Warren Opposes Lobbyist Donations...For Non-Socialist Democrat Candidates / Politicians


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Warren Opposes Lobbyists’ Donations, Despite Accepting $95,000 in 2012, 2018
-- Warren also endorsed a Democratic Senate candidate who accepted over $15,000 from lobbyists in 2019

"Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) on Monday released her anti-corruption plan, which includes a ban on lobbyists making contributions to political candidates, despite accepting at least $95,000 from lobbyists during the 2012 and 2018 election cycles.

"Lobbyists and a public official should be a matter of public record. No more lobbying on behalf of foreign governments," Warren
said. "And no more campaign contributions or bundling by lobbyists. Contributing to a campaign at the same time that you are paid to influence those same elected officials is the very definition of bribery, and we're going to put a stop to it."

Evidently the Core Statement for her Anti-Corruption Plan is 'Do As I SAY, Not As I DO'!

Warren Opposes Lobbyists Donatations, Despite Accepting $95,000 in 2012, 2018

Leaders like Putin, Xi and Un are salivating over the thought of having a lightweight like Warren as President. They probably already have dozens of devious plans to take advantage of this weakling. I hear Putin's wife will probably challenge her to a winner take all spear fight, Cherokee style, which strikes me as a very fair thing to do.
Wait. I thought Barry kicked all the lobbyists out of DC. Wasn't that one of the things he ran on?? You know. Clean out DC.

Don't lost hope.

Stand for change.

Yes we can.

Its change we can believe in.

Its a new beginning.

Organize for change.

It's about time.

It's about change.

Change can't happen without you.

Man those slogans were sure catchy. LOL
HILLARY 2.0: Elizabeth Warren Hires Lobbyist One Day After Releasing Plan Calling Lobbying ‘Legalized Bribery.’


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