Was Herman Cain smothered (murdered)?

Was Herman Cain assassinated by the communist left?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
The mortality rate of COVID is very low...my grandmother (84) recovered without any medical intervention. I actually had it worse and had to be put on IV for dehydration, but it wasnt any worse than the flu, and I got better (mostly) by the sixth day.

Thus, actually having suffered from COVID myself, I know that the does not affect someone for 30+ continuous days... which is how long Herman Cain was separated and isolated from all family and visitors via quarantine excuse.

I find it odd that such a brilliant man with increasing political potential (thanks to the efforts of Kanye West, Candance Owens, and other black conservatives) would have died in such an unusual manner over a timeframe that does coincide with the duration and course of the COVID flu.

Let us assume that Herman Cain intended to succeed Trump in 2024...I have no doubt thar he would have won and liberated of a great portion of the black vote...for all perpetuity.

And that my friends...is why I believe he was murdered. He posed a direct threat to the communist agenda.
The mortality rate of COVID as very low...my grandmother (84) recovered without any medical intervention. I actually had it worse and had to be put on IV for dehydration, but it wasnt any worse than the flu, and I got better (mostly) by the sixth day.

Thus, actually having suffered from COVID myself, I know that the does not affect someone for 39 continuous days... which is how long Herman Cain was separated and isolated from all family and visitors via quarantine excuse.

I find it odd that such a brilliant man with increasing politcical potential (thanks to the efforts of Kanye West, Candance Owens, and other black conservatives) would have died in such an unusual manner over a timeframe that does coincide with the duration and course of the COVID flu.

Let us assume that Herman Cain intended to succeed Trump in 2024...I have no doubt thar he would have won and liberated of a great portion of the black vote...for all perpetuity.

And that my friends...is why I believe he was murdered. He posed a direct threat to the communist agenda.
"Uhh" no, Herman Cain didin't die from being smothered any more than he died from the democratic party bio-attack, Cain was diagnosed in 2016 with stage 4 prostate cancer, Fox News, and all of the other left wing rags declaring he died of the democratic party's bio-weapon are simple fear mongering, any person suffering from stage 4 metastatic cancer is dead meat, and the treatments proscribed for such lay the human organism wide open to secondary fatal infections. The common cold virus easily could have mutated into pneumonia in any such man or women....
The mortality rate of COVID is very low...my grandmother (84) recovered without any medical intervention. I actually had it worse and had to be put on IV for dehydration, but it wasnt any worse than the flu, and I got better (mostly) by the sixth day.

Thus, actually having suffered from COVID myself, I know that the does not affect someone for 30+ continuous days... which is how long Herman Cain was separated and isolated from all family and visitors via quarantine excuse.

I find it odd that such a brilliant man with increasing political potential (thanks to the efforts of Kanye West, Candance Owens, and other black conservatives) would have died in such an unusual manner over a timeframe that does coincide with the duration and course of the COVID flu.

Let us assume that Herman Cain intended to succeed Trump in 2024...I have no doubt thar he would have won and liberated of a great portion of the black vote...for all perpetuity.

And that my friends...is why I believe he was murdered. He posed a direct threat to the communist agenda.

As someone who is open to the odd conspiracy theory, that's one HELL of a conspiracy theory/question. I highly doubt anyone would be that interested in murdering him, especially as there is little indication he would run in 2024, even if someone were politically motivated.
He was one of 150,000. No surprise here. Everyone knows that it kills 7 out of every 100 Americans who catches it

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The mortality rate of COVID is very low...my grandmother (84) recovered without any medical intervention. I actually had it worse and had to be put on IV for dehydration, but it wasnt any worse than the flu, and I got better (mostly) by the sixth day.

Thus, actually having suffered from COVID myself, I know that the does not affect someone for 30+ continuous days... which is how long Herman Cain was separated and isolated from all family and visitors via quarantine excuse.

I find it odd that such a brilliant man with increasing political potential (thanks to the efforts of Kanye West, Candance Owens, and other black conservatives) would have died in such an unusual manner over a timeframe that does coincide with the duration and course of the COVID flu.

Let us assume that Herman Cain intended to succeed Trump in 2024...I have no doubt thar he would have won and liberated of a great portion of the black vote...for all perpetuity.

And that my friends...is why I believe he was murdered. He posed a direct threat to the communist agenda.
He went to a trump rally two weeks before he got it. Seen on camera not wearing a mask. He asked for it
The mortality rate of COVID is very low...my grandmother (84) recovered without any medical intervention. I actually had it worse and had to be put on IV for dehydration, but it wasnt any worse than the flu, and I got better (mostly) by the sixth day.

Thus, actually having suffered from COVID myself, I know that the does not affect someone for 30+ continuous days... which is how long Herman Cain was separated and isolated from all family and visitors via quarantine excuse.

I find it odd that such a brilliant man with increasing political potential (thanks to the efforts of Kanye West, Candance Owens, and other black conservatives) would have died in such an unusual manner over a timeframe that does coincide with the duration and course of the COVID flu.

Let us assume that Herman Cain intended to succeed Trump in 2024...I have no doubt thar he would have won and liberated of a great portion of the black vote...for all perpetuity.

And that my friends...is why I believe he was murdered. He posed a direct threat to the communist agenda.
He went to a trump rally two weeks before he got it. Seen on camera not wearing a mask. He asked for it

You are a sick individual.
The mortality rate of COVID is very low...my grandmother (84) recovered without any medical intervention. I actually had it worse and had to be put on IV for dehydration, but it wasnt any worse than the flu, and I got better (mostly) by the sixth day.

Thus, actually having suffered from COVID myself, I know that the does not affect someone for 30+ continuous days... which is how long Herman Cain was separated and isolated from all family and visitors via quarantine excuse.

I find it odd that such a brilliant man with increasing political potential (thanks to the efforts of Kanye West, Candance Owens, and other black conservatives) would have died in such an unusual manner over a timeframe that does coincide with the duration and course of the COVID flu.

Let us assume that Herman Cain intended to succeed Trump in 2024...I have no doubt thar he would have won and liberated of a great portion of the black vote...for all perpetuity.

And that my friends...is why I believe he was murdered. He posed a direct threat to the communist agenda.
Having suffered from it doesn't make one an expert. This virus can effect different people with varying degrees of severity. Some people are asymptomatic, some get a mild form, some get it more severely and some eventually die. You were lucky; Cain not so much.
Herman at age 74 had been in the hospital for 30 days. He may have had underlying medical conditions as he did survive stage 4 colon cancer, diagnosed in 2006 and he was black and from what I read blacks are 4 times more at risk of dying from C-19 complications.

I had actually been tracking his hospitalization for the last two weeks because I worried about the length of time he had been sick and the above "at-risk" conditions he presented with. I have admired and liked this man for many years. :icon_cry:
The mortality rate of COVID as very low...my grandmother (84) recovered without any medical intervention. I actually had it worse and had to be put on IV for dehydration, but it wasnt any worse than the flu, and I got better (mostly) by the sixth day.

Thus, actually having suffered from COVID myself, I know that the does not affect someone for 39 continuous days... which is how long Herman Cain was separated and isolated from all family and visitors via quarantine excuse.

I find it odd that such a brilliant man with increasing politcical potential (thanks to the efforts of Kanye West, Candance Owens, and other black conservatives) would have died in such an unusual manner over a timeframe that does coincide with the duration and course of the COVID flu.

Let us assume that Herman Cain intended to succeed Trump in 2024...I have no doubt thar he would have won and liberated of a great portion of the black vote...for all perpetuity.

And that my friends...is why I believe he was murdered. He posed a direct threat to the communist agenda.
"Uhh" no, Herman Cain didin't die from being smothered any more than he died from the democratic party bio-attack, Cain was diagnosed in 2016 with stage 4 prostate cancer, Fox News, and all of the other left wing rags declaring he died of the democratic party's bio-weapon are simple fear mongering, any person suffering from stage 4 metastatic cancer is dead meat, and the treatments proscribed for such lay the human organism wide open to secondary fatal infections. The common cold virus easily could have mutated into pneumonia in any such man or women....
Well that certainly makes more sense than COVId. Thank you
The mortality rate of COVID is very low...my grandmother (84) recovered without any medical intervention. I actually had it worse and had to be put on IV for dehydration, but it wasnt any worse than the flu, and I got better (mostly) by the sixth day.

Thus, actually having suffered from COVID myself, I know that the does not affect someone for 30+ continuous days... which is how long Herman Cain was separated and isolated from all family and visitors via quarantine excuse.

I find it odd that such a brilliant man with increasing political potential (thanks to the efforts of Kanye West, Candance Owens, and other black conservatives) would have died in such an unusual manner over a timeframe that does coincide with the duration and course of the COVID flu.

Let us assume that Herman Cain intended to succeed Trump in 2024...I have no doubt thar he would have won and liberated of a great portion of the black vote...for all perpetuity.

And that my friends...is why I believe he was murdered. He posed a direct threat to the communist agenda.
He went to a trump rally two weeks before he got it. Seen on camera not wearing a mask. He asked for it

You are a sick individual.
If you play Russian roulette don’t expect me to cry when you kill yourself.
The mortality rate of COVID is very low...my grandmother (84) recovered without any medical intervention. I actually had it worse and had to be put on IV for dehydration, but it wasnt any worse than the flu, and I got better (mostly) by the sixth day.

Thus, actually having suffered from COVID myself, I know that the does not affect someone for 30+ continuous days... which is how long Herman Cain was separated and isolated from all family and visitors via quarantine excuse.

I find it odd that such a brilliant man with increasing political potential (thanks to the efforts of Kanye West, Candance Owens, and other black conservatives) would have died in such an unusual manner over a timeframe that does coincide with the duration and course of the COVID flu.

Let us assume that Herman Cain intended to succeed Trump in 2024...I have no doubt thar he would have won and liberated of a great portion of the black vote...for all perpetuity.

And that my friends...is why I believe he was murdered. He posed a direct threat to the communist agenda.
He went to a trump rally two weeks before he got it. Seen on camera not wearing a mask. He asked for it

Why do all you communist fags seem so elated from his death?
The mortality rate of COVID is very low...my grandmother (84) recovered without any medical intervention. I actually had it worse and had to be put on IV for dehydration, but it wasnt any worse than the flu, and I got better (mostly) by the sixth day.

Thus, actually having suffered from COVID myself, I know that the does not affect someone for 30+ continuous days... which is how long Herman Cain was separated and isolated from all family and visitors via quarantine excuse.

I find it odd that such a brilliant man with increasing political potential (thanks to the efforts of Kanye West, Candance Owens, and other black conservatives) would have died in such an unusual manner over a timeframe that does coincide with the duration and course of the COVID flu.

Let us assume that Herman Cain intended to succeed Trump in 2024...I have no doubt thar he would have won and liberated of a great portion of the black vote...for all perpetuity.

And that my friends...is why I believe he was murdered. He posed a direct threat to the communist agenda.
He went to a trump rally two weeks before he got it. Seen on camera not wearing a mask. He asked for it

You are a sick individual.
If you play Russian roulette don’t expect me to cry when you kill yourself.

Yeah, don't expect me to mourn your death either, should you catch and lose to COVID. People like you prove that sympathy is selective.
You’ve been hilariously off your nut recently. :lol:
The mortality rate of COVID is very low...my grandmother (84) recovered without any medical intervention. I actually had it worse and had to be put on IV for dehydration, but it wasnt any worse than the flu, and I got better (mostly) by the sixth day.

Thus, actually having suffered from COVID myself, I know that the does not affect someone for 30+ continuous days... which is how long Herman Cain was separated and isolated from all family and visitors via quarantine excuse.

I find it odd that such a brilliant man with increasing political potential (thanks to the efforts of Kanye West, Candance Owens, and other black conservatives) would have died in such an unusual manner over a timeframe that does coincide with the duration and course of the COVID flu.

Let us assume that Herman Cain intended to succeed Trump in 2024...I have no doubt thar he would have won and liberated of a great portion of the black vote...for all perpetuity.

And that my friends...is why I believe he was murdered. He posed a direct threat to the communist agenda.
He went to a trump rally two weeks before he got it. Seen on camera not wearing a mask. He asked for it

Why do all you communist fags seem so elated from his death?
Anyone who downplays the pandemic and doesn’t wear a mask deserves no pity. They’re putting us all at risk then they tell us we’ll be fine if we get it. Tell Herman that. Tell his family that.

And they better toe the line or you’ll throw them under the bus. They better not say Herman and don were wrong.

Now go to a trump rally and dont wear a mask. 300,000 less republicans voting this November sounds pretty good to me.
The mortality rate of COVID is very low...my grandmother (84) recovered without any medical intervention. I actually had it worse and had to be put on IV for dehydration, but it wasnt any worse than the flu, and I got better (mostly) by the sixth day.

Thus, actually having suffered from COVID myself, I know that the does not affect someone for 30+ continuous days... which is how long Herman Cain was separated and isolated from all family and visitors via quarantine excuse.

I find it odd that such a brilliant man with increasing political potential (thanks to the efforts of Kanye West, Candance Owens, and other black conservatives) would have died in such an unusual manner over a timeframe that does coincide with the duration and course of the COVID flu.

Let us assume that Herman Cain intended to succeed Trump in 2024...I have no doubt thar he would have won and liberated of a great portion of the black vote...for all perpetuity.

And that my friends...is why I believe he was murdered. He posed a direct threat to the communist agenda.

As someone who is open to the odd conspiracy theory, that's one HELL of a conspiracy theory/question. I highly doubt anyone would be that interested in murdering him, especially as there is little indication he would run in 2024, even if someone were politically motivated.

You havent noticed how joyous the left is that Herman Cain died?

One side says COVID (impossible since I had COVID and was hospitalized myself...ots not a 30+ day event) and gloats over his death.

The other side says Colon Cancer.

I say Herman Cain was an easy target to smother for a few political points. Communists have murdered more for less.

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