Was it really necessary to gun down the Capitol Hill chase driver?

I bet those pigs led her by the tail right to the WH, so those male chauvinist pigs could teach women a lesson for all-time.

Wow. Logic and reason have no place in this post.

Dude, put down the bong, loosen the tinfoil hat, and think before you write something this asinine.

If you had asked earlier, I would have explained further what I meant.

Carey must have been driving erratically long before she got near her destination. The cops were undoubtedly monitoring her progress, wondering where she was going. I've driven many tens of thousands of hours and know exactly how this works. When the police realized she might be headed for the WH, they purposely waited in the right spot to do their traffic stop, knowing very well, she would likely panic as a result of the timing involved. They were right and got their wish. They probably hadn't blown anyone away for quite awhile and were bored, so decided to catch a little thrill.
I'm guessing you had experimented extensively with hallucinogenics at some point.
Wow. Logic and reason have no place in this post.

Dude, put down the bong, loosen the tinfoil hat, and think before you write something this asinine.

If you had asked earlier, I would have explained further what I meant.

Carey must have been driving erratically long before she got near her destination. The cops were undoubtedly monitoring her progress, wondering where she was going. I've driven many tens of thousands of hours and know exactly how this works. When the police realized she might be headed for the WH, they purposely waited in the right spot to do their traffic stop, knowing very well, she would likely panic as a result of the timing involved. They were right and got their wish. They probably hadn't blown anyone away for quite awhile and were bored, so decided to catch a little thrill.
I'm guessing you had experimented extensively with hallucinogenics at some point.

The first time I took one hit of acid in 1980, I had a few strange effects but nothing major. The second and last time I dropped acid, it had no effect on me. The only other time I took those type of drugs was one time mushrooms. But again, it did nothing for me. And I have almost 30 years without using any illicit drugs now.
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If you had asked earlier, I would have explained further what I meant.

Carey must have been driving erratically long before she got near her destination. The cops were undoubtedly monitoring her progress, wondering where she was going. I've driven many tens of thousands of hours and know exactly how this works. When the police realized she might be headed for the WH, they purposely waited in the right spot to do their traffic stop, knowing very well, she would likely panic as a result of the timing involved. They were right and got their wish. They probably hadn't blown anyone away for quite awhile and were bored, so decided to catch a little thrill.
I'm guessing you had experimented extensively with hallucinogenics at some point.

The first time I took one hit of acid in 1980, I had a few strange effects but nothing major. The second and last time I dropped acid, it had no effect on me. The only other time I took those type of drugs was one time mushrooms. But again, it did nothing for me.
I wouldn't be so sure.
Wow. Logic and reason have no place in this post.

Dude, put down the bong, loosen the tinfoil hat, and think before you write something this asinine.

If you had asked earlier, I would have explained further what I meant.

Carey must have been driving erratically long before she got near her destination. The cops were undoubtedly monitoring her progress, wondering where she was going. I've driven many tens of thousands of hours and know exactly how this works. When the police realized she might be headed for the WH, they purposely waited in the right spot to do their traffic stop, knowing very well, she would likely panic as a result of the timing involved. They were right and got their wish. They probably hadn't blown anyone away for quite awhile and were bored, so decided to catch a little thrill.

And you have what evidence of this exactly? Something more than "I know how this works" please.

Like I said, from 2000 to 2006, I drove each and every day an average of 10 hours per day, missing only one or two days each of those years. There were nine times I was stopped by police, where the circumstances were extremely suspicious. I could give some of those examples, if you really want.
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I'm guessing you had experimented extensively with hallucinogenics at some point.

The first time I took one hit of acid in 1980, I had a few strange effects but nothing major. The second and last time I dropped acid, it had no effect on me. The only other time I took those type of drugs was one time mushrooms. But again, it did nothing for me.
I wouldn't be so sure.

Yea, you wouldn't, because you don't talk for me or know me.

If you had asked earlier, I would have explained further what I meant.

Carey must have been driving erratically long before she got near her destination. The cops were undoubtedly monitoring her progress, wondering where she was going. I've driven many tens of thousands of hours and know exactly how this works. When the police realized she might be headed for the WH, they purposely waited in the right spot to do their traffic stop, knowing very well, she would likely panic as a result of the timing involved. They were right and got their wish. They probably hadn't blown anyone away for quite awhile and were bored, so decided to catch a little thrill.

And you have what evidence of this exactly? Something more than "I know how this works" please.

Like I said, from 2000 to 2006, I drove each and every day an average of 10 hours per day, missing only one or two days each of those years. There were nine times I was stopped by police, where the circumstances were extremely suspicious. I could give some of those examples, if you really want.

Got it, you were once a blue collar driver...which would certainly make you an expert on the motivations of Capital Police and the Secret Service when it comes to security threats...:doubt:

Stick to what you know.
And you have what evidence of this exactly? Something more than "I know how this works" please.

Like I said, from 2000 to 2006, I drove each and every day an average of 10 hours per day, missing only one or two days each of those years. There were nine times I was stopped by police, where the circumstances were extremely suspicious. I could give some of those examples, if you really want.

Got it, you were once a blue collar driver...which would certainly make you an expert on the motivations of Capital Police and the Secret Service when it comes to security threats...:doubt:

Stick to what you know.

No not at all. During those years I noted, they were all for pleasure and for my profession, which is research.


I'm glad you believe I'm an expert though. Your opinion is appreciated.
She had a baby in the backseat. The cops shot that woman, who was unarmed, in front of her own baby. She was unarmed. If they were concerned about a bomb they wouldn't have been close enough to fire the killing shots, instead, they would have been running like mad.

Despite your spin, that actually shows her selfishness that she would endanger her baby by her reckless driving. People like her act like they are the only people who exist, and that the rest of us are inanimate object only here to serve them.

and again--if she was in an 'altered state'--delusions of some kind--rational thought might not have been possible.

her sisters were interviewed on CNN this AM--casting doubt upon the boyfriend's statements about her mental health and more.

Lacking expertise in such matters--I don't have much of an opinion on 'what should have been done'. I know I would expect extreme consequences if I did what this woman did.

What does Rachel Jenteal say? I always look forward to her brilliant and articulate analysis. She's the go-to expert for all the cop-haters here.
Despite your spin, that actually shows her selfishness that she would endanger her baby by her reckless driving. People like her act like they are the only people who exist, and that the rest of us are inanimate object only here to serve them.

and again--if she was in an 'altered state'--delusions of some kind--rational thought might not have been possible.

her sisters were interviewed on CNN this AM--casting doubt upon the boyfriend's statements about her mental health and more.

Lacking expertise in such matters--I don't have much of an opinion on 'what should have been done'. I know I would expect extreme consequences if I did what this woman did.

What does Rachel Jenteal say? I always look forward to her brilliant and articulate analysis. She's the go-to expert for all the cop-haters here.
Her brilliance and articulation are rivaled by the likes of Noomi and that other dingbat, quickcureporn or something like that.
and again--if she was in an 'altered state'--delusions of some kind--rational thought might not have been possible.

her sisters were interviewed on CNN this AM--casting doubt upon the boyfriend's statements about her mental health and more.

Lacking expertise in such matters--I don't have much of an opinion on 'what should have been done'. I know I would expect extreme consequences if I did what this woman did.

What does Rachel Jenteal say? I always look forward to her brilliant and articulate analysis. She's the go-to expert for all the cop-haters here.
Her brilliance and articulation are rivaled by the likes of Noomi and that other dingbat, quickcureporn or something like that.

Out of compassion for the loneliness of our A Punk Is a Hunk members, we should get Deedee's e-mail address and invite her to join USMB.
When the "white hispanic" community watch volunteer killed a Black man during an altercation the case was non-stop National news for a year and yet he strange death of a Black woman at the hands of the government gets limited coverage. Did she even commit a crime? She was unarmed and had a child in the car and yet the officers shot her to death. By all the modern standards relating to the use of deadly physical force it seems that the officers acted illegally.
When the "white hispanic" community watch volunteer killed a Black man during an altercation the case was non-stop National news for a year and yet he strange death of a Black woman at the hands of the government gets limited coverage. Did she even commit a crime? She was unarmed and had a child in the car and yet the officers shot her to death. By all the modern standards relating to the use of deadly physical force it seems that the officers acted illegally.

admittedly I don't have the knowledge of standard procedures for each of these LE departments but driving erratically close to the WH and the Capitol would seemingly support the decision--regardless of race or creed.

there haven't been recent follow up stories on this, fwiw. I assume investigations are taking place.
Put up a sign...."driving erratically within the Capital grounds can get you executed by federal police". We might as well take example from the Russians as long as we are relying on them for foreign diplomacy.
Put up a sign...."driving erratically within the Capital grounds can get you executed by federal police". We might as well take example from the Russians as long as we are relying on them for foreign diplomacy.

do we really need a sign?

I would have thought 'common sense' would be sufficient. Behave in an unusual way near a government facility and I would think security officers would respond.
When the "white hispanic" community watch volunteer killed a Black man during an altercation the case was non-stop National news for a year and yet he strange death of a Black woman at the hands of the government gets limited coverage. Did she even commit a crime? She was unarmed and had a child in the car and yet the officers shot her to death. By all the modern standards relating to the use of deadly physical force it seems that the officers acted illegally.

Then why aren't you out looting, trashing, and burning to show your moral superiority over the RACIST PIGS! I'll show my support by fencing whatever you loot.
Put up a sign...."driving erratically within the Capital grounds can get you executed by federal police". We might as well take example from the Russians as long as we are relying on them for foreign diplomacy.

I ain't gushin'
We follow no Russian
Putin be scootin'
When he see us lootin'

We gotta be PC
And burn down DC!

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