Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

I doubt it. I do not believe he was not a paid gunman, probably by the Birch Society, Hoover, or any no. of those anti civil rights.

Then why did he also attempt to kill Edwin Walker, who has a member of the Birch Society, anti-communist, and a segregationist?

I doubt it. I do not believe he was not a paid gunman, probably by the Birch Society, Hoover, or any no. of those anti civil rights.

Then why did he also attempt to kill Edwin Walker, who has a member of the Birch Society, anti-communist, and a segregationist?

I doubt it. I do not believe he was not a paid gunman, probably by the Birch Society, Hoover, or any no. of those anti civil rights.

Then why did he also attempt to kill Edwin Walker, who has a member of the Birch Society, anti-communist, and a segregationist?

one paid shill of Langley-the hawk,err i mean the IDIOT, agreeing with another paid shill of Langleys.wow what a surprise.:abgg2q.jpg:

These two paid shills along with langly resident soupnazi always evade facts of multiple gunmen and then always evade them trying to convince people that oswald was the lone assassin. :abgg2q.jpg: wonder when that other shill who is obsessed with trying to prove people the lies of the warren commssion that oswald was the lone assassin the nazi paid shill when HE will show up as well. Obviously the people at Langley have sent two of their paid shills to troll here so far.:abgg2q.jpg:
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On November 21, 1963 Oswald learned the JFK motorcade would be passing by his window at work the next day. So he went home, brought his rifle to work the next morning and fired three shots at the President. One of which blew his brains out

That is all there is
Yeah, it's normal for a bullet to hit someone from the rear and force his head backwards.
It is actually.

Two major reasons for this exist one is known as the jet effect the other is neurological reflex. When the nervous system is damaged signals are fired randomly down the nervous system causing the body to have bizarre and unpredictable reactions which can in fact move the body ( or head ) in exactly the opposite or direction one would expect. Trauma to the head is especially likely to cause this.

The jet effect helps by pushing a column of tissue and blood ahead of the bullet. This column exits first and pushes back.

Bullets do not push the head or body very far at all to begin with. When bullets hit for example in the torso victims often have no visible reaction at all. We tend to think bodies will move away from the direction of the bullets travel because we have seen it happen a thousand times in movies and on tv.

Another factor unique to Kennedy is the heavy back brace and ace bandage he wore wrapped around his lower like a parachute harness or like a piece of S and M gear. Kennedy suffered from severe back problems and wore this back brace reinforced by an ace bandage for most of his adult life.

Essentially it held his upper body somewhat rigid so that is something pushed on his head there would have been a springboard effect
My Team SGT was in Quantico, the FBI's training academy for sniper training, and he said to some of the agents there that JFK was probably caught in a shooters triangle and ended up being hit from two directions. Kennedy's back brace made it difficult if not impossible for him to duck once the first bullet flew by him. They put him in an extremely low riding car with low sides. He was a sitting duck. So chances are at the very least....it was a conspiracy.

Oh yes.....the Grassy Knoll

Which brings about the question of the three shots. If there were two shooters with the President’s car in a crossfire ....why did they only manage to get off three shots?

Why were three expended cartridges found in the sixth floor shooters nest?

Probably to cover up the fact it was more than one shooter.
Nobody knows when those 3 cartridges were fired.
And I wonder why Oswald left those cartridges behind?
Literally planting evidence.
But what was weird how witnesses said Oswald's fingerprints weren't on those shells.
Somebody else's were.
No one born after 1963 cares about any of this

speak for yourself. what IS correct is nobody here cares about arguing with this paid shill OP and his lover the nazi langley employee and the other magic bullet trolls here since they prove over and over again what morons they are believing in magic bullets.:abgg2q.jpg: We dont care about arguing with trolls like this OP here since they evade facts that oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters and they are a waste of time . now THAT much is true.:biggrin:
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On November 21, 1963 Oswald learned the JFK motorcade would be passing by his window at work the next day. So he went home, brought his rifle to work the next morning and fired three shots at the President. One of which blew his brains out

That is all there is
Yeah, it's normal for a bullet to hit someone from the rear and force his head backwards.
It is actually.

Two major reasons for this exist one is known as the jet effect the other is neurological reflex. When the nervous system is damaged signals are fired randomly down the nervous system causing the body to have bizarre and unpredictable reactions which can in fact move the body ( or head ) in exactly the opposite or direction one would expect. Trauma to the head is especially likely to cause this.

The jet effect helps by pushing a column of tissue and blood ahead of the bullet. This column exits first and pushes back.

Bullets do not push the head or body very far at all to begin with. When bullets hit for example in the torso victims often have no visible reaction at all. We tend to think bodies will move away from the direction of the bullets travel because we have seen it happen a thousand times in movies and on tv.

Another factor unique to Kennedy is the heavy back brace and ace bandage he wore wrapped around his lower like a parachute harness or like a piece of S and M gear. Kennedy suffered from severe back problems and wore this back brace reinforced by an ace bandage for most of his adult life.

Essentially it held his upper body somewhat rigid so that is something pushed on his head there would have been a springboard effect
My Team SGT was in Quantico, the FBI's training academy for sniper training, and he said to some of the agents there that JFK was probably caught in a shooters triangle and ended up being hit from two directions. Kennedy's back brace made it difficult if not impossible for him to duck once the first bullet flew by him. They put him in an extremely low riding car with low sides. He was a sitting duck. So chances are at the very least....it was a conspiracy.

Oh yes.....the Grassy Knoll

Which brings about the question of the three shots. If there were two shooters with the President’s car in a crossfire ....why did they only manage to get off three shots?

Why were three expended cartridges found in the sixth floor shooters nest?

Probably to cover up the fact it was more than one shooter.
Nobody knows when those 3 cartridges were fired.
And I wonder why Oswald left those cartridges behind?
Literally planting evidence.
But what was weird how witnesses said Oswald's fingerprints weren't on those shells.
Somebody else's were.

Actually that is incorrect only his prints were found on the casings.

It is typical for people to leave expended casings behind. Especially if they are fatalistic and know they have little chance of escape, HE left the entire rifle behind although he made a half hearted attempt to hide it.

True no one can prove when they were fired but we can prove that they and all of the recovered bullets were fired through HIS rifle to the exclusion of any other rifle. We can prove that the bullets were fired THAT day through Oswald's rifle which makes your implication that the casings were planted a lost cause.

You cannot get much more damning than that.
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No one born after 1963 cares about any of this

speak for yourself. what IS correct is nobody here cares about arguing with this paid shill OP and his lover the nazi langley employee and the other magic bullet trolls here since they prove over and over again what morons they are believing in magic bullets.:abgg2q.jpg: We dont care about arguing with trolls like this OP here since they evade facts that oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters and they are a waste of time . now THAT much is true.:biggrin:
You are the dumbass who believes in the magic bullet theory as the theory was created by conspiracy nits who you worship.

Repeating your childish rants only makes you look dumber than you are after having been debunked and proven wrong countless times.
On November 21, 1963 Oswald learned the JFK motorcade would be passing by his window at work the next day. So he went home, brought his rifle to work the next morning and fired three shots at the President. One of which blew his brains out

That is all there is
Yeah, it's normal for a bullet to hit someone from the rear and force his head backwards.
It is actually.

Two major reasons for this exist one is known as the jet effect the other is neurological reflex. When the nervous system is damaged signals are fired randomly down the nervous system causing the body to have bizarre and unpredictable reactions which can in fact move the body ( or head ) in exactly the opposite or direction one would expect. Trauma to the head is especially likely to cause this.

The jet effect helps by pushing a column of tissue and blood ahead of the bullet. This column exits first and pushes back.

Bullets do not push the head or body very far at all to begin with. When bullets hit for example in the torso victims often have no visible reaction at all. We tend to think bodies will move away from the direction of the bullets travel because we have seen it happen a thousand times in movies and on tv.

Another factor unique to Kennedy is the heavy back brace and ace bandage he wore wrapped around his lower like a parachute harness or like a piece of S and M gear. Kennedy suffered from severe back problems and wore this back brace reinforced by an ace bandage for most of his adult life.

Essentially it held his upper body somewhat rigid so that is something pushed on his head there would have been a springboard effect
My Team SGT was in Quantico, the FBI's training academy for sniper training, and he said to some of the agents there that JFK was probably caught in a shooters triangle and ended up being hit from two directions. Kennedy's back brace made it difficult if not impossible for him to duck once the first bullet flew by him. They put him in an extremely low riding car with low sides. He was a sitting duck. So chances are at the very least....it was a conspiracy.

Oh yes.....the Grassy Knoll

Which brings about the question of the three shots. If there were two shooters with the President’s car in a crossfire ....why did they only manage to get off three shots?

Why were three expended cartridges found in the sixth floor shooters nest?

Probably to cover up the fact it was more than one shooter.
Nobody knows when those 3 cartridges were fired.
And I wonder why Oswald left those cartridges behind?
Literally planting evidence.
But what was weird how witnesses said Oswald's fingerprints weren't on those shells.
Somebody else's were.

Literally planting evidence is the understatement of the year. :yes_text12:

despite what Langley employees WRONGwinger,the Hawk,err the IDIOT,and the evil NAZI agent troll of langley try to desperatly convince people of.:D
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On November 21, 1963 Oswald learned the JFK motorcade would be passing by his window at work the next day. So he went home, brought his rifle to work the next morning and fired three shots at the President. One of which blew his brains out

That is all there is
Yeah, it's normal for a bullet to hit someone from the rear and force his head backwards.
It is actually.

Two major reasons for this exist one is known as the jet effect the other is neurological reflex. When the nervous system is damaged signals are fired randomly down the nervous system causing the body to have bizarre and unpredictable reactions which can in fact move the body ( or head ) in exactly the opposite or direction one would expect. Trauma to the head is especially likely to cause this.

The jet effect helps by pushing a column of tissue and blood ahead of the bullet. This column exits first and pushes back.

Bullets do not push the head or body very far at all to begin with. When bullets hit for example in the torso victims often have no visible reaction at all. We tend to think bodies will move away from the direction of the bullets travel because we have seen it happen a thousand times in movies and on tv.

Another factor unique to Kennedy is the heavy back brace and ace bandage he wore wrapped around his lower like a parachute harness or like a piece of S and M gear. Kennedy suffered from severe back problems and wore this back brace reinforced by an ace bandage for most of his adult life.

Essentially it held his upper body somewhat rigid so that is something pushed on his head there would have been a springboard effect
If you take a melon and wrap it with plastic tape, sure it will snap back when the bullet passes through. But JFK's head wasn't wrapped in plastic.

My Team SGT was in Quantico, the FBI's training academy for sniper training, and he said to some of the agents there that JFK was probably caught in a shooters triangle and ended up being hit from two directions. Somebody came over to him and told him to STFU.

Kennedy's back brace made it difficult if not impossible for him to duck once the first bullet flew by him or through him. They put him in an extremely low riding car with low sides. He was a sitting duck. So chances are at the very least....it was a conspiracy.

Wrapping it in plastic merely approximates the density of the skull you can get the same results without the plastic.

There is no such thing as a shooters triangle or triangulated cross fire as those concepts were dreamed up for the movie JFK by Oliver Stone. This is probably why he was told to STFU because such unprofessional movie mythology has no place in realistic training.

The car was not extremely low and with low sides it was a standard Ford limo with only some modifications, It was not significantly lower than any other car on the road.

The car was purchased long before the assassination which could not have been planned that far out. There is no evidence of a conspiracy and the idea is idiotic.

You may be technically correct that the back brace made it difficult or impossible for JFK to duck but that is irrelevant as NO ONE ducked.

The first shot was not identified as a rifle shot until it was too late so it is all moot whether kennedy could have moved or ducked.
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Yeah, it's normal for a bullet to hit someone from the rear and force his head backwards.
It is actually.

Two major reasons for this exist one is known as the jet effect the other is neurological reflex. When the nervous system is damaged signals are fired randomly down the nervous system causing the body to have bizarre and unpredictable reactions which can in fact move the body ( or head ) in exactly the opposite or direction one would expect. Trauma to the head is especially likely to cause this.

The jet effect helps by pushing a column of tissue and blood ahead of the bullet. This column exits first and pushes back.

Bullets do not push the head or body very far at all to begin with. When bullets hit for example in the torso victims often have no visible reaction at all. We tend to think bodies will move away from the direction of the bullets travel because we have seen it happen a thousand times in movies and on tv.

Another factor unique to Kennedy is the heavy back brace and ace bandage he wore wrapped around his lower like a parachute harness or like a piece of S and M gear. Kennedy suffered from severe back problems and wore this back brace reinforced by an ace bandage for most of his adult life.

Essentially it held his upper body somewhat rigid so that is something pushed on his head there would have been a springboard effect
My Team SGT was in Quantico, the FBI's training academy for sniper training, and he said to some of the agents there that JFK was probably caught in a shooters triangle and ended up being hit from two directions. Kennedy's back brace made it difficult if not impossible for him to duck once the first bullet flew by him. They put him in an extremely low riding car with low sides. He was a sitting duck. So chances are at the very least....it was a conspiracy.

Oh yes.....the Grassy Knoll

Which brings about the question of the three shots. If there were two shooters with the President’s car in a crossfire ....why did they only manage to get off three shots?

Why were three expended cartridges found in the sixth floor shooters nest?

Probably to cover up the fact it was more than one shooter.
Nobody knows when those 3 cartridges were fired.
And I wonder why Oswald left those cartridges behind?
Literally planting evidence.
But what was weird how witnesses said Oswald's fingerprints weren't on those shells.
Somebody else's were.

Literally planting evidence is the understatement of the year. :yes_text12:

Which you have no evidence of making your statement the dumbest statement of the year
No one born after 1963 cares about any of this

speak for yourself. what IS correct is nobody here cares about arguing with this paid shill OP and his lover the nazi langley employee and the other magic bullet trolls here since they prove over and over again what morons they are believing in magic bullets.:abgg2q.jpg: We dont care about arguing with trolls like this OP here since they evade facts that oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters and they are a waste of time . now THAT much is true.:biggrin:
Oswald was guilty as you have been schooled on endless times making you one of the childish little fools I mentioned earlier who cannot except evidence because it would shatter your fragile and immature view of yourself
I doubt it. I do not believe he was not a paid gunman, probably by the Birch Society, Hoover, or any no. of those anti civil rights.

Then why did he also attempt to kill Edwin Walker, who has a member of the Birch Society, anti-communist, and a segregationist?

I doubt it. I do not believe he was not a paid gunman, probably by the Birch Society, Hoover, or any no. of those anti civil rights.

Then why did he also attempt to kill Edwin Walker, who has a member of the Birch Society, anti-communist, and a segregationist?

I doubt it. I do not believe he was not a paid gunman, probably by the Birch Society, Hoover, or any no. of those anti civil rights.

Then why did he also attempt to kill Edwin Walker, who has a member of the Birch Society, anti-communist, and a segregationist?

one paid shill of Langley-the hawk,err i mean the IDIOT, agreeing with another paid shill of Langleys.wow what a surprise.:abgg2q.jpg:

These two paid shills along with langly resident soupnazi always evade facts of multiple gunmen and then always evade them trying to convince people that oswald was the lone assassin. :abgg2q.jpg: wonder when that other shill who is obsessed with trying to prove people the lies of the warren commssion that oswald was the lone assassin the nazi paid shill when HE will show up as well. Obviously the people at Langley have sent two of their paid shills to troll here so far.:abgg2q.jpg:
There is no evidence of others helping Oswald

Plenty of evidence that Oswald acted alone
Yeah, it's normal for a bullet to hit someone from the rear and force his head backwards.
It is actually.

Two major reasons for this exist one is known as the jet effect the other is neurological reflex. When the nervous system is damaged signals are fired randomly down the nervous system causing the body to have bizarre and unpredictable reactions which can in fact move the body ( or head ) in exactly the opposite or direction one would expect. Trauma to the head is especially likely to cause this.

The jet effect helps by pushing a column of tissue and blood ahead of the bullet. This column exits first and pushes back.

Bullets do not push the head or body very far at all to begin with. When bullets hit for example in the torso victims often have no visible reaction at all. We tend to think bodies will move away from the direction of the bullets travel because we have seen it happen a thousand times in movies and on tv.

Another factor unique to Kennedy is the heavy back brace and ace bandage he wore wrapped around his lower like a parachute harness or like a piece of S and M gear. Kennedy suffered from severe back problems and wore this back brace reinforced by an ace bandage for most of his adult life.

Essentially it held his upper body somewhat rigid so that is something pushed on his head there would have been a springboard effect
My Team SGT was in Quantico, the FBI's training academy for sniper training, and he said to some of the agents there that JFK was probably caught in a shooters triangle and ended up being hit from two directions. Kennedy's back brace made it difficult if not impossible for him to duck once the first bullet flew by him. They put him in an extremely low riding car with low sides. He was a sitting duck. So chances are at the very least....it was a conspiracy.

Oh yes.....the Grassy Knoll

Which brings about the question of the three shots. If there were two shooters with the President’s car in a crossfire ....why did they only manage to get off three shots?

Why were three expended cartridges found in the sixth floor shooters nest?

Probably to cover up the fact it was more than one shooter.
Nobody knows when those 3 cartridges were fired.
And I wonder why Oswald left those cartridges behind?
Literally planting evidence.
But what was weird how witnesses said Oswald's fingerprints weren't on those shells.
Somebody else's were.

Literally planting evidence is the understatement of the year. :yes_text12:

despite what Langley employees WRONGwinger,the Hawk,err the IDIOT,and the evil NAZI agent troll try to desperatly convince people of.:D

It is not an understatement it is a retarded statement which you cannot support or provide evidence for like all of your other claims.

It is you trying to convince people that your delusional fairy tales are correct but you get owned debunked and made a fool of every time.

This is why you screech about shills which do not exist. A shill is someone making a fool out of you and nothing more;
On November 21, 1963 Oswald learned the JFK motorcade would be passing by his window at work the next day. So he went home, brought his rifle to work the next morning and fired three shots at the President. One of which blew his brains out

That is all there is
Yeah, it's normal for a bullet to hit someone from the rear and force his head backwards.
It is actually.

Two major reasons for this exist one is known as the jet effect the other is neurological reflex. When the nervous system is damaged signals are fired randomly down the nervous system causing the body to have bizarre and unpredictable reactions which can in fact move the body ( or head ) in exactly the opposite or direction one would expect. Trauma to the head is especially likely to cause this.

The jet effect helps by pushing a column of tissue and blood ahead of the bullet. This column exits first and pushes back.

Bullets do not push the head or body very far at all to begin with. When bullets hit for example in the torso victims often have no visible reaction at all. We tend to think bodies will move away from the direction of the bullets travel because we have seen it happen a thousand times in movies and on tv.

Another factor unique to Kennedy is the heavy back brace and ace bandage he wore wrapped around his lower like a parachute harness or like a piece of S and M gear. Kennedy suffered from severe back problems and wore this back brace reinforced by an ace bandage for most of his adult life.

Essentially it held his upper body somewhat rigid so that is something pushed on his head there would have been a springboard effect
My Team SGT was in Quantico, the FBI's training academy for sniper training, and he said to some of the agents there that JFK was probably caught in a shooters triangle and ended up being hit from two directions. Kennedy's back brace made it difficult if not impossible for him to duck once the first bullet flew by him. They put him in an extremely low riding car with low sides. He was a sitting duck. So chances are at the very least....it was a conspiracy.

Oh yes.....the Grassy Knoll

Which brings about the question of the three shots. If there were two shooters with the President’s car in a crossfire ....why did they only manage to get off three shots?

Why were three expended cartridges found in the sixth floor shooters nest?

Probably to cover up the fact it was more than one shooter.
Nobody knows when those 3 cartridges were fired.
And I wonder why Oswald left those cartridges behind?
Literally planting evidence.
But what was weird how witnesses said Oswald's fingerprints weren't on those shells.
Somebody else's were.

There is zero evidence of a second shooter
Your theory of a second shooter suppressing his fire to make it look like one shooter negates the need for a second shooter

Those shells were recovered even before they knew who Oswald was
This is one of those topics that I lost interest in about the time Madonna had her first hit.

I've seen a few documentaries recently where they used ballistic gel shaped like a man with simulated bones like ribs etc inside. They positioned a shooter at the precise spot above, behind, and same distance that Oswald would have been and took a number of shots in wind. The shots did nearly identical things that the real shot did. The one that went through Kennedy's neck had also exited and struck Connally in the back leaving a keyhole entry wound. It was identical to what happened with the ballistic gel models, they used the same rifle and ammo Oswald used.

This case is closed, nailed shut, buried 20 feet deep, concrete poured over the top and rabid raccoons stand guard above the concrete.

Many feel the same way but unfortunately many others never saw such documentaries. They have however seen Oliver Stone's film which is proven to be a steaming pile of fiction.

In many ways the JFK conspiracy theory thing goes way beyond a mere discussion about theory and evidence it is a holy cause for some people.

If you look at the evidence and arrive at the conclusion that Oswald acted alone you are accused of being naive and gullible. Conspiracy nuts like to think that they are enlightened and informed beyond others. They cannot stand any challenge to this because to accept any evidence to the contrary would shatter their view of themselves.

No actually we just understand the culture and hatred of the civil rights movement of the time.
This is one of those topics that I lost interest in about the time Madonna had her first hit.

I've seen a few documentaries recently where they used ballistic gel shaped like a man with simulated bones like ribs etc inside. They positioned a shooter at the precise spot above, behind, and same distance that Oswald would have been and took a number of shots in wind. The shots did nearly identical things that the real shot did. The one that went through Kennedy's neck had also exited and struck Connally in the back leaving a keyhole entry wound. It was identical to what happened with the ballistic gel models, they used the same rifle and ammo Oswald used.

This case is closed, nailed shut, buried 20 feet deep, concrete poured over the top and rabid raccoons stand guard above the concrete.

Many feel the same way but unfortunately many others never saw such documentaries. They have however seen Oliver Stone's film which is proven to be a steaming pile of fiction.

In many ways the JFK conspiracy theory thing goes way beyond a mere discussion about theory and evidence it is a holy cause for some people.

If you look at the evidence and arrive at the conclusion that Oswald acted alone you are accused of being naive and gullible. Conspiracy nuts like to think that they are enlightened and informed beyond others. They cannot stand any challenge to this because to accept any evidence to the contrary would shatter their view of themselves.

No actually we just understand the culture and hatred of the civil rights movement of the time.

Which is irrelevant.

Oswald had no known interest in the civil rights movement. His motives are murky but civil rights was not among them.

This is why the statement still stands that conspiracy theory is based on delusion and over developed but fragile egos.
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There was no evidence of a conspiracy fifty years ago....none today

No deathbed confessions, Soviet Union fell and revealed they had no involvement, recently released documentation showed nothing

Oswald acted alone
Yeah, it's normal for a bullet to hit someone from the rear and force his head backwards.
It is actually.

Two major reasons for this exist one is known as the jet effect the other is neurological reflex. When the nervous system is damaged signals are fired randomly down the nervous system causing the body to have bizarre and unpredictable reactions which can in fact move the body ( or head ) in exactly the opposite or direction one would expect. Trauma to the head is especially likely to cause this.

The jet effect helps by pushing a column of tissue and blood ahead of the bullet. This column exits first and pushes back.

Bullets do not push the head or body very far at all to begin with. When bullets hit for example in the torso victims often have no visible reaction at all. We tend to think bodies will move away from the direction of the bullets travel because we have seen it happen a thousand times in movies and on tv.

Another factor unique to Kennedy is the heavy back brace and ace bandage he wore wrapped around his lower like a parachute harness or like a piece of S and M gear. Kennedy suffered from severe back problems and wore this back brace reinforced by an ace bandage for most of his adult life.

Essentially it held his upper body somewhat rigid so that is something pushed on his head there would have been a springboard effect
My Team SGT was in Quantico, the FBI's training academy for sniper training, and he said to some of the agents there that JFK was probably caught in a shooters triangle and ended up being hit from two directions. Kennedy's back brace made it difficult if not impossible for him to duck once the first bullet flew by him. They put him in an extremely low riding car with low sides. He was a sitting duck. So chances are at the very least....it was a conspiracy.

Oh yes.....the Grassy Knoll

Which brings about the question of the three shots. If there were two shooters with the President’s car in a crossfire ....why did they only manage to get off three shots?

Why were three expended cartridges found in the sixth floor shooters nest?

Probably to cover up the fact it was more than one shooter.
Nobody knows when those 3 cartridges were fired.
And I wonder why Oswald left those cartridges behind?
Literally planting evidence.
But what was weird how witnesses said Oswald's fingerprints weren't on those shells.
Somebody else's were.

Actually that is incorrect only his prints were found on the casings.

It is typical for people to leave expended casings behind. Especially if they are fatalistic and know they have little chance of escape, HE left the entire rifle behind although he made a half hearted attempt to hide it.

True no one can prove when they were fired but we can prove that they and all of the recovered bullets were fired through HIS rifle to the exclusion of any other rifle. We can prove that the bullets were fired THAT day through Oswald's rifle which makes your implication that the casings were planted a lost cause.

You cannot get much more damning than that.

The problem with that is you can't prove it.
You can't prove any of it because you don't have access to the evidence.
Nobody had access to it because it was sealed for a number of years and some of the evidence disappeared.
There was no evidence of a conspiracy fifty years ago....none today

No deathbed confessions, Soviet Union fell and revealed they had no involvement, recently released documentation showed nothing

Oswald acted alone
To be fair it should be pointed out before a conspiracy theory does it that there HAS been death bed confessions.'

The problem is that there have been MANY death bed confessions. All told over 100 people have confessed to being the " second or third " shooter. Not one of them has any supporting evidence and all of them have been massively discredited.

In the end you cannot prove any confessed shooter was more likely than any other to have been involved so your only logical conclusion is that over 100 men shot 300 times at Kennedy from 100 separate angles and locations.

Or they are just a bunch of fools ( like LARAM ) who want attention ( like LARAM does) and none of them are telling the truth,.
Methinks we as a people just can't accept that JFK, who was a respected and handsome president in his time, could be off'd so easily

Methinks we as a people just can't accept that JFK, who was a respected and handsome president in his time, could be off'd so easily

Considering the way the FBI is acting right now, it's not hard for me to believe at all.
It is actually.

Two major reasons for this exist one is known as the jet effect the other is neurological reflex. When the nervous system is damaged signals are fired randomly down the nervous system causing the body to have bizarre and unpredictable reactions which can in fact move the body ( or head ) in exactly the opposite or direction one would expect. Trauma to the head is especially likely to cause this.

The jet effect helps by pushing a column of tissue and blood ahead of the bullet. This column exits first and pushes back.

Bullets do not push the head or body very far at all to begin with. When bullets hit for example in the torso victims often have no visible reaction at all. We tend to think bodies will move away from the direction of the bullets travel because we have seen it happen a thousand times in movies and on tv.

Another factor unique to Kennedy is the heavy back brace and ace bandage he wore wrapped around his lower like a parachute harness or like a piece of S and M gear. Kennedy suffered from severe back problems and wore this back brace reinforced by an ace bandage for most of his adult life.

Essentially it held his upper body somewhat rigid so that is something pushed on his head there would have been a springboard effect
My Team SGT was in Quantico, the FBI's training academy for sniper training, and he said to some of the agents there that JFK was probably caught in a shooters triangle and ended up being hit from two directions. Kennedy's back brace made it difficult if not impossible for him to duck once the first bullet flew by him. They put him in an extremely low riding car with low sides. He was a sitting duck. So chances are at the very least....it was a conspiracy.

Oh yes.....the Grassy Knoll

Which brings about the question of the three shots. If there were two shooters with the President’s car in a crossfire ....why did they only manage to get off three shots?

Why were three expended cartridges found in the sixth floor shooters nest?

Probably to cover up the fact it was more than one shooter.
Nobody knows when those 3 cartridges were fired.
And I wonder why Oswald left those cartridges behind?
Literally planting evidence.
But what was weird how witnesses said Oswald's fingerprints weren't on those shells.
Somebody else's were.

Actually that is incorrect only his prints were found on the casings.

It is typical for people to leave expended casings behind. Especially if they are fatalistic and know they have little chance of escape, HE left the entire rifle behind although he made a half hearted attempt to hide it.

True no one can prove when they were fired but we can prove that they and all of the recovered bullets were fired through HIS rifle to the exclusion of any other rifle. We can prove that the bullets were fired THAT day through Oswald's rifle which makes your implication that the casings were planted a lost cause.

You cannot get much more damning than that.

The problem with that is you can't prove it.
You can't prove any of it because you don't have access to the evidence.
Nobody had access to it because it was sealed for a number of years and some of the evidence disappeared.

Quite wrong.

The evidence has never been " sealed " it is maintained in government archives like any evidence. True any member of public cannot just waltz in and look at it at leisure but it is in fact available for public scrutiny when proper channels and protocols are followed. That is true for evidence in any criminal case.

SO yes in can we can prove it and prove it overwhelmingly.

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