/assets/700/693582.pdf

You can check how much your withholding should be here: IRS Withholding Calculator | Internal Revenue Service

Compare that to your pay stub. Adjust accordingly, before it is too late.

You're welcome.
My CPA after doing my taxes this year did a trial run of how my taxes this year would have looked next year. I DID have an increase, albeit a small increase.

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