'Was NOT Stolen!': RINO Liz Cheney Goes After Trump Again, Says He Has No Role In Future

Silly thing for her to do. No other republicans are bothering to stand up and do what they know is right, so why is she killing her career to do so?
Nice to see a politician stick up for their principles, though.

But yeah, this stuff is doomed, at least in the short term. The GOP is the buffoon party for now.
Cheney has no principles. She certainly doesn't have any Republican principles.

She does have principles. Trump and his garbage supporters have none.
Well, Trumpster arrogant ignorance could be considered one.
That could be considered their religion.

I don't understand Cheney's politics, that's my point.

How does her anti-Trump ideology really differ from that of Sleepy Joe and Crazy Bernie?

Its certainly her right to advocate for her cause. But I don't see the point of her carrying a different banner, when her differences with Biden-Harris are so minimal.
Then you are ignorant of her positions on the issues. They're not difficult to find:

Start with abortion: "I am strongly pro life"

The fact that a person thinks that Trump is an embarrassing, dangerous buffoon does not make them a commie. True story.
But she's anti-tRump, so she's a "commie". Nothing else matters.

Mccarthyism at it's finest.
It's just a level of simplistic thinking that we haven't seen here before.
Silly thing for her to do. No other republicans are bothering to stand up and do what they know is right, so why is she killing her career to do so?
Nice to see a politician stick up for their principles, though.

But yeah, this stuff is doomed, at least in the short term. The GOP is the buffoon party for now.
Cheney has no principles. She certainly doesn't have any Republican principles.

She does have principles. Trump and his garbage supporters have none.
Well, Trumpster arrogant ignorance could be considered one.
That could be considered their religion.

I don't understand Cheney's politics, that's my point.

How does her anti-Trump ideology really differ from that of Sleepy Joe and Crazy Bernie?

Its certainly her right to advocate for her cause. But I don't see the point of her carrying a different banner, when her differences with Biden-Harris are so minimal.
Then you are ignorant of her positions on the issues. They're not difficult to find:

Start with abortion: "I am strongly pro life"

The fact that a person thinks that Trump is an embarrassing, dangerous buffoon does not make them a commie. True story.
But she's anti-tRump, so she's a "commie". Nothing else matters.

Mccarthyism at it's finest.

Ms. Cheney is no "commie", but she isn't a Conservative and not much of a Republican if she's a devotee of Sleepy Joe and an advocate for his program.
During an interview on CBS News's Face The Nation, Cheney declared that the 2020 presidential election was not “stolen” from Trump.

Well, that seems to make sense for Cheney to say that. After all, no evidence has been shown to any court that proves fraud of a degree to change any election in America occurred in the 2020 Presidential election.
And it's not like Tucker Giuliani and Krakenpot Powell didn't give enough press conferences in trying to prove it.
And it's not like a whole squad of posters on this very venue have proven it was stolen either....despite numerous, oh hell, a ginormous number of requests to them to show their deadsolidperfect proof of overwhelming fraud.

So, yeah, I can see Cheney saying that. Surprised and disappointed more Republicans haven't stated what Cheney did.
It's been proven a thousand times over, douchebag. Of course, NAZI Dim bootlickers like you will never admit it.
Calm down lil guy. Everythings alright. He didn't shout at you or call you a bunch names. That's the reason people keep putting you on Ignore. You are really kind of shrill or did you not know?
They put me on ignore because they can't stand the truth.
Nah, you get carried away, but sometimes you stay carried away and they get tired of putting up with it. You are probably pretty normal in real public, but you and I both know this ain't real public.

Apparently you believe I'm supposed to have an intelligent discussion with lunatics who do nothing but lie.

Leftwingers can't stand being exposed to anything the contradicts their delusions. End of story.

You are the one who is delusional. Biden defeated Trump in 2020.
Not legitimately.
Only by the most votes cast among the several states and the assignment of the electors of the states and witnessed by the Governors of the state. Sorry dude, it don't get more legitimate than than. You lost. Lick your wounds and move on.
The votes for Biden were not cast. They were manufactured, turd.

Not legitimate.
Nobody would try to prove it. Rudy even declined to say he was accusing the other side, in court. Saying in the streets for the papers is not the same. Grow up. You lost.
Cheney is delusional. She's the one with no role in the future. Her career will end in 2022.

Wyoming GOP Rep. Liz Cheney is going after Donald Trump again.
During an interview on CBS News's Face The Nation, Cheney declared that the 2020 presidential election was not “stolen” from Trump.
If Trump has no roll in the future why are all these pathetic democRats still talking about him? When their woman among women lost to Trump I don't recall the right talking about obama. It was just thank God he's gone. It just proves how mentally unstable the left is as if we need any more proof.
If Trump has no roll in the future why are all these pathetic democRats still talking about him? When their woman among women lost to Trump I don't recall the right talking about obama. It was just thank God he's gone. It just proves how mentally unstable the left is as if we need any more proof.

Its not about Trump, its never been about Trump.

Its about the millions of Little Trumpsters, the Middle Class, the Deplorables who Trump represents.

Trump is a New York Billionaire, the libs have no real problem with him personally.

The problem they have is with the American people.
Cheney is delusional. She's the one with no role in the future. Her career will end in 2022.

Wyoming GOP Rep. Liz Cheney is going after Donald Trump again.
During an interview on CBS News's Face The Nation, Cheney declared that the 2020 presidential election was not “stolen” from Trump.
You tell 'em bri. After all, there is not one of you 74 million trump Nazis that wouldn't gladly fellatiate your beloved cult leader.

Trump is a New York Billionaire, the libs have no real problem with him personally.

Well, I can't speak for 'libs'; however, I wouldn't be at all surprised that some of them actually do have some concerns about his character, honesty, integrity, loyalty, reliability, and patriotism to America.
But object to him personally?
Maybe not
Or maybe. so.
I dunno.
Although, to be fair, we must note that 81 million Americans voted against him.

For some, that alone could be persuasive that there is a problem with him, personally.
I dunno.
If Trump has no roll in the future why are all these pathetic democRats still talking about him? When their woman among women lost to Trump I don't recall the right talking about obama. It was just thank God he's gone. It just proves how mentally unstable the left is as if we need any more proof.
Dems with TDS have nothing better to do.
Doing what's right is the opposite of what she's doing.

This dingbat actually sends me emails and text messages asking for money. I'll bet she's getting about 10% of what she got in the last election.

Wrong. Big money behind the steal - all those long gold, oil, defense stocks, and long bond on 910

The steal was 100% about 911 truth. The proof is which "republicans" support the steal.


Cheney family
Fox News
Doing what's right is the opposite of what she's doing.

This dingbat actually sends me emails and text messages asking for money. I'll bet she's getting about 10% of what she got in the last election.

You just never tire of putting your foot in your mouth, do you? It's laughable that you call Cheney a "dingbat" when the senile old dotard you voted for thinks he's the President of the United States.

I fully expect an Alheimer's diagnosis for Trumpy Bear before 2024.
If Trump has no roll in the future why are all these pathetic democRats still talking about him? When their woman among women lost to Trump I don't recall the right talking about obama. It was just thank God he's gone. It just proves how mentally unstable the left is as if we need any more proof.

You don't recall the right talking about Obama???? What a short memory you had. You talked endlessly about Obama. How Trump was undoing EVERYTHING Obama did and wouldn't stop until he had undone EVERYTHING Obama did.

Well, the Affordable Care Act is still here, and so is DACA. The police reform Trump ended is being reinstated, and the economy being trashed yet again, gives Biden the opportunity to "Build Back Better". The US economy is never been in worse shape than it is right now, and it will continue to sputter until you people get off your asses and get vaxxed.

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