Was Alger Hiss a Spy ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
or merely one them garden variety Democrats who think
it cute to merely Lie.That Is the Question.
Hugh Hewitts { Wonder boy from Warren,O. } favorite
starting off point { discursive } for new guests on his morning
talk radio show.I highly doubt even Joe Biden would agree to knowing
even who Alger Hiss was.Let alone wasn't.It'd be like starting off a conversation
by citing Joseph Goebbels as now the 2nd biggest fibber from last century.
Many are now in the bidding since Joe Biden could probably take honorable
mention in that category { Biggest Propagandist in a century. }.
What would constitute relevance to whether one even knew
of Alger Hiss.Well for one,it shore is a bug humming in Hugh Hewitts
skivvies some mornings.This morning being no exception.
Hiss was caught ,{ nabbed } spying for the Soviet Union in the 30's.
He was an F.D.R. man { er flak }.During F.D.R's New Deal,Hiss was used as
a government attorney.Hiss like Hewitt also named Harvard University
as his alma mater.We now finally know about Harvard.It's precisely as
another Salem Talk Radio host { Dennis Prager } have lone predicted.
Ivy League University's are not at all what they are preceived to be.
In fact they are breeding grounds for Anti-americanism,snobbery and
placating fellow Liberals.Or for century old context " the appeasing
concessions to the Nazis at Munich ". For super vena cava context,
how Harvard University now has a mindset of " blood lust " towards
the State of Israel and possibly Jews in general.
Which is nice to know.I mean," not nice " but very instructive.
To know where groups of humans stand on very important issues.
I'm sure Alger Hiss seemed like a nice normal G-man attorney
in his heyday.But maybe not.Being a Soviet spy is not chump change.
Yet that seems to be a guiding light that shines on Joe Bidens head
{ formerly called " Plugs " } when out shouting like Adolph Hitler
to throngs of Munich gathered Beer nuts.

How about this use of Context :
" He has already turned his state-room into a museum of
trumpery,which he has gathered up in his travels.

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