Was Jan 6th an actual insurrection or a democrat hoax?

Was Jan 6th an actual insurrection or a democrat hoax?

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Oh here comes the republican speech that they are all for the constitution

He incited a riot. I know you can't accept that but it is in the history books

what does race have to do with it. Other than you bringing it up as a misdirection ploy

right wing can accept that Trump screwed up when he could not accept defeat. He couldn't wait another 4 years to run again. In the end he had to wait. So the call he made was the wrong one for the wrong reasons. Yes he violated his oath to uphold the constitution.

His intention was to incited a riot to cause enough chaos that would prevent Biden from being selected as the president. After fake electors scheme failed, Two governors he tried to persuade did not buy into his stolen election speech. Pence didn't buy into it. All the schemes failed. His supporters failed him

Keep your racist thoughts and hypocrisy to yourself and stop trying to use it for your benefit.

yeah keep waving that flag for the wrong reasons

and sacrificing republican integrity based on the rants of one man.

That's correct, we support the Constitution. Stop listening to the liars telling you what to think, boi, and grow a pair, vermin
That's correct, we support the Constitution. Stop listening to the liars telling you what to think, boi, and grow a pair, vermin
You don't support the constitution , you just give lip service to it. So do your little dance and when you dip watch out for that pole because it is pretty low. But you should be able to do it as your standards are really low
You don't support the constitution , you just give lip service to it. So do your little dance and when you dip watch out for that pole because it is pretty low. But you should be able to do it as your standards are really low

M'kay, vermin
Is that all you have then I guess you do not have a point to make. Your verbal skills define you and your weakness. Next you will be crying.

M'kay, vermin.

You know what's funny is there is an entire attack group just hating me of leftists on the site. The funny part is how they think ignoring me when they are doing me a favor by putting themselves on ignore for me is going to do that, LOL

I assume they approached you, you are right, responding to me with your leftist shit does a lot more to tire me out of you asses than ignoring me when I would have probably put you on ignore myself, LOL. Democrats, on one hand you're stupid. Sorry, that's all I've got ....
On this Board if a majority votes for an insurrection not a hoax, you know, in fact, that they would have built a scaffold to hang Pence.
Calling it a Democrat hoax is inaccurate.

Many many REPUBLICANS were involved

Chris Wray
Jeff Sessions/William Barr
  • Fact
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GOP wants a dictator to change the Constitution.

GOP hates the rule of law and order.

Which is why it's Democrapic Presidents and Governors that we have seen trying to rule as dictators, by executive order, usurping the powers that rightfully belong to the legislative branches.

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